
(28 KB) Pobierz
[10][50]Richard Cypher,|you are the true Seeker.
[51][70]( heroic theme playing )
[71][119]Legend of the Seeker 2x16|Desecrated
[235][264]It's a good thing Mord'Sith|are used to torture...
[265][296]because that's exactly what|eating this stew will be.
[297][317]( sniffs )
[332][364]Well, maybe Zedd and Kahlan'll|find some mushrooms.
[365][394]It's gonna take more|than mushrooms to save this.
[395][414]( rustling )
[435][458]( woman panting )
[459][472]( rustling continues )
[473][485]( ominous theme playing )
[509][536]We went to town|for provisions, gars attacked.
[537][556]Where's Zedd?|Trying to fight them off.
[574][593]( suspenseful theme playing )
[708][725]Zedd followed them|in here.
[751][770]( suspenseful theme playing )
[805][826](All)|Happy birthday!
[827][848]( all laughing )
[863][895]We couldn't celebrate with|that awful meal, now could we?
[921][933]Were you in on this too?
[934][971]I suggested we celebrate|your birthday the Mord'Sith way.
[972][1002]I didn't think Mord'Sith|celebrated birthdays.
[1003][1022]We don't.
[1023][1049]Richard, I'd like you to meet|our generous host,
[1050][1067]Duke Anders.
[1083][1107]Thank you. I hope you didn't go|to too much trouble.
[1108][1125]Not at all. It's the least|we could do
[1126][1143]for the Seeker on his birthday.
[1144][1166]In years past,|this was a day of remembrance
[1167][1185]for those slain in the massacre|at Brennidon.
[1186][1217]But when we learned you would be|passing so close to Dunshire,
[1218][1245]we decided this day shouldn't be|a time of mourning anymore.
[1246][1274]From now on, it will be a day|to honor the Seeker
[1275][1291]and all he's done|for the Midlands.
[1309][1330](Anders)|May I introduce my son, Erik.
[1331][1361]Would you honor us by leading|the first dance, Seeker?
[1362][1397]He'd love to.
[1398][1417]( upbeat folk music playing )
[1676][1699]Care to join them?
[1700][1726]I'd rather fight gars.
[1801][1835]( man speaking|in ancient tongue )
[1873][1890]Cormac is quite good.
[1891][1908]He's a favorite|among the locals.
[1909][1940]It's my great pleasure to|perform for our guest of honor,
[1941][1974]Richard Cypher.
[1975][2001]And may I say what a pleasure|it is to perform
[2002][2036]for the Wizard of the First|Order, Zeddicus Z'ul Zorander.
[2037][2086]Compared to your magic, all I|have to offer are mere tricks.
[2087][2121]But I hope you'll enjoy them|all the same.
[2142][2166]( crowd gasps, claps )
[2167][2198](Cormac)|I'll need a volunteer.
[2199][2214]You, my dear.
[2215][2241]I don't think so.
[2242][2259]Cara, it's a party.
[2260][2273]You're supposed to have fun.
[2317][2334]( crowd clapping )
[2359][2374]I can only hope the Mord'Sith
[2375][2394]will not turn my magic|against me.
[2395][2417]( crowd laughs )|Just get this over with.
[2418][2439]I'll need|another volunteer.
[2440][2472]Perhaps the Mother Confessor.
[2473][2484]All right.
[2538][2578]Now, if you ladies|could step into these boxes...
[2781][2822]Seeker, would you like to see|your friends again?
[2823][2846]I'm kind of enjoying|the peace and quiet.
[2864][2889]But if you must...|(Cormac) Very well.
[2890][2923]But in order to bring them back,|I'll need assistance
[2924][2946]from certain members|of the audience.
[2947][2981]Will the following gentlemen|please stand?
[2982][2997]Gareth J'Tan,
[2998][3027]Grayson Logren,
[3028][3044]Henrik Katara,
[3045][3070]Malcolm Copatar,
[3071][3085]and Erik Anders.
[3164][3188]If you ever wish to see|the Mother Confessor
[3189][3209]and Mord'Sith again, Seeker,
[3210][3241]you will kill|these five cowards.
[3242][3254]( crowd murmuring )
[3255][3265]What did you say?
[3266][3298]They will not cheat death again.
[3319][3348]Bring Kahlan and Cara back now.
[3349][3374]If you kill me,|you'll never find them.
[3389][3421]And if these five men|aren't dead within a day,
[3422][3445]your friends will be.
[3460][3475]Oh, and Seeker.
[3476][3497]In case you think|I've forgotten your birthday,
[3498][3515]I have a gift for you.
[3588][3602]( dramatic theme playing )
[3603][3630]( groans )
[3654][3678]Wherever we are, we aren't|getting out this way.
[3836][3846]What does it say?
[3847][3885]"You have one day|until the sands run out.
[3886][3910]And when they do,|so does your air."
[3948][3990]You were right.|This party is lots of fun.
[4014][4034](Zedd)|What is it?
[4050][4076]It's a journey book.
[4114][4138]"For writing|to your loved ones."
[4139][4158]I don't undersnd.
[4159][4182]He wants us to write|to Kahlan and Cara.
[4183][4206]So we have proof|they're still alive.
[4207][4222]He knows Richard|won't do what he wants
[4223][4233]if they're already dead.
[4234][4244]It might be a trick.
[4245][4276]There's one way|to find out
[4277][4301]( suspenseful theme playing )
[4384][4405]There's a message.|It's from Richard.
[4406][4419]He wants to know|if we're all right.
[4437][4457](Cara)|Then we'd better write him back.
[4621][4653]Your conjurer knows more|than just parlor tricks.
[4654][4672]Wandering Dust.
[4673][4693]Not something|easy to come by.
[4694][4719]It allows the user to magically|transport things
[4720][4734]from one place to another.
[4735][4762]But no more than a--|A league.
[4763][4776]My men are searching|the area.
[4777][4797]Why does Cormac|want these five men dead?
[4823][4853]He lost five sons in the war|against the D'Harans.
[4854][4874]We all mourned his loss.
[4875][4893]He was grief-stricken,
[4894][4920]but I had no idea he was capable|of something like this.
[4921][4939]But what does he have against|the men on the list?
[4956][4973]None of us fought in the war.
[4974][5005]But they weren't the only ones|who didn't fight.
[5006][5022]We have a lottery.
[5023][5056]Every eligible man in Dunshire|has a tile with his name on it.
[5057][5074]Each year,|in the town square,
[5075][5118]the men put their tiles into|a cauldron, and, blindfolded,
[5119][5155]I choose the tiles of those|who will serve in our army.
[5156][5180]Everyone has the same chance|to be called for service.
[5201][5231]I wanted to fight,|but my name was never chosen.
[5232][5254]We couldn't allow|all of our sons to fight.
[5255][5293]They might all be killed,|much like in Brennidon.
[5294][5316]Some men had to survive
[5317][5345]to ensure the province|would survive.
[5360][5381]Ours is a fair system.
[5382][5403]Cormac doesn't seem to agree.
[5404][5439]And he made sure everyone|in Dunshire knows it.
[5440][5454]He's quite the showman.
[5455][5477]You can't give in|to this madman, Seeker.
[5478][5502]You can't kill us.|I'm not killing anyone.
[5522][5550]There's a message.
[5569][5603]"We're trapped in a tomb with|only a day's worth of air.
[5604][5630]"Get us out of here so I can|strangle that old magician
[5631][5642]with his own entrails."
[5643][5664]That's definitely Cara.
[5665][5686]Are there any tombs|within a league of here?
[5687][5701]At the necropolis.
[5702][5713]Where does Cormac live?
[5714][5742]In a cottage|at the edge of the woods.
[5743][5772]Go to his house.|Take some men.
[5773][5804]See if there's anything that can|help us find Kahlan and Cara.
[5805][5823]We're going to the necropolis.
[5824][5844]( ominous theme playing )
[5845][5873]Spread out,|search as many tombs as you can.
[5924][5941]There must be|thousands of them.
[5942][5964]The necropolis has been here|for centuries.
[5965][5982]Hundreds more tombs|were added
[5983][6002]over the course of the long|D'Haran war.
[6003][6026]We'll do what we can, Seeker.
[6027][6051]But I'm not sure we can find|one tomb among so many
[6052][6073]before the sands run out.
[6165][6197]There's another message|from Richard.
[6198][6222]He wants us to look for anything|that'll help him
[6223][6248]identify this particular tomb.
[6249][6287]An engraving, an inscription...
[6288][6308](Cara)|I'll take this side.
[6350][6360]Any luck?
[6361][6378]Lt. Rankin's men|are searching the tombs.
[6379][6396]But it's gonna take more time|than we have.
[6397][6412]I was hoping|you'd found something.
[6413][6452]Only the pieces|of a shattered life.
[6453][6495]The table is still set|for five sons...
[6496][6511]who will never return.
[6512][6541]This man lost everything.
[6562][6589]Except his grief.
[6646][6658](Rankin)|Medals of valor.
[6659][6681]The highest honor we have.
[6682][6718]Awarded to those|who died saving others.
[6719][6737]These are|their lottery tiles.
[6738][6754]( mysterious theme playing )
[6948][6968]What is it?
[6969][6983]Could I see your tile?
[7038][7054]They're the same weight.
[7055][7067]Why shouldn't they be?
[7068][7091]I held Erik's tile|in my hand.
[7092][7115]His was heavier.
[7116][7137]There's only one reason|to make some tiles
[7138][7151]weigh more than the others...
[7152][7178]To know which ones not to pick.
[7179][7207]The lottery was rigged.
[7208][7234]That's how the same five men|were never chosen.
[7235][7267]Fortune didn't smile upon them.
[7268][7294]The Duke did.
[7295][7337]I served Duke Anders faithfully|all these years,
[7338][7370]and risked death every day
[7371][7410]in the war against Darken Rahl.
[7411][7435]I saw men spill rivers of blood
[7436][7470]to keep these lands safe.
[7471][7514]All while those privileged brats
[7515][7545]let others fight and die|in their place?
[7546][7558]( scoffs )
[7559][7588]If killing a few cowards|will save the life
[7589][7601]of the Mother Confessor,
[7602][7615]you should run them through.
[7616][7654]I understand your anger,|but I'm not giving in to Cormac.
[7655][7679]If we run out of time,|you may not have a choice.
[7680][7699]( dramatic theme playing )
[7762][7775]Have you found anything?
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