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Drunk Driving Mini-Story Lesson
Hey there. Welcome to the mini-story lesson for the conversation “Drunk Driving.”
Let’s get started with the story.
* * * * *
Leo the lion was excited. He had finally saved enough money to buy a ticket to fly to the moon.
One week before leaving he went to a bar with his friend Samuel the snake. Samuel and Leo drank
twelve beers each. Samuel was so drunk that he fell on the floor.
The bartender then said, “I had no idea you were so drunk. It is time for you to go home.”
So Leo and Samuel left the bar. Samuel wanted to drive his car home.
“If you drive now, you will have a run-in with the law,” said Leo.
But Samuel drove his car anyway.
After driving one mile he was pulled over. The policeman knew that Samuel was drunk.
“Now you are going to be thrown in jail,” said the policeman.
The next day Samuel asked Leo to borrow money so he could hire a lawyer.
“I hope that he can get me off. I don’t want them to throw the book at me,” said Samuel.
Leo gave Samuel money for the lawyer.
“Now I have no money. I can’t go to the moon,” said Leo.
He was very upset. He knew he should not have let Samuel drive.
* * * * *
Okay, so that’s our story. And now I will tell the story again, but this time I will ask you questions. And, as
always, you should try to answer them out loud and if you need a little more time you should just press pause
on your iPod or your computer and then press play again when you are ready to answer the question. But if
you don’t want to answer the questions and you just want to sit and listen, that’s fine, too.
© Copyright 2008: Learn Real English, LLC
Drunk Driving Mini-Story Lesson
Alright, here we go.
* * * * *
Leo the lion was excited.
Who was excited?
Leo the lion, Leo the lion was excited.
Was Larry the lion excited?
No, it wasn’t Larry the lion.
Was Leo the lion excited?
Yes, Leo the lion was excited.
What type of animal is Leo?
A lion, Leo is a lion.
Is Leo a mouse?
No, Leo is not a mouse.
Is Leo a lion?
Yes, yes, he is. Leo is a lion.
Was Leo tired?
No, he was not tired. He was excited.
He had finally saved enough money to buy a ticket to fly to the moon.
Had he finally saved enough money to buy a ticket to fly to the moon?
Yes, he had. He had finally saved enough money to buy a ticket to fly to the moon.
© Copyright 2008: Learn Real English, LLC
Drunk Driving Mini-Story Lesson
Who had saved enough money?
Leo, Leo had saved enough money.
Had Brad Pitt or Leo saved enough money?
Leo had. Leo had saved enough money.
What had he saved enough money to buy?
A ticket to fly to the moon, he had saved enough money to buy a ticket to fly to the moon.
Had he saved enough money to buy a ticket to fly to the moon?
Yes, he had. He had saved enough money to buy a ticket to fly to the moon.
Did he have enough money saved to buy a ticket to fly to the moon?
Yes, yes, he did. He had enough money saved to buy a ticket to fly to the moon.
Okay, so where did he want to fly?
To the moon, he wanted to fly to the moon.
Did he want to fly to New York?
No, he didn’t want to fly to New York.
Did he want to fly to the moon?
Yes, he did. He wanted to fly to the moon. That’s why he bought a ticket to fly to the moon or that’s why he
was saving money to buy a ticket to fly to the moon actually.
One week before leaving he went to a bar with his friend Samuel the snake.
Did he go to a bar with his friend Samuel the snake?
Yes, he did. He went to a bar with his friend Samuel the snake.
© Copyright 2008: Learn Real English, LLC
Drunk Driving Mini-Story Lesson
When did he go to a bar?
One week before leaving, one week before leaving he went to a bar.
Did he go to a bar one month before leaving?
No, it wasn’t one month before leaving.
Did he go to a bar one week before leaving?
Yes, yes, he did. He went to a bar one week before leaving.
Okay, so where did he go?
A bar, he went to a bar.
Did he go to a church or a bar?
A bar, he went to a bar.
Who did he go to the bar with?
Samuel the snake, he went to the bar with Samuel the snake.
Did he go to the bar with Cathy the cat?
No, he didn’t go to the bar with Cathy the cat.
Did he go to the bar with Samuel the snake?
Yes, he did. He went to the bar with Samuel the snake.
Is Samuel the snake Leo’s friend?
Yes, yes, he is. He went to the bar with his friend Samuel the snake, so Samuel the snake is Leo’s friend.
Samuel and Leo drank twelve beers each.
© Copyright 2008: Learn Real English, LLC
Drunk Driving Mini-Story Lesson
Did Samuel and Leo drink twelve beers each?
Yes, they did. Samuel and Leo drank twelve beers each.
Okay, so what did Samuel and Leo do?
Well, they drank twelve beers each.
Who drank twelve beers each?
Samuel and Leo, Samuel and Leo drank twelve beers each.
Did Samuel and Leo drink twelve beers each?
Yes, they did. Samuel and Leo drank twelve beers each.
How many beers did Samuel and Leo drink?
Twelve beers each, Samuel and Leo drank twelve beers each.
Did they drink ten or twelve beers each?
Twelve, they drank twelve beers each.
Did Samuel and Leo drink twenty-four beers total?
Yes, yes, they did. They each drank twelve beers, which means that they drank twenty-four beers total
because twelve plus twelve is twenty-four.
Samuel was so drunk that he fell on the floor.
Did Samuel fall on the floor?
Yes, he did. He fell on the floor.
Who fell on the floor?
Samuel, Samuel fell on the floor.
© Copyright 2008: Learn Real English, LLC
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