The Way to Trade Forex(1).pdf

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Note From Author;
This is an edited version of the book “ The Way To Trade Forex”
It will give you an idea of the contents of the book.
It is packed with unique trading strategies that work in forex. If you have any
questions, please feel free to email me.
About the author
Foreword by Adrienne Toghraie
Risk warning & Disclaimer
1. Introduction to Forex
2. Technical Analysis & Chart Patterns
3. Trading Strategies
4. Trading Psychology
5. Eastern Philosophy and Trading.
6. Follow Up Service & Mentoring
7. Recommended Reading
Jay Lakhani was born in Malawi, C.Africa and came to the UK when he was 18. He is a
professional trader and has been involved with markets since his early twenties. He has
extensive experience of both the US and UK stock markets – Trading in derivatives, Forex, Index
& Stock futures, and Commodities.
Jay was introduced to the glory of the Stock market by the Lady Thatcher’s Privatisation
programme in the eighties, and has never looked back. He has survived a number of stock
market crashes, including the crash of 1987 – an experience that has made him a better trader
today. Over the years, he has developed unique trading systems and strategies, which have made
him into a successful trader.
One would say that Jay is blessed with a mind that finds creative solutions to problems; a kind
of a person that sees multiple solutions, he has a very inquiring mind. Once he is shown a
strategy, he will always look at ways at which it can be improved. Jay uses Technical Analysis in
his trading, and believes that successful trading is based on your Strategies and Techniques –
your system. He also believes that more emphasis should be put on the trader psychology and
having a disciplined money management.
Jay is also the Internet’s foremost Forex coach and mentor, and teaches his system to individual
investors. For more information about his training and mentoring programme, go to
Prior to becoming a full time trader, Jay was an Accountant, having worked with large companies
such as British Airways and Visionhire – a Granada Company. Later on, Jay was working as a
Financial Planner specialising in Portfolio Management and Tax Planning.
By Adrienne Toghraie
By Adrienne Toghraie, President of
You are about to embark on a journey of how to make the Forex market work for you, guided by
Jay Lakhani giving you his experience and the knowledge necessary so that you can make
trading a profitable career. In this book, The Way to Trade Forex, Jay gives you a simple and
powerful overview of what it takes to be a trader, and then hones in more specifically on the
techniques and the psychology to become a successful Forex Trader. Jay takes you step by step
through the process, giving you your own personal trading coach in a book.
Jay is one of those traders who learned the hard way how to make the markets simple and
profitable. Of course, it should go without saying that you will still go through your own hurdles
and learning discoveries even when he lays the pitfalls out to you plainly and clearly. However,
if you follow his mentorship and coaching, you will not stumble quite as much as the average
trader who fails his way to success. By Jay passing his insights on to you, he is saving you time,
energy and losses.
Jay teaches you realistically what to expect, unlike those who would like to wow you into
thinking you will be instantly wealthy. The fact is, trading is a learnable skill and when you
apply yourself through a good success model like Jay offers you in this book, then you are more
likely to be successful in the markets in a shorter period of time. What this book is not is an
instant win on a lottery ticket.
Many traders who first pick up a technical analysis book feel overwhelmed by the “buzz words.”
Jay holds your hand through the process of learning these words and their meaning. You will
find it immediately understandable and be able to apply what is being taught. Another benefit
is that you can review this book with the significant other people in your life, so they can realize
that trading is a viable profession and not want to commit you to Gambler’s Anonymous. When
important people in your life understand the principles that make trading work, they are more
likely to support your efforts in making trading your career.
Trading the Forex is one of the most exciting instruments to trade. The problem for some is that
with the emotional rollercoaster you can experience from volatility in the Forex, you also are
more likely to experience psychological pitfalls that bring about sabotage. The good part of
having such volatility is that you can earn money quickly. Jay is exceptional at explaining
sabotage pitfalls, so that you will recognize them. With this knowledge you are more likely to
want to take the steps necessary to overcome sabotage before it gets too engrained in your
Most traders who are not aware of the psychological pitfalls often act as if their sabotage is a bull
in a room that they want to ignore. Not until the bull smashes everything does sabotage get
their attention. At this point they have lost all their capital or developed deeply rooted
conditioned responses to loss, which paralyses their taking action. If they do continue to trade
without first addressing these issues, they are headed for further disastrous experiences in
trading. With Jay guiding your path, you are more likely to enjoy the process of becoming a
successful trader.
It is important to note that even though you may have the best coach in the world he can only
give you the flashlight; you must direct it on the right path for you. What Jay has done in his
book is not only given you the flashlight but shows you many good paths. Now it is up to you to
choose the best one for yourself.
Adrienne Toghraie.
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