Angels Don't Play This HAARP - Advances in Tesla Technology (2004).pdf

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Environmental Warfare?
The U. S. Government has a new ground-based "Star Wars" weapon
which is being tested in the remote bush country of Alaska. This new
system manipulates the environment in a way which can:
• Disrupt human mental processes.
• Jam all global communications systems.
• Change weather patterns over large areas.
• Interfere with wildlife migration patterns.
• Negatively affect your health.
• Unnaturally impact the Earth's upper atmosphere.
The U.S. military calls its zapper HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral
Research Project). But this skybuster is not about the Northern Lights.
This device will turn on lights never intended to be artificially
Their first target is the electrojet - a river of electricity that flows
thousands of miles through the sky and down into the polar icecap. The
electrqjet will become a vibrating artificial antenna for sending
electromagnetic radiation raining down on the earth. The U.S. military
can then "X-ray" the earth and talk to submarines. But there's much
more they can do with HAARP. This book reveals surprises from secret
PROJECT CENSORED - a prestigious panel of journalists -
judged HAARP to be in the top ten under-reported news stories of 1994.
POPULAR SCIENCE - As a front-cover story, HAARP began to be
revealed in September, 1995. This book is - the rest of the story.
The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project is
The HAARP that Angels Don't Play.
About the Authors
Dr. Nick Begich is the eldest son of
the late United States Congressman from
Alaska, Nick Begich Sr., and political
activist Pegge Begich. He is well known in
Alaska for his own political activities. He
was twice elected President of both the
Alaska Federation of Teachers and the
Anchorage Council of Education. He has
been pursuing independent research in the
sciences and politics for most of his adult
life. Begich received his doctorate in
traditional medicine from The Open
International University for Complement-
ary Medicines in November, 1994.
He co-authored the book Earth Rising -
The Revolution: Toward a Thousand
Years of Peace with James Roderick in
January 2000. He is also the editor of
Earthpulse Flashpoints, a new-science book
series. Begich has published articles in
science, politics and education and is a well
known lecturer, having presented through-
out the United States and in nineteen
countries. He has been featured as a guest
on thousands of radio broadcasts, reporting
on his research activities including new
technologies, health and earth science
related issues. He has also appeared on
dozens of television documentaries and
other programs throughout the world
including BBC-TV, CBC-TV, TeleMundo,
and others.
Begich has served as an expert witness and
speaker before the European Parliament.
He has spoken on various issues for
groups representing citizen concerns,
statesmen and elected officials, scientists
and others. He is the publisher and co-
owner of Earthpulse Press and is also
under contract as Tribal Planner for the
Chickaloon Village Council, a federally
recognized American Indian Tribe of the
Athabascan Indian Nation.
Dr. Begich is married to Shelah Begich-
Slade and has five children. He resides just
north of Anchorage in the community of
Eagle River, Alaska, USA.
Jeane Manning is an experienced
magazine journalist, reporter for daily
newspapers and former editor of a
community newspaper. A decade of re-
searching nonconventional electrical energy
technologies culminated in her book The
Coming Energy Revolution (Avery
Publishing Group, NY, 1996). She is
co-author of a 1994 book published by
Auckland Institute of Technology Press,
New Zealand, Suppressed Inventions and
other Discoveries. Born in Cordova,
Alaska, she tracked HAARP with deep
interest. She now lives in Vancouver,
TIMELINE .......................................................................1
Introduction....................................................................... 8
1 The Sorcerer's Apprentices ..........................................11
2 Trail from Tesla to Star Wars ......................................17
3 What's going on Up There?.......................................... 23
4 Skybusters Under Secrecy............................................31
5 High on the Sky............................................................40
6 Northern Exposure....................................................... 47
7 In the Wilderness ......................................................... 52
8 Who Can Stop the Big Zapper?....................................60
9 Tesla's Weather Apprentices ....................................... 66
10 Putting the Heat on Mom Earth..................................75
11 The Compilers.............................................................84
12 Twisted Words, Star Wars and Poker Flats ................. 86
13 Star Wars -- Company Control ....................................90
14 "The Project's Not Classified" ..................................... 94
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