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Eric L. Boyd


Pantheons of the Realms .................................... 2
Format of Deity Entries .................................... 2
Extended Calculated THACOs Table ........................... 4
Extended Priest Spell Progression Table .................... 4
Extended Wizard Spell Progression Table..................... 4
Extended Bard Spell Progression Table....................... 4

Drow Pantheon .............................................. 12
Eilisrraee ................................................. 13
Ghaunadaur.................................................. 18
Kiaransalee................................................. 23
Lolth....................................................... 26
Selvetarm................................................... 33
Vhaeraun ................................................... 36

Dwarven Pantheon ........................................... 41
Abbathor.................................................... 42
BerronarTruesilver.......................................... 46
Clangeddin Silverbeard...................................... 49
Deep Duerra................................................. 54
Dugmaren Brightmantle....................................... 57
Dumathoin................................................... 60
Gorm Gulthyn................................................ 64
Haela Brightaxe............................................. 67
Laduguer ................................................... 71
Marthammor Duin. ........................................... 74
Moradin..................................................... 78
Sharindlar.................................................. 82
Thard Harr.................................................. 85
Vergadain................................................... 88

Elven Pantheon ............................................. 92
Aerdrie Faenya.............................................. 94
Anghan-adh.................................................. 97
Avachel..................................................... 100
Corellon Larethian.......................................... 100
Deep Sashelas .............................................. 104
Erevan Ilesere.............................................. 108
Falarathael ................................................ 111
Fenmarel Mestarine.......................................... 1ll
Hanali Celanil.............................................. 114
Khalreshaar ................................................ 117
Labelas Enoreth. ........................................... 117
Lashrael.................................................... 120
Rillifane Rallathil......................................... 120
Sehanine Moonbow............................................ 125
Shevarash................................................... 129
Solonor Thelandira ......................................... 132
Zandilar.................................................... 135

Gnome Pantheon ............................................. 136
Baervan Wildwanderer........................................ 137
Baravar Cloakshadow......................................... 141
Callarduran Smoothhands. ................................... 143
Flandal Steelskin........................................... 146
Gaerdal Ironhand ........................................... 149
GarlGlittergold............................................. 151
Nebelun..................................................... 154
SegojanEarthcaller.......................................... 154
Urdlen...................................................... 158

Halfling Pantheon .......................................... 161
Arvoreen ................................................... 162
Brandobaris ................................................ 166
Cyrrollalee ................................................ 169
Sheela Peryroyl............................................. 172
Tymora ..................................................... 175
Urogalan.................................................... 175
Yondalla.................................................... 179

Appendix 1: Demihuman Priests .............................. 183
Appendix 2: Spell Index .................................... 187

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Design: Eric L. Boyd

Original and Source Material Design: Ed Greenwood, Robert J. Kuntz,
Colin McComb, Roger Moore, Carl Sargent, and James M. Ward, the primary
authors of the demihuman pantheons in Deities & Demigods, Best of the
Drqgon Volume III, Dwarves Deep, Drow of the Underdark, Monstrous
Mythology, and On Hallowed Ground.. Also inspiration or original source
material from: Lynn Abbey, L. Richard Baker III, Jim Bambra, Wolfgang
Baur, Tim Beach, Grant Boucher, Jim Butler, Loren Coleman, William W.
Connors, David "Zeb" Couk, Monte Cook, Bruce R. Cordell, Elaine
Cunningham, Michael Dobson, Dale Donovan, Nigel Find-ley, Karen Wynn
Fonstad, Ed Greenwood, Jeff Grubb, Gary Gygax, Scott Haring, Paul
Jaquays, Steve Kurtz, James Lowder, David E. Martin, Julia Martin,
Colin McComb, Frank Mentzer, Blake Mobley, Roger Moore, Rags Morales,
Robert S. Mullin, John Nephew, Bruce Nesmith, Douglas Niles, Kate
Novak, Chris Perry, Jonathon M. Richards, Chris Perry, Anthony Pryor
Tom Prusa, David S. Reimer, Carl Sargent, R. A.  Salvatore, Steven
Schend, Dave Simons, slade, Bill Slavicsek, Keith Francis Strohm, Rick
Swan, John Terra, James Ward with Robert Kuntz, Steve Winter, Peter
Dosik. We apologize for anyone we missed.

Editing: Julia Martin

Brand Manager:  David Wise

Proofreading: Linda Archer
Cover Art: Todd Lockwood

Priest Color Plates, Interior Illustration, and New Deity Symbols: Ned

Interior Page Layout Design: Dee Barnett

Interior Page Layout Art: Red Hughes

Typesetting: Eric Haddock

Production: Matt Adelsperger

Research Assistance: Brian "Volo" D. Gute (for compiling all the
demihuman deity lore in all of the Volo's Guides), Thomas "Marduk" M.
Costa and Bryon <Dracolich> Wischstadt (for help with proofreading),
Thomas "Marduk" M. Costa (for his help in cross-balancing avatars and
specialty priests), and Alistair "Realms Moderator Emeritus" G.Lowe-
Norris, Andrew "Realms Moderator" Hackard, Ariane <Cnith of
Fenrisulven> Fournier,  Austin "AFrisbie" Frisbie, Bobby "Cat Dragon"
Nichols, Boedyn, Brian "Volo" D. Gute,  Bryon <Dracolich> Wischstadt,
Christopher "Demihuman Deity" Dwinell, Christopher "Seldarine" D.
Perry, Damir "Maki" Makovica, Daniel "Highmoon" M. Perez, David
"Mulhorand" Welt-baum, Elric, Ezra "Sneezy" S. Freelove, George
"Phalorm" Krashos, Grant "Scribe" Christie, John "Bishop" R. East, Jay
"Pukje", Jeff "Sacredl2" T, Jenn "Kethry" Millinkton, Kain "CullA" T.
Whitehouse, Lestat d'Lioncourt, Malcolm "Agrivar Nekros" the Undead
Paladin of Tyr, Mark "Northern Journey" Oliva, Martin "Prescient"
Brabander, Matthew "Arawn" McSorley, Mike "Warlock666" Hill, Nigel
"Eilistraee" Bennington, Phllip <Sleyvas> Wallace, Rich "Bushcat93,"
Rick "Maul1", Russell "Wastri" Timm, Ryan McCoy, Thomas "Marduk" M.
Costa, and Toby "Runedarspace" Mekelburg.

Eric apologizes for anyone he missed.

To Letitia for her unconditional love and support, to my family for
their understanding, to the members of the Realms list for their
inspiration and thought-provoking posts, to David Wise for his
patience, to Ed Greenwood and Steven Schend for their invaluable
assistance and ready answers, and to Julia Martin, the visionary,
original designer, and editor of this trilogy of supplements who took a
chance on a dedicated Realms fan and novice author.

Campaign setting based on the original campaign world of Ed Greenwood,

Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules created by E. Gary Gygax
and Dave Arneson.

TSR, Inc. is a subsidiary of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

This product is a work of fiction; any similarities to actual people,
organizations, places, or events ispurely coincidental.

(c) 1998 TSR, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.

                                           ISBN 0-7869-1239-1
AMERICA Wizards of the
Coast, Inc-P.O. Box 707
Renton, WA 98057-0707

the Coast, Belgium
P.B. 34 2300
Tumhout     Belgium

Demihuman Deities is a companion product to Faiths & Avatars, and
Powers & Pantheons. In the Forgotten Realms, the gods and goddesses of
the Realms are referred to as powers, and they are grouped into
collections of gods referred to as pantheons.  Demihuman Deities
details the pantheons of the demihuman races, including the dwarves,
elves (and drow), gnomes, and halflings.

Ownership of the Player's Handbook, the DUNGEON MASTERR Guide, and the
Tome of Magic are required to use this product. Ownership of Faiths &
Avatars, Powers & Pantheons, Pages from the Mages, Prayers from the
Faithful, the MONSTROUS MANUAL tome, the assorted MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM
Annual volumes, the PLANESCAPE MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM appendices, and the
four volumes of the ENCYCLOPEDIA MAGICAT tome is strongly encouraged
and would supplement the information presented here. Without them, DMs
will be forced to substitute their own information from some heavily
referenced material. Other products mentioned in this book are of
tertiary importance; information referenced from them is summarized in
this volume or may be omitted completely without significantly
influencing the flavor of the entries presented here.

To avoid excessive duplicat...
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