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ante up, at all costs


back on your feet, bet your bottom dollar, bet on the wrong horse, born with a silver spoon in your mouth, bottom dollar, bottom line, break even, break the bank, bring home the bacon, burn a hole in your pocket, buy off


cash-and-carry, cash in, cash in on, cash in your chips, cash on the barrelhead, caught short, cheapskate, chicken feed, chip in, clean up, cold hard cash, cook the books, cut-rate


deadbeat, dime a dozen, down and out, Dutch treat


face value, fast buck, feel like a million dollars/bucks, flat broke, foot the bill, for a song, for love or money (usually negative), fork over


go broke, gravy train, grease your palm


hand-out, hand to mouth, hard up, have sticky fingers, highway robbery, hit the jackpot


in the black, in the hole, in the red


keep books, kickback


lay away money, layaway plan, lay out, live from hand to mouth, live high off the hog, loaded, lose your shirt


make a bundle, make a killing, make a living, make ends meet, make money hand over fist, money to burn


nest egg


on a dime, on a shoestring, on the house


pad the bill, pass the buck, pay an arm and a leg for something, pay dirt, pay off, pay through the nose, penny for your thoughts, penny-wise and pound foolish, pick up the tab, piggy bank, pinch pennies, pony up, put in your two cents


quick buck


rain check, rake in the money, red cent


salt away, scrape together, set one back, shell out, splurge on something, stone broke, strapped for cash, strike it rich


take a beating, tighten your belt, two bits, (not worth) two cents, two cents worth


(not) worth a cent, worth your salt

ante up

MEANING: pay, produce a necessary amount of money


I had to ante up a lot of money to get my car fixed.

at all costs

MEANING: at any expense of time, effort or money


He plans to go to school at all costs.

back on your feet

MEANING: return to good financial health


My sister is back on her feet after losing her job last year.

bet your bottom dollar

MEANING: bet all one has on something


I would bet my bottom dollar that the accounting manager will be late again today.

bet on the wrong horse

MEANING: base your plans on a wrong guess about the results of something


He is betting on the wrong horse if he continues to support the other candidate for mayor.

born with a silver spoon in your mouth

MEANING: born to wealth and comfort, born rich


The student in our history class was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has never worked in his life.

bottom dollar

MEANING: your last dollar


He spent his bottom dollar on some new clothes to wear for his job interview.

bottom line 1

MEANING: line in a financial statement that shows net income or loss


The bottom line in the company's financial statement was much worse than expected.

bottom line 2

MEANING: final result, main point


The bottom line was that we were unable to attend the conference because of our busy schedule.

break even

MEANING: have income equal to expenses


Our company was able to break even after only six months of operation.

break the bank

MEANING: win all the money at a casino gambling table


He broke the bank at the casino and walked away with a lot of money.

bring home the bacon

MEANING: earn the family living


I have been working hard all month bringing home the bacon for my family.

burn a hole in your pocket

MEANING: money that one wishes or intends to spend quickly (often for something frivolous)


The money had been burning a hole in his pocket when he decided to go to the casino.

buy off

MEANING: give money to someone to stop them from doing their duty


They tried to buy off the politician but he refused to go along with their plan.


MEANING: selling something for cash only with no delivery


We were able to get a good price on a sofa in a cash-and-carry deal at the furniture store.

cash in

MEANING: exchange coupons or bonds for their value in money


I cashed in a large number of my savings bonds in order to get some money to buy a house.

cash in on

MEANING: make money from an opportunity


The former football player cashed in on his popularity to open a very successful restaurant.

cash in your chips

MEANING: exchange or sell something to get some money


I decided to cash in my chips to get some money to go back to school.

cash on the barrelhead

MEANING: money paid in cash when something is bought


I had to pay cash on the barrelhead for the used car.

caught short

MEANING: not have enough money when you need it


I was caught short and had to borrow some money from my father last week.


MEANING: a person who will not spend much money, a stingy person


My friend is a cheapskate and won't even go to a movie with me.

chicken feed

MEANING: a small amount of money


His son always wants to borrow money and says that it is only chicken feed but little by little it adds up to a lot of money.

chip in

MEANING: contribute money or pay jointly


Everyone in our company chipped in some money to buy a wedding present for our boss.

clean up

MEANING: make a lot of money, make a big profit


I cleaned up at the horse races last year and still have some of the money left.

cold hard cash

MEANING: cash, coins and bills


I paid for the stereo in cold hard cash.

cook the books

MEANING: illegally change information in accounting books in a company


The accountant was cooking the books for over a year before he was caught.


MEANING: sell for a price lower than usual


We went to a cut-rate furniture store to buy some new furniture for our apartment.


MEANING: person who never pays the money he owes


Recently the government has been making an effort to solve the problem of deadbeat dads who don't support their families.

dime a dozen

MEANING: easy to get and therefore of little value


Used computers are a dime a dozen and have very little value.

down and out

MEANING: have no money


My friend was down and out for several years before he got a job and started making money.

Dutch treat

MEANING: something where each person pays their own share


We went to the movie as a Dutch treat so it didn't cost me much money.

face value

MEANING: the worth or price printed on a stamp, bond, note or paper money etc.


The face value of the stamp was very low but in reality it was worth a lot of money.

fast buck

MEANING: money earned quickly and easily (and sometimes dishonestly)


The company tried to make a fast buck on the property but they actually lost a lot of money.

feel like a million dollars/bucks

MEANING: feel wonderful


Although I have been sick for a few weeks I feel like a million dollars today.

flat broke

MEANING: having no money, penniless


I am flat broke and don't even have enough money to pay my rent.

foot the bill




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