New Usui Reiki 1-3 NE (Jens Söeborg).pdf

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Double Dragon International Reiki School
Short manual for the
New Usui Reiki Ryoho 1-3
Manual written by
Jens SÕeborg, DK
System founder
Ole Gabrielsen, DK
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I have received transmissions from Ole Gabrielsen from back in
1996. From his booklet ÐA Complete Course in HealingÑ from
about year 2000 I have leaned how to channel the initiations
myself. But this attunement I did not get from Ole Gabrielsen,
nor did I channel it myself. After reading about the story, which
you can read below, I was thinking of channelling the attune-
ment, but did not. I few days later I received the attunement
directly from Usui.
I give it for free Î so please do not charge any money for this attunement. I was a
gift from Usui to me. I give it as a gift from me to you. Please pass it on to your
Reiki family, Reiki friends and Reiki students for free.
Transmission lineage: Mikao Usui Î Jens Seborg Î You Î (Next One)
You are welcome to pass this mini manual on for free too Î if you try to sell it you
could be fined according to copyright laws.
¨ Copyright 2005 - Double Dragon International Reiki School
How this all came about
Thursday the 30 th of December 2004 Ole Gabrielsen was meditating, and during
the meditation he became a message from Usui, who is now working as an ascen-
ded master:
Welcome my friend!
It is with much pleasure and warmth in my heart, that I can now present to you
a new ÐupgradedÑ version of Reiki Ryoho. Much have been said and written
about Reiki, Much focus has been given to what is right and wrong, how the
hands should be placed, which correct symbols to use etc. But let me tell you,
what Reiki Ryoho really is: Reiki Ryoho is simplicity!
You should relax more and trust your intuition, because that is the road to true
healing! Do not dwell on to many techniques Î just do it! My child (Fuji Usui,
who died July 10 th . 1946, 38 years of age) has always been using this parable in
his teachings:
If you threw a bucket of water onto a path filled with potholes, what happens?
The water gathers in the potholes. You donÓt need to go to each individual hole
and fill them one by one; the water will run into the holes and fill them all one by
on; the water will run into the holes of its own accord. This is how energy works.
Start the energy flowing, and it will gather in the places it is needed of its own
You se Î Reiki energy is intelligent. You cannot force it Î do less and you will
gain more.
The original ÐsystemÑ did not have any levels or grades. (They were made by the
navy officers after creating Usui Reiki Ryoho and adapting the system of grading
from Judo and other martial art systems). Nor did it have symbols. These have
been added later on. (Symbols seem to have been added by Chujiro Hayashi). I
have though decided to keep the 3 level system for better adaptability. I have
added nothing, so you can keep on doing what you have done previous, with the
only Ðside effectÑ, that the energy has been refined.
Some claims that they have channelled the Ðhighest frequency or wavelengthÑ of
the Reiki energy. But I say to you, nothing stops the evolving process! Everything
evolves into a finer frequency Î and this process is infinite!
A final word of lineage: Lineage is somehow important, because lineage shows
you how far you are from the Ðoriginal sourceÑ. It is not crucial Î but important
Î if you would like to keep the energy strong and pure. So ask your teacher about
lineage. 4 to 5 persons from the ÐsourceÑ should be a maximum.
I will be with you always! In gratitude and love. Mikao Usui.
Is that really possible?
Did Ole Gabrielsen have an uncontrolled raise of the Kundalini and became
somewhat soft upstairs!
Do Ole and Jens claims to have direct connection to Usui to make more
money or to make them look like World gurus?
No we do not do those things for money or for fame Î then we would not pass
them along for free. We can do it and you can do it yourself. When Usui states: ÐI
will be with you always!Ñ then is it not only for Ole Gabrielsen, but for all true
seekers on the Reiki path.
I can tell you, that being a ÐtraditionalÑ teacher - teaching Usui Shiki Ryoho and
Usui Reiki Ryoho Î I was very sceptical towards the untraditional ways, which
Ole used. I was proven wrong Î and I now pass along much of his material as
distant classes. I still teach in the traditional way in Denmark, and I do not sell
1000 different styles of Reiki over the Internet.
Healing with New Usui Reiki
Do as you normally do. If you like to use symbols, then continue to do that. That
regards symbols for Usui Shiki Ryoho (Furumoto, Weber Ray and William
Rand lines), Usui Reiki Ryoho (Gendai Reiki-ho, Jikiden Reiki, Komyo Reiki,
Threshold Reiki, Usui Do and Usui Teate), Kembo Nasake Ryoho (Raku Kei,
Tera-Mai, Karuna Reiki and Karuna Ki), Violet Flame Reiki, and other serious
types of Reiki.
You can also just use these simple instructions to heal a person:
1. Lay your hands on the receiverÓs shoulders. (On the back side you have
connection to the bladder meridian, which connects to all organs in the body
using the so called SHU points)
2. Clear your thoughts and think to yourself ÐReikiÑ to start the flow. Just let
the Reiki energy flow. You donÓt have to concentrate on keeping the energy
flowing, it will flow freely of its own accord - just relax and enjoy the energy.
3. When 3-5 minutes have passed you will feel the energy stop, or you may feel
a little tired or drained. That means that healing is complete. The healing
energy will however, continue to work in the receiver.
In this way the patient will always receive the correct healing that they need, no
matter how severe or insignificant the ailment may be.
Remember that the energy will always flow to where it is needed. Just remember
Fuji Usuis analogy of the water filling the potholes.
Simple distance healing
Remote or distance healing you can off cause also do the way, you usually do them.
You donÓt have to learn new methods. Remember Î keep it simple! Here are
some instructions for remote or long distance healing:
1. Visualize the receiver, or the receiverÓs name in the palm of your hand (or
palms of your hands). Then place your palms together. (Use Gassho if you
2. Clear your thoughts and think to yourself ÐReikiÑ. Just let the energy flow.
You donÓt have to concentrate on keeping the energy flow coming; it will flow
freely of its own accord - just relax and enjoy the energy.
3. When 3-5 minutes have passed you will feel the energy stop, or you
may feel a little tired or drained. That means that you are finished. The
healing energy will however, continue to work in the receiver.
This is the same method that should be used for self-healing. It is a good idea to
perform a self-healing every day Î at least in the first 7 days after receiving this
Remember that it should always Ðfeel rightÑ when you start a healing procedure.
There are actually some things that arenÓt supposed to be tampered with, but you
will be able to distinguish what should be healed and what should be left alone.
This healing method can off cause also be used on plants and animals.
Cleansing a thing, room, apartment or house
It is very simple to clean a thing, room, apartment or house of negative energies.
You can just use the distance healing like this:
1. Visualize the room, apartment or house (if you know it), or just say ÐSimonÓs
room, CharmaineÓs apartment, KristinaÓs house or something like that into
the palm of your hand. Then place your palms together. (Use Gassho if you
2. Clear your thoughts and think to yourself ÐReikiÑ. Just let the energy flow.
You donÓt have to concentrate on keeping the energy flow coming; it will flow
freely of its own accord - just relax and enjoy the energy.
3. When 3-5 minutes have passed you will feel the energy stop, or you
may feel a little tired or drained. That means that you are finished. You
should clean your own home once every 14 days.
Remember, it is not important how precisely you visualize the object in your palm;
the intention to clean or heal the object is enough to get the Reiki energy flowing
to the right place.
Healing the Karmic band
There is always a karmic band between those we hold closest and ourselves, or
those we have once held close. These bands can sometimes weigh us down and
have negative influences on our physical body parts and energy. Very often
relationships grow stronger when healing the karmic band. You should use this
type of healing between yourself and those you hold dear, or have once held dear.
For this you should use the remote, long distance healing technique. If you, for
example, wish to improve the relationship between yourself and your mother, you
should write Ðmy relationship with my motherÑ with your finger in the palm of
your hand. Place your palms together and start the energy flow.
If you are healing a relationship for someone else, then you should write or say
ÐCharmaineÓs relationship with her motherÑ and start the energy flow. This
method should be used in both near and long distance situations.
This procedure usually lasts 3-5 minutes, but donÓt be surprised if it sometimes
takes a little longer.
Healing on situations or qualities
You can also help heal a situation or a personal quality or character trait Î for
instance helping people with bad habits. (The last thing being essential in the work
of Usui Sensei).
Try for example, to heal jealousy, nervousness, anxiety, toothache, patience,
sorrow, anger, improving communication, your singing voice, etc. Then write or
think e.g. ÐMy angerÑ, Ðmy communicationÑ, or for someone else ÐCharmaineÓs
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