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Text taken from the “Holy Week Meditation and Study Guide”
which was generously provided by Rev. Father Andrew J. Demotses
Additional texts on the “Orthodox Celebration of Great and Holy Friday”,
the “Orthodox Celebration of Pascha”, and the “Icon of the Cruciixion”
compiled by Rev. Father Nektarios Morrow.
Icons of “he Epitaphios hrinos”, and “he Anastasis”
courtesy of Athanasios Clark and used with permission.
Icons of “he Bridegroom”, “he Mystical Supper”,
“he Cruciixion”, “he Apokathilosis”, and “he Myrrh-Bearing Women”
courtesy of heologic Systems, Inc. ( ) and used with permission.
“Christ is risen from the dead, by death He has trampled down
death, and to those in the tombs He has bestowed life.”
— Apolytikion for Pascha (Plagal of the First Tone)
Photographs courtesy of John homas Photography
and used with permission.
This booklet has been made possible by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Department of Internet Ministries.
For more information, visit
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The ServiceS of holy Week
The ServiceS of holy Week
Christ’s Resurrection and victory is
airmed in this morning’s theme. he
Gospel is read in several languages to
illustrate the universality of the Good News
of the Resurrection and its proclamation to
the very ends of the earth. Love, forgiveness,
reconciliation, triumph and joy—these are
the gifts which we receive because Christ
lived and died and triumphed for our sake.
Scripture readings for this service are
taken from: John 20:19-25.
T he services of Holy Week transform us into eyewitnesses
During the forty days of the
Resurrection period, Orthodox Christians
greet one another by saying: “Christ is
Risen”, the Easter salutation. hey likewise respond with the airmation: “Truly
He is Risen!”
he Gospel according to John (20:19-25) is read in various languages,
proclaiming the Good News of the Resurrection all over the universe without
discrimination. he fruit of faith in the Resurrection of the Lord is love in
His Name; therefore, this day is called “Sunday of Agape” (love feast), a day
dedicated to Christian principles, especially to forgiveness and charity. At this
time, Christians seek to end misunderstanding and arguments among those
with whom they may be at odds.
In readings taken from both Old and New Testaments, in
hymns, processions, and liturgical commemoration, we see the
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Icon of “The Myrrh-Bearing Women”
The ServiceS of holy Week
The ServiceS of holy Week
On Holy Saturday morning we celebrate
the theme of faithfulness receiving its reward.
he cruciixion is over, Christ is buried, the
twelve apostles and other disciples are scattered
and defeated. And yet, three myrrh-bearing
women come in faithfulness to perform the
last act of love—to anoint Jesus according to
the Jewish burial custom. heir unwavering
devotion is rewarded—they are the irst to share
in Christ’s triumph over evil and death. hey
are the irst witnesses to the Resurrection. his
joy is commemorated through the scattering of
bay leaves and rose petals by the priest. Scripture
readings for this service are taken from: Romans
6:3-11 and Matthew 28:1-20.
his evening’s service calls to mind the
beginning of Jesus’ sufering. he Gospel describes
the plotting of the priests and elders to trap Jesus into
convicting Himself as a religious heretic. hrough
parables, Jesus tells us of His coming betrayal,
trial, conviction and execution by cruciixion. he
hymns of this service commemorate two things:
he irst, the prophetic igure of Joseph, who,
while virtuous, nonetheless sufered unjustly at the
hands of his brothers before being greatly rewarded;
and the second, the parable of the ig tree, which
in failing to bear fruit, became a symbol of fallen
creation, and of our own lives, in which we also
have failed to bear spiritual fruit. Scripture readings for this service are taken
from: Matthew 21:18-43.
he lamentations of the previous night
are repeated and the church is plunged into
darkness to symbolize the despair and defeat
experienced before the dawn of Christ’s victory
over the Enemy of our salvation. Precisely at
midnight, a single light emerges from the
altar representing the victory of Christ over
death, the defeat of the Prince of Darkness
by Jesus, the Light of the World. As the light
is passed from person to person, it pushes
back the darkness of the church and defeats
it completely. he Resurrection is proclaimed
in song and triumphant procession, and after the Liturgy, its light is carried
into our homes so that they too might be illed with its light and warmth and
triumph. Scripture readings for this service are taken from: Mark 16:1-8.
his evening’s theme is the need for watchfulness and preparation,
lest we be called unprepared before the awesome judgement seat of Christ
to render an account of ourselves. he gospel reading contrasts the eforts of
the Pharisees to trick and discredit Jesus with the forceful resistance which
Christ mounts against their evil. he hymns remind us of the parable of the
Ten Virgins, in which the faithful Christian is exhorted to vigilance. Scripture
readings for this service are taken from: Matthew 22:15-46; 23:1-39.
Icon of “The Descent Into Hades”
he need for true repentance is the concern of Tuesday evening’s
service. his transformation from the life of sin to a life of faith and obedience
is exempliied for us in the person of the sinful woman who received the gift
of forgiveness when she anointed Jesus with myrrh and washed His feet. he
highlight of this service is the hymn written in honor of this woman by St.
Kassiani. he Gospel meditation foretells of the coming sufering of Christ
and recalls His inner struggles and agony. Scripture readings for this service
are taken from: John 12:17-50.
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After the reading of the Epistle on Holy Saturday morning,
the priest follows the custom of tossing laurel, saying: “Arise,
O God, and judge the earth; for You shall take all nations to
Your inheritance”.
Icon of “The Bridegroom”
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The ServiceS of holy Week
The ServiceS of holy Week
he primary theme of Holy Wednesday is our human need for
the healing and forgiveness that comes into our lives when we establish a
relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We are reminded that the way
to this relationship is to be found, above all else, through the life of prayer.
In the Sacrament of Holy Unction, the faithful are anointed and thus, healed
both physically and spiritually. hey are also reconciled to God and one
another so that they might receive the gift of the Holy Eucharist instituted
by Christ at the Last Supper.
On Holy Friday evening, the theme is
Christ’s descent into Hades during which the
Gospel of repentance and reconciliation with
God is shared with those who died before
Christ’s saving dispensation in the lesh. he
service begins with lamentations sung as we
stand before the tomb of Christ commemorating
His unjust punishment and the shedding of His
innocent blood. But the service ends on a note
of joy and hope, with the reading of the Prophet
Ezekiel in which he describes his vision of our
resurrection yet to come; in the midst of despair,
we are told there is hope, for not even death can
separate us from the unfailing love and power of
God. Death is about to be conquered and faithfulness rewarded. Scripture
readings for this service are taken from: Ezekiel 37:1-14, I Corinthians 5:6-8,
Galatians 3:13-14, Matthew 27:62-66.
Scripture readings for this service are taken from: Epistle readings:
James 5:10-16, Romans 15:1-7, I Corinthians 12:27-31-13:1-8, II
Corinthians 1:8-11. Galatians 5:22-6:2, I hessalonians 5:14-23. Gospel
readings: Luke 10:25-37, Luke 19:1-10, Matthew 10:1 & 10:5-8, Matthew
8:14-23, Matthew 25:1-13, Matthew 15:21-28, and Matthew 9:9-13.
The icon of “The Epitaphios Thrinos”
(Lamentation at the tomb)
O Holy Father, Physician of souls and bodies, Who didst send hine
only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to heal every inirmity and deliver from
death: Heal hou, also, hy servants from the ills of the body and soul which do
hinder them, and quicken them, by the Grace of hy Christ; through the prayers
of our most Holy Lady, the Birth-Giver of God and Ever Virgin Mary; through
the intercession of the honorable bodiless Powers of Heaven; through the power
of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross; through the protection of the honorable,
glorious, Prophet and Forerunner John the Baptist; of the holy, glorious and
righteous Martyrs; of our righteous and Godbearing Fathers; of the holy and
healing unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, Cyrus and John, haleleus and
Tryfon, Panteleimon and Hermolaus, Samson and Diomidis, Mokius and
Aniketos; of the holy and righteous ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna; and of
all the Saints. For hou art the Fountain of healing, O God, our God, and unto
hee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
At the hird Stasis when the verse
Erranan ton Tafon, ai muroforoi
mura, lian prwi elqousai /he myrrh-
bearing women came very early in the morning
and sprinkled the tomb with myrrh” is sung the
priest sprinkles the Epitaphios with rosewater,
using the rantistirion (sprinkler). his verse is
usually repeated three or more times. It has
become the custom to sprinkle the people as
The priest sprinkles the Epitaphios with rosewater.
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The ServiceS of holy Week
The ServiceS of holy Week
In this service, we are once again
reverent witnesses to the undeserved
sufering of Christ, to his terrible passion
and death. What is remembered in a special
way through liturgical commemoration and
procession, is the faithfulness and love of
Joseph of Arimathea who tenderly removed
Christ’s body from the cross, wrapped it in
clean linen, and carried it to his own unused
tomb for burial. Scripture readings for this
service are taken from: I Corinthians 1:18-
2:2, Matthew 27:1-38, Luke 23:39-43,
Matthew 27:39-54, John 19:31-37, and
Matthew 27:55-61.
The icon of “The Apokathilosis”
“On the night when He was betrayed, or
rather when He gave Himself up for the life of the
world, He took bread in His holy, pure, and blameless
hands, gave thanks, blessed, sanctiied, broke, and
gave it to His holy disciples and apostles saying...”
— Taken from the Divine Liturgy of Saint
John Chrysostom
On Holy hursday morning, we ascend
Mt. Zion with Christ and the Twelve, and enter
into the upper room. Once there, we witness the
awesome moment when, at the Last Supper, Christ
abolishes the ritual practice of the Old Covenant
and establishes the ritual of the New Covenant,
prophesied by Jeremiah, through the Sacrament of Holy Communion. he
faithful receive Holy Communion at that Holiest of Liturgies. Scripture
readings for this service are taken from: Matthew 26:2-20, John 13:3-17,
Matthew 26:21-39, Luke 22:43-45, and Matthew 26:40-27:2.
As the priest proclaims the Gospel,
“And Joseph took the body, and wrapped it in a
clean linen shroud, and laid it in his own new
tomb...” he removes the Body of Christ from the
Cross, wraps it in a new white cloth and takes
it to the altar. he priest then chants the hymn:
“When Joseph of Arimathea took You, the Life of
all, now dead, down from the Cross, he buried
You in ine linen, after anointing You with myrrh.
He yearned with desire, humbly contained by
awe, rejoicing, he cried out to You: Glory to Your
condescension, O merciful God!”. he priest then
carries the Epitaphios , the cloth on which the Body
of Christ is painted or embroidered, around the
church before placing it inside the Sepulcher, a
carved bier which symbolizes the Tomb of Christ.
Christ is the central igure at the table. Saint John the Beloved
[Evangelist, heologian] is seated at Christ’s right; as the youngest of the
disciples he is depicted as beardless. Judas Iscariot the Betrayer is the fourth
igure from Christ’s right; he is depicted dipping into the dish (Matthew
During the Holy Friday afternoon service, the priest removes
Christ from the Cross and wraps Him in a white cloth.
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The icon of the “Last Supper”
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