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Microsoft Word - CASAEF
CAS: activity/project self-evaluation form
Submit to: Activity/p roject leader
Session: ....…....................................
School number:
School name: ............……....................................…………………………........………………..…......
The following questions should be addressed at the end of each activity/project. These are guiding
questions. Candidates can either answer on this form or write a reflective, continuous text
incorporating responses to these questions. Write legibly using black ink.
Candidate self-evaluation
Candidate name:
Candidate session number:
Name of activity/project:
No of hours (approx):
1. Summarize what you did in this activity/project and how you interacted with others.
2. Explain what you hoped to accomplish through this activity/project.
3. How successful were you in achieving your goals? What difficulties did you encounter and how did
you overcome them?
4. What did you learn about yourself and others through this activity/project? What abilities, attitudes
and values have you developed?
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2008
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International Baccalaureate
CAS/AEF (reverse)
School name: .............................................................................................................................................
5. Did anyone help you to think about your learning during this activity/project? If so, who helped and
how did they help?
6. How did this activity/project benefit others?
7. What might you do differently next time to improve?
8. How can you apply what you have learned in other life situations?
Candidate’s signature: ....................................………..................... Date:........................................
To be completed by the activity/project leader
Punctuality and attendance: ___________________________________________________________
Effort and commitment: ______________________________________________________________
Further comments: __________________________________________________________________
The activity/project was (circle the desired response):
Satisfactorily completed
Not satisfactorily completed
Activity/project leader’s name: ........................................…….....…......
Activity/project leader’s signature: .....................................………........ Date: ...................................
Please give this form to the CAS coordinator when it has been completed.
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2008
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