1-2-3 Trading Signal.pdf

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1-2-3 Introduction:
1-2-3 Trading Signal
by Mark Crisp
1-2-3 Introduction:
Thank you for purchasing the 1-2-3 Trading Signal. This is, without doubt,
one of the very best chart set up patterns you will ever see. Once you train
your eyes you will see them all over the place. At the beginning of a new
trend. At the end of a retracement. Within a trading range. Within rising or
falling trend.
Like any other pattern they are NOT 100% successful. But out of every
other pattern I have ever come across in my trading career this is by far the
most accurate and most profitable. If you want to become an expert in one
chart pattern set up, this is it!
Whilst these patterns are 95% object ional when you become an expert in
spotting them you may start to introduce a slight subjective analysis into this
pattern. But for the sake of this introduction report I am only going to discuss
a perfect, 100% objective 1-2-3 patterns.
On with the report. This is what I am going to explain to you:
1) What exactly is a 1-2-3 pattern?
2) Which charts and time frames do they exist?
3) The entry “trick”
4) The exit
5) Conclusion
6) Products
You will find this report quite small, compared to my other writings. My
goal here is to define the 1-2-3 patterns and how to trade from it. It is not my
intention to pad the report out and charge double the price.
© 2002 by Mark Crisp
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Skype: andreybbrv
1-2-3 Trading Signal
by Mark Crisp
How does it fit in with my other works? I really like to keep my eyes on
the 1-2-3 patterns in very oversold/overbought markets. Especially on the
stock indices and the futures markets. AND whilst this method IS VERY
profitable trading the liquid, big cap stocks, my stock trading approach is
much more suited to the methods described in my Momentum Stock Trading
Manual.( http://www.stressfreetrading.com ). If you are a pure stock trader,
then use the 1-2-3 to determine trend changes on the major indices and keep
your eye open to spot them on the stocks you are following (and buy M.S.T.S
) If you are a futures trader as well then I would seriously consider not only
looking for 1-2-3 patterns as to major moves but adopting this into a complete
trading system. Also, for a slightly different approach take a look at my
On with the 1-2-3 pattern and how to profit from them.
Mark Crisp and stressfreetrading.com accepts no liabililty for any losses
incurred whilst trading my ideas. The risk of loss exists and you must
accept total responsibility for them.
Trading stocks and futures carries with it a high degree of risk and only
those who have risk capital to trade should be traidng in these markets.
No part of this book, or any information given out, displayed on any of my
web sites, is specific trading advice.
© 2002 by Mark Crisp
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1-2-3 Trading Signal
by Mark Crisp
What is a 1-2-3 Pattern?
Good question. A 1-2-3 is simply best explained by looking at some charts.
It’s really simple when I throw up a few charts and take it from there. Here are
some recent stock charts.
Above is simply a daily bar chart of the stock of the big blue chip US stock General
Electric. Stock symbol GE.
Clearly marked is the 1-2-3 pattern that evolved in February. Simply put it is a 1-2-3
buy pattern.
© 2002 by Mark Crisp
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1-2-3 Trading Signal by Mark Crisp
It’s a bottom, a correction, a retest that does not go beyond the original bottom, and
then a rebound beyond the correction. Phew…. That was a mouthful. But it is VERY
simple when you look at the chart.
Point 1 : This is the bottom.
Point 2 : This is the correction
Point 3 : This is the retest the DOES NOT GO BEYOND point 1. If it does then all
bets are off. The pattern does not exist. Scratch it off and move on.
Once you have a valid 1-2-3 pattern then place your buy order in at the * breakout of
the number two point on the pattern.
Honestly, it is a VERY SIMPLE pattern that always give lots of opportunity and a
great risk/reward ratio. Once you grasp the fundamental basics and practice you will
see them all over the place.
© 2002 by Mark Crisp
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