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which breaks down lactose; the operon
that regulates lactose metabolism is
called the * lac operon.
jade A hard semiprecious stone consist-
ing either of jadeite or nephrite. Jadeite ,
the most valued of the two, is a sodium
aluminium pyroxene, NaAlSi 2 O 6 . It is
prized for its intense translucent green
colour but white, green and white,
brown, and orange varieties also occur.
The only important source of jadeite is in
the Mogaung region of upper Burma.
Nephrite is one of the amphibole group of
rock-forming minerals. It occurs in a vari-
ety of colours, including green, yellow,
white, and black. Important sources in-
clude Siberia, Turkistan, New Zealand,
Alaska, China, and W USA.
jadeite See jade.
Jahn–Teller effect If a likely structure
of a nonlinear molecule or ion would
have degenerate orbitals (i.e. two molecu-
lar orbitals with the same energy levels)
the actual structure of the molecule or
ion is distorted so as to split the energy
levels (‘raise’ the degeneracy). The effect
is observed in inorganic complexes. For
example, the ion [Cu(H 2 O) 6 ] 2+ is octahe-
dral and the six ligands might be ex-
pected to occupy equidistant positions at
the corners of a regular octahedron. In
fact, the octahedron is distorted, with
four ligands in a square and two opposite
ligands further away. If the ‘original’
structure has a centre of symmetry, the
distorted structure must also have a cen-
tre of symmetry. The effect was predicted
theoretically by H. A. Jahn and Edward
Teller in 1937.
jasper An impure variety of * chal-
cedony. It is associated with iron ores and
as a result contains iron oxide impurities
that give the mineral its characteristic
red or reddish-brown colour. Jasper is
used as a gemstone.
jaw The part of the vertebrate skeleton
that provides a support for the mouth
and holds the teeth. It consists of two
bones, the upper jaw (maxilla) and the
lower jaw (mandible). Members of the Ag-
natha lack jaws.
Jeans instability Instability in a cloud
of gas in space due to
uctuations in the
density of the gas, causing the matter in
the cloud to clump together and lead to
gravitational collapse. The conditions
under which this occurs were worked out
by Sir James Hopwood Jeans (1877–1946)
in terms of Newtonian gravity. The analo-
gous analysis of this problem using gen-
eral relativity theory is the basis of the
theory of * structure formation.
jejunum The portion of the mam-
malian * small intestine that follows the
* duodenum and precedes the * ileum.
The surface area of the lining of the je-
junum is greatly increased by numerous
small outgrowths ( see villus). This facili-
tates the absorption of digested material,
which is the prime function of the je-
sh See cnidaria.
Jenner, Edward (1749–1823) British
physician, who is best known for intro-
ducing smallpox vaccination to Britain in
1796 (announced two years later), using a
vaccine made from cowpox.
jet A variety of * coal that can be cut and
polished and is used for jewellery, orna-
ments, etc.
jet propulsion (reaction propulsion)
The propulsion of a body by means of a
force produced by discharging a Û uid in
the form of a jet. The backward-moving
Jacob–Monod hypothesis The theory
postulated by the French biologists
François Jacob (1920– ) and Jacques
Monod (1910–76) in 1961 to explain the
control of * gene expression in bacteria
( see operon). Jacob and Monod investi-
gated the expression of the gene that
codes for the enzyme
jet stream
uid reacts on the body in which it
was produced, in accordance with New-
ton’s third law of motion, to create a reac-
tive force that drives the body forward. Jet
propulsion occurs in nature, the squid
using a form of it to propel itself through
water. Although jet-propelled boats and
cars have been developed, the main use of
jet propulsion is in aircraft and spacecraft.
Jet propulsion is the only known method
of propulsion in space. In the atmosphere,
jet propulsion becomes more ef
repulsion. * Multiplets of many-electron
atoms having a large atomic number are
characterized by j-j coupling. Multiplets in
the * shell model of nuclei characterized
by j-j coupling are invoked to explain the
* magic numbers of nuclei. The multiplets
of many atoms and nuclei are intermedi-
ate between j-j coupling and * Russell–
Saunders coupling ( intermediate coupling ).
joint The point of contact between two
(or more) bones, together with the tissues
that surround it. Joints fall into three
classes that differ in the degree of free-
dom of movement they allow: (1) immov-
able joints , e.g. the * sutures between the
bones that form the cranium; (2) slightly
movable joints , e.g. the * symphyses be-
tween the vertebrae of the spinal column;
and (3) freely movable or synovial joints ,
e.g. those that occur between the limb
bones. Synovial joints include the ball-
and-socket joints (between the limbs and
the hip and shoulder girdles), which allow
movement in all directions; and the hinge
joints (e.g. at the knee and elbow), which
allow movement in one plane only. A
synovial joint is bound by ligaments and
lined with * synovial membrane.
cient at
higher altitudes, as ef Ü ciency is inversely
proportional to the density of the me-
dium through which a body is Û ying. The
three principal means of providing jet
propulsion are the turbojet, the ramjet,
and the rocket. The turbojet is an air-
breathing * heat engine based on the * gas
turbine, used to power jet aircraft. The
ramjet is also an air-breathing engine, but
compression of the oxidant is achieved by
the forward motion of the device through
the atmosphere. This enables the com-
pressor and turbine of the gas turbine to
be dispensed with and the remaining sys-
tem consists simply of an inlet diffuser, a
combustion chamber in which fuel is
burnt, and a jet nozzle through which the
products of combustion are discharged.
Used in guided missiles, the ramjet must
be accelerated to its operating velocity be-
fore it can
y ( see also pulse jet). These
two forms of jet propulsion, being air-
breathing engines, can only be used in the
earth’s atmosphere. The * rocket, how-
ever, carries its own oxidant and can thus
be used in space. See also ion engine.
jet stream A narrow wind current that
occurs in the earth’s atmosphere above
the lower troposphere ( see earth’s atmos-
phere). The wind Û ows towards the east at
speeds of between 60 km/h (summer) and
125 km/h (winter).
jeweller’s rouge Red powdered
haematite, iron(III) oxide, Fe 2 O 3 . It is a
mild abrasive used in metal cleaners and
j-j coupling A type of * coupling in
many-fermion systems, such as electrons
in atoms and nucleons in nuclei, in which
the energies associated with the spin–
orbit interactions are much higher than
the energies associated with electrostatic
synovial membrane
synovial fluid
a hinge joint (the elbow)
pelvis (socket)
synovial membrane
head of femur (ball)
a ball-and-socket joint (the hip)
Types of freely movable joint
jet of
Joule’s laws
Joliot-Curie, Irène (1897–1956) French
physicist, daughter of Marie and Pierre
* Curie, who was educated by her mother
and her scientist associates. In 1921 she
began work at the Radium Institute, be-
coming director in 1946. In 1926 she mar-
ried Frédéric Joliot (1900–58). They shared
the 1935 Nobel Prize for chemistry for
their discovery of arti Ü cial radioactivity
the previous year.
joliotium See transactinide elements.
Joly’s steam calorimeter An appara-
tus invented by John Joly (1857–1933) to
measure the speci
ows through the
junction. The frequency of this current
depends on the size of the potential dif-
A junction of this type is called a
Josephson junction ; two or more junctions
joined by superconducting paths form a
Josephson interferometer . Such junctions
can be used in measuring fundamental
constants, in de
ning a voltage standard,
and in the highly accurate measurement
of magnetic Ü elds. An important potential
use is in logic components in high-speed
computers. Josephson junctions can
switch states very quickly (as low as 6
picoseconds). Moreover they have very
low power consumption and can be
packed closely without generating too
much heat. It is possible that computers
based on such devices could operate 50
times faster than the best existing ma-
chines. The effects are named after Brian
Josephson (1940– ), who predicted them
theoretically in 1962.
joule Symbol J. The * SI unit of work and
energy equal to the work done when the
point of application of a force of one new-
ton moves, in the direction of the force, a
distance of one metre. 1 joule = 10 7 ergs =
0.2388 calorie. It is named after James
Joule, James Prescott (1818–89)
British physicist. In 1840 he discovered
the relationship between electric current,
resistance, and the amount of heat pro-
duced. In 1849 he gave an account of the
* kinetic theory of gases, and a year later
announced his best-known Ü nding, the
* mechanical equivalent of heat. Later,
with William Thomson (Lord * Kelvin), he
discovered the * Joule–Thomson effect.
Joule heating The production of heat
in a conductor as a result of the passage of
an electric current through the conductor.
The quantity of heat produced is given by
* Joule’s law (def. 1).
Joule’s laws 1. The heat ( Q ) produced
when an electric current ( I ) Û ows through
a resistance ( R ) for a time ( t ) is given by Q
= I 2 Rt . 2. The * internal energy of a given
c heat capacity of a gas
at constant volume. Two equal spherical
containers are suspended from the oppo-
site ends of a balance arm. One sphere is
evacuated and the other contains the sam-
ple gas. The whole apparatus is enclosed
in a steam bath, the speci Ü c heat capacity
of the sample gas being calculated from
the difference between the masses of the
water that condenses on each sphere.
Josephson effects Electrical effects ob-
served when two superconducting ma-
terials (at low temperature) are separated
by a thin layer of insulating material (typi-
cally a layer of oxide less than 10 –8 m
thick). If normal metallic conductors are
separated by such a barrier it is possible
for a small current to Û ow between the
conductors by the * tunnel effect. If the
materials are superconductors ( see super-
conductivity), several unusual phenom-
ena occur:
(1) A supercurrent can
ow through the
barrier; i.e. it has zero resistance.
(2) If this current exceeds a critical value,
this conductivity is lost; the barrier then
only passes the ‘normal’ low tunnelling
current and a voltage develops across the
(3) If a magnetic
eld is applied below the
critical current value, the current density
changes regularly with distance across the
junction. The net current through the bar-
rier depends on the magnetic
eld ap-
plied. As the Ü eld is increased the net
current increases from zero to a maxi-
mum, decreases to zero, increases again
to a (lower) maximum, decreases, and so
on. If the Ü eld exceeds a critical value the
superconductivity in the barrier vanishes
and a potential difference develops across
the junction.
(4) If a potential difference is applied
across the junction, a high-frequency
alternating current
Joule–Thomson effect
tion of thermodynamic temperature) as in
a real gas intermolecular forces would
cause changes in the internal energy
should a change of volume occur. See also
joule–thomson effect.
Joule–Thomson effect (Joule–Kelvin
effect) The change in temperature that
occurs when a gas expands through a
porous plug into a region of lower pres-
sure. For most real gases the temperature
falls under these circumstances as the gas
has to do internal work in overcoming the
intermolecular forces to enable the expan-
sion to take place. This is a deviation from
* Joule’s law (def. 2). There is usually also a
deviation from * Boyle’s law, which can
cause either a rise or a fall in temperature
since any increase in the product of pres-
sure and volume is a measure of external
work done. At a given pressure, there is a
particular temperature, called the inver-
sion temperature of the gas, at which the
rise in temperature from the Boyle’s law
deviation is balanced by the fall from the
Joule’s law deviation. There is then no
temperature change. Above the inversion
temperature the gas is heated by expan-
sion; below it, it is cooled. The effect was
discovered by James Joule working in col-
laboration with William Thomson (later
Lord Kelvin).
Jovian Relating to the planet Jupiter.
JUGFET See transistor.
jugular vein A paired vein in the neck
of mammals that returns blood from the
head to the heart. It joins the subclavian
vein at the base of the neck.
jumping gene See transposon.
junction detector (solid-state detector)
A sensitive detector of * ionizing radiation
in which the output is a current pulse
proportional to the energy falling in or
near the depletion region of a reverse-
biased * semiconductor junction. The Ü rst
types were made by evaporating a thin
layer of gold on to a polished wafer of n -
type germanium; however, gold–silicon
devices can be operated at room tempera-
ture and these have superseded the ger-
manium type, which have to be operated
at the temperature of liquid nitrogen to
reduce noise. When the gold–silicon junc-
tion is reverse-biased a depletion region,
devoid of charge carriers (electrons and
holes), forms in the silicon. Incoming ion-
izing radiation falling in this depletion re-
gion creates pairs of electrons and holes,
which both have to be collected in order
to give an output pulse proportional to
the energy of the detected particle.
Junction detectors are used in medicine
and biology as well as in space systems.
junction transistor See transistor.
Jupiter The largest planet in the * solar
system and the Ü fth in order from the sun
10 6 km distant). Its equatorial di-
ameter is 142 985 km and its * sidereal pe-
riod is 11.86 years. Viewed through an
optical telescope it appears as an elliptical
disc crossed by a number of bands. With a
* radio telescope thermal radiation can be
detected from the Jovian stratosphere in-
dicating a temperature between 100 and
130 K. Microwave nonthermal emission
can also be detected from the Jovian * Van
Allen belts. The planet has at least 63
satellites, the largest of which, Io, has a
diameter of 3242 km ( see galilean satel-
lites). A planetary ring of rocks was dis-
covered in 1979 by the US Galileo probe.
Jurassic The second geological period of
the Mesozoic era. It followed the Triassic,
which ended about 213 million years ago,
and extended until the beginning of the
Cretaceous period, about 144 million
years ago. It was named in 1829 by A.
Brongniart after the Jura Mountains on
the borders of France and Switzerland.
Jurassic rocks include clays and lime-
stones in which fossil
ora and fauna are
abundant. Plants included ferns, cycads,
ginkgos, rushes, and conifers. Important
invertebrates included * ammonites (on
which the Jurassic is zoned), corals, bra-
chiopods, bivalves, and echinoids. Reptiles
dominated the vertebrates; the
reptiles – the pterosaurs – and the Ü rst
primitive bird, Archaeopteryx , appeared.
juvenile hormone A hormone secreted
by insects from a pair of endocrine glands
( corpora allata ) close to the brain. It in-
hibits metamorphosis and maintains the
presence of larval features.
mass of gas is independent of its volume
and pressure, being a function of temper-
ature alone. This law applies only to
* ideal gases (for which it provides a de
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