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Microsoft Word - lesson_69
Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
Text 1
Exercise 1
Read the text and complete the gaps with the lines below. (Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij luki tekstami
umieszczonymi poniżej)
The Internet
Now that the Internet has arrived, (1) .......... . It has revolutionised communications. Changes are taking
place at an incredible speed. Hardware is becoming more compact, faster and more affordable, allowing
more people and companies to use the Net. In the past, research took longer, important documents got
lost in the post and information could be difficult to find. Unfortunately, this revolution has brought with it
new problems. Research is certainly quicker but connections can be slow, making (2) ......... . Documents
can still get lost, but now in cyberspace. Spam can be a problem (3) ......... . But more dangerous are the
various computer viruses which can make your computer crash. And not all countries have equal access
to the advantages of new technology.
The global economy has to rely on the constant exchange of the latest information. Information and
communication technologies (ICTs) have transformed the way that companies and people communicate.
Ecommerce and the changing way that businesses connect to customers, suppliers and new markets
(4) ......... . Traditional business models and processes may need to (5) ......... .
Technology has also opened up new horizons for education. Elearning continues to grow, (6) ......... .
This means that access to curses is not determined by geographic location. Online seminars can be
synchronous (in real time) or asynchronous ( (7) ......... ). Blended learning uses both online and
traditional learning techniques. Language learning has also benefited from the technological
breakthroughs with TELL (technology enhanced language learning) using computers, multimedia and
other new technologies.
The World Wide Web is still young. It will continue to develop and change. Both people and
businesses are still getting used to the vast flow of knowledge available for everyone. Can the Internet of
the future help (8) ..........? Only if the gap between the informationrich and the informationpoor can be
a) where students and teachers post messages for reading later
b) it is difficult to imagine how we lived without it
c) allowing educational and professional courses to be taken by distance learning
d) be changed and adapted to the network economy of tomorrow
e) bring about true global communication and shared prosperity
f) when your email account becomes overloaded with advertising that you don't want
g) it difficult to access the websites that you need
h) is gradually creating a new economy
Exercise 2
Match the English words and their Polish equivalents, by inserting the number of the Polish word in the
space provided. (Dopasuj angielskie słowa do ich polskich odpowiedników, wpisując numer polskiego
słowa w lukę.)
a) compact .......... 1) stopniowo
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b) affordable .......... 2) polegać na
c) research .......... 3) przestać działać
d) crash .......... 4) czerpać korzyści
e) equal .......... 5) dobrobyt
f) access .......... 6) stały, ciągły
g) rely ......... 7) przepływ
h) constant .......... 8) łączyć
i) supplier .......... 9) przełom
j) determine .......... 10) w przystępnej cenie
k) blend .......... 11) ogromny
l) benefit .......... 12) niewielkich rozmiarów
m) breakthrough .......... 13) badania
n) vast .......... 14) równy
o) flow .......... 15) określać
p) prosperity .......... 16) dostawca
q) gradually .......... 17) dostęp
Exercise 1
Read the text and choose the best word to fill in the gap. (Przeczytaj tekst i wybierz najlepsze słowo, aby
uzupełnić lukę.)
The Internet History
The first version of the Internet (1) (has / was / is) started during the 1960s in the United
States as ARPAnet, a defence department network. One computer was linked to (2)
(another / other / one) to share information. Gradually, more computers (3) (was / were /
have) added to the network, and people began to send simple messages over the network to distant
colleagues. This, (4) (in / on / at) that time, incredible communication platform was adopted
by universities and, with a lot of improvements added by European computer specialists, became the
friendly tool we refer (5) (to / for / with) as the Internet today. As a form of international
communication, the Internet has been in constant development (6) (for / by / since) 1973,
when the ARPAnet was first connected to the United Kingdom and Norway. Northern Europe was
connected to the Net (7) (in / on / at) the early 1980s. Japan and Canada soon joined the
Net. A special link was established (8) (among / between / through) Germany and China at
about the same time. And then in the late 1980s the real growth began as Australia, Iceland, Israel, Italy,
Mexico, New Zealand and Puerto Rico joined the Net. The early 1990s saw many countries in South
America and Asia as well (9) (as / like / so) Eastern Europe, gain access to the Net. The (10)
(start / first / beginning) countries connected from the African continent were Tunisia and
South Africa, but others soon followed. By 1992, even Antarctica was officially online. Currently every
nation (11) (has / have / had) some type of connection to the Internet, though access may be
highly restricted and extremely expensive. Because of (12) (a / its / this) origin in the United
States, most of the communication via the Internet takes place in English. Researchers suggest (13)
(as / what / that) this will change as the Internet becomes more popular, but for the moment
English is the most common language.
Exercise 2
Read the text again and choose the best answer for each question. (Przeczytaj tekst ponownie i wybierz
najlepszą odpowiedź do każdego pytania.)
1. The first organisation that used the Internet was:
a) the police
b) the Army
c) a university
2. The Internet was first connected to countries outside the United States in:
a) 1960s
b) 1980s
Text 2
c) 1973
3. Japan joined the Internet:
a) in 1980
b) in 1980s
c) in 1990
4. Italy was connected to the Internet:
a) before 1990
b) in 1990
c) after 1990
5. Today:
a) all countries have access to the Internet
b) some countries have access to the Internet
c) all countries have limited access to the Internet
6. English is the most popular language in the Internet because:
a) all Internet users can speak English
b) it was started in the USA
c) English is very easy
7. In the future English:
a) will be more popular in the Internet
b) will be as popular as today in the Internet
c) will be less popular in the Internet.
Exercise 3
Match the English words and their Polish equivalents, by inserting the number of the Polish word in the
space provided. (Dopasuj angielskie słowa do ich polskich odpowiedników, wpisując numer polskiego
słowa w lukę.)
a) defence .......... 1) powszechny
b) link .......... 2) dodawać
c) share .......... 3) uzyskać
d) add .......... 4) odległy
e) distant .......... 5) obecnie
f) incredible .......... 6) połączyć
g) adopt .......... 7) badacz
h) refer .......... 8) podążać za
i) establish .......... 9) ustanowić
j) gain .......... 10) obrona
k) follow .......... 11) dzielić
l) currently .......... 12) odnosić sie do
m) restricted .......... 13) niewiarygodny
n) researcher .......... 14) przyjmować, zacząć używać
o) common .......... 15) ograniczony
The Internet
Exercise 1
Match the words or expressions and their definitions by inserting the letter of the definition in the
space provided. (Dopasuj słowa lub wyrażenia i ich definicje, wpisując literę definicji w lukę.)
1. instant messaging ..........
2. chat room ..........
3. newsgroups ..........
4. ecommerce ..........
5. attachment ..........
6. browse ..........
7. bookmark ..........
8. Internet Service Provider ..........
9. download ..........
10. upload ..........
11. spam ..........
12. cookies ..........
a) an online conversation between a group of people on topics chosen by them
b) a website where people with shared interests can get news and information
c) to look at different websites, usually looking for something
d) to bring files to your computer from the Internet
e) to send files from your computer to the Internet or to another Internet user
f) a kind of email where both people are online at the same time
g) unwanted advertisements and other material sent to you by email from companies
h) kind of program that is sent from the Internet to your computer, often without your knowledge,
which can follow and record what you do, which websites you visit, etc.
i) all kinds of business done on the Internet
j) a file you send at the same time as an email message
k) a company that offers users access to the Internet and services such as news, email, shopping
sites, etc., usually for a monthly fee
l) to put a website in a special list which you can access immediately
Dependent prepositions
Practice 1
Complete the sentences with a suitable preposition. (Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami.)
1. Thank you very much ........ your help.
2. This isn't my car. It belongs ............. a friend of mine.
3. Goodbye! Have a nice holiday and take care ............. yourself.
4. (on the telephone) Hello, can I speak ............. Ms Smith, please?
5. (on the telephone) Thank you ............. calling. Goodbye!
6. What happened ............. Jack last night? Why didn't he come to the party?
7. Excuse me, I'm looking ............. North Road. Can you tell me where it is?
8. Jane's cousin is thinking ............. going to China next year.
9. We asked the waiter ............. orange juice, but he brought us apple juice.
10. "Do you like going to pubs?" "It depends ............. the pub."
11. Please listen ............. me. I have something very important to tell you.
12. When I take the photograph, look ............. the camera and smile.
13. We waited ............. Jack until 8 o'clock, but he didn't come.
14. "Are you writing a letter?" "Yes, I'm writing ............. Jane."
15. He's alone all day. He never talks ............. anybody.
16. "Are you playing golf this afternoon?" "It depends ............. the weather."
17. Kathy is thinking ............. buying a new car.
18. I looked ............. the magazine, but I didn't read it carefully.
19. When you are sick, you need somebody to take care ............. you.
20. Tom is looking ............. a job. He wants to work in an office.
Practice 2
Choose the correct preposition to complete the gap. (Wybierz prawidłowy przyimek, aby uzupełnić lukę.)
1. What exactly is she worried ......... (with / for / about)?
2. When I was a secondary school student I was very good ......... (in / at / with) physics.
3. I have applied ......... (for / to / at) 32 jobs without any success.
4. Jack threw a book ......... (in / on / at) Jane, but he missed.
5. In autumn a lot of people suffer .......... (with / on / from) cold and flu.
6. I'm going to apologise .......... (to / of / for) the mistakes I've made.
7. They were surprised .......... (at / with / to) the weather – it snowed all the time.
8. I'm very keen .......... (at / on / to) tennis. I play every day.
9. People in black Africa are very different .......... (than / from / with) people from North Africa.
10. My jacket is very similar .......... (to / with / from) your jacket.
11. In my office I'm responsible .......... (to / with / for) customer complaints.
12. He spends a lot of money .......... (on / to / for) expensive clothes and restaurants.
Vocabulary from lesson 37
access dostęp
add dodawać
adopt – przyjmować, zacząć używać
advertisement – ogłoszenie, reklama
affordable – w przystępnej cenie
attachment załącznik
available dostępny
benefit uzyskać korzyści
blend łączyć
bookmark – zakładka, zaznaczać zakładką
breakthrough przełom
browse przeglądać
common powszechny
compact – niewielkich rozmiarów
connection połączenie
constant ciągły
crash – przestać działać
currently obecnie
defence obrona
determine określać
distant odległy
enhanced wspomagany
equal równy
establish ustanowić
flow przepływ
follow – podążać za
gain zyskać
gradually stopniowo
hardware – sprzęt komputerowy
incredible niewiarygodny
instant natychmiastowy
knowledge – wiedza
link – łączyć, połączenie
prosperity dobrobyt
refer – odnosić się do
rely – polegać na
research badania
researcher badacz
restricted ograniczony
share – dzielić, wspólnie korzystać
supplier dostawca
topic temat
various różnorodne
vast olbrzymi
The answer key
Text 1
Exercise 1
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin