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Arms & Armor v3.5
by Jim Butler, Steve Creech, and Kevin Ruesch
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Lead Design
Steven Creech, Kevin Ruesch and Jim Butler
Additional Design
Aaron Clancy, Allan Lee, Alexander Freed, Arthur Borko, Ben Mowbray, Bob Cooper, Bret Boyd, Cam-
eron Ironsides, Charles W. Plemons III, Chris ‘Barak’ Chandler, Chris Scaturo, Christopher Smith Adair,
Christophor ‘SuperGuido’ Rick, David M. Finch, Deborah Teramis Christian, Duane Nutley, Eric Driks,
F.Wesley Schneider, Faisal Abdullah, G. William Harper, Greg Dent, Joel Flank, Johnathan M. Richards,
Justin D. Jacobson, Kevin Melka, Luke Johnson, Mike Kogan, Nathan E. Irving, Neal Levin, Spike Y. Jones,
Steven Russell, Thomas E. A. Kyle, Viktor Viktorov, W. Robert ‘Mynex’ Reed III, Yamir Ortiz Morales, and
Yury Pavlotsky
Jim Butler
Art Director
Todd Morasch, Hal Greenberg
Cover Artist
Jonathan Kirtz
Interior Illustrations
Adam Denton, Chris Keefe, Christopher Pickrell, James Byrd, Jason Stephens, Jeff Ward, Rick Hershey,
Thomas Galambos, and Todd Morasch
Bruce Boughner, Lee Hammock, and Todd Laing
Adam Lange, Alex Gibson, Andrew Chiarello, Antonio Jose Blasco Lopez, Ben Shalom, Bill Hallum, Brian
Welker, Carl Monnen, Chema Verde, Chris Scaturo, Chris Silsby, Clif Wilde, Darren Richley, David Ver-
shaw II, Dominic Amann, Dustin Huibregtse, Ed DeParasis, Erik Driks, Francisco J. Alvarez, George Phil-
lips, James Griffith, Jason C. Sonia, Jared Reichman, Jason Freezer, JC Alvarez, Jesus M. Garcia, Juan Carlos
Penaranda, Karen Fioravanti, Keith Woodward, Ken Miller, Mark Perneta, Matthew Smith, Megan C. Rob-
ertson, Melissa Manuel, Michael J. Brisbois, Michael Kogan, Mike Kessler, Nathan Graves, Paul Grosse, Pete
Grafius, Raul Valle, Rick Wehr, Robert Hoffman, Sean Pike, Shannon Bennett, Ty Grizzle, Vince Bacon, and
William Holder.
Acknowledgments: We wish to thank our families and friends for the encouragement and support you’ve
given us while we worked on this massive endeavor. A special nod of gratitude goes out to the kind folks at
MonkeyGod Enterprises and The Game Mechanics for their cooperation in helping us include Open Game
Content from their products into this book. We’d also like to thank the many gamers who have openly sup-
ported Bastion Press since the beginning. This book is dedicated to you. May it provide you with some seri-
ous fun and countless hours of enjoyment during your travels within the realms of fantasy everywhere.
Table of Contents
Introduction ..........................................4
How to use this book .....................................4
Honorable Mention ...........................................................4
Chapter 1: Weapons .............................5
Categories ........................................................5
Qualities .........................................................10
Weapon Descriptions ..................................11
Masterwork Weapons .................................34
Separating Double Weapons .....................34
Chapter 2: Weapon Qualities .......35
Chapter 3: Weapons of Valor .......61
Assorted Weapons .......................................61
Variant Rule: Alternate Siege Weapon Payloads .......63
Artifacts ..........................................................81
Chapter 4: Armor .............................86
Armor Qualities ............................................86
Masterwork Armor ......................................95
Armor Costs by Size ....................................95
Donning Armor ............................................95
Extras ..............................................................96
Armor as Damage Reduction .....................97
What Kind of DR? ...........................................................97
Armor Class or DR? ........................................................97
Enchanted Armor ............................................................97
Critical Hits ......................................................................99
Shield Parries ................................................99
Chapter 5: Armor Qualities .......100
Chapter 6: Armor of Gallantry 118
Masks ............................................................129
Artifacts ........................................................132
Chapter 7: New Materials ..........135
Tensile Mercury Expertise [General] ........................138
Tensile Mercury Mastery [General] ..........................138
Durability ....................................................139
Chapter 8: Artifacts & Legends 140
Divine Ranks ..............................................140
Primal Artifacts .............................................................140
Artifacts and Relics .......................................................140
Divine Items ...................................................................140
Legendary Weapons .....................................................141
Scions ............................................................143
Legends in the Campaign ............................................143
Battle Scions ................................................144
Faith Scions .................................................147
Spell Scions .................................................149
Swift Scions .................................................151
Magical Ability Chains .............................153
Weapon Ability Chains ...............................................154
Armor/Shield Ability Chains .....................................154
Intelligent Weapons ..................................154
Outsider Weapons .....................................156
Chapter 9: Cursed Items .............159
Chapter 10: Martial Constructs ..163
Amulet Servitors ........................................163
Guardian Amulet Servitor ...........................................163
Killer Amulet Servitor, Lesser .....................................164
Killer Amulet Servitor, Greater ...................................164
Golem Armor ..............................................166
Golem, Amber ............................................168
Golem, Force Guardian .............................170
Silver Steeds Of Inarial .............................171
Collected Tables
Table 1.1: Weapons ...........................................................6
Table 1.2: Weapon Damage ...........................................10
Table 1.3: Alchemical Arrows .......................................12
Table 2.1: Base Enchantments .......................................35
Table 2.2: Minor Enchantments ....................................36
Table 2.3: Bane Weapons ................................................37
Table 2.4: Medium Weapon Qualities ..........................38
Table 2.5: Major Weapon Qualities ..............................39
Table 2.6: Dread Weapons .............................................44
Table 3.1: Specific Weapons ...........................................61
Table 3.2: Class-Oriented Weapons ..............................62
Table 3.3: Arrows of Slaying ..........................................64
Table 3.4: Domain Rods .................................................66
Table 3.5: Dragontooth Longspear Effects ..................69
Table 4.1: Light Armor and Shields ..............................87
Table 4.2: Medium Armor ..............................................88
Table 4.3: Heavy Armor .................................................89
Table 4.4: Shields & Extras .............................................90
Table 4.5: Armor Costs by Size .....................................95
Table 4.6: Donning Armor .............................................95
Table 4.7: DR by Armor ..................................................98
Table 4.8: Armor Class or Damage Reduction? ..........99
Table 5.1: Base Enchantments .....................................100
Table 5.2: Minor Armor Qualities ...............................101
Table 5.3: Medium Armor Qualities ...........................103
Table 5.4: Major Armor Qualities ...............................104
Table 6.1: Minor Wondrous Armor ............................118
Table 6.2: Medium Wondrous Armor ........................120
Table 6.3: Major Wondrous Armor ............................123
Table 6.4: Epic Wondrous Armors .............................127
Table 7.1: Durability .....................................................139
Table 8.1: Legendary Weapons ...................................142
Table 8.2: Battle Scion ...................................................145
Table 8.3: Abilities Granted by Dragondeath ...........146
Table 8.4: Faith Scion ....................................................147
Table 8.5: Abilities for the Hammer of Dwarven Souls 148
Table 8.6: Spell Scion ....................................................149
Table 8.7: Abilities Granted by the Hellspawn ...........151
Table 8.8: Swift Scion ....................................................152
Table 8.9: Abilities Granted by the Dreamcatcher ......153
Table 8.10: Extraordinary Special Purpose Powers ..155
B ack in the ‘Classic Age’ of slaying drag-
ons and saving the world, all it took
was a sturdy +5 sword and a suit of full
plate +5 to outfit the traditional adven-
turer in the latest fashion. These days,
however, it takes foresight, careful planning, and a
full coin purse to make sure that one is prepared for
the challenges that lie ahead. Charging into battle
against a red dragon? Better get that suit of full plate
with ignan properties back from the cleaners. Looking
to take out the medusa? Better polish up that tower
shield with gaze protection and bring along a bright
light. Today’s adventurer has an entire closet full of
the latest fashions and state-of-the-art defenses.
But a great defense does not save the day unless
coupled with a strong offense. Weapons of power
are a necessity for the world’s greatest heroes. That
dragon deserves to taste the heavy head of a wyrm
hammer , and that medusa could use a few chops from
a trusted jagged weapon. Such are the tales sung by
bards and penned by historians through the ages.
In 2001, Bastion Press gave you Arms & Armor for
the third edition rules. Now, we present you with
Arms and Armor v3.5 for the revised rules and with
that comes a wealth of readily useful content. Con-
taining hundreds of new types of weapons, armor,
and materials drawn from the open content of a
multitude of sources along with original and never-
before-seen material, this book offers longtime play-
ers new tools for adventure. Treasure troves never
had it so good with the addition of scores of new
magic items, ranging from useful tricks and gadgets
to powerful constructs and artifacts. Game Masters
seeking a surprise can turn to over a hundred new
magical qualities for weapons and armor or consult
a number of optional rules, each with the ability to
add a new twist to long-standing games.
We remember the excitement of our first adven-
tures, when every new magic item or device was
something strange and new, something that both
character and player had never seen before. We
hope to rekindle that spirit of discovery within these
• Chapter 4: Armor forms the heart of any de-
fensive qualities and reinforcements. Heroes
would be wise to invest in a strong defense
(assuming they haven’t spent all their gold on
their new weapon).
• Chapter 5: Armor Qualities presents a com-
prehensive listing of magical armor and shield
qualities. Defend yourself from attack by infus-
ing your armor with unique powers and abili-
• Chapter 6: Armor of Gallantry provides a list-
ing of premade magical armors suitable for
any campaign (including epic and artifact-level
• Chapter 7: New Materials gives new substanc-
es that can be added into the creation of magi-
cal weapons and armor.
• Chapter 8: Artifacts & Legends details items of
power and legend, divine weapons, and some
unique prestige classes that go along with
• Chapter 9: Cursed Items shows the darker side
of magic creation.
• Chapter 10: Martial Constructs provides both
players and game masters with constructs that
are useful in any campaign world.
Everything within these pages is designed with a
single purpose, to add more depth and character to
your personal campaign world. Enjoy!
How to use this book
A rms and Armor v3.5 is divided into eleven
distinct chapters designed to make it
easier for quick reference purposes.
• Chapter 1: Weapons provides a complete list-
ing of weapons. These represent the building
blocks that can lead to great and powerful en-
• Chapter 2: Weapon Qualities provides a com-
prehensive listing of magical weapon proper-
ties. Add these to your favored weapon to be-
come truly fearsome in combat!
• Chapter 3: Weapons of Valor contains premade
magical weapons ready for any campaign (in-
cluding epic and artifact-level items). GM Note:
Make sure to give some of these to the villains
in the campaign as well!
Honorable Mention
P roducts mentioned in Arms & Armor v3.5 are
produced by Bastion Press. All of them are
available at your favorite local gaming store
or as a PDF download at . None
of the products referenced are required to use this
To the Death!
Illustrated by Todd Morasch
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W eapons are the iconic signa-
she incurs all the normal attack penalties associated
with two-weapon combat, just as though the charac-
ter were wielding a one-handed weapon and a light
The character can also choose to use a double
weapon two handed, attacking with only one end of
it. A creature wielding a double weapon in one hand
can’t use it as a double weapon—only one end of the
weapon can be used in any given round.
Thrown Weapons: Daggers, clubs, short spears,
spears, darts, javelins, throwing axes, light hammers,
tridents, shuriken, and nets are thrown weapons.
The wielder applies his or her Strength modifier to
damage dealt by thrown weapons (except for splash
weapons). It is possible to throw a weapon that isn’t
designed to be thrown (that is, a melee weapon that
doesn’t have a numeric entry in the Range Increment
column on Table: Weapons), but a character that
does so takes a -4 penalty on the attack roll. Throw-
ing a light or one-handed weapon is a standard ac-
tion, while throwing a two-handed weapon is a
full-round action. Regardless of the type of weapon,
such an attack scores a threat only on a natural roll
of 20 and deals double damage on a critical hit. Such
a weapon has a range increment of 10 feet.
Projectile Weapons : Light crossbows, slings, heavy
crossbows, shortbows, composite shortbows, long-
bows, composite longbows, hand crossbows, and
repeating crossbows are projectile weapons. Most
projectile weapons require two hands to use (see
specific weapon descriptions). A character gets no
Strength bonus on damage rolls with a projectile
weapon unless it’s a specially built composite short-
bow, specially built composite longbow, or sling. If
the character has a penalty for low Strength, apply
it to damage rolls when he or she uses a bow or a
Ammunition : Projectile weapons use ammunition:
arrows (for bows), bolts (for crossbows), or sling bul-
lets (for slings). When using a bow, a character can
draw ammunition as a free action; crossbows and
slings require an action for reloading. Generally
speaking, ammunition that hits its target is destroyed
or rendered useless, while normal ammunition that
misses has a 50% chance of being destroyed or lost.
Although they are thrown weapons, shuriken are
treated as ammunition for the purposes of drawing
them, crafting masterwork or otherwise special ver-
sions of them (see Masterwork Weapons), and what
happens to them after they are thrown.
Light, One-Handed, and Two-Handed Melee
Weapons: This designation is a measure of how
much effort it takes to wield a weapon in combat.
It indicates whether a melee weapon, when wielded
by a character of the weapon’s size category, is con-
sidered a light weapon, a one-handed weapon, or a
two-handed weapon.
Light : A light weapon is easier to use in one’s
off hand than a one-handed weapon is, and it can
be used while grappling. A light weapon is used in
one hand. Add the wielder’s Strength bonus (if any)
to damage rolls for melee attacks with a light weap-
ture of many stalwart war-
riors, sneaky rogues, and
battle-hardened barbarians.
Even the most spell-depen-
dent wizard keeps some kind of martial weapon
nearby to defend herself when spells fail and the call
to arms is sounded. Holy clerics wield weapons fa-
vored by their gods, and many unique holy weapons,
from holy avengers to maces of disruption , are highly
sought after by the faithful of many religions.
Clever players looking for more weapons for
their heroes might seek other weapons not listed in
the standard resources. From brass knuckles to the
wind and fire wheel, these weapons represent ad-
ditional options for heroes looking to add some flair
and personality to the mystique surrounding their
adventuring exploits.
locking sets of categories. These catego-
ries pertain to what training is needed
to become proficient in a weapon’s use (simple,
martial, or exotic), the weapon’s usefulness either in
close combat (melee) or at a distance (ranged, which
includes both thrown and projectile weapons), its
relative encumbrance (light, one-handed, or two-
handed), and its size (Small, Medium, or Large).
Simple, Martial, and Exotic Weapons: Any-
body but a druid, monk, rogue, or wizard is profi-
cient with all simple weapons. Barbarians, fighters,
paladins, and rangers are proficient with all simple
and all martial weapons. Characters of other classes
are proficient with an assortment of mainly simple
weapons and possibly also some martial or even ex-
otic weapons. A character that uses a weapon with
which he or she is not proficient takes a –4 penalty
on attack rolls.
Melee and Ranged Weapons: Melee weapons
are used for making melee attacks, though some of
them can be thrown as well. Ranged weapons are
thrown weapons or projectile weapons that are not
effective in melee.
Reach Weapons: Glaives, guisarmes, lances, long-
spears, ranseurs, spiked chains, and whips are reach
weapons. A reach weapon is a melee weapon that
allows its wielder to strike at targets that aren’t ad-
jacent to him or her. Most reach weapons double
the wielder’s natural reach, meaning that a typical
Small or Medium wielder of such a weapon can at-
tack a creature 10 feet away, but not a creature in an
adjacent square. A typical Large character wielding
a reach weapon of the appropriate size can attack a
creature 15 or 20 feet away, but not adjacent crea-
tures or creatures up to 10 feet away.
Double Weapons: Dire flails, dwarven urgroshes,
gnome hooked hammers, orc double axes, quarter-
staffs, and two-bladed swords are double weapons.
A character can fight with both ends of a double
weapon as if fighting with two weapons, but he or
W eapons are grouped into several inter-
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