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Disciples of the Dark Gods
Designed and written by
Alan Bligh and John French
with Owen Barnes and Mike Mason
Art Direction
Zoë Wedderburn
Owen Barnes and Mike Mason
Production Manager
Gabe Laulunen
Editing & Layout
Michael Hurley, Jay Little, Mark O’Connor,
Sam Stewart, and Ross Watson
Managing Developer
Michael Hurley
Graphic Design
Kevin Childress and Mark Raynor
Executive Developer
Jeff Tidball
Cover Art
Clint Langley
Christian T. Petersen
Interior Art
John Blanche, Alex Boyd, Paul Dainton, Wayne England,
David Gallagher, Des Hanley, Neil Hodgson, Paul Jeacock,
Nuala Kinrade, Karl Kopinski, Stefan Kopinski, Clint Langley,
Pat Loboyko, Mark Raynor, Adrian Smith, Paul Smith,
Andrea Uderzo, Kev Walk, and John Wigley
Licensing Manager
Owen Rees
Andy Law
Special Thanks
Gary Astleford, Steve Darlington, Jody MacGregor,
Jim Milne, Dylan Owen, and all playtesters: Joel Clarke, Rob
Finnegan, Kendra Hourd, Andrew J. McDonnell, Stephen Morris,
Gary Parker, Carl Pates, Lisa Schoonmaker, Sean Schoonmaker,
Paul Scott, Gabriella Stenson, Eric B. Ullman, and Stuart Wells
Licensing & Acquired Rights Manager
Erik Mogensen
Head of Legal & Licensing
Andy Jones
Fantasy Flight Games
1975 West County Road B2
Roseville, MN 55113
Copyright © Games Workshop Limited 2008. All rights reserved.
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ISBN: 978-1-58994-458-1 Product Code: DH05
Printed in China
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What’s in This Book?. ................................................ 4
Using the Hereticus Tenebrae ...................................... 8
The Nature of the Enemy ..........................................21
Heresies of Faith and Thought . ...............................21
The Nature of Cults ...............................................22
Psykana Obscura ......................................................26
New Psyker Talents . ..............................................26
Additional Psychic Powers ......................................27
The Temple Tendency . ..............................................31
Tenets, Goals, and Heretical Beliefs. .........................31
Inquisitorial Threat Brieing. ...................................37
Servants of the Old Faith. .......................................37
The Logicians ..........................................................40
Tenets, Goals, and Heretical Beliefs. .........................41
Cult Structure and Activity . ....................................41
The Logician in the Calixis Sector ...........................45
The Fruits of Forbidden Science ..............................48
Inquisitorial Threat Brieing. ...................................49
Harbingers of Nightmares Past ................................50
The Pale Throng ......................................................52
Tenets, Goals, and Heretical Beliefs. .........................52
Internal Schism .....................................................53
Rebellion and Insurrection ......................................54
Inquisitorial Threat Brieing. ...................................58
the Pale Throng .................................................59
The Night Cult ........................................................61
The Worship of the Emperor Revenant ....................61
The Legend of the Night Cult. ................................62
Inquisitorial Threat Brieing ....................................64
The True Nature of the Night Cult ..........................64
The Acute Threat of the Alien . ...................................70
The Manifold Dangers of the Alien. ............................71
The Cold Trade ........................................................72
The Amaranthine Syndicate .......................................75
The Syndicate by Reputation ..................................76
A Black Market Indeed . .........................................77
The Devil’s Bargin .................................................77
The Dark Design ...................................................77
The Horros of Slaugth ...........................................78
Inquisitorial Thrat Brieing .....................................79
Members of the Amaranthine Syndicate ...................79
The Beast House . .....................................................82
The Beast House by Repute . ...................................83
Structure and Operations ........................................85
Inquisitorial Threat Brieing ....................................88
The Cryptos. ............................................................91
The Origins and Nature of the Cryptos ....................92
Knowledge and Ingorance ......................................94
Inquisitorial Threat Brieing ....................................94
The Halo Devices . ....................................................97
Calixis Sector .....................................................97
are Made Of ......................................................99
Inquisitorial Threat Brieing ..................................102
Titus Nefandiel: A Path to Damnation ....................102
The Curse of Solomon ............................................104
The Darkness’s Due .............................................104
The Ritual of Sacriice ..........................................105
Inquisitorial Threat Brieing ..................................106
The Maleic Powers ................................................112
Chaos Rituals .........................................................113
The Dark Art of Sorcery ..........................................116
Sorcery Powers ...................................................116
Unhallowed Relics, Wards, and Weapons ...................119
The Pilgrims of Hayte .............................................123
Tenents, Goals, and Heretical Beliefs ......................123
Cult Structure and Activity ...................................124
Inquisitorial Threat Brieing ..................................127
Anteanism. .............................................................132
The Obsession of Julius Ateanos ............................132
Inquisitorial Threat Brieing ..................................136
Pawns of the Dark Prince .....................................136
The Nature of the Cult .........................................139
Tenents, Goals, and Maleic Beliefs ........................139
Tales Told in Darkness .........................................141
Inquisitoral Threat Brieing ...................................142
A Dark Brotherhood ............................................143
The Vile Savants .....................................................145
Deamon Plague ...................................................146
The Pathology of Corruption ................................147
Inquisitorial Threat Brieing ..................................149
Their Get. ...........................................................149
The Menagerie .......................................................152
The Path of the Revelator .....................................152
Sundered Flesh and Twisted Realities .....................153
Inquisitorial Threat Brieing ..................................156
The Heralds of the Radiant Court .........................156
The Murder Room ..................................................159
The Red Tale ......................................................159
Inquisitorial Threat Brieing ..................................161
Blind Leviathon: The Administratum .....................165
Conlicts of Faith: The Ministorum ........................169
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Calixian Factions .................................................181
Inquisitor Glavius Wroth ......................................183
Inquisitor Antonia Mesmeron ................................185
Nemesis, I Name Thee ............................................188
Ferran Ghast ..........................................................190
Myrchella Sinderfell ................................................191
Magus Vathek ........................................................192
The Burning Princess ..............................................193
Coriolanus Vestra. ...................................................194
Tobias Belasco. .......................................................195
The Unknown Heretic ............................................196
An Overview of the Adventure .................................198
Part One: The Master of Chamber XIII .....................200
Acolytes, Interrupted. ...........................................200
The Halls of the Chancellery Court .......................201
The Flight of the Cygnan Martyr ..........................204
All Aboard for the Burning Isle . ............................207
Landing at the Great Crematoria ...........................208
The Structure of the Great Cremetoria ...................212
Locutor Mayweather ............................................214
The Events as They Unfold ...................................214
Deadtown ..........................................................215
Relics From Beyond .............................................217
Part Four: Deathtrap ...............................................218
The Riddles of the Gilded Window .......................218
The Trap is Sprung ..............................................218
The House of the Dead ........................................220
Exit Strategy .......................................................221
Aftermath ..............................................................221
Rewards ................................................................221
NPCs and Antagonists. ............................................222
Player Handouts and GM Aids . ................................227
APPENDIX .........................................................233
N o w I a m t r u l y a m o n g s t t h e d e a d , h e t h o u g h t a n d r e p l a c e d t h e d r a i n e d c h a l i c e o n t h e d a i s
b e f o r e t h e i r o n c r o n e .
“ T h a n k y o u I n q u i s i t o r H e r r o d , ” t h e c r o n e s a i d a n d r a i s e d a c a l l i p e r - b r a c e d a r m t o s h o w a n
e l e c t o o g l o w i n g w i t h a p a l e b l u e l i g h t o n h e r w i t h e r e d p a l m . H e r r o d r a i s e d h i s h a n d a n d h i s o w n
p a l m g l o w e d w i t h t h e f r e s h e l e c t o o o f t h e s t a r h a l o e d c h a l i c e o f t h e T y r a n t i n e C a b a l .
H e h a d b e e n p e r m i t t e d t o p a s s f a r b e l o w t h e u p p e r c h a m b e r s a n d c o u r t s o f t h e B a s t i o n
S e r p e n t i s , p a s t t h e g r e a t s e a l o f t h e E m p e r o r ’ s t r i u m p h o v e r t h e w y r m w h e r e n o n e s a v e a b e a r e r
o f t h e s e a l m i g h t e n t e r , a n d f a r b e l o w i n t o t h e c a t a c o m b s o f t h e o u t e r a r c h i v e w h e r e t h e l e s s e r s e c r e t s
w e r e k e p t . E v e n i n t h o s e o u t e r l e v e l s , h i s s t e p s w e r e f o l l o w e d b y g u n - m u z z l e s a n d t h e t r e a d o f
s e n t i n e l s e r v i t o r s , t h e i r w i t c h - t u n e d s e n s o r s a n d e x e c u t i o n p r o t o c o l s f o r e v e r v i g i l a n t . S u c h m e a s u r e s
w e r e n o t u n c o m m o n w i t h i n a f o r t r e s s o f t h e H o l y O r d o s a n d h e w a s n o t p e r t u r b e d b y t h e i r
p r e s e n c e . Y e t a s h e h a d a p p r o a c h e d t h e t o r c h f r a m e d d o o r s t o t h i s d e e p e s t o u b l i e t t e a n d s a w t h e a l c o v e
o f t h e c r o n e w h o w a t c h e d o v e r i t , h e h a d f e l t a n u n a c c u s t o m e d d r e a d r i s e i n h i s w e l l - t r a i n e d m i n d :
W h a t a w a i t s m e b e y o n d , a n d w h a t t h e n , a f t e r s u c h k n o w l e d g e ?
“ Y o u h a v e t h e t i m e u n t i l t h e s a n d r u n s o u t , ” s a i d t h e c r o n e , u p - t u r n i n g t w o i r o n - b o u n d h o u r g l a s s e s .
T h e c r o n e h a n d e d o n e t o H e r r o d , p l a c i n g t h e o t h e r o n t h e d a i s n e x t t o t h e e m p t i e d p o i s o n c h a l i c e .
Y o u m u s t r e t u r n a n d d r i n k m y s e c o n d d r a u g h t i f y o u d o n o t w i s h t o r e m a i n a m o n g s t t h e d e a d , ” t h e
c r o n e e x p l a i n e d w i t h s o m e r e l i s h , t h e c r y s t a l s o f t h e t i m e r r e f l e c t i n g t h e c o l d b l u e o f h e r e y e s . S h e
s m i l e d , n o m e r e s e r v i t o r t h i s o n e , s o m e t h i n g f a r o l d e r , f a r w o r s e .
T h e p o i s o n w a s b i t t e r i n h i s m o u t h b u t f i l l e d h i s n o s e w i t h s w e e t s c e n t a s h e s w a l l o w e d i t d o w n .
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