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A sequel to Backwoods and Shivaree .
Six months ago Natalie drove away from Louisiana and a three-day, two-man
rebound to be reckoned with. Now back in snowy Rochester, she wasn’t expecting to
see either of those Southern gentlemen again. She certainly wasn’t expecting to find one
standing in her work parking lot one afternoon without a word of warning.
Cold turkey is what Shane’s after. He’s been with his lover Gabriel for a year now—
a year of hot sex and obsessive attraction that’s left him with a death grip on the tattered
remains of his heterosexuality and too many sleepless nights. Desperate for a clean
break, Shane hopes hiding out at Natalie’s for a week or two will do the trick. She sure
as hell owes him one fine rebound.
But Shane quickly discovers that banishing Gabriel from his heart and his head is
easier said than done. His cold-turkey recovery is headed straight for an epic relapse,
and Shane’s going to have to make a choice—the traditional life he thinks he wants, or
the man he can’t seem to live without.
An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
ISBN 9781419932359
Getaway Copyright © 2011 Cara McKenna
Edited by Kelli Collins
Cover art by Syneca
Electronic book publication January 2011
The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
Cara McKenna
For Shane Broussard, whose suffering is directly proportional to my writerly glee. I
suspect I owe you a new couch, considering how thoroughly the old one’s been abused
since I flounced in and wrecked all your plans. Also, I know where your stash is.
I want to thank my very first editor, Jaynie, for coming this far with me and these
twisted characters. Though you’ve left me in capable hands, it would have been nice to
finish this saga with you… Plus Kelli’s got this 5,000-volt editorial cattle prod thing that
she pokes me with every time I dangle a modifier. It really stings. Miss you.
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