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The Seduction Roadmap Training Program
Audio Title: Training 1 Recording
Transcribed: April 7, 2010 | Audio Duration: 02:15:00 | Billable 1:10:00
The Seduction Roadmap Training Program
Hey, what's up guys; Jon Sinn here. So we're going to get started in about four
minutes or so. I just wanted to come on. All you guys are going to be muted, this
will just be a straight lecture on this call. If you guys have any questions email them
to me at and if they're related to the curriculum I'll get
to them during the next call, or back to you in an email, or something.
We are going to get started like in two more minutes. In two more minutes, if you're
just getting on the call. Okay, one more minute and we'll get started.
Okay, let's get started. Obviously I'm Jon Sinn, and this is the first installment of the
Seduction Roadmap Training Program. I created the program, and I'm really, really,
excited for you guys. The first thing I want to say is congratulations, once again, for
joining the Seduction Roadmap Training Program. You guys made a really great
decision and I'm super excited about helping you create the life of sexual
abundance that you've always wanted.
So that's the first step. You've made the step, you've committed to this program, I'm
going to give you all the information over the next seven weeks that you're going to
need to go from where you're at now to being able to meet and seduce women,
basically at will. So I'm really excited for you, I'm really excited to get this
information out there because it's not like anything out there being taught right now,
and I think there's a lot of information that's going to change you guys' lives in
these recordings.
So first things first, I just want to take care of some housekeeping stuff, the dates
and times of these training sessions. Every session is going to be on a Tuesday, so
the next session will be April 13 th at 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time. For the six Tuesdays,
we're going to be – every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time, that's when our
session is going to be. Each session is going to be about an hour, so April 13 th ,
April 20 th , April 27 th , May 4 th , May 11 th . Now for session number 7, which is the
special, putting it all together call, the Q&A call, that's going to be on Thursday,
May 13 th , so six Tuesdays, and then a Thursday; our seventh call will be on that
Thursday, you don’t want to miss that one, because that's when you can ask me all
of your questions that you guys will have and will stay until I've answered
everyone's questions.
So with that said, if you have any questions during the next six weeks, email them
to me at and I'll try to get to them if they fit the
curriculum. In every one of these calls we're going to be really tight for making it
Audio Title: Training 1 Recording
into an hour based on the content. Some will go over, I'll try to let you know at the
beginning if the call is going to go over, but for the most part we have a lot of
content, so I won't be able to answer questions until the Q&A call, so if you have a
question, email it to me, I'll try to get to it, if not save that written-down question and
on May 13 th at 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time, that's when we'll be doing the Q&A call.
The next thing I want to talk about is the Sinns of Attraction Skill Set, Lifestyle,
Inner Game event which is going to be taking place in November in Los Angeles.
We still have not locked down a location for the event, but we'll let you know as
soon as we have one and we should have it in the next two to three weeks at the
most. So it will be in LA, it's going to be in November, so you can start looking into
ticket prices and hotel accommodations, and we'll lock down that location for you in
the next couple of weeks.
The online module on the Sinns of Attraction escalation ladder is going to be up no
later than April 12 th , so today is the 6 th , so it's about six days. It will be up sometime
in the next week, I'll probably have it up for you guys by Monday I would say. That
would be my guess when it will be up there. The Certified Sticking Point Analysis
calls, those are going to be – the strategy sessions will begin during the week of
April 26 th , so that's during the fourth week of the program. My assistant, Karen, will
email you the schedule ahead of time for the strategy session, and she's also going
to email you a questionnaire to make sure you get the most out of the session. So
make sure that you return Karen's email to set up your strategy session, especially
if you're are one of the first 37 guys, because you'll want to make sure you get that
session with me, and fill out the questionnaires that I have some information on you
going into the call, that will help a lot as well.
Awesome guys; I think that's basically all the housekeeping stuff we have, so I
want to move into the next phase, which is Stage-1, the first call of the Seduction
Roadmap Training Program which I'm so excited to get to you guys, because this
call is on something that a lot of guys have that, a lot of guys are uncomfortable
bringing up, talking about, it's not a very manly, or masculine subject, and because
of that, it cripples the game of literally thousands of guys out there, and what I'm
talking about is sexual anxiety.
So on today's call I want to give you guys all the information you need, all the links
to resources you need in order for you to go out there and get some help with your
sexual anxiety. Because it's a real thing, it does actually affect people, I had pretty
bad sexual anxiety myself, for a couple of years, and we'll talk about – I'll tell you
my story with sexual anxiety and some embarrassing stories that happened to me,
to show you guys that it's not something you have to live with for the rest of your
life, but you do have to be proactive about it. You do have to admit to yourself that
you have it, and start to work on it. It's not just going to go away by itself. It's not
one of those things, where if you just do enough approaches, or you meet enough
girls, or you know, you do this, that or the other, eventually you'll get over it. Either
it's a very specific way to get over sexual anxiety, that I'm going to go over on this
Audio Title: Training 1 Recording
call, and then also on this call, I'm going to talk to you guys about beliefs and
sexuality, and how to install beliefs that will help you learn, help you get better at
pick up, and help you be more successful with women, in general. And these are
beliefs that I've gotten from countless conversations with guys who are naturals
with women, just kind of dissecting their minds about how they think about women,
and life, and pick up and stuff like that, and what makes them successful.
So a lot of good stuff on this call, you're definitely going to want to make sure that
you have a pen and paper, or a computer handy to take notes, because there's
going to be a lot of stuff, that you're going to want to write down. Now you will be
receiving the PDF and the replay link for this call, if you missed it within 24 to 48
hours. So within a day or two, if you miss any of these calls going forward you'll get
the link to them and the PDF which will have the exercises and kind of notes on
them, and then within about four days you'll get the transcript. So within one or two
days, we'll give you the PDF with the exercises and the notes, and then within four
days – and the replay of the call, the link to listen to the call you missed, or if you
want to listen to it again, which I recommend, with a lot of the stuff that we're going
to be going through, because a lot of the times I talk fast, and it's hard to get
everything at once. So replay link, PDFs 24 to 48 hours, and then the transcript
which will be the word-for-word write up of everything I've said in about four days.
So keep all that in mind.
Now let's talk about Sexual Anxiety. What is sexual anxiety? So for the purpose of
this call in our learning, I'm going to define sexual anxiety as any nervousness
related to any and all sexual interactions. Now that doesn’t mean, just sexual
touching, it doesn’t mean being uncomfortable with sex, it means being
uncomfortable with sexual conversations, sexual movie scenes, you know, any sort
of fetish, that like immediately repulses you or any sort of, you know, sexual act
that you think is gross are all signs of sexual anxiety.
Now sexual anxiety is going to run the spectrum from guys who have no sexual
anxiety, you know, guys who have no problems having sex in public with tons of
people around, you know, basically porn stars, and to, you know, your guy who has
major sexual issues and can't even talk about sex or anything like that without, you
know, blushing, and just runs away anytime the topic of sex comes up.
So what we want to do is we want to start working on it, because when you have
sexual anxiety it manifests itself in a lot of different ways that are both physical,
palpable and (thoughts 0:24:21), and this can really, really, really hurt game. So
some of the symptoms of sexual anxiety are things like approach anxiety,
escalation anxiety, right—when you have sexual anxiety and you're afraid of sexual
situations, it can be harder to approach and it can be really hard to pull the trigger.
If you have ever had problems going for a kiss, you know, inviting a woman back to
your place, trying to make a move physically on the woman, and you’ve had
nervousness or anything like that's a small level of sexual anxiety. Other things that
come into it are sexual performance anxiety. Sexual performance anxiety has a
Audio Title: Training 1 Recording
couple of different facets. There's size anxiety, there's inexperience anxiety, there's
bad performance anxiety, but all of those, again, are forms of sexual anxiety.
If you ever worry that you're not able to please a girl, that you don’t know what
you're doing, that she's going to think you're lame, that she's had more lovers than
you, or anything like that, again, sexual anxiety. Another symptom of sexual anxiety
is nervousness with sexual conversations, touching and situations like I've said
before. It doesn’t even have to be in your own life. Guys with really bad sexual
anxiety, they find ways to hide from their sexuality. They might be like really uptight
and proper, and be like, I don’t think that's appropriate to talk about right now . Like,
that's not classy, or this, that or the other.
Anything like that, if you find yourself doing stuff like that, you probably have a
decent amount of sexual anxiety. Now all that stuff, you know, not cool, but how
does it actually hurt you when it comes to pick up. Well, it creates problems in your
life. Sexual anxiety is not just going to hang out and not create any sort of
problems, it's not going to just be like a nice little thing that you have that
sometimes rears its head, it's going to create a ton of problems. It's going to create
problems approaching women, like I talked about before. The two major causes of
approach anxiety are sexual and social anxiety. Sexual anxiety and social anxiety
combine to form approach anxiety, that's why a lot of the times you have like this
weird friction between the desire that's happening, and your sexual and social
anxiety, because the desire exists in and of itself and then the sexual and social
anxiety kind of acts upon it. So a major factor in approach anxiety even though sex
is way down the line from approaching, is sexual anxiety.
It also hurts you with attracting women. When you're sexually nervous and you
have sexual anxiety, you have problems escalating, you have problems relaxing,
you're really nervous, you run out of things to say. Your mind is going a million
miles an hour, you feel like everything is going way too fast, and you don’t know
what to or say, because if you've got a really level of anxiety. I mean, there are
clinical studies that show that when you place people under anxiety, or elevated
nerves, performance drops, so trying to learn game while you have sexual anxiety,
is equivalent to training for the Olympics while dragging an anchor behind you, or
trying to make the Olympic Swim Team while you're dragging an anchor. No matter
how hard you work, you're not going to be able to make the real amount of
progress, becasue the real issue is something under the surface.
So now that we know what sexual anxiety is, let's talk about where does it come
from? Sexual anxiety is the classic nature versus nurture argument, some of it is
that naturally we are going to based on, you know, our biology and brain chemistry
have different levels of sexual anxiety. It is, you know, normal to some degree to
be nervous about sex especially in the beginning, especially if you're
inexperienced. If there's someone on this call who is really inexperienced with girls;
that's totally normal to have a little bit more anxiety, but you don’t have to let it
affect you. The other part is nurture. As a society we have not really figured out a
Audio Title: Training 1 Recording
way for men and women to express their sexuality in a way that's normal and
healthy, as opposed to ways like porn, or Hollywood romance movies that are
depictions of sexuality that are nor really correct, and not really good for a guy who
wants to get better with girls. Mothers generally, you know, can smother people
with sexual anxiety. I know for me, even when I was 15 years old my mom would
still try to cover my eyes if there was a sex scene in a movie. These things can
seem like little incidents, but they can create real issues subconsciously, because
your subconscious mind is picking up everything.
So some of this is natural, some of it is nurture, some of it comes from your level of
experience with women, some of it comes from your beliefs about yourself, women,
and sexual situations, which we're going to talk about beliefs a lot further on in this
call, so don’t worry about that. But it also comes from your religious background,
your parents and how they talk to you about sex, and ultimately sexual education.
How well you were sexually educated either in school, by a brother, or a sister, by
friends by pornography, wherever your sexual education came from, take a
moment now and write that down. Where did you learn about sex, because these
things will start to help you figure out where your sexual anxiety came from?
So did you learn about sex from school? Like for me, my dad gave me a sexual talk
when I was about 14 years old, and I remember it like it was yesterday. We were
driving down Ventura Boulevard and we were going to In and Out to get a burger,
and my dad was like, "Yeah, you know, you're getting to the age where you're
going to start getting girls, and stuff like that." I wasn’t getting girls then or for the
next, you know, five years basically—four, five years. And he was like, "Look if you
are ever down there with a girl and it smells bad, just put your clothes back and go
get ice cream. You don’t want to risk it." So that was my sexual advice talk, and
then I had a human sexuality class, sexual education class in health in tenth grade
with a teacher named Mr. Fenwick who we really (inaudible 0:31:09) all that and
there were rumors that he had sex with his wife in the armpits. He showed us some
pictures about sexual transmitted diseases, but it was never – you had to kind of
work out the mechanics of sex for yourself.
Like I thought, until I was like nine or ten years old, I didn’t realize that sex was
vaginally, I thought you banged the girl on the butt, so all of these things
contributed to my own sexual anxiety, and my own sexual anxiety was a major
problem to the point where, when I was 18 years old, I met this really, really hot girl
named Blair, and we ended up going back to her dorm and UCLA—I met her at
UCLA at a Frat party—and she wanted to have sex and I could not actually get
aroused. I couldn’t actually get hard, that's how bad my sexual anxiety was. I was
nervous that she didn’t like me, or that she was going to think I was lame, or I had
a small dick. I mean, a million bad thoughts going through my head, and that was
when I really realized that I had sexual anxiety, and this was even before I'd joined
the community, I realized that I was really uncomfortable with sex, and sexual
situations and I would blush, and laugh and it came from a combination of nature
and nurture.
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