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The Book of Iron Might
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A combat sourcebook
By Mike Mearls
Requires use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
This book utilizes updated material from the v. 3.5 revision.
Additional Credits
Editing: Richard Thompson
Cover Illustration: Kieran Yanner
Interior Illustrations: Kev Crossley and Scott Purdy
Production: Sue Weinlein Cook
Creative Direction: Monte Cook
Proofreading: Scott Holden-Jones
Cover and Interior Page Design: Peter Whitley
Playtesters: Kelly Graham, Brian Hendley, Justin D. Jacobson, Dave Maldonado, Sean K Reynolds,
Mark W. Rickard, Michael Ruiz, J.E. Sawyer, Del Shand, Nicolas Shand, and Terry Spier
For supplemental material, visit Monte Cook’s Website: < >
“d20 System” and the “d20 System” logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used according to the terms of
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the Coast ® are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used with permission. Malhavoc is a registered
trademark and Eldritch Might is a trademark owned by Monte J. Cook. Sword & Sorcery and the Sword & Sorcery logo are trademarks of White Wolf
Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. All other content ©2004 Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved. The mention of or reference to any company or product
in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.
This edition of The Book of Iron Might is produced under version 1.0a, 5.0, and/or draft versions of the Open Game License, the d20 System Trademark Logo Guide,
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Designation of Open Game Content: Subject to the Product Identity designation above, the following portions of The Book of Iron Might are designated as Open
Game Content: the maneuver system in Chapter One; the sections titled “Ironborn Details,” “Creating Ironborn,” and “Ironborn Feats” in Chapter Two; the feats in their
entirety in Chapter Three; the skill and stunt game mechanics in Chapter Four; and anything else contained herein which is already Open Game Content by virtue of
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Some portions of this book which are Open Game Content originate from the System Reference Document and are ©1999, 2000, and 2001 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
The remainder of these Open Game Content portions of this book is hereby added to Open Game Content and if so used, should bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE “ The Book
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The Book of Iron Might
Table of Contents
Introduction: DEATH AND GLORY
How Will This Book Help My Game? ..............3
Using This Book ...............................................4
Arcane Battle Feats .......................................34
General Rules ...............................................................34
Magic Items and Arcane Battle Feats .......................34
Arcane Battle Feats in the Campaign........................36
Arcane Battle Feat Descriptions ...............................36
Battlemind Feats ...........................................42
Battlemind Feat Descriptions ...................................42
Fighting Style Feats .....................................46
Fighting Style Feat Descriptions..............................46
Building Blocks ...............................................5
Game Balance Alert ........................................6
The Rule of 20..................................................6
Spells and Maneuvers ....................................6
Key Abilities .....................................................6
Maneuver Effects ............................................7
Melee Attack Effects .....................................................7
Ranged Attack Effects .................................................13
Maneuver Drawbacks ....................................14
Drawback Descriptions ...............................................14
Selecting Drawbacks ...................................................16
Combining Maneuver Effects......................16
Designing a Maneuver...................................17
Preconstructed Maneuvers ........................................17
Customized Maneuvers ................................................17
Free-Form Maneuvers...................................................17
Creating Maneuvers Step by Step ...............................18
Maneuvers and Your Campaign ..................20
Using Maneuvers .........................................................20
Working With Maneuver Drawbacks .........................21
Sample Maneuvers..........................................21
Character Maneuvers ..................................................21
Creature Maneuvers ....................................................23
Base Attack Checks........................................53
Conjoined Skill Checks................................53
New and Variant Skill Uses ..........................53
Appraise: Find Weak Point ...........................................53
Balance and Climb: Vertical Run ...............................53
Bluff: Feign Death .......................................................54
Climb: Scaling Attack ..................................................54
Concentration: Focused Determination ................54
Diplomacy: Call for Truce ..........................................54
Disguise: Disguise Weapon .........................................55
Handle Animal: Manipulate Beast .............................55
Handle Animal and Sense Motive: Study Beast .......55
Intimidate: Blood-Kissed Threat ...............................55
Jump: Leaping Charge ...................................................55
Sense Motive: Predict Action .....................................55
Sense Motive: Read Foe ..............................................56
Sleight of Hand: Conceal Weapon............................56
Survival: Wilderness Tactics .....................................56
Tumble: Tumbling Strike .............................................57
Use Rope: Create Lasso.................................................57
Stunts: Free-Form Combat Skill Use ..........57
Mechanics ......................................................................57
Determining a Stunt’s DC ...........................................57
Skills and Stunts..........................................................57
Free-Form Stunts .........................................................59
Attack Stunts ...............................................................60
The DM’s Judgment Factor .........................................60
Descriptions and Stunts .............................................61
Common Sense and Stunts..........................................61
Optional Stunt Rules...................................................61
Ironborn Characters ...................................25
Personality ....................................................................25
Physical Description ...................................................25
Relations .......................................................................26
Ironborn Lands ............................................................26
Religion .........................................................................26
Names .............................................................................26
Adventurers ..................................................................26
Racial Characteristics .................................27
Ability Score Modifiers ..............................................27
Size ..................................................................................27
Ironborn Traits ............................................................27
Ability Packages............................................................28
Origin and Creator .....................................................30
An Ironborn’s Burden .................................................30
Ironborn in the Campaign...........................30
Ironborn Details...........................................................31
Creating Ironborn.........................................31
Craft Ironborn .............................................................32
Ironborn Feats...............................................32
Holy Icon .......................................................................32
Improved Natural Armor.............................................33
Intricate Joints .............................................................33
Memory Bank .................................................................33
Spell Runes ....................................................................33
Spring-Loaded Reflexes...............................................33
Weaponized Limb ...........................................................33
Stunts, Maneuvers, and Hero Points.........62
The Ironborn .................................................62
Feats ................................................................62
Open Game License........................................62
Table Melee Attack Maneuver Effects ..................................8
Ranged Attack Maneuver Effects ..............................13
Maneuver Drawbacks ...................................................14
Ironborn Feats ..............................................................33
Arcane Battle Feats ......................................................35
Battlemind Feats ..........................................................44
Fighting Style Feats.....................................................47
Call for Truce ...............................................................55
Introduction 3
Death and Glory
“Il nous faut de l’audace, et encore de l’audace, et toujours de l’audace.”
(“We must dare, and again dare, and forever dare.”)
— Georges Jacques Danton
might have to think about it for a few moments. It’s not as if combat is all that common in a game rife with rampag-
ing dragons, foul trolls, towering giants, and other monsters. Why, fantasy
roleplaying games are all about sitting at home, hoping that an adventure comes to call
on the next-door neighbor, not here, no thank you.
Wait, that’s not quite true. In fact, that’s utterly wrong. Fantasy roleplaying games
are all about charging a dozen orcs, sword raised high. Wars, revolutions, terrible mon-
sters, and epic clashes are par for the course. These are interesting times that our
heroes live in, and may they forever remain so.
The Book of Iron Might is a dash of hot sauce, a spicy kick for your heroic escapades.
Within this book are new rules designed to make quite literally anything possible in a
fight. New character options allow you to play an automaton built for war, or perhaps
one designed to serve as a crafty scout. New feats broaden the horizons of all charac-
ters, while many skills receive new variations crafted specifically for use in combat.
Here’s a chapter-by-chapter overview:
Chapter One: Combat Maneuvers: The crown jewel of this book, the combat
maneuver system makes it possible to simulate almost any sort of action in combat. If
a player wants to grab a fistful of sand and throw it into an ogre’s eyes, you can now
quickly and easily resolve that action. The system presented here allows you to design
combat moves that cover called shots to a foe’s vitals. Rules let you determine the effec-
tiveness of a variety of creative ruses, such as yanking a carpet out from beneath a foe.
Chapter Two: The Ironborn: Crafted from iron, built to serve, and now unleashed
on the world, the ironborn are constructs that you can play as a character. Each iron-
born was built to fulfill a specific purpose, allowing you to tailor your character (or an
NPC) with racial abilities that fit his class.
Chapter Three: Feats of Iron Might: This chapter introduces three new types of
feat. Arcane battle feats introduce the art of magic to fighters and other combatants,
building a whole new, feat-based method of using arcane power to improve one’s fight-
ing ability. Battlemind feats are tailored for high-level characters. In many cases, they
focus on granting powerful fighters fresh options at 10th level and above. Fighting
style feats grow with your character, allowing you to choose a fighting specialty and
improve it as you progress in skill.
Chapter Four: Skills and Stunts: The Bluff skill has a direct application in combat.
Why not extend that capability to other skills? This section provides new, combat-
focused applications for several skills. It also introduces the concept of stunts, a set of
rules that allows you to make use of a skill or attribute to gain an advantage in battle.
How Will This Book Help My Game?
Have you ever been a little bored by combat? Has there ever been a time when you
had a great idea for a move in a fight, but you weren’t sure how it would fit into
the rules?
A lot of DMs are understandably nervous about letting their players try weird,
daring, or strange actions in a battle. Most of the time, the available choices include
the actions from the core rules and a few other options. The Book of Iron Might
breaks the disarm and trip attacks into their component pieces and uses that foun-
dation for a comprehensive look at all the different effects you can create or produce
About the Illustrators
Cover artist Kieran Yanner has always
been interested in art, roleplaying games,
and the fantasy/sci-fi genre. From Decipher
to Malhavoc Press, White Wolf to Dream
Pod 9, Kieran has produced hundreds of
illustrations for the roleplaying industry
and continues to do so.
Leeds, England, illustrator Kev Crossley
learned early on that a monster lived in the
abandoned house down the street—after
that, he saw monsters everywhere. He
drew monsters all the way through school
but in art college and university he was
told to stop. After getting a job in comput-
er games, however, people started paying
him to draw monsters. Moral? Art college
and university were a waste of time.
Scott Purdy , a UK-based illustrator, has a
great love of horror, evil, and all things
tentacular. He wills clients his way if they
have need of nasty critters to bring to life.
You can see more of Scott’s work at
< > .
Malhavoc Press
Malhavoc Press is game designer Monte
Cook’s d20 System imprint devoted to the
publication of evocative game elements
that go beyond traditional fantasy.
Malhavoc Press products such as The
Book of Eldritch Might exhibit a mastery
of the d20 System rules that only one of
its original designers can offer.
Current titles are available to purchase in
either print or electronic (PDF) format at
< >. Look for Monte
Cook’s Arcana Evolved , available soon.
H ave you ever run a battle or participated in one during a roleplaying game session? Don’t answer too quickly. You
About the Author
Mike Mearls has worked as a freelance
roleplaying game designer since 1999. This
prolific writer maintains a high volume of
work without compromising quality, which
has won him a place on many gamers’ lists
of favorite designers. Buoyed by positive
reaction to his first d20 works, he went on
to produce material for the leading RPG
publishers, including AEG, Atlas Games,
Decipher, Fantasy Flight, Fiery Dragon,
Goodman Games, Mongoose Publishing,
Necromancer Games, and others before
joining Malhavoc Press. His work appears
regularly in Dragon® Magazine.
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The Book of Iron Might
with a weapon. By linking these effects with a series of draw-
backs, you can meld the two systems to create new combat
moves. At the very least, The Book of Iron Might will change how
you view actions in combat. Even if you don’t use the maneuver
system as presented here, you’ll still have a better understand-
ing of how to balance rewards with risks when making snap
decisions during combat.
The ironborn represent a whole new take on character races.
You can customize this race of manufactured constructs to fit the
character class a person wants to play. This change brings a whole
new layer of options and opportunities to characters.
The feats introduced in this book seek to establish new types of
abilities tailored to benefit fighters. As the character class that
receives the most feat selections, fighters have the greatest poten-
tial for customization. The Book of Iron Might expands on a fight-
er’s choices and runs with the idea that you can define fighters by
the feats they choose.
Finally, the skill rules demonstrate how abilities that might play
only a tangential role in combat can become more important.
Conjoined skill checks allow you to attempt dangerous maneuvers by
making multiple, simultaneous skill checks to accomplish a single
task. The stunt system builds on the maneuver rules to introduce a
new set of options for all characters.
Using This Book
Like its predecessors, The Book of Eldritch Might and The Book of
Hallowed Might , this tome is designed to present new character
options and systems that you can use to improve your game.
Where the first two books focused on arcane magic and divine
magic, respectively, The Book of Iron Might covers combat.
The Book of Iron Might is a toy box full of stuff that you can use
to make combat more fun in your game. The maneuver system in
particular features plenty of advice, including a step-by-step
example, for using the new rules and incorporating them into
your game. In addition, it presents new feats and options for
fighters, but any character who wants to play a role in combat can
benefit from the new material here. DMs can unlock the potential
of monsters, creating tricky maneuvers that reflect a creature’s
abilities and adding a new level of variety to the game.
Throughout The Book of Iron Might , all references to spells,
feats, and other rules come from the v. 3.5 revision of the three
Core Rulebooks: the Player’s Handbook , DMG, and MM.
Bonus source material and ideas to augment the information in
The Book of Iron Might appear on Monte Cook’s website. To find the
links to these free web enhancements, visit the book’s product page
online at the following address: <>.
This sourcebook is protected content except for items specifi-
cally called out as Open Gaming Content on the title page. For
full details, please turn to the Appendix. Open content is not
otherwise marked in the text of this book.
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