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Medical Countermeasures
Chapter 21
Janice M. Rusnak, MD
; ellen F. BouDReau, MD
Matthew J. hepBuRn, MD
; JaMes w. MaRtin, MD, Facp
a n d
sina BavaRi, p
Glanders and Melioidosis
Q Fever
Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers
Botulinum Toxin
Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B
Lieutenant Colonel, US Air Force
(Ret); Research Physician, Special Immunizations Program, Division of Medicine, US Army Medical Research
Institute of Infectious Diseases, 1425 Porter Street, Fort Detrick, Maryland 21702; formerly, Deputy Director of Special Immunizations Program, US
Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, 1425 Porter Street, Fort Detrick, Maryland
Chief, Special Immunizations Program, Division of Medicine, US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, 1425 Porter Street, Fort
Detrick, Maryland 21702
Major, Medical Corps, US Army; Infectious Diseases Physician, Division of Medicine, US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases,
1425 Porter Street, Fort Detrick, Maryland 21702
Colonel, Medical Corps, US Army; Chief, Operational Medicine Department, US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, 1425 Porter
Street, Fort Detrick, Maryland 21702
Chief, Department of Immunology, Target Identification and Translational Research, US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, 1425
Porter Street, Fort Detrick, Maryland 21702
Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare
countermeasures against bioterrorism to prevent or
limit the number of secondary infections or intoxica-
tions include (
) early identification of the bioterrorism
event and persons exposed, (
) appropriate decontami-
nation, (
) infection control, and (
) medical counter-
measures. the initial three countermeasures are non-
medical and discussed in other chapters. this chapter
will be restricted to medical countermeasures, which
include interventions such as active immunoprophy-
laxis (ie, vaccines), passive immunoprophylaxis (ie, im-
munoglobulins and antitoxins), and chemoprophylaxis
(ie, postexposure antibiotic prophylaxis) (tables 21-1
and 21-2). Medical countermeasures may be initiated
either before an exposure (if individuals are identified
as being at high risk for exposure) or after a confirmed
exposure event. Because medical countermeasures
TABLE 21-1
Primary Series Protection
Booster Doses
anthrax (0.5 ml sQ)
Days 1, 14, 28 3 weeks after 3rd vaccine dose
annual boosters after
Months 6, 12, 18
dose 6 of vaccine
Day 0
“take” after vaccination
every 10 years
(15 punctures pc)
Q fever
(0.5 ml sQ)
Day 0
3 weeks after vaccination
vee c-83
(0.5 mL SQ) Day 0 Titer ≥ 1:20
None (boost with TC-84)
vee tc-84
(0.5 mL SQ) Day 0 Titer ≥ 1:20
As needed per titer
(0.5 mL SQ)
Days 0, 7, 28 Titer ≥ 1:40
As needed per titer
Days 0, 7, 28 Titer ≥ 1:40
As needed per titer
Yellow fever
(0.5 ml sQ)
Day 0
4 weeks after vaccination
every 10 years
(3 punctures
Day 0
evidence of a “take” (vesiculo-papular
1, 3, or 10 years
pc for primary vaccination)
response); scab resolved (day 21-28 after
RVF (1 mL SQ)
Days 0, 7, 28, 180 Titer ≥ 1:40 after dose 3
As needed per titer
(0.5 ml iM)
Day 0
4 weeks after vaccination
(0.5 ml sQ)
Days 0, 30
2 weeks after 2nd vaccine dose
every 3 years
(0.5 ml sQ)
Days 0, 14, 84, potential protection within 4 weeks of 3rd Booster dose at 12 months
and month 6
vaccine dose (antitoxin titers no longer
and then yearly
live vaccine.
investigational live attenuated tularemia nDBR 101 vaccine. Booster doses currently recommended every 10 years, although immunity
may persist longer.
investigational inactivated freeze-dried Q Fever nDBR 105 vaccine.
investigational live attenuated tc-83 nDBR 102 vee vaccine is given as a one-time injection. pRnt
titers were obtained after vaccination
and yearly to assess for adequate titers. if pRnt
titers fell below a predetermined level, another investigational vaccine, the inactivated
c-84 tsi-GsD-205 vee vaccine, was given to boost titers.
titers. titers are obtained within 28 days of the primary series and yearly afterward to assess immune response. Booster doses for
eee were administered as 0.1 ml intradermally.
investigational inactivated tsi-GsD-104 eee and tsi-GsD-210 wee vaccines.
Booster doses are administered as 15 punctures pc, given every 10 years, but may be recommended more frequently if high risk of expo-
sure (ie, smallpox outbreak, laboratory workers). laboratory workers are given booster doses every 3 years if working with monkeypox
and yearly if working with variola
(variola research only at cDc).
investigational live attenuated ahF virus vaccine (candid 1).
investigational FsMe-iMMun inject vaccine.
investigational botulinum pentavalent (aBcDe) botulinum toxoid.
CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; EEE: eastern equine encephalitis; IM: intramuscular; MA: microagglutination titer; PBT:
pentavalent botulinum toxoid; PC: percutaneous; PRNT
80% plaque reduction neutralization titer; RVF: Rift Valley fever; SQ: subcutane-
ous; TBE: tick-borne encephalitis; VEE: Venezuelan equine encephalitis; WEE: western equine encephalitis
Medical Countermeasures
TABLE 21-2
Duration of Treatment
Bacillus anthracis
Ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, or penicillin (if sensitive) Vaccinated: 30 days (aerosol)
Unvaccinated: 60 days (aerosol)
Yersinia pestis
Doxycycline or ciprofloxacin
7 days
Francisella tularensis
Doxycycline or ciprofloxacin
14 days
Burkholderia mallei
Doxycycline, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole,
14 days (consider 21 days)
augmentin, or ciprofloxacin
14 days (consider 21 days)
B pseudomallei
Doxycycline, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
(possibly ciprofloxacin)
Doxycycline plus rifampin
21 days
Coxiella burnetii
7 days (not to be given before day 8 after
exposure because it may only prolong the
incubation period)
advisory committee on immunization practices membership notes no data on postexposure prophylaxis for preventing cutaneous anthrax
but suggests 7- to 14-day course of antibiotics may be considered.
no clinical data to support
may be associated with adverse events, the recommen-
dation for their use must be weighed against the risk
of exposure and disease. vaccines, both investigational
and approved by the Food and Drug administration
(FDa), are available for some bioterrorism agents. in
the event of a bioterrist incident, preexposure vaccina-
tion, if safe and available, may modify or eliminate the
need for postexposure chemoprophylaxis. however,
preexposure vaccination may not be possible or practi-
cal in the absence of a known or expected release of a
specific bioterrorist agent, particularly with vaccina-
tions that require booster doses to maintain immunity.
in these cases, chemoprophylaxis after identifying an
exposure may be effective in preventing disease. any
effective bioterrorism plan should address the logistics
of maintaining adequate supplies of drugs and vac-
cines, as well as personnel to coordinate and dispense
needed supplies to the affected site.
although the anthrax and smallpox vaccines are
both FDa approved, potential bioterrorism agents have
only investigational vaccines that were developed and
manufactured over 30 years ago. these vaccines have
demonstrated efficacy in animal models and safety in at-
risk laboratory workers; however, they did not qualify
for FDa approval because studies to demonstrate their
efficacy in humans were deemed unsafe and unethical.
although these vaccines can be obtained under investi-
gational new drug (inD) protocols at limited sites in the
united states, the vaccines are in extremely limited sup-
ply and are declining in immunogenicity with age.
under the FDa animal rule instituted in 2002, ap-
proval of vaccines can now be based on demonstration
of efficacy in animal models alone, if efficacy studies
in humans would be unsafe or unethical. this rule
has opened the opportunity to develop many new
and improved vaccines, with the ultimate goal of FDa
licensure. vaccine development generally is a long
process, requiring 3 to 5 years to identify a potential
vaccine candidate and conduct animal studies to test
for vaccine immunogenicity and efficacy, with an ad-
ditional 5 years of clinical trials for FDa approval and
licensure. FDa vaccine approval then takes from 7 to
10 years, so vaccine replacements are not expected to
be available in the near future.
spores by ingesting contaminated soil. humans can
become infected through skin contact, ingestion, or
inhalation of
B anthracis
spores from infected animals
or animal products. anthrax is not transmissible from
person to person. the infective dose for inhalational
anthrax based on nonhuman primate studies is esti-
mated to be 8,000 to 50,000 spores.
the 2001 anthrax
anthrax is caused by
Bacillus anthracis,
a spore-
forming, gram-positive bacillus. associated disease
may occur in wildlife such as deer and bison in the
united states but occurs most frequently in domestic
animals such as sheep, goats, and cattle, which acquire
Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare
incident suggests that inhalational anthrax may result
from inhalation of relatively few spores with exposure
to small particles of aerosolized anthrax.
the stability
and prolonged survival of the spore stage makes
an ideal agent for bioterrorism.
(toxinogenic, nonencapsulated v770-np1-R), that
produces predominantly pa in relative absence of
other toxin components such as lethal factor or edema
the filtrate used to produce ava is adsorbed
to aluminum hydroxide (amphogel [wyeth labora-
tories, Madison, nJ]) as an adjuvant and contains pa,
formaldehyde, and benzethonium chloride, with trace
lethal factor and edema factor components.
ava is given as subcutaneous injections (in the
upper deltoid muscle) of 0.5 ml at 0, 2, and 4 weeks,
followed by injections at 6, 12, and 18 months, and
then yearly boosters. vaccine breakthroughs have been
reported in persons who received only two doses of
vaccine, but infections in those who received all three
initial doses (and are current on subsequent primary
and booster doses) are uncommon. the few published
reports of breakthroughs occurred with use of the
earlier, alum-precipitated anthrax vaccine and within
days before the scheduled 6-month vaccine dose (dose
4), when antibody titers have been demonstrated to
be low.
evidence suggests that both humoral and cellular
immune responses against pa are critical to protec-
tion against disease after exposure.
rhesus macaques with one dose of ava elicited anti-
pa immunoglobulin (ig) M titers peaking at 2 weeks
after vaccination, igG titers peaking at 4 to 5 weeks,
and pa-specific lymphocyte proliferation present at 5
approximately 95% of vaccinees seroconvert
with a 4-fold rise in anti-pa igG titer after three doses
of vaccine.
although animal studies have demon-
strated transfer of passive immunity from polyclonal
the correlation of protection against an-
thrax infection with a specific antibody titer has not
yet been defined.
Both the alum-precipitated vaccine and ava dem-
onstrated efficacy in animal models against aerosol
a total of 52 of 55 monkeys (95%)
given two doses of anthrax vaccine survived lethal
aerosol challenge without antibiotics.
Because spore
forms of
B anthracis
may persist for over 75 days after
an inhalational exposure, vaccination against anthrax
may provide more prolonged protection than post-
exposure antibiotic prophylaxis alone.
vaccination after exposure alone was not effective in
preventing disease from inhalational anthrax. vaccina-
tion of rhesus monkeys at days 1 and 15 after aerosol
exposure did not protect against inhalational anthrax (4
x 10
spores, which is 8 median lethal doses) resulting
in death in 8 of the 10 monkeys. however, all rhesus
monkeys given 30 days of doxycycline in addition to
postexposure vaccination survived.
Recent studies
indicate that a short course of postexposure antibiot-
ics (14 days) in conjunction with vaccination provides
History of the anthrax vaccine.
in 1947 a factor
isolated from the edema fluid of cutaneous
B anthracis
lesions was noted to successfully vaccinate animals.
this factor, identified as the protective antigen (pa),
was subsequently recovered from incubating
B anthra-
in special culture medium.
this led to the develop-
ment in 1954 of the first anthrax vaccine, which was
derived from an alum-precipitated cell-free filtrate of
an aerobic culture of
B anthracis.
this early version of the anthrax vaccine was dem-
onstrated to protect small laboratory animals
nonhuman primates from inhalational anthrax.
vaccine also demonstrated protection against cutane-
ous anthrax infections in employees working in textile
mills processing raw imported goat hair.
During this
study, only 3 cases of cutaneous anthrax occurred in
379 vaccinated employees, versus 18 cases of cutane-
ous anthrax and all 5 cases of inhalational anthrax that
occurred in the 754 nonvaccinated employees. Based
on these results, the vaccine efficacy for anthrax was
determined to be 92.5%. the vaccine failures were
noted in a person who had received only two doses of
vaccine, a second person who had received the initial
three doses of vaccine but failed to receive follow-up
doses at 6 and 12 months (infection at 13 months), and
a third person who was within a week of the fourth
vaccine dose (the 6-month dose), a period when titers
are known to be lower. local reactions were noted in
35% of vaccinees, but most reactions were short-lived
(generally resolving within 24 to 48 hours), with severe
reactions occurring in only 2.8% in the vaccinated
Anthrax vaccine adsorbed.
the current FDa-ap-
proved anthrax vaccine adsorbed (ava) was derived
through improvements of the early alum-precipitated
anthrax vaccine and involved (
) using a
B anthra-
strain that produced a higher fraction of pa, (
growing the culture under microaerophilic instead
of aerobic conditions, and (
) substituting an alumi-
num hydroxide adjuvant in place of the aluminum
potassium salt adjuvant.
originally produced by
the Michigan Department of public health, ava is
now manufactured by Bioport corporation in lan-
sing, Michigan. ava is derived from a sterile cell-free
filtrate (with no dead or live bacteria) from cultures
of an avirulent, nonencapsulated strain of
B anthracis
Medical Countermeasures
significant protection against high dose aerosol chal-
lenge in nonhuman primates.
Vaccine adverse events.
adverse reactions in 6,985
persons who received a total of 16,435 doses of ava
(9,893 initial series doses and 6,542 annual boosters)
were primarily local reactions.
local reactions (edema
or induration) were severe ( > 12 cm) in less than 1%
vaccinations, moderate (3–12 cm) in 3% vaccinations,
and mild ( < 3 cm) in 20% vaccinations. systemic reac-
tions were uncommon, occurring in less than 0.06%
of vaccines, and included fever, chills, body aches, or
Data from the vaccine adverse event Reporting
system from 1990 to 2000, after nearly 2 million doses
of vaccine were distributed, showed approximately
1,500 adverse events reported from the vaccine. the
most frequently reported events were injection site
hypersensitivity (334), edema at the injection site (283),
pain at the injection site (247), headache (239), arthral-
gia (232), asthenia (215), and pruritus (212). only 76
events (5%) were serious, including the reporting of
anaphylaxis in two cases.
in an anthrax vaccine study conducted in labo-
ratory workers and maintenance personnel at the
us army Medical Research institute of infectious
Diseases (usaMRiiD) over 25 years, females were
found to be more likely than males to have injection
site reactions, edema, and lymphadenopathy.
data also showed a decrease in the rate of local reac-
tions if the time interval between the first and second
dose was extended or if the vaccine was administered
intramuscularly. no decrease in seroconversion rates
or anti-pa igG geometric mean titers was noted with
either of these modifications of administration. Delay
of the second vaccine dose to 4 weeks (instead of 2
weeks) was associated with induration in only 1 of 10
females (10%) and subcutaneous nodules in only 4 of
10 females (40%), versus 10 of 18 (56%) and 15 of 43
(83%), respectively, when the second vaccine dose was
given at 2 weeks.
when ava was administered intra-
muscularly at 0 and 4 weeks, none of the 10 persons
exhibited induration or subcutaneous nodules, and
only one person developed erythema. the centers for
Disease control and prevention (cDc) is conducting
a large study to confirm these results.
protocols for managing vaccine adverse events
have not yet been evaluated in randomized trials.
however, individuals with local adverse events may
be managed with ibuprofen or acetaminophen for
pain, second-generation antihistamines if localized
itching is a dominant feature, and ice packs for severe
swelling extending below the elbow. in special cases,
to alleviate future discomfort for patients with large
or persistent injection-site reactions after subcutaneous
injection, the us army Medical command policy for
troops allows intramuscular injection to be considered
if the provider (
) believes intramuscular injection will
provide appropriate protection and reduce side effects,
and (
) informs the patient that intramuscular injection
is not FDa approved.
additional anthrax vaccination is contraindicated in
persons who have experienced an anaphylactic reac-
tion to the vaccine or any of the vaccine components.
it is also contraindicated in persons with a history of
anthrax infection because of previous observations of
an increase in severe adverse events.
the vaccine may
be given in pregnancy only if the benefit outweighs
the risk.
Other anthrax vaccines.
an attenuated live anthrax
vaccine given by scarification or subcutaneous injec-
tion is used in the former soviet union. the vaccine is
reported to be protective in mass field trials, in which
anthrax occurred less commonly in vaccinated persons
(2.1 cases per 100,000 persons), a risk reduction of cuta-
neous anthrax by a factor of 5.4 in the 18 months after
a pa-based anthrax vaccine, made by
alum precipitation of a cell-free culture filtrate of a
derivative of the attenuated
B anthracis
sterne strain,
is currently licensed in the united kingdom.
New vaccine research.
the ability to prepare puri-
fied components of anthrax toxin by recombinant tech-
nology has presented the possibility of new anthrax
vaccines. new vaccine candidates may be pa toxoid
vaccines or pa-producing live vaccines that elicit par-
tial or complete protection against anthrax infection.
a recombinant pa vaccine candidate given intrader-
mally or intranasally was demonstrated to provide
complete protection in rabbits and nonhuman primates
against aerosol challenge with anthrax spores.
Recent research has shown toxin neutralization
approaches to be protective in animal models. inter-
alpha inhibitor protein (iαip), an endogenous serine
protease inhibitor in human plasma, given to BalB/c
mice 1 hour before intravenous challenge to a lethal
dose of
B anthracis
, was associated with a 71% survival
rate at 7 days compared to no survivors in the control
one potential mechanism of action for iαip
is through the inhibition of furin, an enzyme required
for assembling lethal toxin in anthrax pathogenesis.
antibiotics are effective only against
the vegetative form of
B anthracis
(not effective against
the spore form). however, in the nonhuman primate
model of inhalational anthrax, spores have been shown
to survive for months ( < 1% at 75 days and trace
spores present at 100 days) without germination.
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