Rehabilitation in the dynamic stabilization of the lumbosacral spine.pdf

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G. Calvosa
G. Dubois
Rehabilitation in the dynamic stabilization of the lumbosacral spine
G. Calvosa
G. Dubois
in the dynamic
stabilization of the
lumbosacral spine
With the contribution: M. Tenucci, C. Giovannini
M.D. Giuseppe Calvosa, spinal surgeon,
Orthopaedic Clinic University of Pisa, Italy
M.D. Gilles Dubois, spinal surgeon,
Neurosurgery of Toulouse, France
M.D. Miria Tenucci, spinal surgeon,
Orthopaedic Clinic University of Pisa, Italy
Dr. Chiara Giovannini
Orthopaedic Clinic University of Pisa, Italy
ISBN 978-3-540-73801-5 Springer Medizin Verlag Heidelberg
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In the past decade, thanks to new and sophisticated instrumental research like the MRI, CT
and discography, we have been able to focus better on degenerative pathologies, so that we
can now discuss discal bulging, micro-instability (both fragmentary and plurisegmentary),
soft stenosis etc.
In addition, the greater development of surgical techniques has allowed us to improve the
treatment of these pathologies, of which the one that has aroused most interest in the context
of non-fusion is the dynamic stabilization of the lumbar spine. As we all know, in the orthopa-
edic field, in order to obtain good results, it is necessary to have the proper surgical indications
and precise surgical techniques associated with attentive phases of rehabilitation.
I believe, that this publication, which describes the indications and the various phases
of technical rehabilitation to be used after surgical treatment of lumbar degenerative spine,
represents a work of fundamental importance that is clearly useful to those interested in this
area of orthopaedics.
I am certain that this monograph will be widely and justifiably successful.
Chief Orthopaedic Clinic University of Pisa
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