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{292}{376}{y:i}My name is Stephanie Harper|{y:i}and this is Eden
{380}{430}{y:i}Here, my father was king
{443}{517}{y:i}On the day he died, 17 years ago
{521}{597}{y:i}I was 23, lonely and afraid
{633}{707}{y:i}If I'd known then of the nightmare that|{y:i}laid ahead
{715}{762}{y:i}I think I'd have chosen to die with him
{4457}{4485}Jason, I've had enough
{4489}{4571}Wait a minute, come on, you can't stop now.|You're young, fit
{4575}{4638}Any case, I've paid you in advance|till midnight
{4642}{4723}- You are merciless|- Certainly, right, now let's go again
{4738}{4779}Now slowly, oops sorry, sorry
{4879}{4973}Jason, I'm cold, I'm tired|and I want to go home
{4977}{5031}Alright, alright, now just calm down.|This is a perfect spot.
{5035}{5083}This is classic, right? We're under a lamp
{5087}{5212}Now just close your eyes... close your eyes,|relax... relax
{5216}{5312}Now I want you to think, I want you to think|you're gonna meet your lover
{5317}{5424}Come on... that man that really gets your|blood boiling
{5428}{5488}He's really hot,|he makes you hot, alright?
{5496}{5559}he grinds you in the...
{5669}{5789}Eh, I do believe you're laughing, eh?|That's lovely.
{5793}{5830}Now is that pressure or embarrassment?
{5834}{5861}I'm sorry
{5865}{5975}Ha, ha... got you, ha, ha...
{5992}{6039}Pfff... just like that, eh?
{6043}{6109}I'm off the board, and no more income?
{6119}{6183}I'm not even sure you can do this, you know?
{6187}{6249}Stephanie did leave very strict instructions
{6253}{6302}I am still her husband
{6309}{6402}It was decided in last week's|directors meeting. The vote was unanimous
{6406}{6511}I assure you, it's all perfectly legal,|but get advice by all means
{6515}{6593}How come I wasn't informed|the meeting was on?
{6603}{6684}You haven't attended one meeting in the|last 12 months, Greg
{6688}{6817}Anyway, your presence there wouldn't have|changed things
{6921}{6979}Damn it, there are bill to be paid
{6983}{7074}Staff salaries and household expenses will|continue to be made by the company
{7100}{7162}Except of course, your personal expenses
{7166}{7245}Those from here on end,|will be your responsibility
{7277}{7378}Oh, you can go on living at the house...|for the time being
{7393}{7457}You never approved of me marrying her,|did you?
{7532}{7578}Well did you, you bastard!
{7582}{7663}I think this meeting's concluded
{7825}{7897}Go to hell
{8059}{8120}I'm not putting up with this anymore
{8124}{8209}You're drunk... again
{8213}{8266}Yes, yes I am.
{8286}{8381}They can blame me.|I'm not your whore, do you hear me?
{8439}{8510}Greg? Where are you going?
{8514}{8646}- Out|- You come back here, Greg
{8735}{8830}Alright, alright, alright you can have|the money, ok?
{8837}{8867}Anything you want
{8942}{9004}Please don't leave me alone tonight
{9046}{9224}Please... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, ok?|Honey I'm sorry
{9298}{9365}Please will you stay the night with me?
{9536}{9600}I'll fix us a drink
{9655}{9712}Ladies and gentlemen of the press
{9716}{9795}Hi, mighty new face in the fashion world
{9860}{9893}Well, I find you very exciting
{9897}{9932}We don't wish to know about that
{9936}{10021}- Ah, here's to the flavour of the month!|- Yah...!
{10058}{10132}- And here's to us|- Oh, to us
{10136}{10247}Well then here's to Jason people,|star maker extra-ordinaire
{10319}{10376}- Here's to both of you|- Thank you
{10389}{10455}- Six months to the day, not bad|- Not bad?
{10459}{10531}- Alright. It's fan bloody tastic|- That's better
{10535}{10574}Ok now, let's get back to work please
{10578}{10654}cause we gotta start you in about|five minutes. Alright five?
{10658}{10691}What was that line?...
{10695}{10762}How does it feel to be one of the|beautiful people?
{10766}{10847}Now listen, on behalf of the Local Figures,|I'd like to say welcome
{10851}{10868}Good grief
{10872}{10922}Wait a minute,|Local Figures don't say "good grief"
{10926}{10940}Oh, really?
{10944}{10991}- Ah, they just say|- Ah, ah...
{11020}{11054}Do you want this over your head?
{11058}{11114}No, no, she would you know?
{11118}{11223}I owe it all to you two.|I had to learn to walk all over again
{11227}{11310}I knew the day you came into my office,|you had a different kind of quality
{11314}{11441}a sort of... mysterious something, whatever.
{11445}{11491}Bloody original, darling
{11495}{11569}That's it you know? The Sphinx... ageless
{11573}{11680}Its maturity and wisdom contradicted|by a youthful facade.
{11684}{11723}That's a very potent mixture
{11730}{11807}Look, there's not one man here today,|that hasn't been looking at you
{11848}{11882}Not you, mother
{11886}{11983}You really are a drewy little senator|Do you mind?
{11987}{12077}Someone is gonna over-hear you one of these|days and think I really am your mother
{12089}{12160}- No... impossible -Joan, the clients|are really getting restless
{12164}{12207}Oh, I'll be over in a second, I promise
{12211}{12236}{y:i}Okay, what's going on?
{12281}{12330}I read your comments on the TV contract
{12334}{12383}You know, you really are incredible
{12387}{12474}I mean you pick up stuff on things|that I question
{12490}{12538}Where on earth did you learn|about contracts?
{12542}{12590}Just gut instinct, ok?
{12610}{12710}Well, if you ever decide to pack modeling in,|there's always a job for you backstage
{12714}{12753}Can do with a good head around the place
{12757}{12816}Oh... sorry mother
{12820}{12893}Why have I put up with you these|last three years?
{12897}{12999}Um... because I'm cute, and you|fancy me girls
{13003}{13067}- Ah, ha!|- That'll be the day
{13077}{13134}No point trying to discuss anything|serious in front of this boy
{13138}{13168}- Let's talk about it later|- Okay
{13172}{13242}Behave... and don't touch my champagne
{13246}{13381}Oh, oh, second,|I'll take it with me
{14319}{14367}Goodnight sweetie
{14511}{14642}Know what? I know your face,|nearly as well as I know my own
{14691}{14849}Well I could light you, with a soft light,|and diffuse it, and you'd look 21
{14886}{14989}If I used hard sunlight,|you�d be... um... 35?
{15092}{15162}Eh... these moments...
{15228}{15314}still like the Sphinx isn't it?|internal beauty
{15324}{15410}Now that old girl, kept her secret for|centuries, you know? Good on her
{15430}{15535}Jason, you are a romantic and a cavalier
{15539}{15592}Well, that's my secret
{15666}{15735}Well, here's to us then, and well|kept secrets
{16029}{16089}Wanna ride on my bike?
{16099}{16188}I'm going home
{16690}{16836}Oh hello Maxie, my boy, I know..|what's that?
{16935}{17020}Oh... gee... I worked hard today my darling
{17033}{17088}I worked like a dog, I did
{17113}{17162}That was a joke Maxie.|You're supposed to laugh
{17249}{17368}Mmmm, have a nice day?|So, what do you think of your new house?
{17406}{17543}A bit expensive, but I reckon|we've earned it
{17592}{17654}What do you think, mmm?
{17704}{17784}You know, we might find you a little|lady friend
{17813}{17936}You'll just run off and leave me though.|I'll get lonely if you go and leave me.
{17991}{18045}You hungry?
{18161}{18224}oh, I'm so tired
{18251}{18335}I'm too old for all this Maxie|I think that's my trouble
{20518}{20548}{y:i}15 love
{20569}{20644}Had a good career. Actually|had a lot of promise when he was younger
{20648}{20686}Something went wrong
{20690}{20782}...he could drag himself out of bed,|if you get my drift
{20794}{20842}Anyway, he blew it
{21022}{21061}{y:i}This is love
{21071}{21154}Greg's an alley cat with a touch of class.
{21158}{21244}Then he married Mrs. Moneybag,|Stephanie Harper. You must have read about it
{21635}{21670}{y:i}15 all
{21683}{21810}Will you look at them. All having their|private little fantasies about Greg Marsden
{21828}{21878}Not you too
{21908}{21946}Are we here because of Greg Marsden?
{21970}{22020}No of course not, I've never even met him
{22052}{22090}I love the game, that's all
{22094}{22138}Ah, that's alright, I should play
{22142}{22234}We should get Jason to do some shots|of you on the tennis court
{23331}{23406}Eh... not exactly vintage, is it?
{23473}{23526}He might as well have arrived naked
{23556}{23602}Yeah, what's your name?
{23606}{23704}Mr. Marsden has the reputation of being|attracted by new faces
{23708}{23844}Beautiful ones, in the public eye|I hear he thrives on challenge
{23898}{24030}Don't look now...|I can beat you to the honey pot
{24203}{24310}Hi there|I'm Greg Marsden
{24330}{24384}and I don't believe we've met
{24602}{24695}Morning Joanna.|Good grief!
{24699}{24735}Exactly what I said when I walked in
{24739}{24771}Are they for a layout?
{24775}{24862}They're for you, all of them.|Guess who?
{24882}{24916}I don't need to
{24920}{25007}What happened to you two last night?|I saw you leave with him
{25011}{25057}- He walked me to my car and...|drove home alone -Car?
{25061}{25118}- What car|- My car
{25122}{25265}I bought it yesterday. Red Beetle|convertible. They're chic. Quite a bargain too
{25269}{25293}How terrific!
{25297}{25366}It's not a problem taking your clothes off,|you know, I mean it's not abnormal,
{25370}{25454}everyone here takes their clothes off|They do it if I ask them. It's quite natural
{25458}{25500}Hey guys, take your clothes off. See?
{25504}{25569}Oh god, look we gotta get|this shot done somehow
{25573}{25616}Buzz, light that camera|will you please?
{25620}{25657}Joan you got another call
{25661}{25748}Oh, no more calls please. Take messages
{25752}{25839}It's been chaos on here this morning.|Lines never stopped since I got in.
{25843}{25919}We were a big hit last night. I think|everyone in town's rang
{25923}{25982}Congratulations Joan, it's fantastic
{25986}{26130}Choo, choo... hay fe...
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