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Beth Wylde, Trista Bane, Lizzie T. Leaf, Pennie Morgan Red Silk Diaries, Volume 3


Switching Sides


By Beth Wylde


I rushed into my dorm room and slammed the door shut behind me. For the first

time since starting college I was extremely glad not to have a roommate. My hair was

tousled and I looked like I’d slept in my clothes, even though I hadn’t actually slept in

anything but my birthday suit. In fact, I hadn’t really slept much last night at all. If

anyone saw me now they would know immediately that I’d spent the night getting laid

and that the sex had been good. To be perfectly honest, the sex had been fucking

amazing. I’d done things last night, and had things done to me, that I didn’t think were

humanly possible. I’m still not sure they are. The whole encounter seemed almost

surreal now that I was alone. I missed Kara already and I’d only been in my room for

about five minutes.


I couldn’t believe I now had a girlfriend. Me, the girl who had always been

willing to open her pants at the drop of a hat for a sexual encounter with just about any

member of the male species, had gone gay. The sad part was that now that I’d been with

another woman, I knew I could never go back to guys. I’d found something last night that

I’d been searching for forever—companionship. Not just someone I enjoyed being in bed

with, though God knows the time we’d spent horizontal was phenomenal, but also

someone I could relate to. Someone I felt comfortable with, in the bed and out of it.


Kara and I had done more than just make love to each other. We had talked,

laughed, and even snuggled. Something totally out of the ordinary for me on a date.


After yesterday’s new revelation about myself I needed some time to think. A long, cold

shower was also in order if I was ever going to get my mind to contemplate anything

besides the thorough loving I’d received last night.

I raised my tank top to my nose and inhaled deeply. I hated the thought of

washing it. The subtle scent of sweat and sex and Kara’s feminine perfume still clung to

the garment. One sniff of the combination had me wet, and the thought of some of the

things we’d done to each other started a fresh river flowing between my thighs. As I

flopped down on my bed it was all I could do to reach for my journal instead of my

vibrator, but I needed to sort out the jumbled thoughts in my mind. I knew the best way

to do that was to work out the scenario by writing down the whole encounter in my diary.


Saturday March 4th

1 PM

Dear Diary,

The most incredible thing just happened to me. I’ve always been attracted to

guys. Ever since I lost my virginity at the age of sixteen, I’ve been pretty straightforward

with all of my dates about the fact that I’m looking for, and enjoy, sex.

Yesterday Brad and I went out on our third date. I met him a few weeks ago at the

campus library while doing research for a psychology paper. Something about his quiet

and shy demeanor turned me on. I think the attraction was more the challenge he seemed

to represent because, truthfully, he wasn’t all that good looking.

He took me out to an early dinner last night at a little club in town that I’d never

been to before. He spent the evening sitting across from me, acting like the perfect

gentleman. It drove me nuts. He hadn’t even tried to kiss me yet. I’d been dropping

subtle sexual hints, but he seemed totally clueless. Finally I decided to throw tact out the

window and tried to outright seduce him. I slipped off my shoe and slowly moved my

foot up until it rested between his legs. The minute I started to fondle his cock with my

toes he jumped up out of his seat, mumbled something about a missed appointment, and

shot out of the restaurant as if I’d lit a rocket up his assessment.

His quick departure left me all alone and stuck with the check. I was extremely

glad we had only ordered drinks because I didn’t have a lot of cash on me to cover the

bill. I finished up my Blue Motorcycle and waved towards the waiter. I bent over to grab

my purse, and when I sat back up I noticed I had company. Kara Nouveau, a student in

my art class whose dorm room was two doors down from mine, now occupied Brad’s

empty chair. She was shaking her head and giggling quietly. I had to ask.

“What’s so funny?”

“I couldn’t help but notice what just happened between you and Brad.”

I shrugged. “Yeah, so?”

“Well, Elizabeth, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but he isn’t interested in


I frowned. “I think his reaction was a pretty good indication of that.”

Kara laughed louder this time. “No, I mean he’s not interested in women at all.”

I stiffened. Surely she didn’t mean what I thought she did. As she opened her

mouth to speak I braced myself.

“He’s gay. I thought you knew.”

I shook my head.

Kara scooted her chair sideways until her leg was touching mine. “There’s more.”

I felt the undeniable sensation of her hand on my knee as her fingers slowly crept up my

thigh. She leaned over until her breath whispered across my ear. “You’re also in a gay


If Kara hadn’t had her hand on my leg I would have fallen out of my chair. My

gaze darted left and right, noticing two guys chatting intimately at the bar and three girls

in close conversation at a nearby table. The rest of the restaurant was empty.

Kara reached out with her free hand and gently cupped my chin, turning me back

to face her. “It’s still early. It doesn’t get crowded in here until around ten or so because

the club stays open until nearly dawn.”

As her fingers tightened their grip I suddenly realized how Brad must have felt.


Kara had more enlightening news for me though. “The only reason he brought you here

was because he thought you were gay, too.”

I gasped audibly. “I…I…I’m not.”

Kara shook her head and I could feel her long brown hair gliding over my

shoulder and across my neck. The feeling was distracting and more arousing than it

should have been. “Are you sure?”

My voice was raspy. “What?”

Her hand was caressing the inseam of my low-rise camouflage capris and I could

feel my panties growing damp. “I said, are you sure?”

I nodded but my reply sounded weak. “I like guys.”

Her fingers felt like magic between my legs as she increased the pressure just

where I needed it. I suddenly wished my clothes would disappear. “That’s fine.” She

leaned in and sucked my earlobe into her mouth. “The question is, do you like girls,


I started to say no when she pressed the palm of her hand hard against my clit. I

opened my mouth but nothing came out but a loud groan. She smiled knowingly at me

and something inside my body exploded. I suddenly wanted to know if her lips felt as

soft as they looked. Considering where we were, I decided to take a chance and find out.

I leaned forward, keeping my eyes open until the last moment, and focused

directly on Kara. Her pupils dilated slightly in shock, and then appreciation, as our

mouths met.

The first few kisses were chaste and timid. I was exploring totally uncharted

territory and felt very unsure about what I was doing. Kara noticed my hesitancy and took control.

Her eagerness to dominate dissolved the last of my inhibitions. When her

tongue slid across my lips I threw myself headlong into the kiss. I wasn’t disappointed

with my decision.

I’ve kissed lots of guys, and enjoyed most of them, but what Kara was doing to

my mouth felt almost obscene. I was so hot I couldn’t sit still. I rocked forward in my

seat and Kara’s hand pressed back against me, and teasing, until I wanted to scream. I

arched my back and broke away with a gasp. I was on fire and I needed to cum so badly I

was about to beg for it. Sudden applause halted my plea, and as I looked around I noticed

all eyes were on us. My face reddened in embarrassment, but Kara just looked pleased.

She threw a twenty on the table, grabbed my hand, and pulled me out of the restaurant

behind her.

Once outside I started to question my actions when we rounded the corner and she

pushed me up against the wall of the building. There was nothing restrained about our

kiss this time. She plundered my mouth while her hands stayed busy on the rest of my

body. I was going to shatter any minute. My knees were weak and I was afraid I’d fall,

but she pressed herself against me to keep me upright. Her hands slid under my tank top

to caress my breasts, her knee wedged in between my legs, as she moved her thigh side to

side, I cried out.

“Oh, God!”

“That’s it. Show me how you like it.”

I was grinding back now, aching for a release that was just out of my reach when

she pulled back. “My roommate has gone home for the weekend.”

It took me a moment to realize what she was asking. She wanted me to go back to her room with her,

and there was no doubt in my mind about what would happen if I did.

I didn’t even need to think it over. “Yes.”

Her lush lips parted in a sultry smile, and before I knew it we were running down

the sidewalk hand in hand. We stopped in front of a stunning red Corvette. As she

pulled the keys out of the pocket of her skintight jeans I realized I was more interested in

admiring her figure instead of the gorgeous car.

She was tall and thin, with legs that looked incredibly long and a nice curvy ass.

Her skin was a deep bronze and her dark brown hair hung in waves down her back. The

crop top she was wearing showed off her small tits, which were obviously unrestrained by

a bra, something that my thirty-eight D’s could never do without. She had a beautifully

flat stomach, and I noticed the twinkle of a rhinestone barbell piecing her navel. I had the

urge to run my hands over her rear and decided to do so as she bent over to unlock my


She gave me a heated look over her shoulder and I nearly ignited on the spot. She

opened the door and I dove inside, eager to get back to the business at hand. When she

slid into the driver’s seat I took another moment to admire her. I must have been staring.

“Is something wrong?”

I shook my head but didn’t know how to voice what I was thinking. She stopped

with the key in the ignition and turned to face me. “You don’t have to be shy with me.

You can tell me anything.”

I nodded, but it took me a minute to find my voice. “I’m a little nervous.”

She gave my knee a reassuring pat as she cranked the car. “I won’t do anything to

you that you don’t want me to do.” She cleared her throat. “I have a confession to make.

I asked Brad to bring you to the club today.”

“You did?”

She nodded, her eyes never leaving the road as she sped back to the college. “I’ve

been watching you.”


“When you approached Brad, I figured you knew he was gay and were looking for

a friend to hang out with. You go through guys faster than some people change clothes. I

thought that maybe you were trying to hide the fact you were a lesbian. At least I hoped

that was the reason.” She paused a moment before continuing. “I’ve wanted to fuck you

ever since I first laid eyes on you.”

My arousal had been slowly receding, but her bold statement brought the heat

rushing back in a tidal wave of lust. I wanted to make Kara feel the same way. I

contemplated my first real move as we pulled into the college parking lot. We sat there

for a moment in silence before she turned to face me.

“Do you still want to do this?”

Instead of words I let my actions speak for me. I put my arm around her shoulders

and pulled her in for a serious lip lock. This time it was Kara that had to come up for air.

The look she gave me was so intense I thought I might melt.

“Good. Let’s go inside.”

The halls were nearly empty as we made our way to her room, but I had expected

that already. It was eight o’clock on a Friday night. Everyone was out either on a date or

relieving their stress after a week of hard studying.

It only took a few minutes before I found myself inside Kara’s room. The instant the door closed

she made her move. Once again I found myself pressed between Kara’s

tight body and a wall. This time, though, I wanted to be a more active participant.

I almost couldn’t speak as Kara found one of my hot spots and began kissing her

way across my collarbone. “Kara?” My voice was husky.


“Can I… Can I see you?”

Her voice was muffled against my skin. “I’m right here.”

I shook my head and eased her away. “No. I mean I want to see you, touch

you…” My voice dropped to a whisper as I thought about all the places on her body that I

wanted to explore. “I want to taste you.”

Kara shivered. “Oh, yes!”

I moved my hands from where they’d been perched on her hips, raising her shirt

slowly as I traced my way up her sides. She raised her arms willingly and I pulled the

garment over her head. It was then that I got my first long look at another woman’s tits. I

liked what I saw.

Her small boobs were perky in a way mine would never be. Her nipples were

dark and just begging to be touched and sucked. I reached out and ran my fingers slowly

over the hard peaks, cupping her breasts in my palms and rolling her nipples between my

thumb and forefinger the way I liked to have it done. Kara closed her eyes, arched her

chest towards me, and moaned. I took that as a positive sign and grew even bolder.

When I bent down and licked my way around her nipple in a circular motion before

taking it into my mouth, she cried out. “The bed! I need to get you naked and in my



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I stood and started to strip off my top but she stopped me. “I want to do that. I

want to strip you down and nibble on every inch of your bare skin. I want to eat you until

you cum screaming my name.”

I couldn’t wait any longer. My panties were drenched. I moved forward

suddenly. The motion was unexpected and she stepped back instinctively. I continued

my slow advance until her knees hit the mattress and she fell backwards. I wasted no

time in joining her.

We fell onto the bed, kissing and caressing while fighting for position. Since

Kara was the one with experience, I gave up the battle and let her win. The decision was

tough for me since I usually end up being the aggressive one when I’m out on a date.

We came to a breathless halt with Kara on top, straddling my waist. The sight of

her lovely body looming above me covered in a light sheen of sweat from our struggle

was exciting, and I realized that, for once, I really didn’t mind someone else taking the

dominant role.

She leaned forward until her pert tits were even with my face. I rose up slightly

and kissed the tips of both before using my tongue on them thoroughly. While I engaged

in a lengthy exploration of her chest, she grabbed the hem of my tank top and jerked

upwards. The move forced my mouth away from her luscious skin. As the shirt snagged

on my arms and face, I fought to get loose. Kara laughed and tugged the shirt higher, but

didn’t pull it all the way off. My hands remained above my head and still caught in the


I twisted slightly to help her finish removing it, but she shook her head at me and

flattened my arms to the bed. I watched in awe as she leaned down and used her teeth to


13 Beth Wylde, Trista Bane, Lizzie T. Leaf, Pennie Morgan Red Silk Diaries, Volume 3

unhook the front closure on my bra. She used her chin to push the lacy material to the

side and then nuzzled her face in the valley created by my overabundant knockers. The

gentle slide of her soft mouth on my skin made me crazy. I was nearly delirious with

want when she turned her head to the left and sucked me into her mouth.

She started out soft at first with a delicate lick and flick of her tongue over my

nipple. When I vocalized my approval she got down to business. My top and bra were

suddenly flying across the room, where they landed in a heap in the floor. My hands were

free to touch her, and her hands were free to roam as well. She took full advantage of the

situation, cupping my twin globes as she moved her head back and forth between them in

a frenzy that had me screaming out from the sensation. My head thrashed back and forth

as she grew bolder and began to use not only her hands and mouth, but also her teeth.

I gripped her back, raking my fingers up and down her spine in a sexual frenzy. I

managed to work my way around to her waist to undo the snap on her tight jeans when

she pulled back with my nipple captured securely between her lips. I totally forgot what I

was doing as I watched the skin stretch tight and the heard the audible pop as she opened

her mouth and let go. I shivered at the erotic sight as well as the feeling of the cool air

from her ceiling fan as it blew over my newly dampened skin.

Kara sat up and looked down at where my fingers had gripped her waistband in an

effort to anchor myself to reality. “Are you doing okay so far?”

The question was asked in a playful tone, but my response was dead serious. “I

think you’re trying to kill me.”

Her eyebrows rose in surprise. “Why would you say that?”

I had to pause and take a deep breath to try and settle myself. “Because I’ve been


Beth Wylde, Trista Bane, Lizzie T. Leaf, Pennie Morgan Red Silk Diaries, Volume 3

barely hanging on since you first kissed me, and I don’t know how much more teasing I

can take.”

She smiled devilishly. “Sweetie, this isn’t teasing, this is foreplay.”

I shook my head. “No, this is teasing. Foreplay only takes about two minutes, or

however long it takes for the guy and me to get naked. My dates are usually more

concerned about getting themselves off than making me feel good. That’s why I don’t

stick around with any of them.”

She sighed. “Oh, honey, that’s why lesbians are such great lovers. We know

what we like, and we can give our partner the same lengthy attention that we crave in

bed.” Kara wiggled her pelvis suggestively against mine. “And you don’t have to worry

about recovery time. Nothing ever goes limp when a girl is fucking you.” Her tone was

sultry and made me even wetter, which I didn’t think was possible. “I can give you as

many orgasms as you can handle, until you pass out from sheer exhaustion.”

I closed my eyes and pictured every possible way that Kara could make me cum. I

moaned. I couldn’t help myself. Her lewd language turned me on almost as much as her

heavy petting. I rubbed my thighs together, desperate for friction where I needed it most.

I was so high strung that the lightest touch against my overheated pussy would surely

send me over the edge, and I wasn’t sure it would even take that. If she kept talking dirty

to me, I thought I might just be able to finish without any physical stimulation at all.

Kara was all smiles as she pried my hands off her opened zipper and raised herself

up off me enough to divest herself of her jeans. As she slithered out of them, along with

her shoes and socks, I realized two things. First, I hadn’t seen her remove any underwear,

and second, she was completely shaved. She caught sight of my stunned look and


Beth Wylde, Trista Bane, Lizzie T. Leaf, Pennie Morgan Red Silk Diaries, Volume 3

grinned even bigger. “I like to go commando sometimes, especially when the pants are

really tight. The pressure of the inseam hits my clit just right when I sit down.” She

smoothed her hand over her bald snatch in a blatantly seductive move. “And being totally

waxed makes me extra sensitive.”

“Oh, god!”

She laughed at my obvious sexual frustration as she unbuttoned my Capri pants.

“Do you want my hands on you? Is that what you need?” I raised my hips to help her as

she pulled off my pants. My sandals had come off sometime earlier, but I wasn’t sure

when, and I didn’t really care.

I waited for her to remove my panties, but she just paused as she noticed my red


“Do you like them?”

She snapped out of her trance and traced one finger down my abdomen, along the

edge of the panties, until her hand rested just centimeters from where I needed it to be.

She slid her finger under the skimpy material and pulled it just a hair’s breadth away from

my skin, letting it go in a swift motion. “I like them very much. I’d love to see you bent

over in front of me with them on while I pull them to the side and slide the biggest dildo I

have inside of you. Do you think you would enjoy that?”

My mouth went dry. I had to forcefully swallow several times before I could

answer. “Yes. I’d let you do anything you wanted to do to me at this point if you’d make

me cum.”

She tugged my underwear down and parted my thighs until our completely naked

bodies were finally touching together. “Oh, baby, we are just getting started.” She


Beth Wylde, Trista Bane, Lizzie T. Leaf, Pennie Morgan Red Silk Diaries, Volume 3

studied the little landing strip of hair I kept in a neatly trimmed patch and fondled it with

reverence. “Since you obviously haven’t been getting the treatment you deserve lately,

though, I’ll take it easy on you the first time. How do you want it?”

“I…I don’t understand?”

Her look was patient and sympathetic as she pulled away and sat up between my

thighs. “Do you want my mouth?” She leaned down and circled my navel with her

tongue before plunging inside the small hole and retreating. “Do you want my vibrator?”

She reached inside her nightstand and pulled out a long, skinny silver vibrator. Kara

flipped it on and ran it down my upper leg and up the inside of my thigh before turning it

off and tossing it on the pillow next to my head. “Or, how about my finger?”

I was sure she was going to tease me again, but...

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