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Initiative Cards v2.0 (Fantasy)
Initiative Cards v2.0 (Fantasy)
by JD Wiker
Editing: Marc Schmalz
Design Review: Marc Schmalz, Stan!, & Rich Redman
Layout and Typesetting: Marc Schmalz
Special thanks to: the opinionated, helpful members of The Game Mechanics' message boards for their feedback.
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The Game Mechanics, Inc
P.O. Box 1125, Renton WA 98057
Initiative Cards v2.0 (Fantasy) ©2003 The Game Mechanics, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Initiative Cards v2.0 (Fantasy)
The Game Mechanics, Inc.
Keeping track of initiative in games using the
d20 System can get complicated. Every GM has a
method that he or she favors, but which sometimes
lacks in versatility or utility. These Initiative Cards
provide GMs both with an easy way to keep track
of initiative, and a handy reference for all the sorts
of information a GM sometimes needs during a
game session.
There are three dif erent types of Initiative Cards:
Character cards —which contain information
about the player characters and the occasional
non-player character. You can use these cards
for familiars as well.
Monster cards —which contain information
about monsters (though it’s best to use charac-
ter cards for monsters that have class levels).
You can use these cards for most animal com-
panions as well.
End of Round card —which lets the GM know
when to resolve end of round ef ects.
If a character or creature delays, or readies an
action, turn that Initiative Card sideways, with
the “Delay/Ready” box showing. If a character or
creature falls unconscious, simply turn the card
sideways facing the other direction, with the word
“Unconscious” visible.
Character Cards
Use character cards for player characters, non-
player characters, familiars, and monsters that have
classes and levels.
NAME: Record the character’s name here.
ALIGN/RACE: Record the character’s alignment
and race here. The former may be useful for spells
that work of of a character’s alignment, such as
protection from good; the la� er is useful for spells,
ef ects, and situations that take the character’s race
into consideration. If you’re using the character
card to represent a familiar, record the animal’s
species (cat, hawk, rat, weasel, etc.) here.
INIT: Leave this space blank at i rst. When combat
begins, use it to record the character’s initiative roll.
AC: Record the character’s base armor class here,
including AC for touch a� acks (TCH)—a� acks that
disregard armor—and for a� acks when the charac-
ter is l atfooted (FLT). There
is also a box in which you can
mark any temporary changes
to the character’s AC (TMP)
that occur during the course
of the game.
CLS/LVL: Record the char-
acter’s classes and levels here.
If the character has several
classes, you might want to use
abbreviations: Brb for Barbar-
ian, Clr for Cleric, or Wiz for
Wizard, for example.
Delay or Ready: Turning
the card so this space is show-
ing indicates the character is
delaying or has readied an
WIS, and CHA: Record the
character’s ability scores and
ability modii ers here.
FORT, REF, and WILL: Re-
cord the character’s Fortitude,
Rel ex, and Will saving throws here.
SPD: Record the character’s base movement here.
VIS: Record any special vision modes the char-
acter might have, such as low-light vision, darkvi-
sion, or blindsight. If the vision mode has a range,
make sure you note that, such as “Dark 60.”
Initiative Cards in Play
Before beginning play, i ll out one Initiative Card
for each opponent the PCs are likely to face dur-
ing the coming session. If you have
a current copy of the PCs’ character
sheets, i ll one out for each PC, if not
ask each player to i ll one out at the
start of the game.
When combat begins, ask the players
to roll initiative while you roll initiative
for any opponents and non-player char-
acters. Set aside any cards for charac-
ters or creatures that are surprised. One
by one, go around the table and ask
each player for his or her character’s
initiative result. Write their initiative
numbers down in the space marked
“INIT” on the cards. Then do the same
for all the initiative rolls you make. Use
a pencil—you’ll be erasing and rewrit-
ing these numbers fairly o� en.
Then simply begin at the top of the
stack, moving each card to the bo� om
when that character or creature has
concluded its turn. When you reach the
End of Round card, check for any end
of round ef ects (for example, uncon-
scious characters a� empting to stabilize), then begin
the next round. If you have characters or creatures
who have not yet rolled initiative, before proceeding
with the next round ask them to roll for initiative, jot
down their initiative numbers, and place their cards
in the proper place in the initiative order.
The Character Card
Initiative Cards v2.0 (Fantasy)
The Game Mechanics, Inc.
Skills: Record the total skill modii ers (skill
rank + ability modii er + miscellaneous modii ers)
here. This area lists only those skills for which
the Dungeon Master
should regularly make
skill checks on the player’s
behalf. (See the DMG,
page 17.) In addition to
their use for recording
skills that are not already
included, the blank skill
spaces can be used to
record other score-based
information, such as Spell
Languages: Record the
languages the character
knows here. This could
come in handy when
the characters encoun-
ter speech or writing in
a language other than
Common. (You can check
which of the characters
might understand without
having to ask the play-
ers which languages each
character knows.)
Special/Notes: Use this space to record any tem-
porary ef ects on the character, such as spells or the
special a� acks of monsters, and to keep track of the
duration of such ef ects.
Unconscious: Turning the card so this space is
showing indicates that the character is
Monster Cards
Use monster cards for monsters that don’t
have classes and levels. You can use one
card to represent multiple monsters of
the same type (one card to stand for three
ogres, for example), or you can use indi-
vidual cards for individual monsters.
NAME: Record the monster’s name here.
You can use one card to represent a number
of identical monsters, or use separate cards
for each according to your own preferences.
ALIGN: Record the monster’s align-
ment here. Knowing the monster’s align-
ment could be important for spells that
key of of a character’s alignment, such as
protection from evil.
INIT: Leave this space blank at i rst.
When combat begins, use it to record the
character’s initiative roll.
Delay or Ready: Turning the card so this space is
showing indicates the character is delaying or has
readied an action.
AC: Record the monster’s base armor
class here, including AC for touch a� acks
(TCH)—a� acks that disregard armor—
and for a� acks when the character is l at-
footed (FLT). There is also a box in which
you can mark any temporary changes to
the monster’s AC (TMP) that occur dur-
ing the course of the game.
INIT: Record the monster’s initiative
modii er here.
FORT, REF, and WILL: Record the
monster’s Fortitude, Rel ex, and Will sav-
ing throws here.
SPD: Record the monster’s base move-
ment here. If the monster has other move-
ment modes, record those as well, with a
brief notation such as “Fly 50/Swim 40.”
VIS: Record any special vision modes
the character might have, such as low-
light vision, darkvision, or blindsight. If
the vision mode has a range, make sure
you note that, such as “Dark 60.”
GRAP: Record the monster’s grapple
bonus here.
Skills: Record skills and total skill modii ers
(skill rank + ability modii er + miscellaneous modi-
i ers) here. Unlike Character Cards, no specii c
skills are listed in this area. In addition to their
use for recording skills, these spaces can be used to
record other score-based information, such as Spell
A� acks: Record the
monster’s a� acks here.
Spaces are included for
A� ack (#) (the method
of a� ack, such as “Bite,”
“2 Claws,” or “Sword”);
Bonus (the a� ack modi-
i er); Type (the type of
damage: “P” for pierc-
ing, “B” for bludgeon-
ing, and “S” for slash-
ing); and Damage (the
damage caused by the
a� ack).
HP: Use this space to
keep track of the mon-
ster’s hit points.
Special/Notes: Use this
space to record any
temporary ef ects on
the monster, such as
The End of Round Card
The Monster Card
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Initiative Cards v2.0 (Fantasy)
The Game Mechanics, Inc.
spells or the special a� acks of other monsters, and
to keep track of the duration of such ef ects.
Unconscious: Turning the card so this space is
showing indicates the character is unconscious.
End of Round Card
The End of Round card lets the GM keep track of
when each round i nishes, for purposes of ef ects
that take place at the end of the round (such as
unconscious characters a� empting to stabilize).
Example of Play
A combat begins in Rich’s game—the characters
encounter a group of i ve orcs led by an ogre, who
also has a brown bear for a pet. Rich tells the play-
ers to roll initiative for their characters, while he
rolls for the monsters. Since Rich has prepared his
Initiative Cards for the monsters in advance, all
he has to do is pull out the cards, check the initia-
tive modii ers, and roll 1d20 each for the orcs, the
ogre, and the bear. For convenience, Rich is using
a single initiative roll for all i ve orcs. This also lets
him track them using just one card. The orcs get a
total of 14, the ogre gets a 19, and the bear gets only
a 2. Rich puts these in order, from highest to low-
est: the ogre, the orcs, and the bear.
The players tell Rich what they rolled for initia-
tive: Wendy, playing Kessa, gets a 9; Joanna, playing
Alwyn, gets a 23; Alex, playing Tyrian, gets a 24; and
JD, playing Cromagh, gets a 13. As the players tell
Rich their initiatives, he puts them in place, so the
i nal initiative order looks like this: Tyrian (24), Al-
wyn (23), the ogre (19), the orcs (14), Cromagh (13),
Kessa (9), and i nally the bear (2). Rich then puts the
End of Round card at the bo� om of the stack, under
the bear.
Tyrian, the
monk, doesn’t
want to charge
into the midst
of the enemy, so
he delays. Rich
Brown Bear
turns Tyrian’s card 90 degrees to the right, leaving
the “Delay or Ready” indicator showing. He then
moves Tyrian’s card nearly to the back, just in front
of the End of Round card. A character can’t delay
past the end of the round, so this reminds Rich to
make sure that Tyrian takes his action before the
end of the round.
Next up is Alwyn, the rogue, who a� acks with her
bow, but misses. Rich moves her card to the back of
the stack, a� er the End of Round card. Then comes
the ogre, who charges Cromagh, the barbarian. The
ogre’s a� ack only has to beat Cromagh’s l at-footed
Armor Class, since Cromagh hasn’t acted yet.
The orcs a� ack next, and Rich decides that the
three in front wade into ba� le, while the two in the
back ready actions to i re arrows at anyone who
starts casting spells. Since Rich is only using one
card for all of the orcs, he resolves the a� acks for
the three who entered melee, then pencils in a “2”
on their card, and turns it to the right—indicating
that two of the orcs have readied actions. Then
he puts it at the bo� om of the stack, a� er Alwyn.
Although they’re technically no longer acting on
the same initiative, Rich decides that, in the next
round, the three orcs in melee will simply delay
until the other two orcs act, thus pu� ing them back
on the same initiative.
Next, Cromagh a� acks the ogre, and deals 12
points of damage. Rich records this on the ogre’s
card, under “Hit Points.” Then Kessa acts, casting
a spell, and the two orcs use their readied actions
to i re arrows at her. Rich moves the orcs’ card back
up front, on top of Kessa’s card. A� er they’re done
with their a� acks, he moves them back to the back
of the stack, facing the right way up again.. This is
their new place in the initiative order. Then Kessa
resolves her action, and goes to the back of the stack.
Now Alex decides that Tyrian will act, and so
Rich moves Tyrian’s card back up to the front. He
runs to where the two orc archers are standing
and uses his unarmed a� ack to inl ict a stunning
14 points of damage! This is 5 more hit points than
this particular orc has, so Rich just puts an X
through that orc’s hit point column on the card.
Then the bear a� acks, and absolutely savages Al-
wyn, dealing 30 points of damage. Alwyn only has
25 hits points, so she’s at –5 hit points. Rich turns
Alwyn’s card 90 degrees to the le� , showing the
part of the card that reads “Unconscious.” Since the
bear was the last to act, the next card up is the End
of Round card and any end of round ef ects take
place. The only one in ef ect right now, though, is
that Alwyn has to check to see if she stabilizes.
Once that’s done, Rich moves the End of Round
card to the back, and it’s time for a new round.
Listen Spot Swim
Claw (2) +11 M 1d8+8
+6 M 2d8+4
Improved Grab
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Initiative Cards v2.0 (Fantasy)
The Game Mechanics, Inc.
Appendix: Open Game License
Designation of Product Identity. The following items are Product Identity: All images, logos (excluding the d20 System Logo), diagrams, and speciic representations of
cards; the characters of Alwyn, Cromagh, Kessa, and Tyrian. The Game Mechanics and The Game Mechanics logo are trademarks of The Game Mechanics, Inc.
Designation of Open Game Content. The following items are Open Game Content: All text except the section labeled "Example of Play."
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved.
1. Deinitions: (a) "Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b) "Derivative Material" means copyrighted
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Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but speciically excludes
Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories,
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tographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special
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Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this
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13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the
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14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary
Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Initiative Cards v2.0 Copyright 2003, The Game Mechanics, Inc.; Author JD Wiker.
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