Christine McKay - Uncharted Lands.pdf
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Uncharted Lands
An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
Uncharted Lands
ISBN 9781419913235
Uncharted Lands Copyright© 2008 Christine McKay
Edited by Ann Leveille.
Cover art by Syneca.
Electronic book Publication January 2008
This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written
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punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. (
This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.
Christine McKay
Christine McKay
Chapter One
Marie was drunk. Yep, no fancy phrase could disguise it. She was staggering, word-
slurring, sloppy drunk. In her defense, her designated dinner date had been all wrong
for her. How could someone so good-looking and impeccably well-dressed be so
flawed? She sighed. Damn those dessert drinks, especially those fishbowl-sized
margaritas. The only good part of the evening was when the clock struck twelve and
Mr. Narcissist retreated to his cabin, leaving her to salvage her evening alone. As for her
pride, it was in tatters.
What did a woman have to do to get laid? She hadn’t had sex in such a long time
she was beginning to consider herself a virgin. She’d tried personal ads, online dating
sites and speed dating. Her friends had set her up on an endless number of disastrous
blind dates. And now here she was alone on a singles cruise of all things. How could
she have let herself sink this low?
She clung to the cruise ship’s railing, trying not to watch the roll and dip of the
waves below her. They moved in opposition to her own internal rhythm, one that was
going to cause her to vomit shortly. How utterly charming.
Marie glanced at her watch. The ship should pass by the Vantril Islands anytime
now. Earlier in the evening the captain had announced they’d be skirting the privately
owned islands, believed to be ruled by a shaman of some sort. No cruise ships were
allowed. No tourists were taken in. Imports and exports were closely curtailed. How
had a society like that survived unscathed into this century?
The islands were the perfect mystery to take her mind off her failed cruise. And
about the only thing she had left that would.
Uncharted Lands
There was no one on deck to witness the event but her. Who would deliberately
wake at four in the morning to see a group of rocks? Marie, however, had a degree in
geology and despite being horribly drunk was quite excited to see the islands.
All right, who was she kidding? She was still awake and she doubted she’d have
risen from a drunken stupor especially for the occasion. Hell, she was lucky she still
remembered the captain’s words.
And as if the gods were really out to screw with her, being drunk made her horribly
horny. If the devil himself appeared she’d jump his bones and ask questions later. Sell
her soul for good sex? Hell yes. Even mediocre sex was better than nothing. Where was
a decent demon when one needed one?
The sea wind snapped the flag above her. She jumped.
Stupid flag.
The devil, like most typical males in her life, was a no-show and so she remained
alone on deck, waiting to see a pile of forbidden rocks, the highlight of her cruise.
“Welcome to Marie’s pity party.” She toasted the sight of the islands, finished off
the last of whatever she’d been drinking and tossed the empty cup on a lounge chair.
The islands were still a good distance off, shrouded in the darkness and the mist.
She thought she could make out a ribbon of pale sand before the earth rose to cliff
height, a broken fragment of sheer onyx. The fine hairs on her arms rose. She rubbed
her arms, eyes straining. She should have borrowed a pair of binoculars.
Too late now
. There weren’t even any crew members around to ask for assistance.
She couldn’t tear her eyes from the view. The islands teased her like a burlesque
dancer. A hint of rock here. Fog hiding the beach there. She followed the view, walking
the length of the ship to keep the islands in sight. Reaching the ship’s stern, she found
her view blocked by the lifeboats. She climbed the cabled railing, trying to see past the
boats and other necessary clutter.
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