Na dwa spusty (a.double.tour) 1959 napisy eng.txt

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{6857}{6956}Getting a good look?
{6977}{7076}Get dressed!
{7452}{7491}Good morning, Miss Mortoni.
{7492}{7562}You-You're up already?
{7563}{7636}I love the mornings.|I work better then.
{7637}{7698}Looks like another beautiful day.
{7699}{7760}I'm off.|Thank you, Miss Mortoni.
{7761}{7860}Have a good day.
{8550}{8650}- Have you finished exposing yourself?|- Drop dead.
{9136}{9236}Mrs. Marcoux is an old bag,|a real pain in the neck.
{9279}{9345}Alfred says hello to "the missus."|Everyone says hello.
{9346}{9445}Arthur says hello to "the missus."
{9482}{9581}Jules says hello to "the missus."|Everyone says hello to "the missus."
{9602}{9701}She sure is an awful bore.
{9819}{9919}You're much prettier|than the missus.
{12678}{12739}- May I help you with the dishes?|- No.
{12740}{12791}Why not?|I'm not proud.
{12792}{12891}I don't want it.
{13082}{13160}- So you don't want me helping?|- Why should you?
{13161}{13224}I love to do it.
{13225}{13291}Then go on.|After all, you are the missus' son.
{13292}{13386}"Alfred says hello the missus."
{13387}{13486}Excuse me.
{13668}{13744}- You smell good, Julie.|{y:i}- Eau du dishwater.
{13745}{13818}It intoxicates me.
{13819}{13919}Mr. Richard, you're going|to miss Mass.
{13927}{14002}- What did you say?|- Mass. It's getting late.
{14003}{14078}I've got five minutes.|I'll finish this stack.
{14207}{14252}Mr. Richard.
{14252}{14336}Your mother is waiting for you.|You'll make her angry.
{14465}{14531}- Are you ready?|- Yes.
{14532}{14607}- Hurry. We're late.|- Are you going?
{14608}{14643}Of course.|What a question.
{14644}{14744}I thought your so-called "fianc?"|was coming here.
{14760}{14860}- Aren't you going to wait?|- I'll see him later.
{14907}{15006}God... comes first!
{15087}{15160}I approve of your choice.
{15160}{15231}Laszlo is a very nice boy.
{15232}{15331}Apart from the fact|that he needs to be dry-cleaned.
{15365}{15415}Can he kiss properly?
{15415}{15471}Come on.|We're late.
{15472}{15527}He touches you, he...
{15527}{15588}Well, you know what I mean, hmm?
{15589}{15689}How do you feel|when he squeezes you tightly?
{15877}{15976}Sex can be a very enjoyable thing.
{16792}{16892}Watch out!
{17119}{17219}I'll take one!
{18441}{18541}Anyone home?
{18878}{18978}Is anyone there?
{18985}{19085}- Anyone there?|- I'm coming.
{19200}{19268}- Where's the missus?|- At mass.
{19269}{19359}- And the miss?|- At mass with Mr. Richard.
{19360}{19459}- And the mister?|- Getting dressed. He'll be right down.
{19460}{19559}Oh... Julie.
{19560}{19636}- Oh... Julie!|- What?
{19637}{19711}Fix me something.|I'm hungry!
{19712}{19785}- Whose knitting?|- The missus.
{19845}{19945}You'll undo all the stitches!
{19956}{20039}- How are you, Laszlo?|- Hello, Henri.
{20040}{20140}- Have you been waiting long?|- No, I just arrived.
{20152}{20226}Julie, just do my room,|then you're free.
{20227}{20326}Yes, sir.
{20509}{20587}My poor Laszlo...
{20588}{20665}It's always the same.
{20666}{20757}While they're at Mass,|I'll slip out to see Leda, secretly.
{20758}{20811}That's terrible.
{20812}{20868}I know. But what else|can I do?
{20869}{20967}- Chuck the wife.|- Don't start that again.
{20968}{21061}Do you find her beautiful?|Do you find her intelligent?
{21062}{21143}- She's not as foolish as you would think.|- Do you find her nice?
{21144}{21242}Generous? Pleasant?
{21243}{21338}Affectionate? Unselfish?
{21339}{21398}You find her funny.|I get it.
{21399}{21457}Go get your suitcase.|I'll wait.
{21457}{21525}- You know that's not possible.|- Really? Why?
{21526}{21587}Because of all this.
{21588}{21688}Leaving Th?r?se would mean|leaving this house,
{21694}{21734}my children,
{21735}{21812}a comfortable income,
{21813}{21842}my vineyard...
{21843}{21931}So for a few bottles of wine|you prefer to stay?
{21932}{22018}As for the rest,|it's not worth talking about.
{22019}{22084}If Elizabeth marries me,|as I am hoping,
{22085}{22132}she'll be leaving anyway.
{22132}{22213}As for your job,|you'll find another.
{22214}{22302}And, between us, it wouldn't hurt you|to miss a few meals.
{22303}{22357}- It builds character.|- That's rather harsh.
{22358}{22416}No, you're a sucker.
{22417}{22480}That's a fine way to speak|to your father-in-law.
{22481}{22561}You deserve it.
{22562}{22635}What does Leda think|of all this?
{22635}{22707}Leda's left it for me to choose.
{22708}{22763}She never speaks of it.
{22764}{22817}Your wife would nag plenty.
{22883}{22954}I'm afraid of the unknown.
{22955}{23026}- That's obvious.|- I'm 45.
{23032}{23088}Try to understand.
{23089}{23181}If I suddenly found myself|without anything...
{23182}{23232}Do you really have anything to lose?
{23232}{23292}I would have chucked it all|a long time ago.
{23293}{23367}- Even Elizabeth?|- Even Elizabeth,
{23368}{23466}if I were her father.
{23491}{23591}I'm tired. Let's change|the subject.
{23725}{23825}- So, how's business doing?|- Oh, go to the devil.
{23828}{23861}Excuse me. I'm late.
{23862}{23940}- Say hello to Leda.|- Thank you.
{23941}{24040}See you later.
{24312}{24382}Julie, I told you I'm hungry.|Where's my breakfast?
{24383}{24453}- I had other things to do.|- Then go do it now!
{24454}{24514}I want boiled eggs, toast,
{24515}{24612}jam, goat cheese|and a cold chicken wing.
{24613}{24681}- Didn't you eat yesterday?|- No, I've saved my appetite for today.
{24682}{24755}Enough talk!|I want action!
{24756}{24799}I'm out of chicken.
{24800}{24842}Don't give me that!
{24842}{24907}And don't skimp|on the portions.
{24908}{24994}- Oh, really?|- I'll be waiting outside.
{24994}{25079}And bring me a pitcher of wine as well.
{25889}{25967}- Hello, mother-in-law.|- I see you haven't lost your appetite.
{25968}{26035}I love to eat, drink, smoke,
{26036}{26093}and everything else,|all the vices.
{26094}{26194}- You're very amusing.|- Yes. Sit. We'll dig in together.
{26229}{26280}I have something to ask you.
{26281}{26370}Is it more correct to say "eat"|than "dig in"
{26370}{26458}when you are speaking|to your fianc?e's mother?
{26459}{26540}Well... let's eat.
{26541}{26641}- How is your appetite?|- So-so.
{26680}{26751}- You like to drink in the morning?|- Yes. Why?
{26752}{26802}No reason.
{26802}{26854}Apart from that,|is everything okay?
{26855}{26929}Yes, thank you.
{26930}{27000}- A little snort?|- What a question.
{27001}{27062}- Come on.|- Absolutely not.
{27062}{27162}- I never drink before lunch.|- Whatever.
{27241}{27305}Congratulations on your eggs.
{27305}{27387}That's grain-fed chicken.
{27388}{27468}You don't get that in Paris!
{27539}{27608}What joy!
{27609}{27677}The sunshine!
{27678}{27724}The air!
{27725}{27769}The perfume!
{27770}{27861}The hills, the trees, the birds.
{27862}{27914}These soft-boiled eggs!
{27915}{27990}What a charming young girl.
{27991}{28066}Th?r?se, I believe in God.
{28082}{28169}What a lovely couple.
{28170}{28270}- A pretty picture.|- What are you looking at?
{28289}{28365}- You know very well.|- Be quiet.
{28366}{28441}- Why? What's wrong wi...|- Be quiet!
{28477}{28576}You should give up, Th?r?se.
{28632}{28717}- So?|- I can't complain.
{28718}{28818}Must you really gloat so triumphantly|after seeing that creature?
{28857}{28908}She's my happiness.
{28909}{28982}That's no reason to inflict|that on me.
{28983}{29083}- Let's talk about something else.|- She makes you that happy?
{29126}{29183}- Look...|- Answer me!
{29184}{29237}Are you looking for a fight in public?
{29238}{29330}- Don't mind me.|- His presence doesn't embarrass me.
{29331}{29410}I hope the children's will.
{29411}{29490}I'm going back to Leda's.
{29491}{29531}Excuse me.
{29532}{29615}I'll leave it to you to explain.|You'll think of something.
{29616}{29715}They needn't know that I am with...|"that creature."
{29917}{29985}- How are you, Richard?|- Fine.
{29986}{30067}Hello, Daddy.
{30067}{30167}Excuse me.|I'm just finishing breakfast.
{30551}{30617}What? What's going on?|You can hear a pin drop.
{30618}{30680}We could, if you made|less noise eating.
{30681}{30760}Noise? Me?
{30761}{30861}Not that much noise.
{30915}{30960}Now that is making noise.
{30961}{31061}And now, listen to the noise|when I drink.
{31289}{31324}You're revolting.
{31325}{31409}I was just trying to show you|what real eating noise is.
{31410}{31493}- You poor child.|- No one can say anything around here!
{31651}{31715}Henri, you'll be late.
{31716}{31788}I have a few minutes.
{31789}{31860}Where are you going?
{31861}{31928}- To Mass.|- Father's going to Mass!
{31929}{31993}Go, Henri. I wouldn't want|to detain you.
{31994}{32057}- What is this act?|- What act, Laszlo?
{32057}{32133}You know exactly what I mean.|The whole world knows what I mean.
{32134}{32176}- So why hide it?|- Enough, Laszlo!
{32177}{32257}- Not in front of the children!|- Why not? It'll simplify everything.
{32258}{32337}Enough! Nobody asked|for your advice.
{32338}{32416}Well, at least you know|how I feel.
{32432}{32532}Go. Pack your bag, Henri.
{32937}{33033}- My poor child, what did you expect from him?|- You don't understand.
{33034}{33098}Oh, really?|I don't understand?
{33098}{33160}And this?|This wasn't malicious?
{33161}{33261}What man in his right mind|would do something like this?
{33294}{33357}Frankly, do you really|find him presentable?
{33358}{33406}You're so fastidious.
{33407}{33506}How is it you can bear|his greasy sweater?
{33514}{33575}Do you like the way|he speaks to me?
{33576}{33630}It's his right|to dislike me,
{33631}{33731}but how can you forgive what he said|while gorging so disgustingly?
{33826}{33862}I s...
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