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This could be considered a fairly accurate definition of the term
"hydroponics." In its more advanced stages, hydroponics can be a
complex art indeed, but the purpose of this book is to describe a series of
methods that will make hydroponics work for you. It will describe how
to make or where to buy a hydroponic system, how to plant it, how to
maintain it, how to correct common problems, and where to get
supplies. Two of the greatest benefits of hydroponic gardening are the
freshness and high nutritional value of the vegetables and herbs that
can be grown. For these reasons, you will also find recipes from famous
chefs who use hydroponically grown produce in their own kitchens.
What this book will not do is give a lengthy history of the subject,
or a great many personal anecdotes that do little good in helping you get
results from hydroponics. Presumably, results are the reason you bought
this book. By following the procedures listed here you will be able, for
example, to raise several crops of garden vegetables per year at a fraction
of their supermarket cost.
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With the exception of a cursory knowledge of how hydroponics
came about, most readers couldn't care less about the long list of
people who have experimented with hydroponics, or when. Nor do
most readers care that some nutrients can be "locked in" under certain
conditions and are therefore unavailable to the plant. These things can
be found in the books listed in the bibliography. Here we will be dealing
with only some of the hundreds of formulae where all the nutrients are
available to the plant. In other words, I will not be giving you a lot of
superfluous scientific information. If anyone feels that I haven't given
enough background or scientific information, then they'll have to
consult other books, because Hydroponics for the Home Gardener is
written expressly to give you the facts you need.
Is It Worthwhile?
Gardeners love hydroponics, because almost anything can be grown
and there is no back-breaking work: no tilling, raking or hoeing. There
are no weeds to pull, no poisonous pesticides to spray. No moles or
cutworms eat your roots, and most insects leave your clean and healthy
plants alone.
Hydroponics is ideal for the hobbyist home-owner or apartment-
dweller who doesn't have the time or space for full-time soil gardening.
In late spring and summer, your portable hydroponic unit can be put
outside on a porch or balcony where natural sunlight helps produce
tremendous yields of anything from lettuce, to cucumbers, to zinnias. In
winter, the unit can be moved anywhere inside the home, even into the
basement, where your plants will flourish and continue to produce
under artificial light.
Plants love to grow in hydroponics, because their roots don't have
to push through heavy, chunky soil to compete for nutrients. Instead, a
hydroponic system distributes nutrients evenly to each plant. What's
more, plants need air to breathe, and, unlike soil, a porous growing
aggregate lets air circulate freely around them. Consequently, every-
thing grows quickly and beautifully.
Hydroponic plants grow faster, ripen earlier and give up to ten
times the yield of soil-grown plants. These clean and pampered plants
produce fruits and vegetables of great nutritive value and superior
flavour. Many of them, especially hydroponic tomatoes and cucumbers,
are sold in the gourmet sections of supermarkets at considerably higher
prices than ordinary vegetables. The point here is that you can grow the
same vegetables for considerably less money than it costs to buy the
pulpy supermarket variety.
Hydroponics is at least as ancient as the Pyramids. The Hanging
Gardens of Babylon, which are listed as one of the Seven Wonders of
the World, used a crude form of hydroponics. The world's rice crops
have been grown in this way from time immemorial. In 1934, however,
a University of California professor adapted this time-tested technique
to other crops. The results were twenty-five foot tomato vines that had
to be harvested with ladders. Modern hydroponics was born and it has
been advancing ever since.
During the Second World War, Allied soldiers ate hydroponic
vegetables grown on their air and naval bases in the South Pacific.
Today, hydroponic installations help feed millions of people; they may
be found flourishing in the deserts of Israel, Lebanon and Kuwait, on
the islands of Ceylon, the Philippines and the Canaries, on the rooftops
of Calcutta and in the parched villages of West Bengal.
Half of Vancouver Island's tomato crop and one-fifth of Moscow's
are hydroponically produced. There are full-fledged hydroponic systems
in American nuclear submarines, Russian space stations and on off-
shore drillings rigs. Large zoos keep their animals healthy with hydro-
ponic green food, and race horses stay sleek and powerful on grass
grown hydroponically year round. There are large and small systems
used by companies and individuals as far north as Baffin Island and
Eskimo Point in Canada's Arctic. Commercial growers are using this
marvellous technique to produce food on a large scale from Israel to
India, and from Armenia to the Sahara.
Why Hydroponics For You?
Have you noticed lately that there's something missing in supermarket
vegetables? It's flavour. As in many modern foods, flavour has been
traded for the convenience of the producers. Large-scale farming and
marketing do, of course, provide vast quantities of food for the world's
burgeoning population, but it is important to remember that whenever
quantity is stressed, quality suffers. Consequently, the flavour and
nutritional value of your meals are reduced.
One major reason for these losses is the types of seeds developed
for "agribusiness." These seeds are chosen for fast growth and high
yields. The vegetables and fruits that result have tough skins for
machine harvesting, sorting and shipping. Flavour and quality are
secondary concerns. In addition, many vegetables — especially to-
matoes — are harvested unripe to ensure safe shipment and a longer shelf
life in the store. In fact, attempts are now being made to develop a
hybrid, package-fitting square tomato.
In pioneer days, more often than not, towns and villages grew up
where farmers tilled the soil. They were good farmers and chose the best
soil. These towns and villages are our cities of today; still expanding,
still gobbling up valuable farming land. As prime agricultural land
disappears, as growers' costs keep rising, as transportation costs increase
on a parallel with energy supplies and as supermarket boards of directors
become more and more concerned with profit margins, we are going to
see our food costs increase to the point of absurdity. The Victory
Gardens of World War II were planted to raise unavailable food, and it
seems realistic to say that in the near future millions of people will be
using hydroponics to supply themselves with affordable vegetables and
herbs of a quality that stores will not be able to match.
these substances down into their inorganic parts (chemicals, if you
like), so that the plants can feed on them.
In hydroponics there is no soil, and the plants are fed directly with
the same minerals that healthy organic soil produces. The plant does
not know, or particularly care, whether its mineral food was made by
man or nature. It does care, though, that it is well fed, and a nitrate is a
nitrate whether it comes from a nutrient solution or a dead mouse.
A plant uses two basic processes in order to grow. The first,
osmosis, takes up water and minerals through the roots. The second,
photosynthesis, uses light and the atmosphere for transforming the
water and minerals into plant tissue. Roots need air as well, in order to
breathe, and this is one of the reasons that hydroponics works so well.
The loose, chunky hydroponic growing medium, the aggregate, as it is
called, allows plenty of air to reach the roots. On the other hand,
natural soil often requires a lot of work and time to assure satisfactory
How Plants Grow
Some books on hydroponics give the reader a crash course on biology
complete with diagrams. I would prefer that you get your own biology
text, if you feel it's necessary in order to produce good cucumbers. It
seems to make more sense to relate biology directly to hydroponics and
the nutrients that make plants grow.
Each plant is a natural workshop that builds organic matter in the
form of roots, stems, leaves, fruit and seeds. Air and water provide more
than ninety-seven per cent of this matter, while the remainder comes
from plant nutrients. A plant cannot take up any organic substance;
rather it absorbs inorganic mineral salts. That is, the vegetable kingdom
feeds directly on the mineral kingdom.
This is why there is no conflict between organic gardening and
hydroponics. The difference is, however, that in organic gardening it is
the soil that is fed with dead plant and animal matter, not the plant.
Soil acts as a natural fertilizer factory that goes to work on these organic
substances with its soil bacteria in league with weathering. It breaks
Chemicals or No Chemicals?
Hydroponics gives you yet another edge over soil gardeners. They
can't go away on vacations when the good weather comes without
arranging for the watering and weeding of their gardens. If you have
bought or built a hydroponic system that waters automatically, away
you go. If it rains or doesn't rain while you're away, so what?
During winter, your hydroponic garden will produce tomatoes,
lettuce, cucumbers and whatever other healthful green foods you
choose just when their cost is highest and their natural vitamins are
most needed. It's a cheery sight to see your vegetables, herbs and flowers
sitting fat and happy under a growlight, some ready for harvesting,
when the snow is blowing outside. Remember, too, that your planters
and plants will act as natural humidifiers for the dry indoor air of winter.
Come spring, you move your portable hydroponic unit outdoors
again onto a balcony, porch, patio or into a greenhouse to take full
advantage of natural sunlight. Because you have already started your
garden indoors under lights, and because it is out of the range of spring
ground frost, you can get your first delicious hydroponic tomato two
months earlier than your dirt-farming neighbours.
Are chemicals used in hydroponics? Most people would say no, but the
real answer is yes. We will be using a mixture of N2 and O2, commonly
called air, and lots of H2O. To this is added small amounts of N, P and K
(nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium) and balanced trace elements.
The serious point being made here is that the world and everything in it
is made up of one "chemical" or another. What we do avoid in hydro-
ponics is putting the wrong chemical in the wrong place at the wrong
Nothing could be more damaging than what the modern
commercial farmer does when he tries to boost his yield by dumping
inorganic nutrients (fertilizer) on top of his organic soil. His plants may
grow faster for awhile, but eventually his soil dies, because nutrient salts
have inhibited the action of the soil's micro-organisms. After a few
years his soil is little more than something for his underfed plants to
stand around in.
To make matters worse, rain washes a large amount of this fer-
tilizer off the farmer's fields. It enters our creeks and rivers and ends up
in our lakes. It does not poison them, but it does overfertilize them.
Algae and water plants thrive on it, and they multiply on the surface of
the water, blocking light to the lower regions and eventually killing
underwater plant and animal life.
Detergents cause the same problem, because they are such terrific
fertilizers - the more phosphates the better. Grandma really did know
something when she dumped her wash-water on the garden. When you
flush your high-phosphate detergent down the drain into the sewage
system, you are adding to overfertilization and choking marine life.
In the midst of this we are presented with hydroponics, an
environmentally sound growing method where water and nutrients are
recycled until they are used up by the plants. Nothing is wasted, and
nothing ends up in our rivers and lakes. Your healthy hydroponic plants
will tell you that you are doing something right.
Hydroponic Herbs
Not long ago, herbs grew in every garden and were sold by every
greengrocer, but all we seem to use today is parsley as a garnish.
Whatever happened to fresh chives, tarragon, basil and sage? We used
to know that herbs were natural flavour secrets that would give a lift to
the simplest budget dish or the most complex gourmet creation.
Perhaps we have forgotten because we have become accustomed to
dried herbs whose flavours and fragrances have been destroyed by
processing. One of the real joys of hydroponics is the rediscovery of
fresh kitchen herbs. Once you have used them, you'll never want to be
without them again.
Finally, it is worth remembering that for most people hydroponics is a
new and exciting science. There is still much to be learned. Don't be
afraid to experiment, particularly if you find that something in this or
any other book is unsuitable for you. What works for me may not work
for you, and what I believe may not hold true in your particular case.
What this book seeks is results for you, and the proof of any system or
method is what it produces.
Year-Round Gardening
Almost anyone can make things grow outside in summer, but you will
find that your hydroponic plants will both outgrow and outproduce
their soil-bound cousins. This is partly because they don't have to
expend a lot of energy sending out roots to seek nutrients; conse-
quently, they have more energy left for growing.
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