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Recreate the hero
of Sony’s brand new
PlayStation3 game
LittleBIGPlanet ™.
January 2009 Simply Knitting 45
SKM49.proj_sackboy 45
18/11/08 2:05:0 pm
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St a r t k n itti n g here
NOTE Use 4mm needles throughout, cast on by
using the cable (two needle) method, and begin
all pieces with a K row, unless otherwise stated.
You w i l l need…
Sirdar, Click Chunky
Duffler (143), 2 x 50g/75m balls
Oddments of beige and black DK
A pair of 4mm knitting needles
75g washable toy stuffing
4in (10cm) brown metal trouser
Two ¾in (2cm) diameter black
buttons with shanks
Two plastic drinking straws
Clear adhesive
Cast on 12 sts with Click for base edge and st st 2
1st inc row K1, (inc 1) three times, K3, (inc 1) three
times, K2. [18 sts]
Next row Purl.
2nd inc row K1, (inc 1, K1) three times, K3,
(inc 1, K1) three times, K2. [24 sts]
Next row Purl.
3rd inc row (K2, inc 1) three times, K5, (inc 1, K2)
three times, K1. [30 sts]
St st 13 rows.
1st dec row (K2, k2tog, K1) to end. [24 sts]
Next row Purl.
2nd dec row (K1, k2tog, K1) to end. [18 sts]
Next row Purl.
3rd row (K1, k2tog) to end. [12 sts]
Next row Purl.
4th dec row (K2, k2tog, K2) twice. [10 sts]
Cast off for neck edge.
Glue the zip
shut so
stuffing won’t
all fall out.
10½in (27cm) tall
Ten sion squa re
Yarn used knits as chunky to this
20 sts and 23 rows to measure
4x4in (10x10in) over stocking
stitch using 4mm needles
Next row Purl.
8th dec row (K 2 tog) to end. [10 sts]
Break yarn, leaving a long end. Thread through sts
on needle, draw up tightly and fasten off.
Cast on 12 sts with Click for neck edge and st st 2
1st inc row (Inc 1, inc 1, K1) to end. [20 sts]
Next row Purl.
2nd inc row (Inc 1, K1) to end. [30 sts]
Next row Purl.
3rd inc row (K1, inc 1, K1) to end. [40 sts]
Next row Purl.
4th inc row (K1, inc 1, K2) to end. [50 sts]
Next row Purl.
5th inc row (K2, inc 1, K2) to end. [60 sts]
Next row Purl.
6th inc row (K2, inc 1, K3) to end. [70 sts]
St st 7 rows.
1st dec row (K6, k2tog, K6) to end. [65 sts]
St st 3 rows.
2nd dec row (K6, k2tog, K5) to end. [60 sts]
St st 3 rows.
3rd dec row (K5, k2tog, K5) to end. [55 sts]
St st 3 rows.
4th dec row (K5, k2tog, K4) to end. [50 sts]
St st 3 rows.
Cast on 8 sts with Click for base edge and cont in
st st.
1st inc row Inc into every st to end. [16 sts]
Next row Purl.
2nd inc row (Inc 1, K1) to end. [24 sts]
St st 3 rows.
1st dec row (K1, k2tog) to end. [16 sts]
St st 11 rows.
2nd dec row (K2tog) to end. [8 sts]
Break yarn, leaving a long end. Thread through sts
on needle, draw up tightly and fasten off.
Cast on 6 sts with Click for top edge and cont in st
Next row Purl.
Inc row Inc into every st to end. [12 sts].
St st 13 rows.
Cast on 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows for thumb.
[18 sts]
Cast off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows [12 sts].
St st 2 rows.
beg beginning
cont continue
K knit
P purl
st st stocking stitch
st(s) stitch(es)
stocking stitch
4th dec row
St st 3 rows.
5th dec row (K2, k2tog, K1) to end [40 sts].
St st 2 rows.
6th dec row (P2tog, P2) to end [30 sts].
St st 2 rows.
7th dec row (K1, k2tog) to end [20 sts].
Next row K7, turn and work on these sts only.
Next row P3, turn and work on these sts only.
Next row Knit.
46 Simply Knitting January 2009
SKM49.proj_sackboy 46
18/11/08 2:05:17 pm
5th dec row
St st 2 rows.
6th dec row
St st 2 rows.
7th dec row
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Break yarn, leaving a 40in (100cm) length. Thread
through sts on needle, draw up tightly, then
oversew side edges of finger together.
Use this stitch to neatly sew
Sackboy together.
Next row Using remaining length of yarn, K2
from left-hand needle, turn and work on these 6
sts only.
*Next row P3, turn and work on these sts only.
Next row Knit.
Thread yarn through sts on needle, draw up
tightly, then oversew side edges of finger
Mattress stitch
Next row Using remaining length of yarn, K1
from left-hand needle, turn and work on these 4
sts only.
Work as given for ring finger from * to **.
Keep the whipping
stitches nice and
bold – they’re
part of the
Next row Using remaining length
of yarn, K 2 sts from left-hand
needle. [3 sts].
St st 2 rows.
Thread yarn through sts on
needle and draw up tightly.
When sewing seams
on toy projects, use
small stitches and
matching yarn.
Work a gathering thread through
every stitch along base edge, draw
up tightly and fasten off.
Use yarn remaining at tip of each
index finger to oversew side edges of
finger together and round thumb, then mattress
stitch arm seam, stopping 1in (2.5cm) away from
top edge. Leaving fingers and thumb unstuffed,
stuff hand and arm, then join remainder of seam.
Work a gathering thread through every stitch
along top edge, draw up tightly and fasten off.
Use beige yarn to embroider uneven whipping
stitches. First work round top of head on 5th
decrease row, pinching knitting between finger
and thumb along this row as you embroider to
accentuate flat top of head. Now work a line of
stitching down each side of head.
Work a line of stitching down each leg seam,
Also work a line of stitching round each wrist and
up inside of arm, from wrist to top edge.
Use Click to sew arms and legs securely in
place, then use beige yarn to
embroider whipping stitches up each
side of body and round top of arms.
Mark eye positions with pins,
placing between 2nd and 3rd
decrease rows and spacing 2in
(5cm) apart, then sew buttons
securely in place and remove pins.
Draw out a single strand
from a length of black yarn
and use the remaining 2
strands to embroider mouth with
split stitch, working a 4in (10cm)
long, slightly curved, line.
Thread approximately 20in (50cm) of
yarn on to your needle and secure it by
weaving it down the edge of one piece
to the point where you will start
stitching, then bringing it to the front
between the first and second stitch.
Now lay both pieces to be joined
together on a flat surface and insert
the needle between the first two
stitches on the other piece. Bring the
needle back up through the opposite
piece between the two stitches on the
next row up. Keep stitching in this way
all the way up the edges to be joined,
pulling nice and tight on the yarn every
two or three stitches in order to bring
the fabric together.
Unless otherwise specified, sew seams and join
pieces using mattress stitch, working with right
side of knitting uppermost. A one-stitch knitted
seam turning has been allowed on most pieces
to accommodate this method.
First spread a little glue on back of zip teeth to
seal, and leave to set. Insert zip between side
edges of body piece and pin in place. Draw out a
single strand from a length of Click and use the
remaining 2 strands to sew knitting to zip, using
backstitch and working one knitted stitch in
from edge. Remove pins then, with zip running
up centre front, fold base edge of body flat and
sew across. Stuff body firmly.
Cut four 3in (7.5cm) lengths of straw for neck
support, hold together and bind closely with
Click, securing ends with spots of glue, then push
finger into stuffing at top of body to make a hole
and insert support, leaving half extending above
top of body.
Join head seam, starting at gathered top edge
and stopping 1in (2.5cm) away from neck edge.
Stuff firmly, then join remainder of seam. Push
finger into stuffing at base of head and, with
head seam running down centre back, fit head
on to neck support, then join neck edges of head
and body.
Join seam on each leg, starting at gathered top
edge and stopping 1in (2.5cm) away from base
edge. Stuff firmly, then join remainder of seam.
Use Click to sew arms and legs securely in
place, then use beige yarn to
embroider whipping stitches up each
side of body and round top of arms.
Mark eye positions with pins,
placing between 2nd and 3rd
decrease rows and spacing 2in
(5cm) apart, then sew buttons
securely in place and remove pins.
Draw out a single strand
from a length of black yarn
Sackboy is the hero of the
game LittleBIGPlanet ™, made
by Media Molecule for Sony
PlayStation 3. Knit our
unofficial Sackboy for the
gamer in your life!
strands to embroider mouth with
split stitch, working a 4in (10cm)
Turn to page 35 for another great
Alan Dart toy pattern – his
glittering Jack Frost. Despite the ice,
his heart is warm!
January 2009 Simply Knitting 47
SKM49.proj_sackboy 47
18/11/08 2:05:33 pm
Sackboy is the hero of the
game LittleBIGPlanet
by Media Molecule for Sony
PlayStation 3. Knit our
unofficial Sackboy for the
gamer in your life!
Turn to page 35 for another great
Alan Dart toy pattern – his
glittering Jack Frost. Despite the ice,
his heart is warm!
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