d20 Vigilance Clash of History - Witch Trials.pdf

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Author : Charles Rice
Editing and Proofreading : Paul king
Layout : David Jarvis
Cover : Saint Dominic Presiding over an Auto-da-
fe, Pedro Berruguete, 1475.
Welcome to Clash of History: Witchcraft and
Witch Trials, the fourth in Vigilance Press’ line
of historical fantasy sourcebooks. Previous
installments in the series have looked at the
mounted cavalryman, the lofty noble and the
medieval merchant guildsman. This book looks at
a far darker aspect of life in medieval Europe: the Witch Trials.
Author’s Note : This is a work of fiction, designed to bring the medieval concept of witches and witch
trials into your OGL fantasy games. I personally feel most claims of witchcraft, from the Middle Ages to
the present day, to be the result of certain primitive screwheads’ overactive imaginations.
These imaginings had real and terrible consequences for the 50-100,000 killed during the Middle Ages,
most of them single women who fell outside of the accepted rules and norms of the societies of the day. I
have nothing but sympathy for those people.
The view of witchcraft and/or witches advanced in this book is not politically correct. This is not done
to minimize real events or their consequences, however distantly they occurred.
New Core Class:
The Witch
Characteristics : The witch is an arcane spellcaster
who serves the function of a priest for her flock.
Often this group of followers are fellow witches
but also normal men and women who have joined
together in service to a supernatural entity. The
witch serves to recruit new followers and also
advance the cause of the being she serves.
Though rare, male individuals may become
Warlocks (the male equivalent of a Witch). In
medieval Europe, roughly one-quarter of those
executed for witchcraft were male and this serves
as a good barometer of the number of warlocks
compared to witches. Assume one out of every
four Witches encountered is in fact a Warlock.
The Witch (Warlock)
Description : The witch draws her power from
close contact with a supernatural entity. Usually
this entity takes the form of a demon, devil or
supernatural creature that serves a pagan god,
such as a Dryad, Night Hag, Ogre Mage or
Satyr. These are just a few examples of the types
of creatures a witch can form a compact with.
Regardless of the type of creature, the witch’s
powers are unchanged, so the game master can
approve any creature he deems appropriate to
serve as a conduit for the witch’s magical abilities.
Religion : A Witch is not usually religious in the
traditional sense. Though she is a priestess of
an ancient, supernatural entity, that entity is not
usually a god capable of granting divine powers.
Some Witches may view the being they serve as
a god or goddess, but a witch is receiving her
power through contact with the being she serves
and instruction in the magical arts by it.
In rare cases a Witch might be both a member
of this class and an actual priest. In this case, she
gains her divine, priestly powers from a powerful
god (usually an ancient, pagan deity) while
gaining her arcane abilities from a fellow servant
of that god.
Adventures : The witch adventures to advance the
cause of the being she serves. This relationship
is much more direct and personal than the
relationship of a priest and deity, since the witch
will often have direct contact with the being she
serves. Depending on the witch and the power of
the being she serves, this could be a relationship
as equals or a master-servant relationship (with
the witch being the master if extremely high
Background : The Witch begins life as an ordinary
member of medieval society. Then, for a variety
of reasons, she falls through the cracks, falling
outside the normal social order. Especially in
villages of the Middle Ages, the social order is
very delicate and someone who does not slot
into an accepted role can cause a great deal of
disharmony (for a example a landed widow
with wealth of her own following her husband’s
Often these individuals moved into the growing
urban centers of the Middle Ages, where life was
more fluid. A rare few however, will attract the
attention of a supernatural being and be recruited
into the ranks of its followers as a witch, learning
arcane abilities from it.
Role : The Witch is an arcane spellcaster focusing
on enchantments and illusions. She also gains
powers from the supernatural entity she serves,
either minor healing and protection (if a White
Witch) or curses of varying strength (if a Black
Skill Points at Each Additional Level : 4+ Int.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Witch.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency : The Witch is
proficient in Simple Weapons.
Spells : A Witch casts arcane spells which are
drawn primarily from the sorcerer/wizard spell
list. She can cast any spell she knows without
preparing it ahead of time, the way a wizard or a
cleric must (see below).
To learn or cast a spell, a Witch must have a
Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell
level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw
against a Witch’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the
Witch’s Charisma modifier.
Like other spellcasters, a Witch can cast only
a certain number of spells of each spell level
per day. Her base daily spell allotment is given
on Table: The Sorcerer (found in the PHB). In
addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she
has a high Charisma score.
A Witch’s selection of spells is extremely
limited. A Witch begins play knowing four 0-
level spells and two 1st-level spells of her choice.
At each new Witch level, she gains one or more
new spells, as indicated on Table: Sorcerer Spells
Known (found in the PHB). (Unlike spells per
day, the number of spells a Witch knows is not
affected by her Charisma score; the numbers on
Table: Sorcerer Spells Known are fixed.) These
new spells can be common spells chosen from
the sorcerer/wizard spell list, or they can be
unusual spells that the Witch has gained some
understanding of by study. The Witch can’t use
this method of spell acquisition to learn spells at a
faster rate, however.
Game Rule Information
Witches have the following game statistics.
Abilities : Intelligence is the most important
ability for the Witch, since it determines the
power of her spells.
Alignment : Any. Witches tend to be Neutral or
Chaotic, as they have fallen outside the social
structure of the age. Though many Witches are
intent on forming their own, alternate society to
that around them, this society is still one much
more debauched and much less structured than is
Hit Die : 1d4
Summon Familiar : The Witch has a familiar, as
Sorcerers and Wizards do. This ability functions
exactly as described in the PHB.
Class Skills
The Witch’s class skills (and the key ability for
each skill) are: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con),
Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha),
Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (nature, religion)
(Int), Spellcraft (Int)
Witch’s Compact : At 1st level the Witch must
bind herself to a supernatural entity that will
serve as the source of her magical abilities. The
Witch must have direct contact with this entity
each time she gains a new level.
Skill Points at 1st Level : (4+ Int. modifier) x4
This being will teach the Witch all of her pells,
though it will usually grant spells the Witch
requests. Note that the being is capable of
imparting power to the Witch in the form of new
spells, even if it cannot cast spells. How this works
is unknown and some mysteries are perhaps best
left unexplained.
3rd: Superior Healing Drink : At 15th level, the
Witch can craft the following superior potions:
Cure Light Wounds, Cure Moderate Wounds and
Cure Serious Wounds . These potions always cure
the maximum possible damage (so a Cure Light
Wounds potion made with this ability would cure
8 points of damage plus 5 for the caster level).
Brew Potion : All Witches are skilled herbalists
and are taught how to work magic through
potions. The Witch gains this feat as a bonus feat
at 3rd level.
4th: Intercession : At 20th level, the Witch can
commune with the supernatural entity she serves
to bring life to a dead individual. This ability
functions as the spell Raise Dead in all respects
except for the casting time. To perform this ability,
the Witch must perform a ritual taking one hour
and spending 5,000 gp equivalent in offerings
(what must be offered will vary depending on the
tastes of the supernatural entity).
Witch’s Path : At 5th level the Witch starts down
the path toward her destiny. She can either be
a White Witch or a Black Witch, based on the
alignment of the supernatural entity she serves.
Those who serve good creatures will be taught the
path of the White Witch, while those who serve
evil will take the path of the Black Witch.
If the entity is neutral, its path will be
determined by the other axis of its alignment,
with a lawful neutral creature teaching the path of
the White Witch and a Chaotic Neutral teaching
the path of the Black Witch. In the rare instance
that the supernatural entity’s alignment is purely
neutral, the game master will select whether it
chooses White or Black Witches to serve it.
Black Witch
1st: Familiar Shape : At 5th level the Witch can
transform herself into the same sort of animal as
her familiar. She can use this ability three times
per day at 5th level and gains an additional use
each day at levels 10, 15 and 20.
2nd: Curse, Lesser: At 10th level the Witch can
bestow a minor curse on a target. This requires the
Witch to be in the target’s presence (within twenty
feet) and to verbally curse him, though she may
mutter and try to be discreet, a Listen check (DC
15) will always reveal the contents of the curse to
anyone nearby.
This curse grants a Will saving throw as normal
but is at half strength and has one of the following
effects: -3 to an ability score; -2 penalty on attack
rolls, saving throws, ability checks and skill
checks; 25% chance to act normally or take no
The Witch may only have a curse from this
ability on one target at a time though she may
voluntarily remove a curse in order to target
someone else. The Witch may not use this ability
more than once per day.
If the Witch dies before this curse is removed
(either by convincing her to rescind it or through
the Remove Curse spell), it may only be removed
through application of Atonement, Limited Wish,
Miracle or Wish spells.
White Witch
1st: Healing Drink : At 5th level, the Witch can
make the following potions: Cure Light Wounds
and Cure Moderate Wounds. At 7th level the Witch
can make the following potions: Cure Serious
Wounds, Neutralize Poison and Remove Disease.
The Witch does not gain the ability to cast these
spells but is treated as if she can cast them at
her current caster level for purposes of creating
potions based on these spells.
2nd: Healing Touch : Beginning at 10th level,
a Witch with a Charisma score of 12 or higher
can heal wounds (her own or those of others) by
touch. Each day she can heal a total number of hit
points of damage equal to her Witch level x her
Charisma bonus. A Witch may choose to divide
her healing among multiple recipients, and she
doesn’t have to use it all at once. Using lay on
hands is a standard action.
3rd: Evil Eye: At 15th level the Witch can bestow
a curse with a glance. She must be within 60 feet
of her target and must be able to see him. This
curse is at full strength, causing a -6 to an ability
score, -4 penalty to the rolls listed above or a 50%
chance to take no action.
Also, the Witch may have an Evil Eye active
on up to three separate targets and may use this
ability three times per day.
However, the Witch may not target the same
person with this ability more than once in a 24
hour period.
cost and XP cost for the potion normally.
Further, the Witch can craft these potions into
any food or drink (typically something the target
finds delicious or irresistible). This potion cannot
be revealed as magical, poisonous or evil by any
sort of detection short of True Seeing . If the target
willingly consumes the potion (in whatever form),
it gains no saving throw against the effect. If the
target is forced to consume the potion (physically,
being tricked into consuming the potion does not
count) it gains a saving throw normally.
The effects of a spell delivered through this
ability also have their durations increased, to one
year per Witch level. Spell effects delivered by
potions of this type can only be removed through
the Remove Curse spell or some other effect
deemed appropriate by the game master (the kiss
of a loved one for example).
4th: Malevolent Food/Drink : At 20th level, the
Witch can make a potion of the following spells:
Sleep, Disguise Self (the Witch chooses the form),
Touch of Idiocy, Alter Self (again, the Witch chooses
the form), Deep Slumber, Suggestion (the Witch may
either choose a Suggestion when making the potion
or it could be the first suggestion made to the target
after consuming the potion), Confusion, Bestow Curse,
Contagion and Baleful Polymorph.
The Witch must know and be able to cast the
spell to make a potion of it and must pay the gold
A Thousand Faces (Su) : At 13th level, a Witch
gains the ability to change her appearance at will,
as if using the alter self spell.
Table 1-1: The Witch
Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save
Summon Familiar; Witch’s Compact
Brew Potion
Witch’s Path
Witch’s Path
A thousand Faces
Witch’s Path
Witch’s Path
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