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Savage Wolf Pack
Wolf Charm
By Zoe Perdita
Copyright 2012 by Zoe Perdita
Published by Eccentric Erotica
Cover Art:
© Can Stock Photo Inc. /curaphotography
© Can Stock Photo Inc. /LianeM
© Can Stock Photo Inc. /nialat
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"I'm not moving in with you." I say to the gorgeous Russian man in front of me. Since I left after our time
together we haven’t had a chance to talk about this yet- I wish we could put it off longer.
Yuri glares at me, his almond shaped eyes narrowed into dangerous slits. "How are we supposed to protect
you if you don't live here, Sammy?"
"Figure something out! I have my own house. I live right next door!"
Sunlight streams in the window behind him, lighting up his black hair with shades of red and brown. "What
part of belonging to us don't you understand?" He's even beautiful when he's angry. Why does he make this harder
than it has to be?
"The part where I belong to you! Listen. I'm really grateful for your protection from wolves or whatever, but I
think you can protect me just fine if I live next door. It's not like animals can break in and attack me." Good thing
none of the other Lowell brothers are home. I don’t really want to have this argument with five hot as hell guys
staring me down.
Suddenly, he grabs my wrist and squeezes it. His eyes burn into mine, and my body trembles with barely
disguised desire. Why does he have this kind of effect on me? Why can he piss me off yet I still want to kiss the
stupid bastard's pouty lips? We fooled around for the first time yesterday and now he wants me to move in with the
family? This whole situation doesn't make a whole lot of sense. My entire world has been turned upside down after
moving back here. And I thought losing both my parents was bad!
Pressing his body against mine, our lips meet in the middle. His mouth's not exactly soft inviting but the hard
passion of it engulfs me. I flick my tongue out to dance with his, the heat of him setting fire to my blood- and I'd
willingly burn for this moment to last just a little longer. But we are in the middle of an argument! I can't just give in
to him like this. Again. So I pull back and wipe my mouth- although my body still aches for his touch.
Just as Yuri starts to speak, the front door opens and Dmitri and Pasha stand there staring at us. I glance at the
two of them, Dmitri’s eyebrows raised in a question and his wolfish grin replaced with a frown.
"Sammy? What are you doing here?" Dmitri asks.
"I was just-" I start, but Yuri cuts me off.
"We were talking about something important," Yuri says, his eyes focused squarely on Dmitri. All three
brothers glance at each other like they know something I don't. Well, this brings back memories. Back when we were
kids I was always out of the loop when it came to the five of them. The Lowell brothers and their secrets- gotta love
"Well, if it's so important why are you doing it alone?" Dmitri asks and puts his hands on his hips. He's still
about an inch shorter than Yuri, but with his broad shoulders he looks stronger than his older brother. Who knows if
that's the case? Even though Yuri's lanky, he's still a hell of a lot more powerful than he seems.
"I don't think you want to start this argument with me, little brother," Yuri says, and the corners of his lips
twist into a dangerous smirk.
Dmitri says something in Russian that I can't understand, and Pasha, the youngest of all five brothers, grabs
his shoulder, digging his fingers into the other man’s arm. Then he turns to me. "It’s good to see you again, Sammy.
You really grew up."
"I could say the same about you," I say and my eyes travel up and down the blond man's slender but finely
muscled frame. The last time I saw Pasha he was a skinny teenager, now he's a hot young man like the rest of his
brothers. Just looking at him makes that weird electricity pickle across my skin. His blond hair is as pale as it always
was, like moonlight on a clear night. His fair skin and pouty lips hardened by the cut of his jaw and the slight crook
of his nose. But the most disconcerting thing about him are those ice blue eyes, paler than any other I've ever seen.
Like Yuri's eyes, they seem to stare into my soul- into my being- and see things I can't even begin to explain.
Dmitri drapes his arms around my shoulders and pats my chest. The touch feels right, expected almost, but the
nagging in the back my head makes me want to step away. Why do I have a weird addiction to Lowell boys? I really
need to get over this. It’s like they're a drug- a drug I can't live without. However, I spent the last seven years of my
life living without them, and I did just fine. But ever since I came back my time away seems like a dream, something
life living without them, and I did just fine. But ever since I came back my time away seems like a dream, something
that didn't really happen. This is the only real life I’ve ever known- this sharp and bright now. Everything else was
just a fantasy. God, what the hell is wrong with me?
Summoning up all my strength I shrug off Dmitri’s arms and move toward the door. "Well it's been nice you
guys, but I have some work to do. I've got stuff to pick up at the hardware store. Turns out when house is left
unattended for six months things start falling apart."
"You’re not going alone!" Yuri and Dmitri say at once. Pasha stares at me with his eyes wide, frightened
almost. What the hell is he scared of? What are they all scared of? Wolves only come out at night, right? And they
don't frequent hardware stores.
The scar across my side itches, and I scratch it. Feels like it's getting worse lately, darker red each day. Why
did that only happened since I came back? I've had the damn thing for seven long years, and it's been perfectly fine
until now. "What? Do I need supervision just to go to the store?"
"I'll go," Dmitri says, "we needed to pick up some nails for the shutters."
Yuri shakes his head. "No, Pasha should go. He can pick up the nails just as well as you can."
Dmitri glares at his older brother, his forest green eyes shining in the late afternoon sunlight, but he doesn't
Suddenly Pasha grabs my arm and pulls me toward the door. "Come. We'd better hurry before it gets dark,"
he says and then gives me an apologetic smile. His touch makes my skin tingle just like the other brothers. Shit! I'm
fucked up. Having a crush on all five brothers? There's definitely something wrong with me.
I glanced back at Yuri and Dmitri as the youngest Lowell brother pulls me out the door. "Do you want me to
drive?" I ask. No point arguing now. Doesn't look like Yuri's gonna let me do anything on my own, at least not at the
"No, I can manage," Pasha says and climbs into their old beat up truck. I get in after him and glance at the
western mountains and the sun's slow and steady progress toward them. The fields around us are golden with late
summer wheat, almost ready for harvest- the hot air alive with the sounds of insects. Is it really so dangerous? Will a
wolf attack me during the day just because I’m wolf’s bait? What the hell is an animal gonna do to me besides kill
me? There's way too much about the situation I don't understand. Way too much they're keeping secret.
We ride in a comfortable silence, and I'm glad Pasha doesn't bombard me with questions about what I've been
up to. Telling him about college and life outside this small farming town doesn't seem to hold any real weight
anymore, not after everything else I've been through.
After about 20 minutes we pull into a hardware store, one of those little local ones big cities don't have. "Why
didn't we go to Spokane?" I ask as we both climb out of the truck.
Pasha shrugs. "We always come here. Plus, it's closer than Home Depot."
The sign on the door says they close at eight. Glancing at my cell phone I notice we got here just in time. 7:30
"What did you need?" Pasha asks as we walk inside.
"Pipe stuff," I say, and he points me in the right direction as he heads towards the nails.
I root through the plumbing supplies, hoping I'm picking out the right size, as I remember my dad showing
me how to fix things when I was a kid. It'd be so much easier if they were still around, if I could still call them and
ask for help. What would they think of this situation? Of the Lowell brothers? The idea of wolf's bait? Who am I
kidding? They wouldn't believe a word of it. They could hardly believe that a big white wolf attacked me when I was
kidding? They wouldn't believe a word of it. They could hardly believe that a big white wolf attacked me when I was
eighteen- but I had a huge gash in my side to prove it. Now this? Hell, they didn't even know I might be gay. Do I
regret never telling them? Damn, I regret a lot of things. Way too much for normal twenty-five-year-old.
As I pick up a pipe, a familiar shiver travels through my body, and suddenly my scar, the one from the wolf
attack, itches like crazy. I reach to scratch it, but the annoying sensation just won't stop- like ants crawling around
under my skin. Biting it. Gnawing until its an angry red. What the hell?
Then I notice him. A guy standing at the end of the aisle. A man I've never seen before.
"Problem?" he asks and steps toward me while I gape at him like a fish out of water.
I let my hand fall to my side although the horrible itch only grows worse the closer he gets. "Uh, no. Just
picking up some supplies," I say dumbly, unable to take my eyes off him.
He smiles, showing bright white teeth and canines that come to sharp and dangerous points. Teeth just like
Yuri's. But what the hell does that mean? Not to mention this guy is just as hot as fuck- like all five Lowell brothers.
He stands several inches taller than me, even taller than Yuri- he must be something like six four and solid with
muscle. His hair is just as pale as Pasha's- a shocking Scandinavian blond. His features are more rugged and
handsome than they are beautiful. A strong jaw, a straight nose, a high even brow and a square chin. But his eyes
aren’t normal. Instead of a regular color like blue or green or even brown like mine – they're gold. Who the hell has
eyes like that? Maybe they're contacts. That's the only thing that makes sense- unless he's jaundiced. But the weirdest
thing of all is I feel like I've met him before. Like I know him just as well as I know the Lowell brothers, just as well
as I knew my parents. Maybe even just as well as I know myself. But that doesn't make any sense!
"Maybe I can help you with something," he says and takes another slow step toward me.
My heart bangs against my ribs. The whole world narrowing to just him and me and this intense electricity
between us- like I'm lost and he's my only savior. But no! That's not true! I don't even know this asshole!
Just as I open my mouth to speak someone grabs my shoulder, a familiar touch easing my overly tense body.
"Got everything you need?" Pasha asks, his voice rigid and low. Almost a growl.
I nod and glance at him. But he's not looking at me. No. He stares daggers at the tall blond guy. The kind of
dangerous look I've only ever seen on Yuri's face. What did this guy do to piss him off? Do they know each other or
Suddenly, Pasha pulls me away. As we walk down the aisle I feel that man's spell break like shattering glass.
I glanced back at him, and the man smiles.
"See you around," he says holding up his hand in a mock wave.
God. I hope not.
After we pay and head outside, I shake off Pasha’s hand. "What the hell was that about?"
"That man, he's- dangerous," Pasha says and starts the truck.
"Dangerous how?"
Pasha bites his bottom lip, a habit he's had since he was just seven years old. "Yuri will tell you."
I frown at him. "Maybe I want you to tell me."
"I- I can't. I'm sorry, Sammy, but Yuri needs to be the one to tell you. Has he told you anything?"
The last rays of light shine over us as the sun ducks behind the western mountains. I sigh, heavily. "He told
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