Moving Violations - Veronica Chadwick, Lora Leigh.pdf

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ISBN MS Reader (LIT) ISBN # 1-84360-637-2
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Ellora's Cave Publishing, Inc.
This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without author and publisher permission.
Edited by KARI BERTON.
Warning: The following material contains strong sexual content meant for mature readers.
MOVING VIOLATIONS has been rated NC17 erotic, by a minimum of three independent
reviewers. We strongly suggest storing this book in a place where young readers not meant to
view it are unlikely to happen upon it. That said, enjoy…
Written by
Moving Violations
Chapter One
Jericho, Tennessee. The hick town still held so many bittersweet memories. Rebecca
Taylor had only visited once since she’d left and she wouldn’t be back now if Aunt Josie
hadn’t died. Rebecca frowned as she searched the cabinet for more plates. The house
was full of people. Some she knew from her childhood, some she didn’t know. Rebecca
had few memories of her father’s reclusive sister, but she knew she didn’t have friends.
She hardly ever left her house. Aunt Josie had been such a private woman. Rebecca
never expected this many people would attend her funeral, much less come by the
house to offer condolences.
She walked into the dining room and set the plates at the end of the highly polished
mahogany table, looking it over. Covered dishes, casseroles and cakes were plentiful
and there was one lone bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken. She couldn’t help but smile at
that. The doorbell rang and Rebecca sighed. At least maybe with all these people all the
food would be eaten. She’d hate to have to throw it away.
Rebecca made her way through the crowd occasionally nodding and saying,
“Thank you,” as folks laid sympathetic hands on her arm and whispered their
Finally she reached the door, swung it open and looked up into the face of Jackson
Montgomery, her first love. It didn’t matter that he was ten years older than her. It
didn’t matter that he’d only seen her as a pesky little kid. Even when she was sixteen
and her dad brought her along that summer to check on Aunt Josie.
He had been a Marine then, home on leave, and she had fancied herself in love. Her
young body was blossoming and hormones were raging. She had flirted shamelessly
and he’d teased her as usual. Still, it had been a powerful crush and the memories of
those emotions had stayed with her through the years.
At the tender age of eleven her parents had yanked her roots and moved away from
her quiet country hometown to the cold, often cruel city of Detroit. She’d been torn away
from the only life she’d known, from friends she’d had since birth and grown up with,
people she cared about and who cared about her. It had been painful for her, but what
especially broke her young heart was leaving Jackson.
Now here he was again and that familiar tug low in her tummy was still there. He
looked amazing in his black slacks and dark gray dress shirt. He took off his black
Stetson and thick black hair fell across his forehead in spite of the good cut. There wasn’t
an inch of fat on that flat stomach. He had broader shoulders, leaner hips, and well-
formed thighs with new bulges in all the right places. Rebecca let her eyes travel to his
mouth and couldn’t help but admire the way his full, well-defined lips contrasted with
the hard planes and angles of his tan face.
Jackson had definitely changed; he’d gone from cute and sexy to hot and
dangerous! “Jackson,” she said with more composure than she felt. She mentally shook
herself and stepped back from the door.
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