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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
ISBN 9781419923746
Kitten Copyright © 2009 Amanda Sidhe
Edited by Sue-Ellen Gower
Cover art by Syneca
Electronic book Publication September 2009
The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
Amanda Sidhe
Trademarks Acknowledgement
The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the
following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:
Buffy : Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
Chapter One
The hotel bar filled with snow bunnies and snow studs wasn’t a place Jamie
normally hung out. Ever. Never before in her life had she any desire to subject herself to
the weekenders and vacationers who trolled for easy company with the hopes of
adding a dirty little smile to their vacation stories. Even as Jamie walked into the bar,
she couldn’t really reason why.
That it was Friday night made no difference to her other than she didn’t have to get
up early to teach aerobics. In fact, she’d already dressed in her nightshirt and snuggled
in her bed when the strange sensation descended into her like a shower of shivering
snowflakes. Immediate awareness sparked low in her stomach with a sexual urgency
stronger than any she’d felt before, bolting her upright in bed with the sudden force of
it. It drew her. Called to her. While her rational mind had tried to question it, nothing
diminished that urgency. It compelled her to seek the source of the powerful call as
though it magnetized her blood.
Not half an hour later, Jamie found herself drifting around the fringes of the
overpopulated hotel bar, ignoring the lustful glances from the tourists. The short, hot-
pink, underwear-flasher skirt and plunging fluffy white sweater wasn’t anything she’d
normally wear. Except for the tugging desire in her gut that compelled her, she would
never have come here wearing this “catch me and do me” get-up.
And she really wanted the “do me” part. Bad. Even still, it was not that sexual need
alone that made her hands tremble. An unfinished feeling welled inside. Like the
acoustic throbbing of heavy metal music. The sensations were akin to being submerged
in the ocean when the power of the wave action rhythmically lifted and plunged her
body ever farther from the safety of the familiar shore into the dangerous unknown.
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