d20 Troll Lord Games The Dungeon of Kubla Khan.pdf

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By Casey W. Christofferson and Patrick Lawinger
Authors: Casey W. Christofferson and Pat Lawinger
Additional Content: Skeeter Green and Erica Balsley
Some Material for Level 3 inspired by the guys at SEKGG, The Gorilla Con™ Gang: Bob
Nolan, Dough Shepherd, Jerry Mapes, Jon Gruver, Scott Gillen, Phil Hilt and Jim Stokes.
Art: Peter Bradley
Maps: Peter Bradley
Editor: Robert Doyel & Peter Bradley
Special Thanks: Scott Greene and Skeeter Green (No Relation) for their work on Temple of
Kubla Khan and Tomb of Kubla Khan. Lo siento friends. Didn’t mean to jack you out of the
credits the last two times! Maybe now Scott will return my calls?
Troll Lord Games
P.O. Box 251171
Little Rock, AR 72225
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First Printing May, 2006. ISBN Printed in the USA.
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast,
System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc;
Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on
original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Tomb of Kubla Khan, Copyright 2004, Troll Lord Games;
Authors Casey Christofferson & Patrick Lawinger.
Temple of Kubla Khan, Copyright 2005, Troll Lord Games;
Authors Casey Christofferson & Patrick Lawinger.
Dungeons of Kubla Khan, Copyright 2006, Troll Lord Games;
Authors Casey Christofferson & Patrick Lawinger.
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Casey W. Christofferson & Patrick Lawinger
Unfortunately for the Khan’s great plans, a recent prisoner Ulsier
has escaped his jailors and lung wide the prison doors. There is a
great prison revolt is in progress which threatens to erupt into the
upper reaches. Riots are common within the Dungeon of Kubla
Khan, usually brutally subdued by the Khan’s guardians. Menoshash
the warden of the Dungeon of Kubla Khan, and Giarlock the
Khan’s loyal executioner have kept this escalating situation secret
from their master for fear that they may ind themselves interred
with others who have disobeyed the Monarch of War.
The Dungeon of Kubla Khan was written and designed for the Kubla
Con™ game convention in San Francisco, California, May 26-29th
2006. The Dungeon of Kubla Khan is an exclusive adventure for the
Mega Dungeon Crawl Event run throughout the weekend.
The Dungeon of Kubla Khan is an adventure module designed for
4-6 characters of 9-11th level. The adventure assumes that at least
one divine spell-caster, one arcane spellcaster, and one rogue are in
the party to handle any trap or spell-casting needs. The rest of the
party should be illed out with sword swinging and arrow linging
classes, and multi-classed characters.
The Dungeon of Kubla Khan consists of 4 dungeon levels, with
some levels having sub-levels and balconies with which to add more
depth and realism to the gaming experience. Each dungeon level
has its own challenges and objectives. Not all of these challenges
need be combat based, as many involve puzzles and riddles to solve,
items to acquire and prisoners to free or save. Allies may be made
and lost. As with any adventure, anything is possible. The module
provides the plot and action, while the players and the DM tell the
tale, letting the element of chance (Dice) and dumb luck (More
Dice) help guide the outcome.
In most levels of the Dungeon of Kubla Khan, the PCs are likely to
run across 1-3 challenging combats, 1-3 puzzles or riddles to solve,
and 1-3 traps to overcome.
As the adventure begins, the PCs (likely having just conquered
the Tomb of Kubla Khan), having used the Gazing Jewel of Kubla
Khan, awake in the dungeon’s mortuary. Naked except for a
funeral shroud, and completely stripped of all gear and equipment,
the PCs explore the various areas of the Prisoner Indoctrination
level as they seek to wrest keys and gear from the Khan’s surviving
jailors. Next the PCs move upwards into cell blocks, kitchens, and
the execution chamber of the General Population. Here the PCs
encounter prisoners whose deep seated hatred for one another
has boiled over into an all-out battle for survival. From there they
must escape the Golem Maze and ind passage to The Warden’s
Sanctuary where they must defeat the Warden, Menoshash the
Devil, and his minions in order to restore their freedom!
A stripped adventure can be quite daunting for the unseasoned
DM. Taking away a party’s hard-fought gear and equipment can
prove to be disastrous with the wrong group of players or with a
party who has come to rely too heavily on magical enhancements
to gain the edge in combat. Thus the handling of the situation
should be delicate and, above all, players need be reminded that
the scenario is meant to be fun.
Players should quickly come to understand that they may ind gear
of equal or better value than the equipment that has been lost,
stolen, destroyed or otherwise left behind. Players are suddenly
forced to analyse their character for inherit weaknesses most
often masked by their plethora of magical gear and instead rely
on their variety of skills, statistics and feats to get them through an
As with any adventure, modiications may be needed to it the
Dungeon of Kubla Khan into your home campaign. Treasure
substitutions, monster substitutions, and any other increase or
decrease in the amount of treasure or monsters encountered are
all acceptable. Scaled properly, the adventure could be run for
characters as low as 7th level, or as High as 13th without too much
tinkering with the basic formula. Simply add or reduce appropriate
additional levels to NPCs or increase or decrease the number of
combatants as is appropriate to your adventuring party.
The Dungeon of Kubla Khan is best played using Dwarven Forge™
dungeon tiles, which are used in the Mega Dungeon crawl. The
maps for the Tomb of Kubla Khan were designed speciically for
use with a complete range of Dwarven Forge™ products. This is
not to say that the adventure cannot be fully enjoyed without these
very excellent player and DM accessories, as it most surely can.
Instead, it is to say that playing with them and a good set of Reaper
Miniatures™ is a sure way to enhance your gaming experience.
Gear that is “stripped” through means of plot device can easily be
misconstrued as “unfair” unless assurance is given from the onset
that such spells as “locate object” may lead PCs to their lost loot.
Almost nothing is lost forever. That said it should be noted that
an intrinsic part of adventure role playing games is the pursuit of
lost gear, or epic attempts to bring allies back from the dead. That
characters misplace or lose their valued possessions at some point
in their existence is a matter of course and is a frequent concept of
role playing adventures that the characters seek to get their items
back from the clutches of villains and foes.
Through mythology we frequently hear tales of Thor having his
hammer, belt or gauntlet stolen by Loki or some other giant. The
Arthurian legends talk of a fabulous jeweled scabbard which would
keep King Arthur from spilling even a single drop of his royal
blood. This scabbard was eventually stolen by Morgana to give to
her husband, but was cast into the sea when her pursuers came too
close to capturing her. This loss was so great in Merlin’s mind that
he lamented to the king that one such scabbard as the one which
was lost was worth a hundred swords of the power of Excalibur
Hidden in an extra-dimensional space somewhere between Hell and
Earth exists the infamous prison known as the Dungeon of Kubla
Khan. It is in this place that the dread warlord has locked away those
prisoners whom he desires to hold for ransom, and those foes who
deserve the suffering his torturers would heap upon their lesh.
Unlike the hundreds of thousands of poor souls which Kubla Khan
has left beheaded or impaled in the wake of his ultra-dimensional
conquests, these prisoners hold some covetous power to the
Monarch of War. Some would claim that their torture and ransom
insure his space as Demigod of Battles. It is suspected that their
ultimate sacriice at the hands of his executioner priests will grant
his ascension to the upper tier of deities where he promises his
worshippers to be the true Harbinger of Armageddon. All that
is required, it seems, is the capture and sacriice of the recent
plunderers of his ancient tomb.
Being stripped of gear and possessions adds its own challenges to
an adventure, not the least of which is the sudden absence of armor
and protective items such as rings and amulets. Having a reduced
armor class increases the dificulty class of encounters. Not having
a weapon or access to wands, staves and scrolls forces the wizard
to more carefully choose his spells at the onset of the adventure
to perhaps be more versatile and cunning rather than a launching
platform for spells of mass destruction.
At the onset of The Dungeon of Kubla Khan, it is assumed that
characters are fully rested, healed to maximum hit points and have
a full complement of spells at their disposal when they awaken in
the mortuary. Characters should be allowed to switch out from
their normal complement of spells not requiring material spell
components. At 9th-11th level it should be accepted that a cleric
may fashion some form of crude holy symbol through the divine
guidance of their deity in a few minutes time and bless it adequately
enough to perform any non-material component related spells in
their arsenal. This concept should be adapted to any “stripped
adventure” which a DM may wish to run in order to give the PCs
a fair shake. It would be easy to allow that any prepared spells
which recall speciic items to a characters side work perfectly in
these situations to cut any hard feelings to a minimum and allow a
quicker entry into the adventure itself.
A DM should re-familiarize themselves with unarmed combat or
grappling rules along with any and all penalties accrued for making
combat attacks vs. armed opponents or attempts to disarm armed
at that moment and felt the strange sensation of a hook reaching into
their upper jaw and dragging them inexorably away from their past
plane of existence and across the mists of space and time, in much
the same way as a trout is drawn from a lake on a isherman’s line.
Their eyes open and they ind themselves lying on marble slabs
being prodded by a pair of black cowled goblins.
Quick Guide
• Note changes to armor class/ touch armor class/ lat footed
armor class
• Note changes to attributes due to magical vests, gloves, belts,
headbands and gauntlets
• Note changes in resistances due to missing rings and other
Goblin Necromancers, goblinoid Wizard (necromancer) 4: CR
4; SZ S; HD 4d4; hp 11; Init +1; Spd 30ft.; AC 14, touch 14, lat
footed 10; BAB/Grap +3/-1; Atk +4 Melee or +6 ranged; SA spells;
SQ summon familiar; darkvision 60 ft. +4 racial bonus to hide, move
silent and ride; AL LE; SV Fort, Ref, Will; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10,
Int 14, Wis 9, Cha 9.
Skills: Concentration +7, Craft (Alchemy) +6, Profession (Mortician)
+7, Spellcraft +7, Knowledge (Arcana) +7
Feats: Spell Focus (Necromancy), Scribe Scroll, Brew Potion
Arcane Spells Prepared* (Cast per day 4/5/3 (Denied Schools:
Illusion, Abjuration), DC 13+spell level (Necromancy): Lvl 0th-Acid
Splash, Disrupt Undead, Touch of Fatigue, Detect Magic. 1st-Ray of
Enfeeblement x2, Chill Touch x2, Mage Armor. 2nd-Spectral Hand,
Ghoul Touch, Blindness/ Deafness.
Possessions (Goblin 1): +1 dagger, bracers of armor +2, wand of
identify (30 charges), Potion of cure light wounds (CL 4) x3.
Possessions (Goblin 2): +1 dagger, bracers of armor +2, scroll of
blindness/ deafness, scroll of ghoul touch, potion of cure light wounds
(CL 4) x3.
LEVEL 1: Prisoner Indoctrination Block
This block of the Dungeon of Kubla Khan contains the portal
where foes of the Khan irst arrive into his prison system. PCs start
the adventure in the prison mortuary after their teleportation
into the dungeon, where it was assumed that they died during
the prison transfer. PCs awaken to ind themselves stripped of all
gear and equipment. From here they must locate keys from which
to escape the indoctrination block and make their way into the
detention center.
Standard Features
Teleportation/ Planar Travel: Other than the Prisoner Entry
Portal Area 1-5, teleportation and planar travel spells only
allow travel from points within the dungeon level PCs are
currently on.
Shielding: The dungeon prevents the use of any spells such as
claraudience and clairvoyance between its various levels to
all save Warden Menoshash.
The mortician Falvorn had left the PCs bodies in the care of
the goblins to procure material spell components from, so their
sudden spark of life is quite a shock to the goblins.
As the PCs awaken describe to them the situation of their eyes
opening and goblins with wicked daggers taking a step back from
them in shock. Allow the PCs a free action for surprise prior to
rolling any initiative checks.
1-1. Prison Mortuary
For the PCs the adventure starts here, in the prison mortuary. As the
PCs awaken they seem to recall clutching a crystal ball and seeing a
vision of the Khan surrounded by a ield of bones. They blacked out
Casey W. Christofferson & Patrick Lawinger
These unlocked vaults are closed with iron doors that latch from
the outside making them impossible to open from the inside. Each
opens to reveal a stack of corpses on metal racks so that bodies may
be stacked six high.
Vault A. This vault contains 6 ghouls. They are creations of Falvorn
and were once vicious murderers who crossed the Khan. Falvorn
keeps them locked inside the vault until he has need of their
services. The ghouls attack anyone save Falvorn or his goblin
2nd-command undead, false life, fox’s cunning, spectral hand; 3rd-
hold person, shrink item, vampiric touch; 4th-animate dead.
Possessions: Cloak of the bat, ring of protection +1, brooch of shielding,
masterwork morticians clothes (black suit, long black topcoat, black top
hat), +1 sickle.
Treasure: Falvorn’s Spellbooks: These include all of Falvorn’s
commonly memorized spells plus any 1d6 irst, 1d4 second, 1d4 3rd
and 1d2 4th level spells of the DM’s choice. 1 scroll of transmute
stone to lesh, 1 scroll of transmute rock to mud. 1 scroll create greater
undead. Masterwork morticians tools. (1) 5000 gp diamond.
Ghouls (6): AC 14, Hp 13, See MM.
1-3. Crematorium (EL 7)
Those dead prisoners not saved back by the chef in Area 2-3 to
serve as food for certain inmates are cast into the lava pit located
in the center of this room by Curtis the Orderly. Curtis is a lesh
golem under command of Falvorn, provided to the mortician by
Warden Menoshash in exchange for his soul. As the PCs enter the
chamber Curtis busies himself chucking bodies into the lava. As the
PCs enter he attacks.
Vault B. This vault contains the decapitated corpse of Juldd, a thief
who was cast into the prisons of the Khan. Juldd thought himself
cleverer than the attendants in the prisoner entry portal. He was
wrong as his decapitated head would indicate. A very careful Search
check (DC 25) reveals that Juldd kept a set of masterwork thieves’
tools in a rather unsanitary and seldom searched oriice.
Vault C. This vault contains the fresh corpse of Connarac a cleric
of (oddly enough) the same faith as the party cleric. He was the
unfortunate hostage of Juldd when the guards cut both prisoners to
pieces. Intense rigor-mortis has locked the priests silver holy symbol
tightly in his ist. The touch of a like aligned cleric (the party PC)
automatically releases the death grip on the holy symbol.
Curtis the Orderly, Flesh Golem: CR 7, 79 hp. See MM.
Note: At irst glance Curtis may seem an impossible
encounter for PCs with little or no gear. That said if PCs
manage to overbear Curtis or Bull Rush him they stand a
chance of hurling Curtis into the Lava Pool.
DM Note: Unless the goblins are silenced within 1 round
by the party, Falvorn arrives 3 rounds into battle. The same
holds true for any combat involving the ghouls should the
PCs have quietly handled the goblins. Falvorn’s vital statistics
are found in Area 1-2.
Lava Pool: Touching the lava deals 2d6 points of damage
+1d6 points of damage for 1d3 rounds after touching it. Total
immersion (such as being forced into the lava) deals 20d6 points
of damage per round. Creatures immune to ire may search the
pool by swimming in the 10 ft. deep 10ft. diameter pool. A major
ring of energy resistance (ire) lies at the bottom of the pool.
2. Falvorn’s Quarters
This simply adorned chamber contains a full alchemical laboratory
(1,500 gp value), a simple cot, and a bookshelf lined with arcane
tomes containing the breadth and worth of Falvorn’s wizard spells.
A ile cabinet dutifully details the death certiicates of all beings
who have passed on during their incarceration. At the time of the
PCs awakening in Area 1-1. Falvorn is documenting their death
certiicates as “John and Jane Doe’s who died due to complication
during transference through the prison portal.
If the PCs created enough strife from awakening or through battling
the goblins or ghouls they have already encountered Falvorn.
1-4. Halls of Kubla Khan
Decorated with proclamations of the greatness and wisdom of
Kubla Khan, as well as rough depictions of his greatest victories
painted directly on the stone walls, these wide halls stretch from
a four-way intersection and end before thick iron-reinforced
wood doors. The hallway leading north leads to a massive locked
iron door. The intersection is paved with different color stone
creating a massive version of the seal of Kubla Khan. As a protective
measure, the entire 10 ft. by 10 ft. intersection is actually a carefully
concealed pit trap that can be turned on and off with the torch
sconces on the hallway walls nearby. When two or more individuals,
or one creature of large size, step into the intersection the trap is
triggered, dropping its victims 100 ft. onto a collection of spikes.
The spikes no longer have any poison; the irst victims of the trap
used it up. Hidden amidst the bones at the bottom of the pit there is
a +1 adamantine bastard sword, a +1 dagger, a +1 ring of protection,
masterwork thieves’ tools, and 7 jailor’s keys which are impossible
to ind without physically searching the bottom of the trap (Search
DC 15 when in the pit).
Falvorn The Mortician, male human Wiz7/ Exp3: CR 9; SZ M;
HD 6d4+3d6; hp 21; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11, touch 11, lat-footed
11; BAB/Grap +5/+5; Atk +6 melee (1d6+1, +1 sickle) or +5 ranged;
Full Atk ++6 melee (1d6+1, +1 sickle) or +5 ranged; SA spells; SQ
summon familiar; AL NE; SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +11; Str 10, Dex
11, Con 11, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 14.
Skills: Concentration +7, Craft (alchemy) +13, Craft (carpenter)
+10, Heal +9, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (history) +10,
Knowledge (local) +10, Knowledge (the planes) +13, Knowledge
(religion) +16, Profession (mortician) +16, Use Magic Device +11.
Feats: Brew Potion, Craft Wand, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (craft
[alchemy]), Skill Focus (profession), Skill Focus (use magic device),
Spell Focus (necromancy), Spell Mastery.
Arcane Spells Prepared ( save DC 13 + spell level, DC 14 + spell level
v. necromancy): 0-arcane mark, mage hand, mending, open/ close; 1st-
animate rope, charm person, chill touch, mage armor, unseen servant;
Concealed Spiked Pit Trap: CR 8; mechanical; location trigger;
manual reset; DC 20 Relex avoids; 100 ft. deep (10d6 falling
damage plus 1d4 spikes at +10 melee for 1d4+5 damage); Search
DC 27; Disable Device DC 18.
Iron Reinforced Oak Door: 6 in. thick; Hardness 5; hp 60; Break
DC 28 (when barred).
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