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Neurosurg Clin N Am 19 (2008) 207–216
Conservative Management of Acoustic Neuromas
Julian M. Nedzelski, MD, FRCS(C) * ,
David A. Schessel, PhD, MD, Andrew Pfleiderer, MB, FRCS(E),
Edward E. Kassel, MD, FRCP(C), David W. Rowed, MD, FRCS(C)
Sunnybrook Health Science Centre, and the University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Improved diagnostic screening, most notably
auditory evoked brain stem response testing and
more sophisticated and generally available imag-
ing as well as a better informed population, have
resulted in increasing numbers of smaller and
less symptomatic acoustic neuromas being diag-
nosed [1] .
Advances in surgical technique, anesthesia,
and perioperative care have dramatically reduced
both operative mortality and morbidity. Although
the mortality associated with acoustic neuroma
excision was on the order of 80% in the early
1900s, this figure has been reduced to approxi-
mately 1% in most current series. Lower cranial
nerve palsy and significant residual trigeminal
hypesthesia is now a rare and generally isolated
event [2,3] .
As a result, several authors have suggested that
all tumors, with few exceptions, should be
removed following diagnosis [4,5] . Others have
proposed that a more expectant attitude is an ac-
ceptable alternative to immediate surgical excision
[6–9] .
A conservative (non–tumor excision) strategy
is based on the premise that surgical removal may
pose a greater risk. It assumes that given the
nature of acoustic neuroma clinical behavior, ie,
pattern of growth, these tumors will not result in
either mortality or significant morbidity within
the expected life span of a given individual.
The ability to predict a tumor’s potential for
growth would clearly be of benefit in the assess-
ment of such a treatment strategy. A number of
studies have been undertaken to answer this
question. Studies of individuals with acoustic
neuromas have been carried out to define their
rate and pattern of growth. Overall tumor growth
is generally considered slow [10] . Annual rates of
growth of 0.2 cm per year or less have been noted
in the majority of cases followed [11,12] . Impor-
tantly 40% or more of tumors studied had no
growth, and in several cases, demonstrable tumor
shrinkage occurred [13–15] . Very importantly,
however, several studies have unequivocally iden-
tified a percentage of patients in whom tumor
growth is relatively rapid, i.e., exceeding 0.2 cm
per year [16,17] .
A number of patients have been successfully
followed for up to 10 years without appreciable
change in symptoms [7] . Such studies confirm the
feasibility of adopting a conservative course of
management in selected patients. If a strategy
could be developed that reliably predicts the
future growth of acoustic neuromas, a more ratio-
nal approach in the management of these patients
would evolve. A conservative policy that ulti-
mately results in a large tumor, causing significant
disability in an older patient who has been fol-
lowed for years, is undesirable.
Most clinical studies have used serial imaging
as a method of determining tumor growth.
Annual tumor growth rate has in many instances
become the predominant factor in considering
future tumor enlargement [6] . No statistically sig-
nificant correlation between tumor size and pa-
tient age at the time of presentation has been
found [7,15] .
This article originally appeared in the Otolaryngologic
clinics of NA: Vol 25, Issue 3, June 1992; p. 691–706.
* Corresponding author. Department of Otolaryngol-
ogy, SunnybrookHealth Science Center, 2075 BayviewAv-
enue, Suite A-217, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4N-3M5.
1042-3680/08/$ - see front matter 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Other parameters have been used to predict
tumor growth. Attempts have been made to
correlate the percentage of tumor cells undergoing
mitosis to the clinical course of affected individ-
uals. The use of 5-bromo-deoxyuridine followed
by immunolocalization has supported the clinical
impression of the overall slow growth of acoustic
tumors [18] . Flow cytometric study has defined
a variable mitotic rate, suggesting a variable
growth pattern [19] . Immunohistochemical study,
using the monoclonal antibody KI-67, has re-
vealed a high mitotic rate associated with a faster
growing tumor [20] . In the clinical studies pub-
lished to date, however, no correlation was found
between presenting tumor size and the rate of cell
proliferation. In one study, a number of tumors
studied with flow cytometry were found to have
proliferative potential equivalent to some malig-
nant tumors. The usefulness of such a comparison
is unclear, given the inability to correlate this lab-
oratory finding to actual tumor behavior. Clearly
factors other than actual cellular turnover rates
influence changing tumor size. Hemorrhage, cystic
degeneration, and scarring also play a role.
If a nontreatment management strategy is to
be a serious alternative in the management of
patients with acoustic neuromas, a definition of
selection criteria, guidelines as to follow-up, and
clinical assessment and imaging parameters are
crucial. In an attempt to answer some of these
concerns, a prospective study was initiated at
Sunnybrook Health Science Centre, University
of Toronto, in 1978, to follow a select group of
mostly older patients with unilateral, previously
untreated acoustic neuromas.
Table 1
Rationale for conservative management (n ¼ 50)
Age R 65 years 60–64 50–59
Age and medical
Medical problems
or better hearing ear d
reasons for selecting a conservative course of
management. Note that of the patients under
age 65, extenuating circumstances and refusal
were responsible for the decision. Of particular in-
terest are two individuals, one age 50 with an
acoustic tumor in the only-hearing ear (the other
ear having been deafened following mastoid sur-
gery), and one age 60, who had severe Meniere’s
disease in the opposite ear.
In patients selected or who themselves have
opted for conservative management of their tumor,
a follow-up policy has been adopted that includes
regular full neurotologic examination together
with serial CT scanning at 6-month intervals. In
those patients followed for a number of years in
whom there has been no clinical or radiologic
evidence of tumor growth, the follow-up interval
has been extended to 1 year. Conventional con-
trast-enhanced CT examination of the posterior
cranial fossa using either 5-mm or 1.5-mm slices
through the internal auditory canal has been the
most frequently used method to monitor tumor
growth during the follow-up period. In two in-
dividuals with lesions confined to the internal
auditory canal, either air/CT meatography or
more recently magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
has been used to monitor tumor growth. MRI was
used to monitor one such patient in this series.
All scans were assessed, and all measurements
related to tumor size were carried out by one
neuroradiologist (EEK). The radiologist was un-
aware of the patients’ clinical status and future
management plans. All measurements were made
more than once to validate their accuracy. In this
study, the reliability coecient obtained was
0.998, for simple replication. A value of 1 repre-
sents 100% repeatability/accuracy.
Tumor size would be best expressed by an
exact measurement of tumor volume [17] . Because
this has not been possible, a conservative method
has been adopted whereby the mean of the
maximum anteroposterior and mediolateral
Study group
Four hundred seventy-four patients with
acoustic neuromas were seen at Sunnybrook
Health Science Centre, between the years 1976
and 1991. A conservative approach (non–tumor
excision) was adopted in 56 individuals with
unilateral acoustic neuromas. All patients with
recurrent or persistent tumors following previous
surgery as well as those with bilateral tumors have
been excluded. Of the 56 patients in whom
conservative management was embarked on, six
were excluded for lack of good quality computed
tomography (CT) images.
Our study group therefore consisted of 50
patients, 34 of whom were female and 16 male,
with an age range of 50 to 83 years (mean ¼ 68.1).
Thirty-nine were 65 or over. Table 1 details the
Tumor in only
dimensions of the cerebellopontine angle mass is
used to represent tumor size. As described, inter-
nal auditory canal tumor content was not in-
cluded in the measurement. The method and
rationale for use of this technique are described
in detail in a previous publication [7] . All patients
included in this study had at least two CT scans
(range 2 to 18), of sucient quality to allow accu-
rate measurements to be made. The period of
follow-up in each case includes only the interval
from the first to the last scan from which accurate
measurement was possible. Clinical follow-up out-
side these limits during which scans were judged
to be of poor quality has been excluded. Although
this has inevitably led to a shortened follow-up
interval (mean follow-up 41.7 months; range 7
to 152 months), a more accurate assessment of
tumor growth has been ensured. For instance,
the individual followed for the longest time in
our study had a CT scan over 2 years earlier,
which because of its poor quality rendered it inad-
missible. This reduced the follow-up period in her
instance from 181 to 152 months. Twenty-eight
patients have been followed for 3 or more years,
with 10 for more than 5 years.
Data Analysis
Annual tumor growth rate was calculated in
two ways ( Fig. 1 ). Method 1 uses the initial and
final tumor size divided by the number of years
of follow-up. Thus it does not take variability of
growth within the total follow-up time into
account. Method 2 accounts for growth variabil-
ity. It is the mean of the individual annual growth
rates obtained between each interval of assess-
ment during the follow-up period.
Tumor size was measured to 0.001 cm using
a micrometer. This value was rounded off to the
nearest 0.01 cm (0.1 mm). Although the repro-
ducibility of these measurements was demon-
strated, for reasons of clinical significance,
a tumor was judged to have changed in size only
if the total growth was 0.1 cm or more. The
calculated growth rate, however, was the total
growth divided by the number of years of follow-
up and as such could be less than 0.1 cm per year.
In an effort to determine whether tumor
growth is constant or significantly variable in the
same individual, a measure of change in growth
rate between consecutive follow-up intervals was
Fig. 1. Calculation of tumor growth rate. (Method 1) Growth rate is calculated as the difference between the first and
last measurement and expressed in cm/yr; (Method 2) growth rate is calculated as the mean of individual measurements
taken between the first and last study.
also calculated (growth variability). This was
determined in 30 of the 50 patients. Small growth
variability values represent constant growth,
whereas large changes indicate significant vari-
ability, whether it be an increase or decrease in
size ( Fig. 2 ). Multiple regression analysis was also
used to determine whether age or initial tumor
size was related to subsequent growth.
nine patients, the tumor was noted to decrease
in size (range of –0.51 to –0.01 cm per year).
The CT images in Fig. 4 illustrate a reduction in
tumor size from 2.2 cm to 1.05 cm, a 1.15 cm de-
crease over a 5.5 year follow-up period. Seventeen
patients had no measurable change in tumor size.
The interval CT scans of one such individual,
followed for nearly 13 years (presently age 85),
is shown in Fig. 5 . Measurable tumor growth
occurred in 24 patients (range 0.01 to 0.98 cm
per year). The others are as listed in Table 2 .
The maximum growth measured was 1.15 cm
over a 14-month interval in a 66-year-old woman.
Tumor size increased from 1.45 cm to 2.6 cm
( Fig. 6 ). Although less dramatic, in terms of abso-
lute size, another patient, age 65, realized a three-
fold increase over a 9-month period (0.38 to 1.0 cm)
( Fig. 7 ). In the patients followed for more than
3 years and more than 5 years, the growth rates
were þ 0.04 cm per year and –0.02 cm per year,
Growth rate
Using method 1, the mean annual growth rate
for the study group was determined to be 0.11 cm
per year, whereas method 2, which took into
account variations in yearly growth, was 0.11 cm
per year. All growth rates subsequently referred to
are those obtained by method 1, which is easier to
calculate. These rates range between an actual
reduction in tumor size of 0.51 cm per year to an
increase of 0.98 cm per year. Fig. 3 illustrates the
distribution of growth rates of tumors for all
patients. Note that the majority of patients dem-
onstrate little, if any, growth. These findings are
summarized in Table 2 . Fully 78% of individuals
had a growth rate of less than 0.2 cm per year. In
Growth variability
The mean variation in growth rate for the
30 tumors studied is 0.13. The distribution,
illustrated in Fig. 8 , indicates that the majority
Fig. 2. Examples of growth rate patterns illustrating significant differences in the variability of growth. (Left) Constant
rate of growth in a fast and slow (bottom line) growing tumor; (Right) a highly variable rate of growth in a single tumor.
Fig. 3. Distribution of annual growth rates of study group (N ¼ 50). Note that 0 growth includes rate changes between
0.099 and þ 0.099 cm/y. (See Table 2 for summary.)
of tumors demonstrate little or no variation in
their growth rate, that is to say, a constant pattern
of growth occurs regardless of the absolute rate.
48.2 months. Thirty-four are known to be alive and
well, of whom 29 remain currently under review.
The other five have been contacted by phone but
decline to attend further clinical andCT evaluation.
Apart froma progression of their unilateral hearing
loss, all patients remain asymptomatic.
One patient has died during the follow-up
period. Death was from causes unrelated to the
acoustic tumor.
Other factors affecting growth
Multiple regression analysis showed that there
was no relationship between either the age of the
patient or the initial tumor size with the annual
growth rate. Of interest, a significant correlation
was noted between patient age and tumor size.
That is, the older the patient, the larger the tumor
at presentation.
Surgical intervention (n ¼ 2). Two patients have
had a ventriculoperitoneal shunt inserted because
of the development of associated significant hy-
drocephalus (mean tumor size 2.6 cm). In one
patient, this was performed shortly after presen-
tation. The shunt required revision 6 years later
because of recurrent ataxia associated with in-
creasing hydrocephalus. Clinical symptoms with
associated hydrocephalus necessitated a shunt in
the second patient 2 years after diagnosis, in spite
of no obvious tumor enlargement.
Outcome of follow-up
Patients with tumor growth less than 0.2 cm per
year (n ¼ 39)
Table 3 lists the outcome of the 39 patients in
whom tumor growth has been less than 0.2 cm
per year.
No surgical intervention (n ¼ 37). Of the 39
patients, 37 have not required any formof operative
intervention. The mean follow-up for this group is
Patients with growth rate greater than 0.2 cm per
year (n ¼ 11)
The outcome of patients with tumor growth
exceeding 0.2 cm per year is listed in Table 4 .
Table 2
Annual growth rate of tumors (n ¼ 50)
Measurable reduction with R 0.1 cm net
% 0.1 cm/y
4 (8%)
No surgical intervention (n ¼ 2). Despite a docu-
mented tumor growth of more than 0.2 cm per
year, no surgery has been carried out to date on
two patients. One has refused surgery (age 68,
tumor presently 2.7 cm, growth rate 0.26 cm per
year); the other underwent stereotactic irradiation.
O 0.1 cm/y
5 (10%)
No growth
17 (34%)
Growth with R 0.1 cm net change
% 0.1 cm/y
7 (14%)
O 0.1 cm/y
6 (12%)
Surgical intervention (n ¼ 9). Nine patients have
undergone planned translabyrinthine removal of
R 0.2 cm/y
11 (22%)
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