Jean Baudrillard - America (1989).pdf

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Caution: Objects in this mirror may be
closer than they appear!
Nostalgia born of the immensity of the Texan hills and the sierras of New Mexico:
gliding down the freeway, smash hits on the Chrysler stereo, heat wave. Snapshots
aren’t enough. We’d need the whole film of the trip in real time, including the
unbearable heat and the music. We’d have to replay it all from end to end at home in
a darkened room, rediscover the magic of the freeways and the distance and the
ice-cold alcohol in the desert and the speed and live it all again on the video at
home in real time, not simply for the pleasure of remembering but because the
fascination of senseless repetition is already present in the abstraction of the
journey. The unfolding of the desert is infinitely close to the timelessness of
The Mexicans, become Chicanos, act as guides on the visit to El Alamo to laud
the heroes of the American nation so valiantly massacred by their ownancestors.
But hard as those ancestors fought, the division of labour won out in the end. Today
it is their grandchildren and great-grandchildren who are there, on the same
battlefield, to hymn the Americans who stole their lands. History is full of ruse and
cunning. But so are the Mexicans who have crossed the border clandestinely to
come and work here.
Pompous Mormon symmetry. Everywhere marble: flawless, funereal (the Capitol,
the organ in the Visitor Center). Yet a Los-Angelic modernity, too -all the requisite
gadgetry for a minimalist, extraterrestrial comfort. The Christ-topped dome (all the
Christs here are copied from Thorwaldsen’s and look like Bjorn Borg) straight out
of Close Encounters: religion as special effects. In fact the whole city has the
transparency and supernatural, otherworldly cleanness of a thing from outer
space. A symmetrical, luminous, overpowering abstraction. At every intersection
in the Tabernacle area - all marble and roses, and evangelical marketing - an
electronic cuckoo-clock sings out: such Puritan obsessiveness is astonishing in
this heat, in the heart of the desert, alongside this leaden lake, its waters also
hyperreal from sheer density of salt. And, beyond the lake, the Great Salt Lake
Desert, where they had to invent the speed of prototype cars to cope with the
absolute horizontality... But the city itself is like a jewel, with its purity of air and its
plunging urban vistas more breathtaking even than those of Los Angeles. What
stunning brilliance, what modern veracity these Mormons show, these rich bankers,
musicians, international genealogists, polygamists (the Empire State in New York
has something of this same funereal Puritanism raised to the nth power). It is the
capitalist, transsexual
pride of a people of mutants that gives the city its magic, equal and opposite to that
of Las Vegas, that great whore on the other side of the desert.
Geological - and hence metaphysical - monumentality, by contrast with the physical
altitude of ordinary landscapes. Upturned relief patterns, sculpted out by wind,
water, and ice, dragging you down into the whirlpool of time, into the remorseless
eternity of a slow-motion catastrophe. The very idea of the millions and hundreds of
millions of years that were needed peacefully to ravage the surface of the earth here
is a perverse one, since it brings with it an awareness of signs originating, long
before man appeared, in a sort of pact of wear and erosion struck between the
elements. Among this gigantic heap of signs - purely geological in essence - man
will have had no significance. The Indians alone perhaps interpreted them - a few
of them. And yet they are signs. For the desert only appears uncultivated. This entire
Navajo country, the long plateau which leads to the Grand Canyon, the cliffs
overlooking Monument Valley, the abysses of Green River are all alive with a
magical presence, which has nothing to do with nature (the secret of this whole
stretch of country is perhaps that it was once an underwater relief and has retained
the surrealist qualities of an ocean bed in the open air). You can understand why it
took great magic on the Indians’ part, and a terribly cruel religion, to exorcize
such a theoretical grandeur as the desert’s geological and celestial occurrence, to
live up to such a backdrop. What is man if the signs that predate him have such
power? A human race has to invent sacrifices equal to the natural cataclysmic
order that surrounds it. It is perhaps these reliefs, because they are no longer
natural, which givethe best idea of what a culture is. Monument Valley: blocks
of language suddenly rising high, then subjected to a pitiless erosion,
ancient sedimentations that owe their depth to wear (meaning is born out of
the erosion of words, significations are born out of the erosion of signs), and
that are today destined to become, like all that is cultivated - like all culture
-natural parks.
SALT LAKE CITY: the world genealogical archives, presided over in the
depths of the desert caves by those rich-living, puritanical conquistadors, the
Mormons, and, alongside, the Bonneville track on the immaculate surface of
the Great Salt Lake Desert, where prototype cars achieve the highest speeds
in the world. Patronymic genesis as the depth of time, and the speed of
sound as pure superficiality.
ALAMOGORDO: the first atomic-bomb test against the backdrop of White
Sands, the pale blue backcloth of the mountains and hundreds of miles of
white sand - the blinding artificial light of the bomb against the blinding
light of the ground.
TORREY CANYON: the Salk Institute, sanctuary of DNA and all the Nobel
prizewinners for biology. There all the future biological commandments are
being devised, within that architecture copied from the palace of Minos, its white
marble staring out over the immensity of the Pacific. . .
Extraordinary sites, capitals of fiction become reality. Sublime, trans-
political sites of extraterritoriality, combining as they do the earth’s
undamaged geological grandeur with a sophisticated, nuclear, orbital,
computer technology.
I went in search of astral America*, not social and cultural America, but the
America of the empty, absolute freedom of the freeways, not the deep
America of mores and mentalities, but the America of desert speed, of
motels and mineral surfaces. I looked for it in the speed of the screenplay, in the
indifferent reflex of television, in the film of days and nights projected across an
empty space, in the marvellously affectless succession of signs, images, faces,
and ritual acts on the road; looked for what was nearest to the nuclear and
enucleated universe, a universe which is virtually our own, right down to its
European cottages.
I sought the finished form of the future catastrophe of the social in geology,
in that upturning of depth that can be seen in the striated spaces, the reliefs of salt
and stone, the canyons where the fossil river flows down, the immemorial abyss of
slowness that shows itself in erosion and geology. I even looked for it in the
verticality of the great cities.
I knew all about this nuclear form, this future catastrophe when I was still in
Paris, of course. But to understand it, you have to take to the road, to that travelling
which achieves what Virilio calls the aesthetics of disappearance.
For the mental desert form expands before your very eyes, and this is the purified
form of social desertification. Disaffection finds its pure form in the barrenness of
speed. All that is cold and dead in desertification or social enucleation rediscovers its
contemplative form here in the heat of the desert. Here in the transversality of the
desert and the irony of geology, the transpolitical finds its generic, mental space.
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