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Cover Artist: David Monette
Authors: Jeff Ibach (Introduction, Briarvale, Crossroads, Sparklehill, Bastion Arcane, Dalnin’Quareth, Hammerholme
and Sentinel Fortress), Jim Sharkey, (Fort Ghahluk, Saniian’s Hollow, Whisper Lake, and Dellamabad at Serpent
Rock), Angelo Sargenini (Pigtown, Unger’s Junction, Phaelin’s Cove and Seeker’s Rest), Philips and Cheryl Van-
Mater Miner (Thornbridge, Churack Tribe, Bloodfang) Keep and Ulochan), Edgar Rosero (Beltlast).
Artists: Bryan Swartz, Jason Walton
D20 Mechanics and Editing: Jim Sharkey, Jeff Ibach, Darlene Rosero
Title & Cover Design: Troll Lord Games
Production: Troll Lord Games
Editors: Mark Sandy
Creative assistance: Dawn Ibach
Troll Lord Games
PO Box 251171, Little Rock, AR 72225
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Welcome to “Cities & Settlements”, a collection of fascinating, living communities you can drop right into your home d20
fantasy campaign world with a minimum of work. Each community is an oficially sized Thorp, Hamlet, Village or Small Town
complete with stat blocks conforming to the rules presented in the DMG along with a full history and background with notes
on customs, laws, religion, and more. Each presents a different interesting culture, NPC’s bristling with interactive possibilities,
plots and adventure hooks and offers some new d20 crunchy bits to add to your game as well, from prestige classes to poisons,
spells to new monsters.
This book is intended for DM’s of d20 fantasy roleplaying games. You need the Dungeons & Dragons Players Handbook,
Revised Third Edition published by Wizard of the Coast for use, and for one community a basic understanding of the d20 psionic
rules. It’s a good idea to read the communities ahead of time and decide if they will be in a ixed location in your campaign
world or be used as a “loater” that you can drop in at a moment’s notice…either way knowing the community in advance will
help you portray it more realistically to your players. For example, knowing you will be using a particular community you can
drop speciic hints about the town in advance to simulate what the characters might have heard and provide verisimilitude. Use
adventure hooks provided to inspire mini adventures involving the communities or ignore them altogether if you are simply using
the town as a stopover point in the party’s travels.
(Thorp): A small community centered on a popular location
that caters to travelers and adventurers.3
Seeker’s Reast
(Thorp): A monastery that offers shelter from the elements, hungry
mountain predators and ancestral counsel.
(Thorp): One of many halling thorps set into a massive cliffside.
Dalnin Quareth
(Thorp): An outcast drow community working just below the
surface with some unlikely allies.
Phaelin’s Cove
(Hamlet): An ancestral ishing village owing its existence to an
undying ancestor.
Sainian’s Hollow
(Hamlet): An elven outpost near hostile hobgoblin territory.
(Hamlet): A small hamlet overseen by a coven of hags.
Bastion Arcane
(Village): An abandoned cathedral wizards and sorcerers use
as a sanctuary when in hiding.
Blood Fang Keep
(Village): A community of gnolls preparing to wage war.
(Village): A halling town living harmoniously with its plant and
animal neighbors.
(Village): A village in the desert lies near an oasis in the
shadow of a holy rock.
(Village): an ancient dwarven tower settled is a desolate land near
a human trade route that is both blessed and cursed by an
ancient magical metal they mine to this day.
Sentinel Fortress
(Village): A human kingdom’s fortress inside an ancient statue
from a forgotten age defending a besieged mountain pass.
Fort Grahluk
(Small town): A mercenary company of half orc, orc, and human
barbarians that has been granted land to settle and defend
in the cold northern reaches of a small kingdom.
(Small town): A small border town, existing in a demilitarized
zone between two hostile kingdoms.
(Village): A small Logging town lies between a river and a great
forest. They are at war with the Gnoll tribes of the forest.
Unger’s Junction
(Small town): An integrated gnome town existing at a planar
Whisper Lake
(Small town): A town in the middle of a lake in the wilderness
is a haven for both travelers and smugglers alike.
Churak tribe
(Village): A semi nomadic tribe wanders the plains.
Appendix A
Skills and Feats
Appendix B
Prestige Classes
Appendix C
Appendix D
Weapons and Equipment
Appendix E
Appendix F
Summary: A small community centered on a popular location
that caters to travelers and adventurers.
Size/Type: Thorp
Population: 29
Alignment: N (good tendencies)
Demographics: Mixed (70% human, 27% gnome, 2% dwarf,
1% other)
Gold Limit: 4,000 / 5,800 assets
Power Center: Conventional (town council)
Authority igures: Bronwin
Important Non Player Characters: Bronwin, male human,
Ftr7 (equipment shop); Father Kirk, male human Clr8 (Sharisis);
Decella, female half-elf, Exp3/Drd1 (corral); Ghorugh, male
half-orc, Rog4 (mercenary caller); Titha, female human, Com6
(Crossroads Innkeep); Raughnokkle, male gnome, Exp3/War2
(weapon & armor repair).
History/Background: This small thorp, simply known as
Crossroads, grew up out of what started as a temporary camp
for a band of adventurers’ who stayed here nearly 25 years ago.
At that time, Bronwin, a powerful ighter, and his mighty band
had seen many campaigns over the years and had just inished
leading a Duke’s army against the Bleeding Tongue tribe of
black orcs and fought what they considered the battle of their
lives. Their two wagons, loaded with booty, made an impressive
sight to Johal the wanderer and his wife after they were chased
off the main path by a pack of gnolls. Bronwin and his crew dis-
patched the gnolls, and Johal’s wife Madrel gave birth to their
son that night. Johal was a retired bounty hunter looking for
a new home and asked to share the camp. The following morn-
ing, an extended family of gnomes came up from the lowlands
seeking high ground. A heavy rain in the nearby Mountains
had broken their dam, looding their hamlet. It was from these
simple beginnings that the thorp began, as everyone involved
simply decided to stay.
Being situated in a central location of free lands surrounded
by vastly different kingdoms and terrain meant much trafic
and large amounts of trade goods and supplies often came
through this area. Crossroads simply offered a short respite for
the traders. To this day, travelers are amazed at the quality of
merchandise and available equipment in such a small place. It is
truly an eclectic collection of folks that calls a simple crossroads
their home!
Economy/Trade: Crossroads was built off the coffers of more
than a few successful retired adventurers, and it shows. The
economy revolves around making sure a steady stream of sup-
plies comes through the community making it a necessary stop
for travelers. While every service accepts barter, coin is still
fully respected (and it had best be; considering its location
it sees different mints regularly from the surrounding lands).
While many of the original settlers no longer do mercenary
work, there are plenty of travelers and itenerents here who wil-
l…and plenty to hire them as well. Being in neutral territory,
it’s a regular meeting place for mercenary deals or freelancers
looking for work. Caravans are sure to stop to hire additional
guards or scouts as escort through foreign territory.
Customs/Laws: Woe be to the journeyman who comes to
Crossroads imagining he can rip off the locals or take advantage
of simple folk. The skills and competency of many of the vil-
lagers assure that swindlers, thieves, or worse don’t get far.
Depending on the townspeople’s mood on any given day you
may be branded with an X on your forehead, stripped of belong-
ings and let out into the woods or you might just spend a few
nights in the ‘bird cage,’ a series of three hanging man-cages
from an assemblage of tall wooden poles grouped together to
form a scaffolding. Many natives happily warn newcomers to
“’ware your weapons and your manners and ye’ll get along very
ine here.”
General Layout/First Impressions: Crossroads is centered
around the intersection of two large dirt pathways. It is a collec-
tion of small homes and workshops and a gigantic three-story
inn known as The Keep. Surrounding this are gnome burrows set
in the hills around the thorp. Down in a valley to the northwest
is a wide bubbling creek of sparkling mountain water. The
trees of a great forest to the south reach all the way up to Cross-
roads southern fringe. Wagons and horses are usually are often
crowded between buildings. There’s an easiness about the place,
but at the same time the folk are alert for approaching travelers.
Simple shops catering to merchant caravans and adventurers are
apparent immediately.
Religion/Worship: While many would imagine the god of
travels reigning in the faithful here, it’s actually a little-known
goddess of healing, Sharisis, which the town is reminded of
every day, thanks to the “tough love” of Father Kirk. It seems
that daily he makes new converts or at the least attracts more
believers thanks to the adventurers (both successful and not) that
come through from various quests needing wounds tended to.
Sharisis symbol is a single, golden-gloved female hand, palm up
and ingers down on a silver ield.
a master smith a sword, with careful cleaning and full coverage
of wounds. Kirk’s bedside manner may be lacking, but he tries
his best and exudes competence. Within a minute or two folks
just seem to feel safe and comfortable in his presence. While
short on words, he’ll frequently come to join evening meals at
the inn to inject into Bronwin’s stories with reminders of how
often the Raiders of Fury wouldn’t have been so furious if he
wasn’t there to patch them back together.
1: Bronwin’s All-gear: This is an equipment shop run by the
former de facto leader of a group of adventuring mercenaries. In
here are walls of adventuring gear, supplies and specialty items,
but no weapons or armor. The prices are standard. Special or
exotic items from other sources can possibly be found here as
well (as likely as the DM deems necessary).
Bronwin was the leader of the adventuring crew, The
Raiders of Fury, nearly 25 years ago and saw them through
many campaigns. After a particularly successful and rewarding
(but exhausting) series of battles, the group chose to retire here
at the Crossroads, forming the small community out of the
gathering of folk that occurred over that year. Bronwin may
have been desensitized by the massive violence he was involved
with as an adventurer, but has grown into a gentle fellow with
a calm, even voice who treats people with respect. His short
brown hair is slowly turning gray and he makes many friends
with tales of high adventure he relates while at the inn where he
spends many evenings.
Father Kirk, male human Clr8: CR 8; Medium humanoid; HD
8d8+16; hp 56; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 20, touch 12, lat-footed
19; Base Atk +6; Grp +8; Atk +9 melee (1d8+3 +1 illuminating
heavy mace), or +9 ranged (1d10+1/19-20 heavy crossbow w/ magic
bolts); Full Atk +9/+4 melee (1d8+3 +1 illuminating heavy mace), or
+9/+4 ranged (1d10+1/19-20 heavy crossbow w/ magic bolts); SA turn
undead 5/day; AL NG; SV Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +9; Str 15, Dex 13,
Con 14, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 15.
Languages Spoken: Common, Draconic.
Skills and feats: Concentration + 9, Diplomacy + 9, Heal +17,
Knowledge (religion) +11, Spellcraft +8, Alertness, Endurance, Extra
Turning, Skill Focus (healing).
Possessions: +1 illuminating heavy mace; masterwork heavy cross-
bow; heavy bolts (x9); +1 heavy bolts (x6); masterwork splint mail;
+1 light steel shield; potion of blur; potion of cure light wounds (x10);
potion of owl’s wisdom; scroll [divine, caster level 5; neutralize poison;
neutralize poison; stone shape; water walk]; scroll [divine, caster level
3; magic stone; hold person]; ring of protection +1; 321gp, 7sp, 71cp,
3 gems (each worth 50 gp).
Cleric Spells Prepared (6/5+1/4+1/4+1/2+1; save DC 13 + spell
level): 0 cure minor wounds(3), mending, resistance, virtue; 1st cure
light wounds* (5), detect evil; 2nd cure moderate wounds* (3), delay
poison, gentle repose; 3rd cure serious wounds*, remove blindness,
remove curse, remove deafness, remove disease; 4th cure critical
wounds* (2), neutralize poison.
*Domain spells; Domains: Healing (cast healing spells at +1 caster
level), Water (turn or destroy ire creatures, rebuke, command, bolster
water creatures).
Bronwin, male human Ftr7: CR 7; Medium humanoid; HD 7d10;
hp 41; Init +4; Spd 20 ft.; AC 17, touch 10, lat-footed 17; Base Atk
+7; Grp +9; Atk +9 melee (1d8+3/19-20 +1 longsword), or +8 ranged
(1d8+1/19-20 +1 light crossbow); Full Atk +9/+4 melee (1d8+3/19-20
+1 longsword), or +8/+3 ranged (1d8+1/19-20 +1 light crossbow); AL
NG; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 14, Dex 11, Con 11, Int 13,
Wis 10, Cha 13.
Languages Spoken: Common, Draconic.
Skills and feats: Climb +12, Craft (cobbling) +7, Jump +6, Knowl-
edge (religion) +6, Listen +2, Spot +6, Swim +8; Alertness, Blind-
Fight, Combat Relexes, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative,
Power Attack, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Focus (light cross-
Possessions: +1 light crossbow; scimitar; +1 longsword (“Night-
stryke”); masterwork warhammer (“Fracturegiver”); light bolts (x19);
+1 breastplate; buckler; cloak of resistance +1; 49pp, 712gp, 9cp, 8
gems (4 worth 100 gp, 4 worth 50 gp).
3: Decella’s Fine Mounts: One of the iner houses in Cross-
roads located toward the north end of the village, it is sur-
rounded by a medium-sized corral fence wherein a dozen
prancing, strong steeds graze and receive training. Word is,
Decella makes trades, stables mounts for travelers and sells ine
horses ready to receive further training. All types of standard
mounts are available at standard prices (mounts that can perform
tricks are substantially more expensive).
Decella is a young woman with two young daughters who
help her and a husband who makes and repairs horseshoes and
saddles. Decella is an expert with animals and is the daughter of
Yangrath the druid of the Raiders of Fury (who passed away
ive years ago). Decella names each horse and keeps track of
each one’s habits, progress and diet without fail. Horses left in
her care are groomed and horseshoes checked. She dresses in
tough leathers and keeps her shoulder-length blonde hair in a
ponytail – naturally.
2: Healing House of Sharisis: Almost a shack, it’s arguably
the smallest building in the community. It is kept in immaculate
condition. There us a stylized golden palm on the door. Anyone
in the community can tell you it’s the place to go for healing
or care.
Kirk was another member of the Raiders of Fury. He set up
a shrine when his fellows decided to settle down. With his icy
stare and standing nearly seven feet tall with a full, wild, gray
beard streaked with black, he comes off a bit imposing. He’ll
stare unblinking, listening to those who come for aid, and just
when they’re ready to lee in fear he’ll reach for some herbs
or bandages or rub his hands together and in a gruff voice say
“All’ll be well soon, we’ll get you back in the running in no
time” and heal with great skill and care. He’ll work a wound like
Decella, female half-elf Exp3/Drd1: CR 3; Medium humanoid;
HD 3d6 + 1d8; hp 14; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch
14, lat-footed 13; Base Atk +2; Grp +2; Atk +2 melee (1d6
quarterstaff), or +5 ranged; Full Atk +2 melee (1d6 quarterstaff),
or +5 ranged; AL NG; SV Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +8; Str 10, Dex
16, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 12.
Languages Spoken: Common, Druidic, Sylvan.
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