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Some common English names for bones:
jaw bone
vertebral column
shoulder blade
thigh bone
A fracnrre is a break in a bone. Some of the different types of fracture:
impacted open (compound)
A pathological fracture is fracture in a diseased bone- A fatigue J, ,o.r, fracture is due to
repeated minor trauma, for example long-distance marching or running.
Treatment of fractures
When the fragments of a broken bone heal and
join together, they unite. Union may be promoted,
or helped, by reducig the fracture - replacing the
fragments in their anatomical position if they are
displaced. After reduction, excessive movement o{
the broken bone is prevented by fixation - either
extemal, for example a splint or plaster of Paris cast,
or internal, for example a pin or a plate and screws.
A displaced fracture which is not reduced may result
in malunion - incornplete or incorrect union. l
Note: The verb reduce has severa| meanings in mdicine :
l to make smaller - lthink we'd bettr reduce the dose of your toblets:
I (in surgery) to return to anatomical position - A hernio con normolly be reduced by manipulotion.
r (in chemistry) to rmov oxYgen or add hydrogen - Nitric ocid is o reducing ogent.
a pin a plate and screws
Professiono/ Engiish in Use Medicine
'! S" 1 Label the diagram using rvords from the box. Look at A opposite to help you.
jaw bone
sloulder blade
thigh bone
1 S.2 lylatch the types of fracture (1-5) with the descriptions (a-e). Look art B opposite to help you.
i open
2 comminuted
3 displaced
4 greenstick
5 impacted
a There is a break in the skin.
b The bone is bent. It occurs mainly in children.
c The bone is broken into several pieces-
d The broken pieces are separated-
e The broken pieces are pushed together.
t 6.3 Complete the textbook extract. Look at C opposite to heJp you.
(1) ................................ a fracture jnvolves trying to return the bones to as near to their original
position as possible. lf a fracture is allowed to heal in a displaced position the fracture
will (2)
...... but it may go on to (3).............
Professiono/ English in Use Medicine
Exercise 1: Discuss the following points in pairs.
o ln what way is a visit at the physiotherapist's different from a visit in a doctor's
surgery? Think about: a place, patients' problems, questions asked, examina-
tion, etc.
o What problems may appear while examining a patient? Think about: pain,
fear, lack of understanding, etc.
. ls it easy to instruct a patient to do exercises? How should it be done?
Exercise 2: Read the text and mark the sentences below True or False. Correct
the false ones. Refer to the wordlist at the end of the unit.
The basic task of a physiotherapist is to relieve a patient's pain and restore hisiher
normal movement and function patterns. Patients come to a physiotherapist with vari-
ous problems, such as e.g. injuries. They can only be successfully treated when the
cause of the problem is fully investigated and corrected, that is when a detailed history
is taken. lnterpersonal communication skills are vital because a physiotherapist has to
ask various questions concerning the location, duration, onset, character, severity, tim-
ing, exacerbating and relieving factors, radiation, but also patient's lifestyle, job, other
disorders, etc. lt is very important to gather as much information as possible at this
stage since it helps later in examining, diagnosing and preparing an adequate treat-
ment plan. History taking is followed by a physical examination in which a complete
posture, gait, and biomechanical assessment must be made. This is usually carried out
by simple exercises that patients have to do. Physiotherapist instructs a patient in a
clear way, using simple language and nice tone of voice. This helps the patient to relax
and develops the feeling of trust towards the specialist.
adequate - odpowiedni
backache - bl plecw
bend - zgi
bottom * poladki
complaint - dolegliwo
exacerbate - nasila si
extension exercises- wiczenia rozciga-
firm - szwny
gait - chd
gather - zgromadzi
investigate - bada
knee - kolano
lean - pochyli si
lift - uniec
thigh - udo
tummy - brzuch
numerous - liczny
onset - pocztek
pattern - wzr, model
radiation - promieniowanie (o blu)
raise - unosi
restore - przywraca
roll over - przekrci si
severity - ciko (o przebiegu
slide - lizgacsi
sore - bolcy, bolesny
spot - miejsce, punkt
stick out - wystawa
staighten - wyprostowa
task - zadanie
vital - wany
. What does physical examination done by a physiotherapist look like?
1. A physiotherapist frequently deals with patients' functional disabilities.
2. A successful treatment is not connected to the stage of history taking in any
3. \Mile history taking a physiotherapist should ask numerous questions.
4. Physiotherapist is not interested in a patient's lifestyle.
5. Communication skills only help while history taking.
6. A physiotherapist should collect as much information about the complaint as
7. A physical examination should be careful and complete.
8. Patient does not have to do anything while physical examination.
Exercise 3: Role play.Work in palrs. Ghange roles.
You are a physiotherapist. Ask several questions about the patient's complaint (loca-
tion, duration, onset, frequency, timing, character, etc.).
You are a patient. You have a backache. Answer the physiotherapist's questions in a
detailed way.'
Exercise 4: Physical examination. Read the dialogue and put the drawings in
the correct order.
Ph(ysiotherapist): Would you take off your top things, please. Now I just
want to see you standing. Keep your hands by your side, please. I
can see your hip is sticking out a little bit, isn't it?
L Patients always trust specialists.
Pa(tient): Yes, well, I can't straighten up easily.
Ph: Could you bend down as far as you can with your knees straight and
stop when you've had enough.
Pa: Oh, that's the limit.
Ph: Ok, stand up again, please. Now I would like you to lean backwards.
Thank you, that's enough. Now stand up straight again. Now, first of
all, I would like you to slide your right hand down the right side of
your thigh. See how far you can go. That's fine. Now do the same
thing on the opposite side. Fine. Now come back to standing straight,
please. Keep the feet together just as they are. Keep your knees firm.
Now try and turn both shoulders round to the right, please.
Pa: oh, that's hus.
Ph: Now, try the same thing to the left side. That's fine. Would you like to
get onto the couch and lie face down, please. I'm just going to find
out where the sore spot is.
Exercise 5: Complete the gaps with the correct words from the box with the
help of the drawings below.
press lift
straighten lie
Now, I'm going to take your left leg and see how far we can 2). ..... it.
Keep the knee straight. Does it hurt you?
Pa; Yes, just a little.
Ph: Now let's see what happens if I 3).... .. your tqes back.
Pa: Oh, that's worse.
Ph: I'm going to 4).
your knee. How does it feel?
Pa: A little better.
Ph: Now let's se what happens when we 5).
your leg again.
Pa: That's sore.
Ph: l'm just going to 6). ....., behind your knee.
Pa: oh, that hus a lot, here in my back'
Ph: Right. Now would you 7). ...... over on your tummy? Bend your right
Ph: Would you get onto the couch and 1) . on your back, please.
knee. How does that 8). .......?
Pa: lt hurts.
Ph: Now I'm going to 9). ..... yourthigh off the couch.
Pa: Oh, that really hurts!
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