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00:01:08:<i>This movie is the story about when 10 days</i>|<i>before Gwangju Democratization Movement.</i>
00:01:14:<i>And the 90% of this story</i>|<i>is just a fiction.</i>
00:01:22:<i>May 7, 1980</i>
00:01:31:What are you going to do|about this crisis?
00:01:41:Um... I...
00:01:43:I don't have anything|to say for myself.
00:01:45:Since last year's fall league,
00:01:47:We lost to Anam-dong|3 times out of 3.
00:01:50:Even if we win the Nationals,
00:01:52:if we lose to Anam again,|your neck is on the line.
00:01:58:All right, so we lost this time|What are we going to do from now on?
00:02:02:After CHOI Dong-won graduates|next year, what are you going to do?
00:02:06:Uh, well, there isn't any one pitcher
00:02:10:who really stands out among|the high school seniors.
00:02:13:I heard there's one who plays for|Gwang-ju First High.
00:02:17:What was his name?
00:02:19:<i>Korea's Best High School Athlete Award</i>|<i>- Pitching ace SUN Dong-yeul!</i>
00:02:20:<i>Gwang-ju Ace SUN Dong-yeul,</i>|<i>No Hits, No Runs</i>
00:02:21:<i>A Star Pitcher is Born!</i>
00:02:23:Do you mean SUN Dong-yeul?
00:02:25:Yes, yes, SUN Dong-yeul!
00:02:27:I saw him at the National High School|Baseball Tournament;
00:02:29:he was very impressive.
00:02:30:Yes, well,
00:02:32:he is the best pitcher|in the nation for sure, but...
00:02:39:Well, you see...
00:02:40:He already started negotiations|with another school last year.
00:02:45:No way.
00:02:48:Anam-dong, is it?
00:02:56:Scout him!|No matter what it takes!
00:03:12:Whew! That stuff's toxic.|Can't open my eyes.
00:03:16:The quality of Korea's tear gas bombs|is recognized worldwide.
00:03:19:They're even exported!
00:03:21:Did you get a gift?
00:03:22:Yeah, I got what you suggested.|A bra from Vivian's.
00:03:26:Carnation.|You told me to get a real one, right?
00:03:29:Yes. That's what's in these days.
00:03:37:Beaches in Mangsang,|Mukho, and Donghae.|Whoa, that stuff's driving me nuts.
00:03:43:Ms. KIM, go to|the Accounting Department
00:03:45:and get the traveling|allowance we requested.
00:03:46:- Okay.|- Chief, are you going somewhere?
00:03:51:What about you?|Are you going somewhere?
00:03:53:I'm going to use up all|my yearly and monthly vacation.
00:03:58:My respiratory system|has gotten bad,
00:04:02:so I'm going to get some rest.
00:04:09:You hate me, don't you?
00:04:10:Good for you.
00:04:28:I bought you a gift for Parent's Day|but I left it at school.
00:04:31:You're just saying|that aren't you?
00:04:33:Ah, I can't believe|I completely forgot!
00:04:35:I left it right on top of my desk.
00:04:37:I'll give it to you|as soon as I get back from vacation.
00:04:39:Yeah, whatever.
00:04:41:Don't hang out with bad people
00:04:43:and please think about|getting married.
00:04:45:What are you going to do|if I get married?
00:04:48:You have a boyfriend|or something?
00:04:49:I can't even date because of you.
00:05:00:Mom, get the phone!|Ugh. Who's calling so late?
00:05:11:<i>Ah, I knew that old car</i>|<i>was too dangerous to drive.</i>
00:05:14:<i>How bad was the accident?</i>|<i>Are you badly hurt?</i>
00:05:17:<i>Don't asK.</i>|<i>My legs are broKen,</i>
00:05:19:<i>and I can't even budge.</i>
00:05:20:<i>Hey, go to Gwang-ju instead of me!</i>
00:05:21:<i>What? I'm on leave.</i>
00:05:24:<i>I have plans</i>|<i>I already bought my ticKets.</i>
00:05:26:<i>How can you talK about vacation</i>|<i>at a time liKe this!</i>
00:05:28:Hey, you don't know how serious|this situation is at all,
00:05:30:do you, huh?
00:05:33:Don't even think about|coming to Seoul
00:05:35:until you meet SUN Dong-yeul,|got it?
00:05:38:<i>Hey, if you do this job real well,</i>
00:05:40:<i>I'll give my used car to you,</i>|<i>all right?</i>
00:05:57:Gwang-ju's baseball fields|have light stands?
00:05:59:Are you from Seoul?
00:06:01:Don't put down Gwang-ju.
00:06:03:It's going to be a city|run by the central government, soon.
00:06:17:<i>Congratulations MVP SUN Dong-yeul</i>
00:06:28:You came 'cause of Dong-yeul, right?
00:06:30:Well, not just to see Dong-yeul
00:06:33:I came to see some others, too.
00:06:35:Ugh! Your shoulders are|opening up too much!
00:06:41:But I think Dong-yeul|has already decided on a school.
00:06:46:Well, nothing's final|until the papers are signed.
00:06:48:Why didn't you catch that? Ah!
00:06:50:Crazy fools, don't know|what they're doing!
00:06:54:Can I meet Dong-yeul?
00:07:02:Coach... Coach!
00:07:06:Holy cow, Young-gil!|Can't you do it faster?
00:07:10:Your lower body|strength's too weak!
00:07:14:Please, let me meet Dong-yeul.
00:07:18:He ain't here.
00:07:21:Pitchers train somewhere else|and don't get back until training ends.
00:07:24:Even if you're giving them|'hell training,'
00:07:26:going to|a deserted island is extreme.
00:07:29:That's how it's always done
00:07:31:It ain't called|'hell training for nothin'.
00:07:34:When are they coming back?
00:07:36:Well, I guess they're coming back|when they run out of food.
00:07:40:But if they feel like|they need more practice,
00:07:43:they may just make do with snakes|and deer for food
00:07:46:and stay there longer.
00:07:47:Well then, coach...
00:07:50:When Dong-yeul gets back|give me a ring at this number.
00:07:57:I can't go back to Seoul,|unless I meet him,
00:08:01:- so please.|- All right.
00:08:04:Aren't you going to look at|any of our other players?
00:08:06:There are many good ones.
00:08:08:No, it's all right.|Unless it's Dong-yeul.
00:08:19:<i>May 9
00:08:24:Yeah. Didn't you say Hyun-gon|lived in Gwang-ju?
00:08:27:<i>- That's Gwang-ju in Gyeonggi Province</i>|- In Gyeonggi Province?
00:08:31:Then who between our fellows|is from Gwang-ju in Jeolla Province?
00:08:34:<i>Is it Se-young?</i>
00:08:36:- Se-young?|<i>- Yeah, KIM Se-young!</i>
00:08:39:Class of '72, KIM Se-young?
00:08:41:<i>Hey, weren't you two close?</i>
00:08:42:Close? Nah.
00:08:45:Why is she here?
00:08:47:<i>- That's her hometown.</i>|- Hey, I know that.
00:08:50:But doesn't she work in Seoul?
00:08:52:<i>I heard she went bacK home.</i>
00:08:54:<i>She worKs at the YMCA or YWCA...</i>|<i>Something liKe that anyway.</i>
00:08:59:- All right, thanks.|<i>- OKay.</i>
00:09:12:Title: Tattoo.|Written by SEO Gon-tae.
00:09:18:In my clueless years,|my body was a canvas.
00:09:23:The first thing|I drew was a stray dog.
00:09:27:That was to swear my undying loyalty|to my gang brothers.
00:09:31:The next thing|I drew was a cat.
00:09:35:I meant to draw a tiger|but messed up.
00:09:40:But after I met you,|I got rid of all the animals.
00:09:46:I vowed never to draw|on my body again.
00:09:50:I wanted to be seen|as a pure man to you.
00:09:56:But the one thing I missed
00:10:02:was the arrow of love|that you sent my way.
00:10:04:It struck my heart and|became a deeply engraved tattoo.
00:10:10:Can't seem to erase it.|Can't seem to erase it.
00:10:20:Are you that moved?
00:10:22:I was enlightened|by the works of
00:10:24:poet KIM Soo-young based|on your recommendation.
00:10:27:So I just kind of wrote|without thinking much.
00:10:32:How long has it been?
00:10:36:7 years.
00:10:41:Wow, it's already been 7 years|since Bruce LEE passed away.
00:10:44:I... I thought you were working|for a publishing company in Seoul.
00:10:50:I quit last year and came home.
00:10:54:What brings you to Gwang-ju?
00:11:01:I came to meet SUN Dong-yeul.
00:11:03:SUN Dong-yeul?|Who's that?
00:11:14:That's still playing|in theaters here?
00:11:16:Snake in the Eagle's Shadow...
00:11:18:It's showing late.
00:11:20:It's not|that new of a release anymore.
00:11:22:Did you see it?|You like Chinese films.
00:11:26:Jackie CHAN has a long way to go|to be as good as Bruce LEE.
00:11:30:Still, Jackie CHAN is...
00:11:36:Man, tear gas bombs|are more toxic here than in Seoul. Ugh.
00:11:45:Inhale this through your nose.|You'll feel better.
00:11:50:You carry toothpaste?
00:12:01:That guy was my commanding officer|when I was in the army.
00:12:07:Our unit had a sports day|and we had a soccer match.
00:12:10:He was the goalie|for the other team.
00:12:15:I dribbled the ball|and managed to pass 4 guys
00:12:19:to end up end up one-on-one with him.
00:12:22:I shot the ball|straight into his face.
00:12:27:Both his nostrils started bleeding
00:12:29:Man, I froze|because I was scared.
00:12:33:But all he did was get up and say,
00:12:35:Are you being soft because|I'm your commanding officer?
00:12:38:Just treat me as if|I were a lowly private.
00:12:42:Now that was a real man.
00:12:49:Oh, right. You don't like|that man very much.
00:12:54:I'm not saying|I like him politically.
00:12:57:I'm just saying|he's pretty attractive as a man.
00:13:01:How is an old, bald-headed man|attractive?
00:13:12:How many times|do you think of me a day?
00:13:16:Let's see.
00:13:18:Three or four times?
00:13:20:I think of you only once a day.
00:13:25:I think of you more, then.
00:13:26:I think of you as soon as I wake up|and I don't stop until I go to bed.
00:13:30:That's why it's just once.
00:13:39:Bring it, bring it, bring it.
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