Make Every Man Want You.pdf

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Acclaim for
Make Every Man Want You
Make Every Man Want You is more than just a book about
relationships. It’s a book of empowerment for women of
every age and lifestyle. As host of Web Sorority Talk Radio,
I frequently hear successful women say that they wish
they were as successful in love as they were in business.
This book shows women the way to stop focusing on our
little fl aws and celebrate our strengths. Whether single or
attached, this book is a must-read for every woman who
wants to step into her power and start feeling great about
—Lynne Klippel, author of Web Wonder Women and
host of “Web Sorority Talk Radio”
“This book is brilliant! Simple, yet incredibly profound. If you
are looking to be extremely desirable while building your
confi dence, devour every word in Make Every Man Want
You —you’ll be absolutely thrilled you did. Plus, you’ll enjoy
benefi ts for many years to come.”
—Peggy McColl, New York Times bestselling
author of Your Destiny Switch
“Finally . . . a book that illustrates how developing an
authentic relationship with your self is the core root of hav-
ing great relationships with others. The concepts shared
in Make Every Man Want You have helped me create a
more positive, powerful self-awareness that immediately
and noticeably changed the dynamics of my personal
—Kendra Todd, winner of “The Apprentice” (third
season), bestselling author of Risk & Grow Rich ,
and host of HGTV’s “My House Is Worth What?”
“Marie’s Make Every Man Want You is an easy-to-read primer
for any woman interested in feeling great and performing
better in all areas of life. Don’t think of this just as a dat-
ing book. Think of it as an engagement-to-a-better-lifestyle
—David Greenwalt, author of The Leanness
Lifestyle ,
“I am a psychotherapist who has spent years coaching peo-
ple to overcome their blocks in relationships; Marie has hit
the nail on the head and her book gives people the tools to
connect with themselves, which is always the key to getting
more out of life! Terrifi c book!”
—Donna Fish, L.C.S.W., author of Take the Fight
Out of Food , takethefi
“I am blown away by your book. It is right on and like a
breath of fresh air —like you’ve given me permission to
breathe. The freedom that this book will provide to all
those that read it is astounding. This is a must-read for all
women—whether there’s a man in their life or not. Thank
you for your amazing work and beautiful heart. I’m deeply
moved and transformed from reading your book and ready
to let the full irresistible me out there 24-7.”
—Lynn Rose, motivational singer, speaker, and
television and radio host,
“What a fantastic, necessary tool for all us girls who need
that little kick in the self-esteem pants! I’m Queen of the
Worriers, so I love the fact that I am OK, and chilling out
isn’t optional to being irresistible, it’s required.”
—Brett Jackson, fashion and celebrity makeup artist
“My husband was shocked when he saw the book title, Make
Every Man Want You . . . . He’s singing a different tune now.
The seemingly simple (but tremendously powerful) tech-
niques in Marie’s book actually brought an unexpected
spark back to our marriage of seven and a half years. Trust
me, what you’ll learn will keep any man tickled pink . . .
and you just may discover some new things about yourself.
Excellent book!”
—Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, copywriting
expert and CEO of
“If you’re ready to raise your IQ (Irresistibility Quotient), this
quick, entertaining read will help you develop the belief
that you are irresistible and your new attitude will have men
attracted to you like a magnet. Use these irresistible strate-
gies in your business and it may just make you irresistible to
clients as well!”
—Lynn Pierce, creator of the Women’s
Business Empowerment Summit,
“As a personal trainer, I hear about women’s relationship
woes on a daily basis, so I’m glad for Marie Forleo—she
teaches women how to deal. She makes us see that the ball
is always in our court! Her book, Make Every Man Want You ,
is fun and upbeat—defi nitely worth your while.”
—Ellen Barrett, M.S., author of Sexy
Yoga and Weights for Weight Loss
Make Every Man Want You is truly fantastic and honest;
every page has pearls of wit and fun. Having suffered from
the ugly duckling syndrome in the past, I was able to use
this approach to transform my life, discover my own beauty,
and have the confi dence to be sexy, which has had amazing
results in the dating scene in NYC!”
—Fernanda Franco, graphic designer
and artist,
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