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KavkazCenter - KATYN 2. The...
KavkazCenter - KATYN 2. The European Union Times: ''Russian move...
KATYN 2. The European Union Times: ''Russian move against U.S. in Poland kills President Kaczynski''
The fact that the Kremlin is behind the murder of the President of Poland is not a secret in Europe. For
example, the EU paper The European Union Times in an article entitled "Russian Move Against US In Poland
Kills President, Most Of Government", writes:
"First reports on the tragic death of Poland's President Lech Kaczynski, his wife, top general, head of their
central bank, and many more top officials in a plane crash in Smolensk, Russia are said by FSB sources
reporting to Prime Minister Putin to have been a "successful decapitation" of that Nation's leadership putting
into power the speaker of Poland's parliament and a former defense minister Bronislaw Komorowski who
unlike Kaczynski has been a long time ally of Moscow".
Having no insider information from foreign sources, a rapidly growing number of Russians has still no doubts that Kaczynski has been killed by Russian
secret services. For example, they write on a Russian forum:
- Pre-training on the plane # 1 from Poland in combat conditions was successful. The next training to be conducted, when the plane # 1 flies from
- On Lugovoi's example, one can assume that the air traffic controller will be soon a deputy of Russian state parliament from the Liberal Democratic Party
of Russia (the Zhirinovsky's party- KC).
- A simple trick has been applied - they put a false beacon, which strongly deviated the aircraft from the landing course. Approaching the airstrip in
accordance with false indications of the beacon, the plane lost altitude, and pilot was too late to see where the beacon led him. The plane touched the
tops of trees and crashed.
Pay attention to the plane's course. All mass-media carefully conceal this fact, emphasizing the loss of height. The false beacon looks like this - photo .
Three aircraft landed at the Smolensk airport on that day. The first, Yak-40, with journalists safely landed 45 minutes before the accident. A mysterious
IL-76 appeared after it, which made four circles over the airfield and flew away. It was on that very plane that the operation of the false beacon has been
checked. After making sure everything is ready for the provocation, the IL flew back.
An Ukrainian, Victoria, adds:
- Russians are capable of anything. After all, Russia is going to rule the post-Soviet space, without asking consent from other countries surrounding
Russia. Everything belongs to Russian: gas, water, oil - you can go on enumerating everything, and your life time would not be enough for it. That is why
the Russians do not conceal anything and are not trying to hide what they think is the most important for them.
The Russian terrorist gang of the FSB lies and lies. But nobody believes them.
A Russian citizen indicates :
- I do not believe in bad professional skills of the Polish pilot, I do not believe in anything told on the Russian TV. I saw a satellite photo, where you can
see, that according to the nature of the wreckage, the plane significantly deviated from the course, when it collided with the ground and that it could not
land on the runway any way.
Meanwhile, media outlets reported why Putin and Medvedev ordered to kill Kaczynski:
"As the mayor of Warsaw, he supported an initiative to name one of the squares of the city after Dzhokhar Dudayev.
During the years of his presidency, he was in Russia only once, in 2007, when he visited the cemetery in Katyn, but he did not go to Moscow or meet any
Russian leaders.
In 2006, Kaczynski suggested to the EU to impose sanctions against Russia, if Moscow refuses to lift its ban on imports of Polish meat and agricultural
In relations between Poland and Russia, Kaczynski saw three major problems: the Katyn issue, evaluations of the results of WWII and the problem of
construction of the Baltic sea gas pipeline. He repeatedly accused Moscow of the fact that Russia resorted to energy blackmail, taking advantage of the
Europe's dependence on oil and gas supplies from Russia.
In August 2008, he stated that the reason of the Russian invasion of Georgia was to prevent Europe to get rid of its dependence on Russian energy
In 2009, in a speech at Westerplatte, near Danzig (Gdansk), Kaczynski recalled that Polish soldiers were still fighting on the German front, when on Sept.
17, 1939, the eastern part of the country was invaded by the Russian army. "In that day Poland was stabbed in the back, and that blow came from the
Bolshevik Russia", the President emphasized.
Lech Kaczynski also called the mass execution of Polish officers in the Katyn forest a Holocaust organized as the Russian revenge to Poland because
Poland was able to defeat Russia in Russian aggression of 1920". Quote end.
The international terrorist organization of the FSB Russia is most afraid of the truth. Russian terrorists from FSB gang working in the Internet (in all major
languages, for a salary of approximately $ 700 per month), told of fears of their superiors:
"The main thing is that Poles not to hang another charge on our service, in addition to the Katyn.
In its turn, a Polish news agency published a suggestive photo of Russian murderers of the Polish President under the headline "The military replace
lighting few hours after the crash of the Tu-154M from Poland".
Some bloggers laugh at Medvedev's statement that it was Stalin who is allegedly to blame for the Katyn 1 and indicate that the fault lies with all Russians
as a people. Under their bloody Czars, the Russian demonstrated no less brutality against Poles than under Stalin, or now under Putin in Katyn 2.
The Russians could read about these atrocities in the Russian language, for example, in an emigre magazine Kolokol (The Bell), which was published in
London by a Russian writer: Alexander Herzen, at the end of the 19th century. The magazine is available in Russia because Communists reprinted it in the
Soviet period.
For example, a favorite pastime of brave "glorious" Russian Orthodox soldiers in 1860 was to come galloping on the horseback to a Polish child in
Russian-occupied Polish towns and raise the child with a lance into the air and then drop him dead on the ground. And these atrocities were committed by
the Russians not under Stalin the Bloody, and not under Putin the Filthy, but under the most liberal Russian Czar Alexander the Second, "the Liberator".
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2010-04-19 14:42
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KavkazCenter - KATYN 2. The European Union Times: ''Russian move...
Department of Monitoring
Kavkaz Center
Publication time: 18 April 2010, 12:18
Permanent address at KAVKAZCENTER.COM: http://www.kavkazcenter.com/eng/content/2010/04/18/11870.shtml
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2010-04-19 14:42
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