Alan Barnard - Social Anthropology and Human Origins [2011].pdf

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Social Anthropology and Human Origins
The study of human origins is one of the most fascinating branches
of anthropology. Yet it has rarely been considered by social or cultural
anthropologists, who represent the largest subield of the discipline.
In this powerful study Alan Barnard aims to bridge this gap. Barnard
argues that social anthropological theory has much to contribute to our
understanding of human evolution, including changes in technology,
subsistence and exchange, family and kinship, as well as to the study of
language, art, ritual and belief. This book places social anthropology in
the context of a widely conceived constellation of anthropological sci-
ences. It incorporates recent indings in many ields, including primate
studies, archaeology, linguistics and human genetics. In clear, accessible
style Barnard addresses the fundamental questions surrounding the evo-
lution of human society and the prehistory of culture, suggesting a new
direction for social anthropology that will open up debate across the dis-
cipline as a whole.
a l a n b a r n a r d is Professor of the Anthropology of Southern Africa
at the University of Edinburgh, where he has taught since 1978. He
has undertaken a wide range of ethnographic ieldwork and archaeo-
logical research in Botswana, Namibia and South Africa, is a partici-
pant in the British Academy Centenary Research Project ‘From Lucy
to language: the archaeology of the social brain’ and serves as Honorary
Consul of the Republic of Namibia in Scotland. His numerous publica-
tions include History and theory in anthropology (2000) and Anthropology
and the Bushman (2007).
Social Anthropology and
Human Origins
Alan Barnard
Professor of the Anthropology of Southern Africa
University of Edinburgh
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