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Dating Vocabulary Lesson
Hello and welcome to the vocabulary lesson for the conversation called “Dating.” Now this is a conversation
Joe and I were having about some of our friends and the different dates that they have gone on.
So let’s begin.
* * * * *
Joe starts out by saying, “Hey, I ran into my friend Jackie today downtown.”
Now hey... That’s just kind of a filler word here. It doesn’t really mean anything. He’s just trying to get my
attention. It’s just something you can say at the beginning of a sentence. So he’s saying, "Hey, I ran into my
friend Jackie today downtown. Ran into... Now that’s an idiom. And what he’s saying here is, hey I saw my
friend Jackie by surprise today. Or I unexpectedly saw my friend. Or I wasn’t expecting to see her. Ran into.
An example of this would be: One time I was at a street festival here in San Francisco. And ran into a friend,
who I wasn’t even expecting to be there. Ran into.
Then I go on to say, “Hey, you used to work with her, right?”
So I’m saying, hey you used to work with her, didn’t you?
And then Joe says, “Yeah, yeah, I don’t think you’ve met her yet but, uh...”
So he’s saying yeah, yeah. Yeah is just slang or informal or casual for yes. You won’t really see that in
written English, but you will definitely hear it in conversational English. So he’s saying, yeah I don’t think
you’ve met my friend Jackie. Met as in, I don’t think you’ve been introduced to her.
And then I go on to say, “Yeah, I can’t believe...”
Or I’m surprised.
“I haven’t met her actually, but...”
Now actually here is just kind of a filler word. It doesn’t really mean that much.
Then Joe goes on to say, “Yeah, y’know, I well, I don’t see her that often.”
Often meaning much. He’s saying, I don’t see her that often. I don’t see her that much.
“I guess...”
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Dating Vocabulary Lesson
I guess, or I think.
And then I say, “Oh.” And then Joe goes on to say, “one of the reasons I don’t see her that often...”
Or I don’t see her that much.
“is because she’s been really busy...”
Really or very busy .
“uh, because she’s in a new relationship she said.”
So... In a new relationship. Or that could also mean... His friend Jackie, she’s just started dating someone.
She’s in this new relationship.
And I say, “Oh.”
Like wow. Really?
Then Joe says, “Yeah, you should have seen her. It was like, uh, it was so cute to see her. She was
like bursting at the seams she was so happy.”
Like, in this situation... I've mentioned this in other lessons. It’s just a filler word. Doesn’t really mean
anything. So she was like bursting at the seams. Now bursting at the seams... That’s an idiom. Basically
it’s saying she was very excited. She was so happy. Bursting at the seams. An example of bursting at the
seams would be: When I first met Joe, ten months ago on this day actually (the 21st), I felt so excited and
happy. I was bursting at the seams.
Then I... I just laugh.
Because I can imagine his friend Jackie just... Even though I haven’t met her. I can just picture this woman
who's, as he’s describing, she’s so cute. She’s just bursting at the seams. She’s so happy because she’s in
this new relationship.
Okay moving on then Joe says, “Because I guess...”
Or he’s saying I think. I guess.
“the relationship is going really well...”
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Dating Vocabulary Lesson
Or it’s going very well.
"so..." And then I say, “Oh, that’s good.” And Joe says, “Yeah, I’m really happy to see it too because
I know that she’s been really looking for someone.”
Now looking for someone... That’s an idiom and what he’s basically saying is she’s been trying to find
someone to date. She’s been trying to find someone. An example of looking for someone would be: My
friend Tina is always looking for someone, but she can never seem to meet someone she likes. Looking for
someone. So yeah Joe is talking about how he is happy to see that... See her, see his friend so happy.
Because she’s been looking for someone. She’s been trying to find someone to date.
And he goes on to say, “And, uh, y’know, she’d been doing the online dating thing for, I don’t know,
over a year.”
So he’s saying, she’d been meeting people. Or trying to date people online or from the internet. And she’d
been doing this for over a year. For more than a year.
And he goes on to say, “And, I mean...”
Or, what I’m trying to say.
“it seemed like she was having, uh, she wasn’t having a lot of luck with it, so...”
So he’s saying, she wasn’t having a lot of luck. She wasn’t finding men to date. She just wasn’t having very
good luck with it.
And then I go on to say, “Oh, really?” And Joe says, “Yeah.” And then I say, “Well, it’s good she’s
finally found someone that she’s compatible with.”
Compatible. So what I’m saying is, it’s good she’s finally found someone she gets along well with.
And then Joe says, “Yeah. I remember when she first started out she told me about this one guy she
met and he was a total loser.”
So he’s saying, I remember when she first started out dating. She told me about this one guy. Guy is slang
for man. So she told me... So he’s saying, she told me about this one man she met and he was a total loser.
A total loser just simply means not a good person to date because maybe the guy is unsuccessful. Or maybe
he doesn’t have a job. Or maybe he’s mean to his mother. Or maybe he’s not well-educated... He doesn’t
have a good education. Total loser. An example of total loser would be: My mom likes to remind me of how
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Dating Vocabulary Lesson
I dated total losers in high school. She thinks it’s because I wanted to try and change them into better guys.
Total loser.
So then Joe goes on to say, “I mean, one thing that I remember she said was that he asked her to go
out to this nice restaurant.”
So he’s saying, she's talking about... His friend Jackie is talking about this guy when she first started doing
the dating online. Or on the internet. This... This first guy she meets, he asks her to go to this nice
restaurant. To this really expensive restaurant is basically what that means. Nice restaurant.
And then Joe goes on to say, “And, y’know, she wasn’t planning on, uh, having him pay for the date.”
So he’s saying that Jackie, his friend, wasn’t, wasn't thinking that this guy would pay for her date. I think in
America nowadays it’s not expected for a guy to pay for the first date. But usually, or I would say most of the
time, it does still happen. So she’s not thinking he’s definitely going to pay for the date.
So then Joe goes on to say, “Y’know, she was like, 'Okay, well, y’know, I have money just in case.'
And, uh, he made her pay for the whole date.”
So Jackie wasn’t planning on this guy paying for her date. She wasn’t thinking he would pay for it. She had
money just in case. She had money just to be sure. Y'know, just... Just to be sure in case he didn’t pay.
And then Joe is saying, but he did. He ended up making her pay for the whole date. For, for everything.
So I just laugh and say, “Oh my god!”
Like, I can’t believe it.
And Joe says, “I know! What the...” And he laughs. “So that was really, y’know, that was really a bad
So what he’s saying is, that was really a bad first meeting. So Jackie... his friend Jackie... This was a bad
first meeting for her. A bad first meeting with this guy. Because he made her pay for the whole date. Like I
said, even though it’s not expected in American culture anymore, it’s still... It’s just nice on the first date if a
guy pays.
Then I just laugh, agreeing it was a bad introduction. And Joe goes on to say, "to the, to that guy and
to the online dating world.”
So he’s saying, that was a bad introduction to this guy and to the online dating world. So here, bad
introduction to the online dating world... Introduction would just mean it was a bad start to the dating world. It
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Dating Vocabulary Lesson
was a bad first meeting for this guy... for her to meet this guy. And it was a bad start to the dating world.
And then I say, “Yeah, I would say so.”
So I’m just completely agreeing.
And Joe says, “Because that was the first person she went out with.”
So he’s saying yeah. It was such a bad introduction. A bad way to start dating on the internet. A bad first
date to have with this guy, who makes her pay for the food at the restaurant. It was just a bad introduction.
Now went out with... When he says, because that was the first person she went out with... What he is saying
is, that was the first person she went on a date with. Went out with. For example: I remember I went out
with this guy one time on our first date. I was driving and we ended up getting into a car accident. Luckily we
didn’t get hurt. But it was not a good way to end our first date. Went out with.
Then I go on to say, "Well..." After laughing, “Well, speaking...”
Or talking.
“of blind dates, ‘coz online dating is pretty much blind dates...”
Okay blind dates, or blind date... That’s an idiom. That just means going out on a date with someone you’ve
never met. Blind date. So I’m saying, yeah speaking or talking about blind dates, because it is. When you’re
meeting someone on the internet, that’s like blind dating. An example of blind dating or blind date: I’ve never
been on a blind date before. I’ve always known the person before going on the date. Blind date. Now when
I say, 'coz online dating is pretty much blind dates... What I’m saying there... 'Coz. 'Coz is short for
because. This is something else you won’t see in written English, but you will hear it in conversational
English. 'Coz.
Okay, then moving on Joe says, “Yeah.”
Agreeing with me.
And then I say, "or blind dating, I should say, um. There’s, I have a friend that I am no longer in touch
with and before we lost touch I can remember her telling me a story about going out on a blind date.”
So in the beginning, I’m just correcting myself from talking about blind dates to blind dating. I’m just
correcting myself. And then I’m talking about that I have this friend that I’m no longer in touch with. In touch
with... Now that’s an idiom meaning in contact with. I no longer have this friend I am in contact with. An
example of in touch with would be: When I was living in Korea, Thailand and Japan, I was pretty good about
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