Science of Self Defence 1867-Edmund Price.pdf

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Science of Self Defence - part 1
The Science of Self Defence
A Treatise on Sparring and Wrestling
By Edmund Price 1867
In giving the following pages to the world, we do so with a certain degree of anxiety
oscillating between pride and ear-pride at our maiden effort-fear for its success. We
began to write this work in 1860, but the war breaking soon after, compelled us to defer
the undertaking to a more auspicious season. And now that Military arms are no longer
fashionable, doubtless "Old Nature's" arms in adjusting quarrels or in self-protection will
be the only weapons needed. Therefore as a natural consequence, their practical
development and scientific use should be earnestly cutivated.
Some readers may inquire why our work needs a preface, and many devoted to light
literature may consider all prefaces bores. With all due deference, we esteem this an
error, for from a preface you may glean the author's intentions and opinions in reference
to his work. The prefaces of Sir Walter Scott, are models of humor and historic truth and
beauty; those of Bulwer instructive and interesting. At all events the most eminent
authors in all ages have in their prefaces deprecated the severity of critics and appealed to
the kindness of their readers in regard to faults and imperfections and anticipated
"Custom exacts, and who denies her sway?
A epilogue to every five-act play."
So it is equally imperative on the subject of prefaces. We have therefore resolved that our
little bantling shall be ushered into this 'breathing world' with all the literary honors. But
what shall our preface treat of? Shall we go back to the days of Greece and Rome and
exhibit our classic lore in recoutning the sposrts and games of antiquity; how at religious
festivals the noblest of the Grecians and Romans contended in throwing the discus,
hurling the javelin, Running, Leaping, Wrestling and Boxing. Shall we tell of teh
Olympian, Pythian, Isthmian or Nemean games, and how for ten months the Athletes
underwent preparatory training in the Gymnaasion at Elis under the careful tuition of
accomplished Masters, and how the greatest Statesmen, Poets, and Warriors contended
for the Olive Crown, and how Alcibiades, the finest formed man of his age, owed his
exquisite and superb physique to his training for the Olympian games?
"He deemed it no small part of his renown
To wear the Olive with the Laurel crown."
Our purpose is not to dwell on the past; but no one familiar with the history of the
Grecian or Roman people, can fail to realize the fact, that to out-door sports and games
they were indebted for their stalwart warriors, warriors that made Rome the mistress of
the world. It was only when effeminacy and luxury pervaded the masses of the nation that
the seven-hilled Queen fell before the conquering arm of the Goths and Vandals. We
presume no one at the present day will deny the advantages (not only to the sedentary,
but to everyone) of wise and systematic physical training. The union of strength and
beauty in the human form is the greatest point to be achieved, and if 'Mens sana in
corpore sano' is the greatest of blessings, it can only be obtained by a judicious exercise
of all the powers of the mind and the muscles of the body acting in harmony; therefore
we do not fear contradiction in asserting that out-door sports and gymnastic exercises
promote cheerfulness, 'clear the cobwebs from the brain', excite a healthy circulation of
the blood, and brace and harden the muscles. How many earnest students have defeated
all their efforts for the elevation of mankind, by a neglect of this most obvious principle
of husbanding and strengthening their physical resources; dooming themselves to a life of
suffering and premature grave. We could quote many illustrious examples of this neglect
of the body, in the over anxiety for the development of the intellectual powers. Though
perfect harmony is perfect beauty, and though the immortal soul, the ever active mind of
man, are gems of priceless value, not less worthy of preservation and care is the casket in
which they are enshrined.
But our work is not a treatise on medicine-and we must not frighten our readers, nor must
we commit the worst of offences in this wide-awake age by becoming prosy. Our object,
then, in this volume is to give a correct and reliable Manual on the "Art of Self Defense",
not founded on 'obsolete' rules of aby-gone age, but on the practical results of our own
experience adn observation, and we trust, with a clearness and precision that will render it
invaluable to the pupil and interesting to the amateur and general reader. We also give
such hints on training as will be useful to all persons engaged in sedentary pursuits.
Even those who look with horror and disgust on the Prize Ring are willing to allow that a
scientific knowledge of self defence is desirable simply as a means of self preservation
and protection, and certainly the philanthropist, of two evils will choose the least, a 'free
fight', which, as Shakespeare says, may end in 'bloody noses and cracked crowns', being
far preferable to the wholesale butcheries that have too often disgraced the civilization of
our large cities.
Man is a pugnacious animal. the organ of combativeness is largely developed in many
heads, and has just as legitimate a place as reverence of ideality, and though
Phrenologists term it a propensity, (in contradistinction to the moral and intellectual
organs,) it enters largely into every enterprise in which courage and energy are
indispensable. Without it, George Stevenson would never have spanned England with
railroads, or our Fulton set his first steamer floating in majestic beauty on the fair bosom
of the Hudson. Wisdom should teach us, not to ignore either its existence, or power for
good or evil, but how wisely to guide and control it. It is a well known fact that
professional pugilists are generally men of great forebearance under provocation, and we
are satisfied that a thorough knowledge of the 'Art of Self Defence' renders man not
quarrelsome but forebearing, for they feel it is glorious to possess a giant's strength, but
cowardly to use it like a giant. Therefore, on the score of good manners and breeding, we
suggest a thorough cultivation of this manly accomplishment. But we must bring these
preliminary remarks to a close, trusting our labors will not prove entirely in vain. As
physical training is exciting attention in this country, we hope our little book may be the
means of attracting the notice of those who have hitherto given little thought to the
subject, that its hints may be acted upon, and that its judicious system of training may
plant the rose on many a faced cheek and that we may see the rare combination of
physical beauty, strength and gentleness, united to those moral adn intellectual qualities
that ever mark the true gentleman.
Blow Number One
Blow Number Two
Blow Number Three
Blow Number Four
Blow Number Five
Blow Number Six
Blow Number Seven
Parry Number One
Parry Number Two
Parry Number Three
Parry Number Four
Parry Number Five
Parry Number Six
Parry Number Seven
Cross and Counter Fibbing
The Arm
As a motive power for offense of defense, it would be a mere waste of our time as well as
that of our readers, were we to expatiate upon the propriety of the heading to these pages.
The arm is literally the principal motive power physically given to man for offense and
defense. This is self evident. Who, possessing the ordinary instinct of pugnacity common
to humanity, ever received a blow that did not at once acknowledge the favor by 'hitting
out' straight from the shoulder? Who that is about to receive one, does not instinctively
place himself as rapidly as possible in the best natural position to ward it off?
Whether a man is of an extremely bellicose disposition or othewise, the disposition to
return or parry a blow is instinctive and cannot be wanting in his normal condition.
With or without a weapon, it may be considered invaluable. To the honor of the Anglo-
Saxon blood, let it be said that the tendency to use a weapon is rarely evinced, either by
the American or Englishman, save the cause of quarrel be one which blood alone can
wipe out, or there is such a manifest disparity in age or physical strength between the
parties as to render such a trial of the question between them in its results, a prejudged
Let me then indicate to my readers the best manner in which they can employ the original
weapons of defense which they inherit from their primary progenitor, Old Adam.
To administer a blow with sharp and telling effect, it is absolutely necessary that you
should be precise and clean in your delivery; otherwise, instead of injuring your
opponent, you are liable to disable yourself. This must, as a necessary consequence,
render you liable to defeat, even though you may be infinitely stronger than your
adversary. To avoid this, your first attention should be given to the position of your arms.
They should invariably be disposed in an easy attitude, (which, because it is easy, is
certain to be graceful,) as ready to repel an attack efficiently, as to retaliate upon, by
assailing, your adversary.
The position of the arms, will, however, have to be varied according to your own
capabilities. No specific or invariable rule can be given which is applicable to every kind
of figure, disposition, or weight.
There are perhaps in the world no two pugilists whose position is precisely alike when
they spar or right. As no two poets treating the same subject would deliver themselves of
the same numbers-as no two painters when embodying the same subject could treat it in
perfectly the same manner, and as no two men possess exactly the same lineaments-so it
is almost an impossibility for two pugilists to take exactly the same attitude, however
nearly the physical conformation of one man may approach the other. However, while we
state this, there are rules without the observance of which neither the poet nor painter can
do anything worth looking at. So there are rules for the position of the arms, which you
would do well to attend to, if you intend covering yourself or punishing your opponent.
Should there by any chance or ignorance be unobserved, the unavoidable certainty would
be that your frontispiece would be so elaborately ornamented by your assailant, or at all
events your body would be so cruelly punished, that you might find it extremely
unpleasant to be visible to your friends for the ensuing two or three weeks. Under these
circumstances you may in all probability find it as well as not to attend to them.
In the first place, the hand should be properly closed, or, as the phrase is, the fist should
be properly made up. This is a matter of much importance and will require practice. The
fingers should be clenched (not too tightly,) and the thumb so doubled down outside of
them that when the arm is in proper position for
action before your adversary, he can see no portion of it above the knuckles. If the hand
be rightly held the knuckles form a sort of arch, and if at the moment the blow be given,
the hand be clenched with all your might it cannot but be effective.
In the next place your left arm should be extended at about two thirds of its whole length
and the extremity of the arm should range just below the level of your shoulder. The back
of the hand should be turned downward, but at the same time the hand should be slightly
turned upward from the wrist. By this postition the back of your knuckles will be thrown
exactly upon a line with the face of your opponent.
The advantage of this position of the left arm, is self evident, and nothing could well be
easier or less fatiguing, and while its powerful propelling muscle is scarcely in full
tension, it is capable of complete and prompt exertion at any monent for offense or
Secondly, your right arm should be extended across your body, your finger knuckles
touching the nipple of the left breast. This must necessarily bring the knuckles of the back
of your hand immediately towards your adversary's face.
This position is even easier than that of the left arm while its advantages are precisely the
same. In each of them your elbows should be evenly squared, so that when either arm is
put in motion, it will just clear the body either in drawing back or advancing.
Thirdly, when you are sparring you deliver or push out each arm alternately, throwing out
the one arm, as you recover or draw back the other, so that when the one arm is out from
the body, ready to repel or attach, the other is quietly at rest, prompt to seize upon a
chance for any mischief which may court attention.
In laying down these for the position of the arms, we have expressed ourselves in the
simplest manner possible. Brevity is said to be the soul of wit. Whether it is or not, this
we do know, that while teaching the science of sparring, we have invariably found that
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