Photo - A-Z of digital photography.txt

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A Algorithm A set of processing or working instructions 
that, because of their high preci-
AC adapter Mains adapter. sion, can be carried out independently 
Enables the connection of the digital by a mechanical or electronic device. 
camera to the mains electricity supply. Algorithms are, for example, the set 
rules for addition and subtraction etc. 
ADC Analog-Digital Converter. However, they are also the instructions 
Hardware that converts analog informathat 
are established in a programming 
tion into digital data. (� AD-Conversion) language. Algorithms simply allow the 
computer to solve particular problems. 
AD conversion Analog-Digital conversion. In image editing, algorithms are used to 
In order to process an � analog signal alter images, e.g. 3 D Cubic Algorithm. 
(e.g. a photo) in a computer, it must first (� TruePic) 
be digitised (converted into a specific 
mathematical format of binary code). Aliasing Pixel-shaped curves on the diagonal 
Pictures are usually digitised with the edges of objects. This can sometimes 
help of a digital camera or a scanner. occur since all graphics consist of individual 
� pixels. Anti-aliasing reduces 
Additive colour Describes a colour system that is based this unwelcome effect by recalculating 
mixing upon the addition of the three additive the contrast values of the neighbouring 
primary colours (red, green, and blue). pixels and matching them up with each 
For example, colour televisions and comother. 
puter monitor displays use the principle 
of additive colour mixing. Altavista Well-known � search engine in the 
� internet. 
Add-on / � Extension to a program such as Excel 
Add-in or Word that increases the available Analog Opposite of � digital. 
functions. These add-ons/add-ins are Analog data merges continuously into 
developed and distributed by the respeceach 
other without clearly defined steps 
tive software company or other firms. (e.g. the colours of a rainbow are 
AE Automatic exposure. 
not obviously separable from one 
another). A-Z 
2 3 

Aperture Mechanism behind the lens that controls ever, not for umlauts) enables the corthe 
amount of light entering the camera. rect data transfer between software and 
The aperture not only influences picture hardware. The ASCII-code employs the 
brightness but also regulates � depth of first seven � bits of a � byte. The first 
focus. Most cameras are equipped with 32 symbols are used as control syman 
iris aperture that can be freely adbols, 
e.g. to control a printer. 
justed or set according to pre-selected 
values. ATA AT Attachment. � Interface for � hard 
AppleTalk A network protocol used by Macintosh 
computers. ATA-Flash-Space-saving integrated � plug-in 
Cards memory cards. 
APS Advanced Photo System. Developed 
together by five companies, this film Autofocus (AF) Automatic focus adjustment. There are 
system is distinguished by simple operabasically 
two main AF methods: the 
tion, a new picture format (16 x 30 mm) focus detecting method, or passive auto 
as well as a choice of three picture forfocus 
usually employs a CCD and 
mats. Additional information (such as works by evaluating the amount of conexposure, 
aperture and date) can be trast or the phase difference in a scene. 
recorded on the magnetic strip of the Distance metering or active autofocus 
APS film. However, APS is not digital utilises an (infrared) light emitter and rephotography. 
ceiver in a triangular surveying system. 
Alternatively, the camera uses ultra-
Aqua Case Waterproof plastic casing for sound (sonar) and measures the time 
� OLYMPUS � CAMEDIA digital taken for the sound signal to return. 
cameras. This data is converted by a microprocessor 
into information about distance 
ASCII American Standard Code for Information and thereby enables the automatic 
Interchange. focusing of the lens. 
The commonly used � binary code for a 
total of 128 symbols (letters, numbers, 
punctuation and special symbols, how-A-Z 
4 5 

Average A special � exposure metering technique Bitmap A representational form for a digital 
metering that measures the average light intensity image in which each � bit in the comacross 
the entire frame. puter's memory corresponds to one 
� dot on the screen or printer. 
Blooming The opposite of � noise; an image error 
B that has been more or less eradicated in 
the newer digital cameras. It describes 
Baud A unit of measurement for data transthe 
"overflow" of electrical charges 
mission rates, named after the French between the individual sensors on a 
engineer, Baudot. � CCD element. 
Binary This is the name given to the representa-Bluebox A process known from television and 
tion system of numbers consisting solely movie productions. Actors stand in front 
of the figures 0 and 1. Just like the tenof 
a coloured wall, usually painted blue. 
figure decimal system (0-9), in the binary Later, a different background is put in 
system, larger numbers are made up by for the blue areas on the recorded 
combining the numbers 0 and 1. image, giving the impression that the 
actors are e.g. on top of a mountain, 
Bios Stands for Basic Input / Output System although they never left the studio. 
and describes the basic program of a 
computer. bps � Bits per second. Refers to the number 
of bits transferred in one second. 
Bit Binary digit. The smallest � digital unit The bps notation is often found on 
that can show only two states 0 or 1. � modems and � serial interfaces. 
8 bits produce one � byte. 
Browser Describes a program used to display 
Bit-depth � Colour depth. information, especially on the � internet. 
Bug Describes a programming error. 
This can be removed by correction 
or rewriting the program codes. A-Z 
(� Patch) 
6 7 

Bug-Fix Removing a software error by means of a Candela Unit of illumination (cd). 1 cd is 1/683W 
small additional program. per steradian. 
Byte � Binary data packet made up of 8 CCD Charge-Coupled Device. 
� bits. A byte can represent values bet-A light sensitive semiconductor that 
ween 0 and 255. It can depict 256 symconverts 
received light into voltage 
bols, numbers or colours. In the compuaccording 
to the level of brightness. It is 
ter field, larger byte size is described used as a � chip or line sensor in digital 
using the prefix letter for the abbreviation cameras and � scanners. (� progressive 
of the exponent of 2. Therefore: CCD, � video CCD) 
1 Kilobyte = 1 KB = 1,024 bytes 
1 Megabyte = 1 MB = 1,048,576 bytes CD-ROM Compact-Disc-Read-Only-Memory. A 
1 Gigabyte = 1 GB = 1,073,741,824 "read only" CD-ROM can hold up to 
bytes approximately 700 MB of programs, 
1 Terabyte = 1 TB = 1,099,511,627,776 pictures, text, or other data. 
Centre-weigh-This method of � exposure metering is 
ted average often used for subjects with an even 
C metering contrast distribution. (� Digital ESP 
(selective multi zone metering); 
Calendar card � SmartMedia-function card. � reflected-light metering; � light 
metering, � spot metering) 
Calibration The reciprocal balancing or tuning of input 
and output devices, in order to re-Charger Battery-charger. 
ceive a matching value. In this way, the 
colours on a monitor can be matched Chip General description for � integrated cirwith 
the printer's colours. (� colour mancuits 
whose components (e.g. transisagement) 
tors, diodes, resistors) are mounted on 
a small plate of the semiconducting 
CAMEDIA The name given to the � OLYMPUS material silicon. 
Digital Imaging products. A-Z 
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CIE Commission Internationale de l�Eclairage. Colour The calibration of all peripheral devices 
An international standard commission for management that feature in the production of colour 
colour metric measurements. The set images (monitors, scanners, colour prinstandards 
are the basis for the colour ters etc.). For example, by using a 
definition in � DTP standards. colour management system, the data 
from a scanner is converted into values 
CISC Complex Instruction Set Computer. A for a standard colour range. The data is 
type of � processor that recognises and then arranged so that the printer can 
processes a large number of complex produce good colour prints. 
and powerful instructions without the 
need for additional software. Colour noise The incorrect reproduction of colour on 
an image (e.g. dots on an area which is 
CMYK Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key/Black. supposed to be pure white). (� Noise) 
These are the printer colours used to create 
colour prints. (� subtractive colour Colour Describes the spectral energy distribumixing) 
temperature tion and thereby the colour quality of a 
light source. The temperature of a 
Colour depth This refers to the maximum number of colour is given in � Kelvin (K). It is 
colours that can be recorded by digital important to choose the correct tempecameras 
and scanners or can be disrature 
so that a subject can be photoplayed 
by graphics cards. A true colour graphed in its true colours. The specrepresentation 
can be achieved at a trum that can be seen by the human 
colour depth of 8 bits per primary colour, eye lies between approx. 2,790 K and 
that is a 24 bit colour depth. In this case, 11,000 K. The international norm for 
256 bits are available for one pixel. With average sunlight is 5,500 K. 
an RGB signal, this value is then multiplied 
by a factor of three so that a total of Compact Smaller dimensions and reduced weight 
256 x 256 x 256 = 16,777,216 colours digital camera make these easy to handle models ideal 
can be displayed. High-end scanners, for travel and everyday use....
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