Blackmailed Heart - Eden Cole.pdf

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Blackmailed Heart
By Eden Cole
Copyright © September 2011, Eden Cole
Cover art by For the Muse Designs © September 2011
ISBN 978-1-936668-29-8
This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel
are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right to
reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.
Sugar and Spice Press
North Carolina, USA
Blackmailed Heart
Eden Cole
Chapter One
Tyler leaned against the rail on his front porch and watched the man
who hadn’t left his dreams in five years. Sebastian hadn’t changed. His
thick blond hair still curled about his head, and his physique was that of a
pro ballplayer—hard and chiseled. Many nights Tyler had lain in those big
arms and felt all was right in the world.
As Sebastian drew closer, Tyler revised his thought that the man
hadn’t changed. He was wrong. The blue eyes that had been his reason for
rising each morning had gone from bright and expectant to dull and leery.
Surely, they didn’t appear that way because of him? He’d hoped Sebastian
would get over him and move on with his life, but maybe that wasn’t the
His former lover drew up in front of him and removed his hat. He
swiped a hand over his sweaty forehead before shoving it back on. Dust
covered his jeans and worn boots, the signs of a man who worked his land
with his own hands.
“Hey, Sebastian,” Tyler said, glad no emotion seeped out into his tone.
“Long time no see.”
Sebastian frowned. This close Tyler realized his gaze didn’t quite meet
Tyler’s. “Your cow got loose in my fields again. Trampled what she didn’t
eat. I don’t like having to keep coming by, but I have a living to make. If
you could see to fixing your fence so she can’t break through, I’d much
appreciate it.”
For a few moments, Tyler could find nothing to say. He was just back
home, and this was the first time they’d seen each other in so long. No
doubt Sebastian had been dealing with his manager about the cow, but he
couldn’t believe Sebastian was being so formal, so impersonal. They had
history, but this. His heart constricted, and he began to think he’d hurt him
deeper than he could ever have imagined. Getting Sebastian to forgive him
would be difficult.
Forgiveness , he repeated to himself. He hadn’t considered it until just
that moment when he saw the look in his former lover’s eyes, an emotion
Blackmailed Heart
Eden Cole
Sebastian tried to hide. “I’ve missed you,” he said rather than address the
cow situation. “I thought of you every day I was away. And I wanted to
say I’m sorry for breaking things off between us. You know my aunt—”
“That’s old news that I don’t care to discuss,” Sebastian interrupted. “I
want to know when you’ll get the cow and when you’ll fix the fence.”
Tyler came down the steps off the porch and walked up to his old
boyfriend. Sebastian must be twenty-six to his twenty-three, but he’d
grown a good three or four inches. They’d been the same height at just
over six feet. Now he had to tilt his head back a little. He liked it. “Can’t
we talk?”
Sebastian seemed to battle between stepping back to put distance
between them and holding his ground. Staying where he was won out. “I
have nothing to say.”
“I know I hurt you.” Tyler put a hand up to touch his face, but
Sebastian ducked away from it. A moan escaped Tyler’s lips. “Baby…”
“Don’t!” Sebastian turned and stomped down the drive. “Get your cow
before I shoot it!” He walked down the lane leading back to the road, and
Tyler watched him with an ache in his chest until he was out of sight.
He’d been wrong five years ago. At the time, he felt he had no choice,
and he’d hoped Sebastian would understand. His lover hadn’t been the
only one to be hurt in the deal. Tyler hurt too. He’d been devastated.
Worse, he’d had to leave his home and fly across the country to a place
where no one appreciated his slow Southern drawl. They’d called him
country bumpkin and pranked him. The girls who’d found him attractive
had blurted it to the cruel guys when they learned he was gay. That had
made a bad situation intolerable, and it wasn’t the type of thing he could
tell his aunt to motivate her to let him come home. After all, that’s why
she’d blackmailed him in the first place—to get him away from his gay
Tyler returned to the house that was now his to get the keys to his
pickup. If he remembered correctly, the trailer was still hooked up to it. He
could transport the cow back with no problem. Of course, he could get one
Blackmailed Heart
Eden Cole
of the workers to lead the cow over the field, but why do that when he’d
have another opportunity to look at Sebastian, maybe even talk to him?
When he climbed into the truck, he found his heart racing once again,
and just thinking of the way Sebastian looked in his jeans hardened his
cock. He smiled. One way or another he’d have him. The hope he’d felt
when he finished school knowing he could come back was the only thing
that kept him going. Not that it worked in the beginning. Despair had
caused him to flunk class after class, and the process had taken longer. He
liked to think he’d matured and gotten stronger, capable of managing the
ranch and the financial investments now that his aunt had passed.
Sebastian’s land came into view after a short ride down the road. The
Eberwood Gully sign etched into the arch over the entrance was as
familiar to him as his own home. He’d come here as a child and played
with his best friend. Then later when they awakened to their bodies and
hearts’ desires, they’d become lovers. Back then Tyler never imagined
he’d go more than a day without speaking to Sebastian.
“Tyler Wade, I heard you were back in town,” Deb Morgan,
Sebastian’s housekeeper called out when he parked. “Look at you all
grown up into a man, when you left a boy.”
He nodded and touched a finger to his hat. “Mornin’, Deb. Good to see
you again. I’d heard you were working for Sebastian now. I hope he’s a
good boss.”
She winked and put hands on her tiny waist along with poking her
double-D breasts out. He figured they must appeal to straight men. “The
best. I wouldn’t work for just anybody.”
I heard different with that too. But he didn’t say it out loud. Deb had
been after Sebastian almost as long as Tyler had been friends with him,
and it had never seemed to matter to the woman, who was pushing thirty,
that Sebastian was openly gay. She believed she could change him with
one night in her bed. He hoped she hadn’t tested that theory while he was
“I’m going around to the back and get my cow.” He shrugged and
offered a sheepish grin. Deb rolled her eyes at him. He knew she
Blackmailed Heart
Eden Cole
suspected him of coming all the way over here just to see Sebastian, but
what did he care? Sebastian was his. Even though neither Deb nor
Sebastian had accepted the fact yet.
Tyler was just getting the back of the trailer locked when he glanced
up to see Sebastian walking toward him. His heart raced, and he
swallowed. An ache started in the pit of his stomach. He’d talked to
Sebastian a million times before today and made love to him hundreds.
There was no reason he should feel like this. Still, he should be used to it.
Sebastian always left him unsettled in one way or another.
“About earlier,” Sebastian began.
Tyler waved his hand. “Don’t worry about it. To be honest, it’s an
impact seeing you after all this time. I guess it’s the same with you.” He
let his gaze sweep Sebastian from his full lips to his hard thighs. “You
look good, really good.”
He thought Sebastian would brush off the compliment, maybe even
walk away in a huff, but he stood where he was, leaning against the side of
the trailer. This time, his hat was missing, and Tyler got to enjoy how the
sun had darkened his hair some. “Thanks. You look good too. I guess
California agreed with you.”
Tyler tightened his lips. He fiddled with the lock a minute and then let
it go. “No, it didn’t actually. I’m a Texas boy through and through, and
this is where I belong.” He paused and looked Sebastian in the eye. “With
Tyler advanced closer to Sebastian, but the bigger man backed up a
step. He reached out to take Sebastian’s hand and pulled him in close.
Their lengths were flush against each other, and Tyler felt his cock grow
hard. Sebastian’s cock stuck him just right at the belt buckle, but he could
tell it was stiff—just as he liked it.
“Don’t.” Sebastian echoed what he’d said earlier when Tyler tried to
touch his cheek, but this time, there was no conviction in it. Tyler pressed
closer. He stretched up to kiss Sebastian’s lips, and to his surprise and
excitement, his former lover’s lips parted. Tyler took advantage of it. He
pushed his tongue inside Sebastian’s mouth and reached around behind
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