Thomas Turner - The Congo Wars, Conflict, Myth and Reality (2007).pdf

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About this book
Since 1996 war has raged in the Congo while the
world has looked away. Waves of armed conflict and
atrocities against civilians have resulted in over three
million casualties, making this one of the bloodiest
yet least understood conflicts of recent times.
In The Congo Wars Thomas Turner provides the
first in-depth analysis of what happened. The book
describes a resource-rich region, suffering from
years of deprivation and still profoundly affected by
the shockwaves of the Rwandan genocide. Turner
looks at successive misguided and self-interested
interventions by other African powers, including
Uganda, Angola, Zimbabwe and Namibia, as well
as the impotence of United Nations troops. Cutting
through the historical myths so often used to under-
stand the devastation, Turner indicates the changes
required of Congolese leaders, neighbouring African
states and the international community to bring
about lasting peace and security.
About the author
Thomas Turner teaches at Victoria Com-
monwealth University. He has previously taught in
universities in Congo, Kenya, Tunisia and Rwanda.
He is the author of Ethnogenèse et nationalisme en
Afrique centrale: les racines de Lumumba (2000) and
co-author of The Rise and Decline of the Zairian
State (with Crawford Young, 1985).
Thomas Turner
The Congo wars: conflict,
myth and reality
Zed Books
The Congo wars: conflict, myth and reality was first published in 2007
by Zed Books Ltd, 7 Cynthia Street, London N1 9JF, UK and Room 400,
175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010, USA
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Copyright © Thomas Turner, 2007
The right of Thomas Turner to be identified as the author of this work
has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs
and Patents Act, 1988.
Cover designed by Andrew Corbett
Set in Monotype Sabon and Gill Sans Heavy by Ewan Smith, London
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Printed and bound in Malta by Gutenberg Press Ltd
Distributed in the USA exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, a division
of St Martin’s Press, LLC, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
US CIP data are available from the Library of Congress.
All rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic or
otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.
ISBN 978 1 84277 688 9 hb
ISBN 978 1 84277 689 6 pb
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