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This booklet is an overview of the D a r k H e r e s y release schedule for 2009. Inside, you will ind a brief story highlighting the
upcoming sourcebooks and adventures coming out this year for W a r H a m m e r 40,000 r o l e p l a y : D a r k H e r e s y .
For more information about the D a r k H e r e s y line, free downloads, answers to rule queries or just to pass on greetings, visit
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Creatures Anathema
Available Q1 2009
$39.95 MSRP
The Enemies of Man are Legion. Delve
into the Calixis Sector’s most dangerous
denizens with this bestiary of aliens,
beasts, and daemons. Within these
pages lie terrifying monsters to face
your Acolytes. From the vicious Ambull
to the mysterious Simulacra, each
chapter details these threats, includes
adventure seeds to help integrate
each creature into your campaign,
and provides in-character advice from
a noted Inquisitor on how to destroy
them in the Emperor’s name.
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Radical Inquisitors like Felroth Gelt are a stain on the honour of the Ordos. They
claim to be escaping hidebound and outdated practices, that using the tools of the Enemy
against him is entirely just and practical. In my judgement, they are fools. The heretic, the
alien, the daemon...these tools may be powerful, but they also corrupt. Radicals are responsible
for much of the lore within Vault 454-Alpha. Each tome contains a story of one trusted with
the Emperor’s Will who has fallen from grace. Each sheaf of parchment, a lesson of letting
the righteousness of one’s cause blind one to the truth.
“Salvation demands sacrifice...”
Yet I find myself drawn to these Radical texts, sifting through lies
for nuggets of wisdom and facts that chill the blood. Herein I find
more useful information for Lord Zerbe’s acolytes; the tech-heresy of
the Maltek Stalker, the Ragged Oracle of Seedworld AFG:218,
the dangers of the Goleph-pattern murder construct. Often, the agents
of a Radical Inquisitor are Radicals
themselves, embracing alien technology
or Chaos rituals—whatever it takes
to get the job done. More than once
my fellow acolytes have had to do battle
with such misguided rabble. Perhaps
the information I glean from these
records will help to strike them down...
or learn the error of their ways.
The Radical’s Handbook
Available Q2 2009
$49.95 MSRP
This vault has always been empty
of other adepts during my visits, and
although I have been here for hours
whilst my auto-quill scratched notes upon the parchment,
I have seen no one else. Yet I feel as if I am being
watched, and once I caught the flicker of a candle-flame in
the corner of my eye, a flicker where no breeze should exist.
Radical Inquisitors turn away from
the path of the Puritan and rely
upon tools that most consider
blasphemous. Heretic allies, alien
technologies, and daemon weapons
of Chaos are but a few of the
instruments wielded by Radicals
who believe that the end always
justiies the means. This sourcebook
contains new rules, dark careers,
and forbidden gear for both Game
Masters and players wishing to tread
the forsaken path of a Radical.
The conclusion is obvious. I am not alone.
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Though it is difficult, I dismiss my apprehensions. Whoever else is within the vault could not have
arrived here without authorization, without passing through Sororitas checkpoints and patrols of Inquisitional
Stormtroopers. Therefore, the logical result is that my visitor is a fellow adept or archivist, most likely
working for one of the other Inquisitors at residence within the Tricorn.
Of greater import is a dark thread I sense running through many of the reports filed here within the
last century—rumours of “The Night Traveller” returning to the Calixis Sector from some unknown lair.
According to legend, this Night Traveller is a kin-slayer, whose predicted arrival will herald a catastrophic
doom. I can only speculate as to the Night Traveller’s identity, but if I am correct, it is inextricably
linked with the cursed line of Haarlock. This infamous Rogue Trader dynasty was deeply involved
with the exploration and conquest of the Calixis Sector, and through the centuries the Haarlocks have
continued to appear in the historic record at times of great import. However, the line ended in 733.M41,
leaving behind a legacy of shadow pacts, secrets, mysterious servants, and indecipherable portents.
“The herald is unmasked at the 13th hour...”
The Haarlock’s
Legacy Trilogy
My research on the thread of the Haarlock dynasty led
me to records of the pleasure world of Quaddis. Many of the
portents and signs centered around its capital city of Xicarph,
and the undercity beneath it—known only as the Red Cages.
Another name is whispered amongst rumours and hearsay,
reports of vague and inconsistent legends that share only one
fact: the name of “the Widower.” Who or what this name
refers to is unclear, but I mark it as a potential signifier,
code green-26, and move on.
The Haarlock’s Legacy Trilogy is a series
of epic adventures that will determine
the fate of the Calixis Sector. Terrible
threats stir amongst the worlds visited
by the mysterious Rogue Trader line of
Haarlock. What has been left behind
threatens everything the Inquisition has
worked for in the Calixis Sector. Will your
Acolytes be able to discover the secret of
the Haarlock’s Legacy in time?
Part 1: Tattered Fates (Q1 2009)
Part 2: Damned Cities (Q2 2009)
Part 3: Dead Stars (Q3 2009)
$24.95 MSRP
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Dread fills me as I follow the datum.
Page after page reveals more hints and
signs, until the rustle of the tomes is like a
roaring in my ears. My hand shakes as I
reach for yet another scroll. The Ill-fated
line of Haarlock has left behind a darkness
that coils around the worlds of the Calixis
Sector like a serpent. The rotten, gilded
world of Sinophia is one such planet touched
by the legacy of Haarlock. Arbites Judges
and underhive scum clash amidst blood-filled
streets, and a daemon hides in a mirror’s
Sadly, my talent for finding lost secrets does not always grant comprehension. What, for
instance, does the quarantined ice world of Mara have to do with star-gazing? How
does a death-shrine on Solomon tie into the affairs of a noble lineage on Quaddis? The
thread I have been hunting so assiduously is lost, my talent exhausted in a web of half-
truths, puzzles, and mysteries.
“Servants can become masters of men, but even masters remain servants of
the God-Emperor.”
The maxims of Lord Zerbe calm me, allowing me to focus once more upon my assigned
task. Hours pass in frustrating search for answers. I sense that I am close, very close
to a final discovery, though my report lies finished in my writing-case. Lord
Zerbe should be pleased. The candles have burned low, and in that guttering
light I glimpse once more that hint of movement.
Before I can move or make a sound, a figure stepped
into view—lithe, masked, clad in a black armoured bodyglove.
“Moritat.” I whisper, for I recognize the pattern of the
lathe-forged sword she holds bared in a slender hand. The
assassin makes no response, gliding slowly towards me.
I raise an arm to ward her away, my mouth dry,
my mind racing. Why was a Mortiat assassin
here, now? “My name is Saldon. I...”
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