Unit 1 New Friends.doc

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1 These are photographs of Isabel Garcia's family, a) Read the letter below and write the names of the people in the photographs, b) Answer these questions about the letter.

   How does the letter start?

   How does the letter finish?

   Which of these phrases can you use to start a letter to a friend?

              a) Dear John, b) Dear Mr Smith, c) Dear Sirs,

   Which of these phrases can you use to finish a letter to a friend? a) Best wishes, b) Yours sincerely, c) Love and kisses, d) Love,


2       Read the  letter  that  Isabel  sent  to   her  new  pen-friend  again, then read the sentences (1-5) and underline the correct words.

1      Isabel is from Spain/Mexico.

2      Her father's name is Philip/ Fredrico.

3      Her sister's name is Marcia/Rosa.

4      Her favourite subject is Chemistry/ Geography.

5      Isabel doesn't like cats/dogs.

3        Match the phrases from the letter with the correct photographs.

4       Match the pictures with the jobs in the list, then explain what the other jobs are.

teacher, hairdresser, waiter, actor, doctor, vet, builder, baker, postman, firefighter

6 Read the letter from Ex. 2 again and complete the table below. Then, look at your notes and talk about Isabel Garcia.

Start   like  this:   Isabel Garcia  is   14  years old.  She is Spanish. She lives ...

7     Look   at   the   notes   in   Ex.   6,   then   write answers to the questions, as in the examples.

    Does Isabel like Geography? Yes, she does.

    Does she like Chemistry? No, she doesn't.

    Does she like football? / don't know.


1   Does she like dogs?             

2   Does she like cats?              

3   Does she like Granada?             

4   Does she like Elton John?              

8     Match  the   opposites   in  the   list   with   the adjectives below.

new,  fantastic,  tasteless,  big,  boring,  tiring, difficult,  safe

9        Study the examples below, then fill in the gaps with but, because or and.

I like dogs but I don't like cats.

I don't like Chemistry because it's difficult.

I am fourteen years old and I am Spanish.

1               I like dogs               horses.

2               My favourite subject is Geography             

it's easy.

3               Lucy lives in Spain               she isn't Spanish.

4               I like skateboarding               swimming.

5               I like Antonio Banderas              he's a fantastic actor.

1O    Match the pictures with the activities in the list.

swimming, playing tennis, dancing, watching TV, reading, painting, fishing, eating pizza, listening to music, going to the cinema

11       ABOUT YOU

Use the following adjectives to say what you like and don't like, giving reasons as in the example. You may use the activities listed in Ex.  10 as well as your own ideas.

difficult, fantastic, easy, boring, delicious, relaxing

e.g.   I don't like watching TV because it's boring. I like eating pizzas because they are delicious.


Fill in the table below, then use the words to write sentences, as  in the example.


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