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a 24-hour rpg
Designed, written and illustrated by Michael P. O’Sullivan
Criminal Element is copyright 2003 by Michael P. O’Sullivan
Inspired by Scott McCloud and the Forge crew.
Food consumed : a burrito with homemade sweet salsa and lots of iced tea.
Music listened to : Placebo’s “Sleeping with Ghosts”, the new Zach DeLaRocha track, Elliot Smith, Mudvayne,
Poison the Well, At the Drive-In, 30 Seconds to Mars, Incubus.
Slept for: ive hours
Movies watched at work before starting design: Heist and Killing Zoe
Created between 12.30 am 8 April 2003 and 12.30 am 9 April 2003.
Why the hell was I here anyway?
I felt the cool steel of the gun in my hand, the dead weight of it. It was starting to warm up from use
and little twirls of smoke were inding their way out of the barrel of it. I took a look around the room and took
everything in. A couple of security guards were tied up on the loor with thick silver duct tape, others left in a
small heap ion the loor, blood slowly seeping out of them and forming a scarlet pool for each of them to swim
in. Gordie was working on the vault door, pressing a drill machine into the surface of it, little bits of hot metal
lying up into the air. Lenny and Bastard Billy were standing by the doors, waiting expectantly for more guards
to arrive.
I walked up to Two-Jack Tommy and patted him on the shoulder.
“What the hell are we doing here, Tommy?” I asked, wiping a little splatter of blood off of my face.
Tommy pointed at the vault and gave me a punch in the shoulder. “That’s why we’re here, man,” he
said, a smile starting to spread its way across his normally placid face. “Once we crack that, we’re out of the
game! Don’t you remember why you joined up with this gig?”
I mulled it over for a moment. I tried to remember why I would have joined up with these guys and try
and heist three million dollars in diamonds from Sebastian Jones. I thought about my wife for a moment, I think
it had something to do with her, but I couldn’t get it right in my head. Instead, the only thing that I could think
of was getting caught by that insane Jones fucker and what he would do to us if we dropped the ball here. I’d
heard that he keeps a vat of maggots in his basement.
I heard something then. It wasn’t too loud and, honestly, I don’t know how I heard it over Gordie’s
drilling machine boring its way through the vault door, but I heard a loorboard creek. I grabbed a little trinket
off of a night table and threw it at Gordie, hitting him in the shoulder with it. He turned around, ready to
punch me, when I held my inger up to my lips and started taking a look around. Gordie shut off his drill and I
switched off the safety on my gun.
A guard jumped out of one of the closet doors, a small black rile gripped tightly in his hands. He starts
iring off shots and before I can even think of it I’m jumping through the air, ducking behind a couch. The
guard was screaming like a banshee and iring wildly, bullets punching holes in everything, dust and little bits of
shrapnel lying up in the air. Then I heard his gun click.
I immediately shot up from behind the couch and lined up a shot on the guard. My inger lightly pulled
the trigger back and suddenly half of the guards head was a smear of red mist hanging in the air.
“Is everyone okay?!” Tommy yelled out. I took a look around and saw Lenny laying on the ground, his
gut laying open like a biology class experiment. No one answered Tommy’s question.
A moment later we heard the squeal of a bullhorn being turned on.
“Well boys, I’m home now.” It was the voice of Sebastian Jones, coming from the next room over.
“Now you are truly fucked.”
What the hell was I even doing here anyway?
Criminal Element is a role-playing game set in that
dark and seedy underbelly populated by gangsters,
thugs and hoodlums, a genre that can be seen
in popular ilms and novels as well as other pop
entertainments. Here we explore what happens
in the dark recesses and the hidden places within
our societies. Players portray characters that fully
believe that “who dares wins” and are willing to put
everything on the line to prove it.
don’t necessarily oppose the Protagonists. Lames
are characters that are not of any great importance
to the game but instead populate the background,
making things seem full and real. The Director is
also responsible for describing the action of the game,
making things quick-paced and entertaining.
The Protagonist
Protagonists are the lead characters of the story as
well as the characters portrayed by the players. The
Protagonists are the characters that the storyline of
the game centers on and the action revolves around.
Being a Protagonist does not imply that the character
is a kind hearted or good-natured person, the term
simply states that the story being told is one that is
lead by this character.
Your Gear
What you need to play
All that you will need to play Criminal Element is
some paper and pencils, a standard deck of playing
cards without jokers, a set of poker chips to represent
Drama Points in play and an active and devious
Who the hell do you think you
The Roles of players in a game of Criminal Element
There are two kinds of players in Criminal Element:
Protagonists and Directors. In short, Protagonists
portray the main characters and help envision a story
that is in part controlled by the Director. Each group
of players will have one Director, the other players
being Protagonists.
The Director
Criminal Element is a game for telling stories. As
such, one player is selected to be the lead storyteller
of the game. Other games use various different names
for their lead story maker. Some call him the Referee,
others the Game Master. Some even call him the
Storyteller. Criminal Element refers to this player as
the Director
The main purpose of the Director is to weave
together different plot elements to create a functioning
storyline for the Protagonists to play in. The Director
also acts as the rules arbiter, being the inal word on
the outcome of conlicts.
Directors also control the remaining cast
of characters that the Protagonists don’t control;
the Antagonists, the Supporting Cast and Lames.
Antagonists are characters that both directly oppose
the Protagonists and are also of some importance
to the story. Supporting Cast Members, or SCMs,
are characters that are important to the game but
1. Playing the System
The basics of playing Criminal Element
As with most other Role-playing games, Criminal
Element uses a system to arbitrate most conlicts and
questions that may arise during gameplay, as well as
add an element of suspense and randomness. Below
the system is laid out in detail.
Vices are certain things that a Protagonist or
Antagonist has a soft spot for, something that is a
hang-up that they can just never get over and will
always trip them up. Protagonists and Antagonists
always start a game with one Vice. Vices make
it harder to succeed at actions that involve them.
Examples of Vices include “Boozehound”, “Never
allow a woman to be hurt” or “Adrenaline Junky”.
Deining Conlict
Whenever a character encounters a task that he wishes
to accomplish but there is some doubt as to whether or
not he will be capable of succeeding he is in Conlict.
Conlict Resolution is something that helps the player
igure out whether he is capable of succeeding in said
action or if he fails miserably in the attempt.
Criminal Element uses a conlict resolution
mechanic that utilizes a standard deck of playing
cards with jokers included. Basically, the system is a
variation on the core rules of Blackjack. Every conlict
boils down to a series of card draws between the
characters involved. Cards are drawn and compared
as described below.
The Director is always the person to decide
whether a character is in Conlict and is the inal word
on the matter.
Conlict Resolution
When a conlict is irst declared each player draws
two cards from their deck. In most situations the irst
card drawn is set down face up so the other players
can see the value of the card, the other face down. If
a character has a Knack that is related to the task at
hand all cards played are kept face down face down.
If a character has a Vice that is somehow related to the
conlict all cards are kept face up. If a character has
both a Knack and Vice that relate to the conlict, ignore
both and act as if the character had neither.
Next, each player should look over their
character’s Traits. Try and ind one that is closely
tied to the conlict. A player may draw as many extra
cards, either face up or face down, as he has in the
highest ranked trait that is related to the conlict at
hand. These extra cards can only be used if the trait
can be reasonably seen as helpful in the conlict. Only
one Trait may be used by a character in any given
draw. A player does not have to draw these cards if
he doesn’t want to and can draw less than their Trait
rating if they chose to do so.
It is likely that a character will not have a
Trait related to the Conlict. If this is so the draw is
calculated from the two original cards drawn.
Finally, each character should try and put
together their best hand possible in an attempt to get
as close a total from their cards to 21 without going
over. All face up cards must be used to create this
total but any face down cards that the player doesn’t
want can be discarded. In conlicts where two or more
characters oppose each other, players compare their
hands and the person with the highest total that doesn’t
exceed 21 succeeds.
After the end of each conlict, shufle all cards
back into the deck.
Traits, Knacks and Vices
Characters in Criminal Element are deined by three
basic game concepts: Traits, Knacks and Vices. While
all characters will have Traits, only Protagonists and
Antagonists will have Knacks and Vices.
Traits are simply qualities that a character has
that may be of note. While basic one-word descriptors
such as “Strong” or “Quick” can be Traits, others
named with a bit more lair also can count, such as
“Gift of Gab” or “Cool as a Motherfucker”. Traits are
ranked on a scale of one through three, a one showing
certain ability with the trait, a two showing a good
skill with it and three displaying a mastery of the trait.
Having a rank in a Trait will help a character succeed
on actions that involve that Trait.
Knacks are not only something that a character
is good at but is something that they deine themselves
by. Some people call their Knack their calling, their
bag or perhaps their talent. It’s what they do best and
is what they’re known for.
All Protagonists and Antagonists have one
Knack, which is not ranked. Common Knacks are
“Hitman”, “Driver” or “Leader of the Pack”.
Margin of Success/ Failure
Sometimes it becomes necessary to know by how
much a character succeeded or failed on a draw. In
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