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A Roleplaying Game
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The Story of how we came to be here
most, so he sent his angels and prophets
to minister to them, to teach them the
ways of good and how to honour Allah.
In the beginning, greatest of all, Allah
parted the seas and created the land
that was to be the Earth. Allah created
the bounty of life upon the lands and in
the oceans and still thirsted for more.
Allah created fire and contained it and
channeled it and saw it do his bidding,
clearing the earth and burning the seas.
Finally, Allah took it upon himself to
create life. First he willed the light into
subservience and created Angels. Then
Allah breathed into the fires of creation
and created the Jin. Finally, Allah
breathed into the Earth, and created
man, whom he adored above all others .
When Allah commanded all creatures to
revere man, Some jin refused and where
exiled to the birthplace of all things, the
Earth. In this game we role play all
powerful genies as they attempt to
survive and thrive on earth.
Table of Contents
1 .................................................. Cover
2...The Story of how we came to be here
3................................Character Creation
6...........................................Jin Eh Mok
8.....GM Advice and NPC traits, Humans
9 .......NPC’s: Angels, Jin Eh Mok and Jin
10..NPC’s: Humans and Character Sheet
11.................................Example Powers
12..............................Example Promises
The angels were beings of true light,
capable of neither free will nor evil, and
while they did not please him, Allah took
them upon himself, as his servants and
The jin toiled for Allah upon the earth
and the cosmos lighting stars and
making a thousand worlds for Allah.
Men are the People of the earth, are
both humble and proud, Rich and Poor,
Good and Evil. Man pleased Allah the
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Character Creation
The Default state of Jin
To create your character you simply
choose a name for them, and then
divide the page into a big section called
powers and a big section called
Jin are creatures of smokeless flame,
naturally invisible to humans, but also
conversely very blind and powerless in
the day to day lives of the creatures of
the Earth without the use of Powers.
The first thing you will write in the
powers section is "Nigh Infinite Cosmic
Power" and the first thing you will write
in the Promises section is "itty bitty
living space".
Humans and animals appear as nothing
more than vague blurs to jin unless they
take a power to see clearly, jin cannot
talk to humans unless they take a power
to speak to humans, jin cannot appear
human unless they take a power that
allows them to do so and jin cannot earn
money or barter with humans unless
they take powers that let them do so.
The rest of Character Creation consists
of bargaining for other powers and in
return taking additional promises to
balance them out.
Because "Nigh Infinite Cosmic Power"
covers every miraculous occurrence and
out of the ordinary ability of the jin, All
powers after it must concern ordinary
every day activities that will help your
character survive in the world.
These four abilities are called the big
four powers and are common to most
jin, removing most of the natural
limitations of the default state of jin.
When in doubt as to whether a jin can do
something concerning humans or the
human world without a power, the
answer is no, they cannot.
There is also a small section that
describes how composes and health you
are in the game, which you can find in
the Health Section.
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hearing and 20/20 vision would see and
hear humans. Jin who take Human
Shape without this power are
considered legally blind and deaf.
Powers are the way in which jin affect
the human world. Your character will
have a variety of powers and may
choose to dismiss or not use any power
at any time. If the player chooses to
dismiss or not use all their powers they
are returned to the default state of jin.
There are four big powers that most Jin
will want to take in order to make a
comfortable life for themselves on
The power to talk and barter with
This power allows you to talk and barter
with humans of all kinds. Jin without
this ability are legally mute and cannot
engage in financial transactions (other
than begging and giving).
The power to assume a human shape
The power to live in occupied buildings
This power makes you human, not just
in appearance but in reality. A living,
breathing, eating, pooping, human. This
Power grants you one visage or
appearance, that your character will use
for most of their worldly interactions.
This power allows you to live amongst
humans, either as neighbours or as
cohabitants. Jin without this ability
cannot enter a private building without
express invitation each time they pass
the threshhold of a building.
The power to see and hear living
Other powers
This power allows you to see and hear
and understand humans of all kinds.
Humans go from being cloudlike
rumbles of thunder to you to being seen
and heard as a human with normal
There are many more powers, as many
powers as you can think of. All powers
require promises in order to pay for
them, althought the big four powers
may receive a discount in the number of
promises required.
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knowingly harm a living thing, I promise
to abstain from the dead and unclean
meat, a promise to attended church
every Sunday, etc ,etc
Promises are the payment that jin have
relied upon for thousands of years to
pay for their powers. Every Promise that
a jin makes is binding before Allah in the
sense that any broken promise will likely
result in Jin Eh Mok being dispatched to
investigate and correct any situations as
All Promises are solemn vows to Allah,
and breaking a promise to Allah will
result in Jin Eh Mok being dispatched. If
the Jin Eh Mok investigate and find you
breaking promises they will enact a
suitable extra punishment for you.
The first and most sacred promise a Jin
has is "Itty Bitty Living Space". All Player
Characters are playing jin that are exiled
to the earth for rebelling against Allah.
Any use of their nigh infinite cosmic
power counts as breaking this promise.
This punishment will never be revoking
a power or adding a promise but other
than that the Jin Eh Mok are allowed to
do anything in their power to make your
life miserable.
Most Jin then have 2 to 5 other promises
decided at character creation that pay
for the big four powers and generally
one or two other powers.
Everybody has a certain number of
Promises they are allowed to break
decided by Allah at the beginning of
creation and kept secret from everyone
(even the Jin Eh Mok). If you break
enough promises and exceed this
number of broken promises the Jin Eh
Mok will eventually settle on the final
Common promises include things like a
promise to grant everyone's first wish
free of self interest or tampering, a
promise to never break a command
from god (as represented by the 10
commandments), a promise to obey
every angel, a promise to never cross
running water, a promise to never
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