Schneier B. - Applied Cryptography (2nd ed.).pdf

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APPLIED CRYPTOGRAPHY, SECOND EDITION: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C:Table of Contents
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Applied Cryptography, Second Edition: Protocols, Algorthms, and Source
Code in C (cloth)
(Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
Author(s): Bruce Schneier
ISBN: 0471128457
Publication Date: 01/01/96
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Chapter 1—Foundations
1.1 Terminology
1.2 Steganography
1.3 Substitution Ciphers and Transposition Ciphers
1.4 Simple XOR
1.5 One-Time Pads
1.6 Computer Algorithms
1.7 Large Numbers
Chapter 2—Protocol Building Blocks
2.1 Introduction to Protocols
2.2 Communications Using Symmetric Cryptography
2.3 One-Way Functions
2.4 One-Way Hash Functions
2.5 Communications Using Public-Key Cryptography
2.6 Digital Signatures
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2.7 Digital Signatures with Encryption
2.8 Random and Pseudo-Random-Sequence Generation
Chapter 3—Basic Protocols
3.1 Key Exchange
3.2 Authentication
3.3 Authentication and Key Exchange
3.4 Formal Analysis of Authentication and
Key-Exchange Protocols
3.5 Multiple-Key Public-Key Cryptography
3.6 Secret Splitting
3.7 Secret Sharing
3.8 Cryptographic Protection of Databases
Chapter 4—Intermediate Protocols
4.1 Timestamping Services
4.2 Subliminal Channel
4.3 Undeniable Digital Signatures
4.4 Designated Confirmer Signatures
4.5 Proxy Signatures
4.6 Group Signatures
4.7 Fail-Stop Digital Signatures
4.8 Computing with Encrypted Data
4.9 Bit Commitment
4.10 Fair Coin Flips
4.11 Mental Poker
4.12 One-Way Accumulators
4.13 All-or-Nothing Disclosure of Secrets
4.14 Key Escrow
Chapter 5—Advanced Protocols
5.1 Zero-Knowledge Proofs
5.2 Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Identity
5.3 Blind Signatures
5.4 Identity-Based Public-Key Cryptography
5.5 Oblivious Transfer
5.6 Oblivious Signatures
5.7 Simultaneous Contract Signing
5.8 Digital Certified Mail
5.9 Simultaneous Exchange of Secrets
Chapter 6—Esoteric Protocols
6.1 Secure Elections
6.2 Secure Multiparty Computation
6.3 Anonymous Message Broadcast
6.4 Digital Cash
Chapter 7—Key Length
7.1 Symmetric Key Length
7.2 Public-Key Key Length
7.3 Comparing Symmetric and Public-Key Key Length
7.4 Birthday Attacks against One-Way Hash Functions
7.5 How Long Should a Key Be?
7.6 Caveat Emptor
Chapter 8—Key Management
8.1 Generating Keys
8.2 Nonlinear Keyspaces
8.3 Transferring Keys
8.4 Verifying Keys
8.5 Using Keys
8.6 Updating Keys
8.7 Storing Keys
8.8 Backup Keys
8.9 Compromised Keys
8.10 Lifetime of Keys
8.11 Destroying Keys
8.12 Public-Key Key Management
Chapter 9—Algorithm Types and Modes
9.1 Electronic Codebook Mode
9.2 Block Replay
9.3 Cipher Block Chaining Mode
9.4 Stream Ciphers
9.5 Self-Synchronizing Stream Ciphers
9.6 Cipher-Feedback Mode
9.7 Synchronous Stream Ciphers
9.8 Output-Feedback Mode
9.9 Counter Mode
9.10 Other Block-Cipher Modes
9.11 Choosing a Cipher Mode
9.12 Interleaving
9.13 Block Ciphers versus Stream Ciphers
Chapter 10—Using Algorithms
10.1 Choosing an Algorithm
10.2 Public-Key Cryptography versus Symmetric
10.3 Encrypting Communications Channels
10.4 Encrypting Data for Storage
10.5 Hardware Encryption versus Software Encryption
10.6 Compression, Encoding, and Encryption
10.7 Detecting Encryption
10.8 Hiding Ciphertext in Ciphertext
10.9 Destroying Information
Chapter 11—Mathematical Background
11.1 Information Theory
11.2 Complexity Theory
11.3 Number Theory
11.4 Factoring
11.5 Prime Number Generation
11.6 Discrete Logarithms in a Finite Field
Chapter 12—Data Encryption Standard (DES)
12.1 Background
12.2 Description of DES
12.3 Security of DES
12.4 Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis
12.5 The Real Design Criteria
12.6 DES Variants
12.7 How Secure Is DES Today?
Chapter 13—Other Block Ciphers
13.1 Lucifer
13.2 Madryga
13.3 NewDES
13.4 FEAL
13.5 REDOC
13.6 LOKI
13.7 Khufu and Khafre
13.8 RC2
13.9 IDEA
13.10 MMB
13.11 CA-1.1
13.12 Skipjack
Chapter 14—Still Other Block Ciphers
14.1 GOST
14.2 CAST
14.3 Blowfish
14.4 SAFER
14.5 3-Way
14.6 Crab
14.8 RC5
14.9 Other Block Algorithms
14.10 Theory of Block Cipher Design
14.11 Using one-Way Hash Functions
14.12 Choosing a Block Algorithm
Chapter 15—Combining Block Ciphers
15.1 Double Encryption
15.2 Triple Encryption
15.3 Doubling the Block Length
15.4 Other Multiple Encryption Schemes
15.5 CDMF Key Shortening
15.6 Whitening
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