Anna J. Evans - Wicked Witch of the West Village.pdf
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Wicked Witch of the West Village
An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
Wicked Witch of the West Village
ISBN 9781419914768
Wicked Witch of the West Village Copyright © 2008 Anna J. Evans
Edited by Briana St. James.
Cover art by Syneca.
Electronic book Publication June 2008
With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in
part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing,
Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.
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punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. (
This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.
Anna J. Evans
Trademarks Acknowledgement
The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the
following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:
BCBG: MLA Multibrand Holdings, Inc.
Banana Republic: Banana Republic (Apparel)
Beavis and Butt-head: Viacom International
Drano: SC Johnson and Son, Inc.
Extreme Makeover: American Broadcast Companies Inc
Hyatt: Hyatt Corporation
J. Crew: J. Crew International, Inc.
Law and Order: Studios USA Television Distribution LLC
Macy’s: Macy’s Department Stores, Inc.
Manolo Blahniks: Blahnik, Manolo Individual, Spain
Marlboro Red: Philip Morris U.S.A. Inc
Mickey Mouse: Disney Enterprises Inc.
Mustang: Ford Motor Company Corp.
Oompa Loompa: Warner Brother’s Entertainment Inc.
Pirate’s Booty: Robert’s American Gourmet Corp.
Sevens: Seven Licensing Company
Sex and the City: Home Box Office, Inc.
Star Wars: Lucasfilm Ltd. Corporation
Styrofoam: Dow Chemical Company
Tivo: Tivo Brands LLC
The Cars: The Cars Unlimited Inc.
The Electric Company: Sesame Workshop
The National Enquirer
: American Media Operations, Inc.
The Wizard of Oz: Turner Entertainment Corporation
Velcro: Velcro Industries Ltd.
WWF: Titan Sports, Inc. DBA The World Wrestling Federation
Xanax: Pharmacia & Upjohn Company Corporation
Wicked Witch of the West Village
Chapter One
Give me an out and out raving bitch any day. At least then you know what you’re
up against. With those quietly bitchy women, you’re always just the slightest bit
unsure, kept from the righteous indignation that is the god-given right of any victim of
a full frontal attack.
Of course, that’s what they want, the passive-aggressive ones. They want to have
their bitchiness and get away with it. They want you to wonder if the slight was all in
your head, to feel a little crazy as well as small and outraged.
“Give me a break, Janette. Your proposal was crap and we both know it,” I said
with a pleasant smile, plucking my name tag from the desk and turning to waltz away
toward the line for coffee.
I heard her sputtering behind me and turned to see her soft, fishy mouth opening
and closing and her eyes bulging out of her head, but she didn’t say a word. She knew
she had it coming.
Damn silent bitch.
“Wow, you told her,” Kathy said, hiding her amusement behind her own coffee cup
and head full of massively curly red hair.
“Yeah, I guess.” I sighed, not feeling near the thrill such ballsy effrontery usually
inspired. I was low, so low not even giving Janette her just desserts could cheer me up.
“Poor thing,” Kathy said, her utter lack of empathy abundantly apparent.
“Shut up, jerk.” I gulped at my scalding hot coffee and somehow managed not to
wince as it burned a path down my throat. I never liked to admit I’d made a mistake,
whether it was hot coffee or throwing away possibly the most eligible bachelor in the
“You could always call him, I’m sure he’d still at least listen to the answering
machine message. Maybe if you do some excellent groveling, he’ll consent to come over
and have break-up sex.”
“You mean make-up sex.” I clomped off toward the conference room. I hated clogs.
Why had I bought them? They made me walk like a two-legged mascot for Anheuser
“Nope, sorry hon. I don’t think Richard’s retrievable. But he might give you one last
roll in the hay with him and the wonder dick.”
“How do you know about the wonder dick?”
“Everybody knows about the wonder dick.” She grinned. “The dick is legendary.
And the dick is wondrous.”
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